Exercise 5, p. 259

1. After their first year together at (the) university they

became great friends. 2. According to the directions/instructions

we must get the camp ready for the tourists’ arrival by

the first of June. 3. According to my watch it’s high time to put

the children to bed. 4. Our trip went (off) smoothly/without

a hitch. 5. The road was smooth and we quickly got to the station.

6. The boy was standing with his eyes on the car. If only

he were/was taken for a ride (in it)! 7. She looked very pretty/

She looked lovely with her hair flung back. 8. I’m afraid we

are going in the wrong direction, let’s ask somebody to show

us the way to the shop. 9. Excuse me for breaking in, but I’ve

got to talk to you right now. Yesterday evening/Last night


I had such a toothache/my tooth pained/hurt me so much

that I couldn’t go to sleep. 11. “Where does it hurt?” asked the

doctor. 12. The landlady took them in from head to heel and

only after that invited them into the house. 13. I’ll get everything

ready in five minutes! 14. The hedge was breaking into

flower filling the air with a sweetish smell. 15. The slender

aspens/asps are in flower. They bloom/They stay in flower

until they are in leaf. 16. There’s no room for another armchair

in the room. It’s too crowded (with furniture) as it is.

17. The teacher asked the children to speak one at a time

because when all of them spoke together it was difficult to

understand what they wanted.