Exercise 43, p. 392

1. Her parents object to/are against her telling everybody of

her engagement now (object to/are against her making her

engagement public now).

2. I remember Mom often reproaching me when I was a child

of being untidy/of untidiness.


3. By working with a cassette recorder you can improve your

pronunciation. - It goes without saying.

4. How lazy you are/What a lazy-bones you are! You haven’t

even taken the trouble of washing your cup.

5. Why do you avoid using verbals in your speech?

6. What prevented/kept you from going there yourself? -

I had just had everything done before.

7. On hearing the glad/happy news the girl could not help

crying/bursting into tears/bursting out crying.

8. The methods of testing students’ knowledge are not

always effective.

9. There is no telling what her mood is.

10. It is always unpleasant when someone is talking without

looking you in the face.

11. Somehow I don’t feel like studying today. Do you think

it’s worth attending the lecture on Saturday? - It’s up to you to


12. We thanked him for helping/having helped us.

13. It’s time to have my shoes mended/fixed/repaired, soon

it will be spring.