9. Pre-listening: match the English words and phrases in the left column with their Ukrainian equivalents in the right column.

1. dark matter 1. ñóáàòîìíèé
2. mass of a quark 2. íå÷³òêèé, òóìàííèé
3. universe 3. êâàíòîâà ô³çèêà
4. gravity 4. âñåñâ³ò
5. quantum physics 5. òåìíà ìàòåð³ÿ
6. fuzzy 6. ìàñà êâàðêà
7. sub-atomic 7. ãðàâ³òàö³ÿ

10. Listen again to the text and decide whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):

1. All things in the universe can be measured

2. The mass of a quark and the charge on an electron are constants.

3. Gravity is a force like electricity or radiation.

4. Modern physicists look mostly at things we can’t see.

5. The main problem of modern physics is putting together very small things of quantum physics and very big things like galaxies.

6. “Dark matter” and “dark energy” make up most of the universe.

7. The universe consists mostly of “dark matter”.