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Unit IV. The Importance of Being a Geologist.

Focus on:

  1. терминологическая и интернациональная лексика
  2. лексика, связанная с учебным процессом и будущей работой
  3. словообразование и части речи
  4. устойчивые словосочетания:

o walks of life

o in many ways

o to play an important part

o to have a major role

o to be of value

o etc.

  1. усилительная конструкция it is … that
  2. понятие о правильных и неправильных глаголах:

to find – found – found etc.



Text Study


Evolution of the planet Earth involves a wide range of physical, chemical and biological processes, and thus the geologist must have a broad scientific training. At the same time, a degree course in geology provides students with a sound scientific background which is of value in many other walks of life.

Geology is vitally important to mankind in many ways and it is in the applied aspects of the discipline that many geology graduates find employment. Many of the Earth’s major resources are found in rocks on or within the Earth. These include mineral resources (such as metals and building materials), energy resources (such as coal, petroleum and gas) and water resources – probably the most important of all. The geologist has an important role in exploration and production of these resources and in minimizing damage to the environment. Other important applications of geology include the prediction and mitigation of geologic hazards, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides. The geologist is also an essential member of civil engineering teams involved in the construction of bridges, dams and tunnels.

The science of geology and its many applications play a major part in the economy of the nations of the world.