Read, translate, memorize and dramatize the dialogue.


Announcer: And now here is Francis Lake with details of the weather.

Francis: Thank you, Colin. Here is the weather report for Bristol and

the south-west for tonight and all day tomorrow. The evening will bring a light mist. Later, however, there will be a few scattered showers in high places. The morning will start off dry and bright in most areas, with temperatures slightly above normal for this time of year. Coastal areas will be warmer and can expect a fair amount of sunshine in the morning. However, by midday it will become cloudy in most areas with rain spreading generally from the west. In the afternoon there will be rain in most places with winds be­coming strong and reaching gale force along the coast. The

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rain will be quite heavy. The evening will remain cloudy and generally overcast.

21. Discuss:

1. What season is it?

2. Is it typical weather for Bristol for this season?

3. What is the typical weather for your city and your region in this season?

22. Write the weather forecasts for your city, region and the coun­try for tonight, all day tomorrow and the coming weekend.