Choose one of the options.

1. A computer addict is a person who ___.

a) writes computer programmes b) spends most of his time at a computer

c) can add well

2. The most important things for computer gamers are those which happen ___.

a) in their virtual world b) at their home c) with their football-team mates


Text 6. What Is Lava?

Lava is the molten or melted rock that is forced from volcanoes and cracks within the Earth’s surface, as well as what is left behind once it cools and hardens. Cooled lava has formed many mountains and island chains, and much of it eventually becomes lush and productive soil. Lava is made up of mostly silicon dioxide, and geologists believe magma (the term used to describe the molten rock deep within the Earth) is created under extreme pressure and temperatures at great depths below the Earth’s crust. When a volcano erupts, molten rock is forced up through the Earth’s crust and expelled out as lava, which can reach temperatures as high as 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,200 degrees Celsius).