Exercise 50, p. 395

1. You can never find a taxi when you need one.

2. I see, they have invented a bomb which will kill people

without damaging property. What will they think of next?

3. They’M kill us all with these dangerous weapons they are


4. We must not grumble, I suppose ive’ve had a pretty good

year. 5. You never know whoyou'W bump into when you go out.

6. It says in the paper that they've had a lot of rain in the West

Country. I’m glad I’m not there!


7. Enjoy jowrselves while you can: you cannot take the

money with you when you die.

8. They say we are going to have a hard winter.

9. Do you think they might let us have a party if we promise

not to make noise?

10. Fellow-students, we can only persuade the authorities

to give in to our demands if we remain united. Let us stand


11. You can lead a horse to the water, but vow cannot make

him drink.

12. It says in the paper that they are thinking of putting up

the price of petrol again.