Exercise 5, p. 149

1. Herstwood’s affairs were in bad shape and it seemed

that nothing could avert a disaster. 2. He was afraid ofbecoming

the laughing-stock of the town. 3. The man you are calling/

you call a promising student is to my mind a mature artist

and the sooner we exhibit/display his picture in a/the show

the better. 4. Carlton became a great scholar at a great sacrifice

to his health. 5. Someone dropped a tube ofoils on the

floor and I stepped/trod on it. Now I’ll have to send the carpet



to the cleaner’s. 6. Don’t be silly. If you had put the note in

a conspicuous place, I would have noticed it. 7. Jonh blushed

to the top ofhis ears(to the roots ofhis hair) when his

mother caught him lying/caught him in a lie/exposed his lie.

8. The statue Pygmalion had executed was so beautiful that he

fell in love with it. 9. After the close ofthe 1882 exhibition

(the exhibition of1882) Kuingy who was already a mature

artist (Kuingy, already a mature artist) made the startling/

stunning announcement that he would no longer exhibit his

pictures in shows (would not exhibit his pictures in shows

any longer/any more). 10. Constable was awarded a gold

medal for his picture/painting «The Hay Wain» which was

exhibited/displayed in Paris in 1824. 11. To the utter astonishment/

To the great surprise ofthe owner (To the owner’s utter

astonishment/amazement) the monkey’s daub (scrawl) was

accepted for the show. 12. The jury/The members ofthe jury

came to the conclusion that the young painter’s/artist’s pictures/

paintings were executed with great skill and awarded

him the first prize. 13. Soames and Fleur arranged/agreed to

go to the modern art exhibition together. Soames was the first

to come/Soames came first/ Eyeing (Looking at) the expressionists’

works with curiosity he kept wondering why they

It ad been accepted for the show and put in the most conspicuous

places. «Juno», executed by a «promising young sculptor»

Paul Post looked like a lopsided pump with two handles.

A real laughing-stock!