Answer the questions.

1. What is tourism?

2. Who is a tourist?

3. What is a more comprehensive definition of tourism?

4. What are the tangible elements of tourism?

5. What are the intangible elements of tourism?

6. Why do some countries depend heavily upon tourism?

7. Why are governments and non-government organizations interest­ed in tourism?

8. What are meanings of tourism and travel in other contexts?

9. What are the prerequisite factors for tourism as an economic ac­tivity?

10. What are the individual prerequisite factors for travelling?

11. Why did wealthy people travel long time ago?

12. Why do people travel now?

13. What is the Grand Tour?

14. When did it gain acceptance?

15. Who took the Grand Tour?

16. Why did young noblemen take the Grand Tour?

17. Why were British aristocracy particularly keen on the Grand Tour?

18. Why are private and public collections of art so rich in Britain?

19. Who was the tourism aim at those days?

20. Who did the Grand Tour in the 18th century?

21. Why did Rome, Naples and Florence draw many visitors?

22. What did Romantic Movement do to the Grand Tour?

23. Who inspired the Romantic Movement?