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The lithosphere ______ of solid, rocky material. It ______ by far the greatest portion of the Earth, ______ not only the lands, but ______ rocky material ______ the oceans. The lithosphere is of supreme importance to the geologists ______ the ______ of the wonderful events of the earth’s history are ______ in the rocks. under also records constitutes recorded including because consists


The partial envelope ______ all the waters ______ and ______ the earth’s surface is called the hydrosphere. ______ of the waters ______ are in the oceans, ______ streams, lakes and ______ waters are also important. Water is one of the greatest of all geological ______. most but comprising by far but agencies on underground near


The gaseous ______ of the Earth is called ______. The chief ______ of the air are nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour and carbon dioxide. ______ of the atmosphere cause important ______ of the lands and make possible ______ (rainfall and snowfall). constituents movements envelope atmosphere modifications precipitations