Watch the video-track a part by part and answer the following questions:

00:00 – 00:20

5. Fill in the gaps in the following passage with the words you hear:

  Until (1) __________ it has been a stuff of (2) __________ fiction – many (3) __________ joining together, a bit like Lego, to form one big (4) __________ capable of performing tasks too (5) __________ or (6) __________ for (7) __________ . Hundreds of (8) __________ from the UK are working alongside colleagues in (9) __________ to make this vision a (10)__________ . …  

00:21 – 00:44

6. What is in the box shown in the track?

7. What is the aim of this project?

8. Fill in the gaps in the following passage with the words you hear:

  … What do we want to do in the next (1) __________ years is to (2) __________ robots so that they can (3) __________ join and (4) __________ a kind of (5) __________-dimensional artificial (6)__________ . …  

00:45 - end

9. What are the ambitious aims of usage of this new technology?

10. Does the speaker think that we should be worried because of the fact that these robots are going to have mind of their own?

11. When, as it is said in the track, this project is going to be a reality?