Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the

tourist wars
closely ventures
leaning fishing village
modest centres
roman associated
naval coast
Gallic ally
colonizing colonia
Spanish in strength
grew base
official fighting


Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

a thriving tradesmen
skilled dramatically
decline particularly
internal republic
most tower * * *
damaging *r*r discrepancies
cultural renaissance
the great wars
attended alongside
following structure
grew the city's university
civil astronomer
Medici rule
secured incorporated
officially offices
unusual in importance
stands century
constructive sovereignty
depth lean
dry stony earth
final of the foundations sle Ф Уе
foundational T T V ride
throughout seeing
halt problems
political the history
long lean
facilitate periodically
settle to the tower
remains stabilization
unusual climb
architectural wonders
admission standing
train delays
worth disruptions
strenuous more firmly дк зк jk
artistic T T* T cathedral

Unit 4.Sightseeing

beautiful city
the field building
famous tower
imposing cemetery
circular Romanesque dome
round decorations
excellent acoustics
sculptured view
fine of miracles
large paintings
ancient Roman marvels
pre-renaissance sculptures
international links
direct airport