Section I.

Meet the sciences


Unit I. What is science?

Focus on:

  1. Общенаучная и интернациональная лексика
  2. Части речи. Суффиксы различных частей речи
  3. Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных:
    • Phenomenon–phenomena
    • Datum–data
    • Analysis–analyses
    • Hypothesis–hypotheses
  4. Общее представление об активных и пассивных глагольных формах
    • Причастие I (active)
    • Причастие II (passive)

5. Словосочетание или предложение?

6. Оборот there is / there are

  1. Связующие элементы текста:
    1. First
    2. Moreover
    3. Further
    4. Finally
    5. Thus


Text Study

Science is a creative and dynamic activity. It is an expression of human experience. Science involves observation and measurement, imagination and analysis, communication and criticism.

A scientist observes and measures objects and phenomena of the physical world. He analyses behavior of matter and energy. He develops theories and hypotheses.

Thus, first, a scientist identifies and classifies multiple facts and data.

Then, he generalizes and systematizes analogous facts of specific character.

Further, he deduces conclusions as to general and systematic character of analogous facts and combinations.

Finally, he illustrates conclusions with different facts of reality.

Thus, observation and identification,

classification and systematization,

generalization and illustration

provide the foundation for concept formation.

Moreover, the scientist continually communicates with his colleagues through the scientific literature, in scientific meetings, and in informal person-to-person seminars and discussions.

Thus, modern science is communication!