Task 3. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct Passive form.


The general condition and basic factors determining energy safety of Ukraine and Europe (discuss). The conclusions (make) as to the methods of increasing energy safety.


The data about expenses of fuel and energy resources in the national economy and particularly in industry (analyze). The basic opportunities of saving energy resources (reveal) and their economic estimation (make). In conclusion some methodological recommendations concerning estimation of actions on power efficiency increase (give).


The main principles of organizing financial statements inspection at industrial enterprises by independent auditors (consider). The objectives and problems of financial statements audit (thoroughly/define). The defining factors of auditor inspections planning (analyze) in detail and the basic elements of auditor inspections (formulate). Some suggestions (make) as to how to increase the audit efficiency in Ukraine.


The report (consider) the reasons for a crisis situation. The main problems of managing staff at a crisis enterprise (describe). Some principles, tasks and methods of managing staff at a crisis enterprise (propose). Useful recommendation (give) concerning the development of efficient staff management strategy.