Exercise 46, p. 394

1. Tenis a simple cardinal noun.

2. Secondis a simple ordinal noun. In most cases nouns premodified

by ordinals take the definite article. In these cases they

show the order of persons or things in a series.

3. 4. Twenty, eighteenand sevenare cardinal numerals.

Sevenis simple and the other two are derivatives, formed by the

means of the suffixes -teen and -ty.


5-8. The twoand a four, tensand hundredsare substantivised


9. Twois a simple cardinal numeral and millionsis a substantivised

numeral. Of is indispensable in this case precisely

because millionsis substantivised.

10. This is a composite cardinal numeral. In most cases the

words dozen, hundred, thousand, millionand billiontake

no -s after other cardinal numerals because they are not substantivised.

11. See 10.

12. See 9.

13. This is an ordinal numeral. The noun it premodifies is

used with the indefinite article because ordinal numerals maybe

used with the indefinite article when they do not show a definite

order of persons or things in a series, and this is just the case:

a thirdhere means merely anotherand loses its numerical


14. See 13.

15. This is a fractional numeral.

16. Since Man is supposed to have just five universally recognized

senses, a sixth one does not belong to a definine, scientifically

recognized number. So it quite safe to say “a sixth sense”,

meaning another, an additional one. In other words sixthlooses

its numerical meaning.

17. A first nightis a set phrase meaning the evening when

the first public performance of a show, play etc. is given. It usually

takes the definite article but one may say a first night performance

or a first night partybecause here first nightis

used attributively and the indefinite article refers to the nouns

premodified by them.

18-19 A first timeand a first lovejust like other firsts like,

say, a first love-makingare used with the indefinite article if

there is no limiting attribute and no limitation is clear from the

context. By the way «ëþáîâü ñ ïåðâîãî âçãëÿäà» is “love at

first sight”.It happens so quickly that everybody forgets about


20. Secondis an ordinal numeral. It is preceded by the indefinite

article which refers to the noun computer.