Exercise 3, p. 71

1. How dare you laugh at the old woman? 2. She has been

feeling bad since Monday. 3. His love of books is well known in

the group. 4. How wonderful/delicious the roses smell! 5. The

child didn’t dare to ask the teacher his question. 6. The feeling of

deep respect for her guardian overwhelmed Judy/Judy was

overwhelmed by a deep respect for her guardian. 7. Your words

sounded rather silly. 8. Mary felt angry and upset when she heard

(lie little girl’s explanation. 9. How dare you speak to me like

i hat/in this way? 10. (On) that autumn morning she felt very

well and in high spirits. 11. It’s up to you to show the city to your

friend. 12. They felt cold, hungry and very tired. 13-1 think it’s up

io the children to make it up. 14. Elena has always displayed/

showed an amazing affection for her sister. 15. Her eyes showed

.ill the contempt she felt for the young man.