Receptionist: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Dr. Gilbert: Yes, I've got a reservation. My name is Jason Gilbert. Receptionist: Just a moment, please. Could you spell your name, please? Dr. Gilbert: G-I-L-B-E-R-T.

Receptionist: Right, Dr. Gilbert. A single room with a bath and conti­nental breakfast for two nights, is that right?

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Dr. Gilbert: No, it's three nights, from the 15th to the 18th of Septem­ber.

Receptionist: No problem, I'll change it for you. May I see your pass­port, please? Thank you. Could you fill in this form, please?

Dr. Gilbert: Sure. Have you got a pen?

Receptionist: Here you are.

Dr. Gilbert: Thanks.

Receptionist: All right, sir. Here is your key, room 308 on the third floor.

The lifts are over there.

Dr. Gilbert: Thanks. What time is breakfast?

Receptionist: Any time from 7 to 10 o'clock. The dinning room is on the

first floor, but you can have breakfast in your room, sir, if you want, you just need to tell me now or call the recep­tion from your room in the morning.

Dr. Gilbert: No, thank you, I'll come downstairs.