9. Before- listening:

1. Draw a bicycle.
2. How many parts does your bike have?
3. Can it work?
4. Is there a person on it?
5. Compare a picture with other students.

10. Listen to Recording 1 and answer the questions:

1. Was the explanation correct for you?
2. Do you agree with the presenter’s views about men and women?

11. Listen to Recording 2 and answer the questions:

1. How many people take part in the conversation?

2. Whose bike has more parts?

3. Whose bike could work?


12. After-listening: choose a word in each line that names a part of a bicycle:

1. heels, wheels, feels, peels

2. bangle, handle, handlebar, mangle

3. peddle, cradle, treadle, saddle

4. main, chain, stain, plain

5. medals, metals, pedals, sandals

6. crossbar, barcode, crossroad, crossover