Exercise 12, p. 267

1. My sister was very ill and I had to sit upall night with

her. 2. This little stream never dries up.3. You have worked

very well so far; keep it up.4. You have got the story all

mixed up.5. The home was burned downbefore the fire

brigade came. 6. The sleeves of my dress are too short. I must

ask the tailor to let them downan inch. 7. We can’t buy that

car just yet, but we are saving up.8. Afterdinner I’ll wash up.

9. Sit down,there is plenty of room foreveryone. 10. Your

coat collar is up atthe back, shall I turn it down?11. Don’t

stand undera high tree during a thunderstorm. 12. I can’t

use my office now, it is underrepair. 13-I did this under

orders. 14. Underthe circumstances I will not give you any

extra work. 15. He is underage and cannot be allowed to be
