The Article


a (an) a + u …([ju:]), other letters: a university teacher a secretary a name a table a book a bank   an + a…, e…, i…, o…, an apple an elephant an artist an example an hour     the The students of our Acadamy. Where is the key? Give me the list of the students. The walls of my room. The office is on the second floor. Pass me the bread, please. He is the best in the group. The Browns have left London. The sky is blue. The sun is shining. He stayed at the “Metropol”. She reads The Times. The “Titanic”. He plays the piano.  
use THE with don’t use THE with
oceans, rivers, seas, gulfs, plural lakes the Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Great Lakes. mountains the Rocky Mountains, the Andes earth, moon the earth, the moon schools, colleges, universities when the phrase begins with school, etc The University of Florida, the College of Arts & Sciences ordinal numbers before nouns the First World War, The third chapter wars (except world wars) the Crimean War, Korean War countries with more than one word (expect Great Britain) the United States, the Central African Republic historical documents the Constitution, the Indians, the Aztecs singular lakes Lake Geneva, Lake Erie mounts Mount Vesuvius, Mount McKinley planets, constellations Venus, Mars, Orion schools, colleges, universities when the phrase begins with a proper noun Santa Fe Community College, Cooper’s Art School, Stetson University cardinal numbers after nouns World War One, chapter three countries with one word China, Venezuela, France continents Europe, Africa, South America states Florida, Ohio, California sports baseball, basketball abstract nouns freedom, happiness general areas of subject matter mathematics, sociology