Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text.

The recent phenomenon, providing transport, to favor the term, Per­sonal Spaceflight Federation, among the primary attractions of space tourism, awesome and thrilling feelings, extremely intense, mind-bog­gling, status symbol, wide public access to space, mostly, in the form of, aspirations, science fiction, it was common belief that, launched by 2000, space race, signified by the Moon landing, decreased the importance, subsidiary government flights, with the realities of, post-Glasnost econo­my in Russia, crew, daily TV-broadcast from orbit, whilst, it is argued that..., commercial space tourism, to resume, in charge of the space sta­tion, in order to, to offset costs, former scientist, to dismantle Mir, to opt, the second fee-paying space tourist, computer millionaire, boy band singer, due to funding problems, due to health concerns, Columbia di­saster, temporarily put on hold, Soyuz vehicles, dedicated commercial flight, the price for a trip on the Soyuz rocket, money-making proposi­tion, at an altitude of 100 kilometres, twinkle-free starfield, vista of the curved Earth below, in the range of $100,000 per passenger, costs drop­ping over time to $20,000, to focus on, public safety, safety of property, commercial circumlunar mission, a week-long trip around the Moon, according to their best case scenario, lunar mission, in the long term, orbital tourism, handout collection, to toy with the idea, discarded Shut­tle fuel tanks, inflatable structures, motel tycoon, space habitats.