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4. Translate the sentences. Convert distances in miles into kilo­meters:

• She drove at 25 miles per hour.

• City speed limit is 35 miles per hour.

• Highway speed limit is 90 miles per hour.

5. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations/Find and translate sentences with them in the text.

To drive with casual ease, hands resting lightly on the wheel, to honk at regular intervals, front passenger seat, girls-can-do-anything lecture, those neurotic non-driving New Yorkers, a brand of nearsightedness, DMV, buckled into the passenger seat, my chauffeurs, feeling endlessly beholden, eternally babyish, ophthalmologist's report to the contrary, daylight-hours-only license, learner's permit, station wagon, suburban road, to knock something down clean as a strike; "Out," said Mom; to be out of step, large chunk (bulk) of the population, to take off, I'd like to be gone, I'm constantly told, those who wish to be comforting, car pools, traffic jams, trips to the airport for an aunt you wish had stayed home, a set of car keys, the height of worldliness and sophistication, my first order of business is, frequently nonexistent, car service, cab, cher­ished hardware store, to watch the car become a dot in the distance, unstinting and uncomplaining chauffeur, my beloved Starbucks, ineffa­ble feeling of independence, sweet awareness, I can light out for the ter­ritories, far beyond what the eye can see.