Exercise 9, p. 117

1. On the page, at the top ofwhich was written the date: May

17, 2157. 2.... it was awfully funny to read words that were just

printed there instead of moving as they always did. 3. When you

finish the book, you just put it into the waste basket/you just dispose

of it, I think. 4. What can be written about classes? 5. The

part Margie hated most was the narrow opening, where she had

to put home assignments and test papers. 6. ... the mechanical

teacher calculated the mark very fast/very quickly. 7. I guess the

geography part was adjusted a little too quick (was adjusted in

such a way as to be incomprehensible to an average student).

8. As a matter of fact/in fact all in all her progress is good

enough. 9.... a teacher has to be geared to the mind/has to be

adapted to the mind/has to be suited for/has to fit the mind of

each boy or girl he teaches. 10. They weren’t even halfway
