Exercise 5, p. 224

1. A number of things happened to me and altered the

course of my life. 2. English spelling is appalling but in time

ii will be partially altered. 3. He heard a ring at the bell and

went to open the door. 4. She reached out for the letter.

5. Dobbin reached out and caught the vase (reached out for

i he vase) before it fell to the floor. 6. Jane’s salary was hardly

sufficient to keep body and soul together. 7. I saw a cab

drive up to the door of my house. 8. The table was littered

with test-tubes (пробирки) and phials (склянки/пузырь-

ки). 9. He was left alone in the unkempt study littered with

books, papers and what not (всякой всячиной).

10. I haven’t the least notion of what you are talking about.

11. I have only a dim recollection of the street I used to live in. 12. It was a shabby small bedroom. 13. The man was


wearing a shabby gray suit. 14. The boy did not feel at home

in such a splendid house.