For the past few decades many forms of tourism, also known as niche tourism, have been becoming more popular, particularly:

Adventure tourism — is a grassroots effort to support independent

bookstores by promoting them as a travel des­tination.

— sustainable tourism which has minimal impact on the environment, such as safaris (Kenya) and Rainforests (Belize), or national parks.

Armchair tourism or virtual tourism — includes urban tourism, visit­ing historical or interesting cities, such as Lon­don, Paris, Prague, Rome, Cairo, Beijing, Ky­oto, and experiencing their cultural heritages. May also consist of specialized cultural expe­riences, such as art museum tourism where one visits many art museums during the tour, or op­era tourism where one sees many operas or concerts during the tour. Bookstore Tourism — travelling to such places as Atlantic City, Las

Vegas, Macau or Monte Carlo for the purpose of gambling at the casinos there. Cultural tourism — farm based tourism, helping to support the lo­cal agricultural economy. Disaster tourism — involves travelling to an education institution,

a wooded retreat or some other destination in order to take personal-interest classes, includ­ing cooking classes with a famous chef or crafts classes.


— not travelling physically, but exploring the world through internet, books, TV, etc.

Unit 1.Forms Of Tourism

Educational tourism — travelling to a disaster scene not primarily for

helping, but because one finds it interesting to see. It can be a problem if it hinders rescue, relief and repair work.

Gambling tourism — tourism involving travel in rugged regions, or

adventurous sports such as mountaineering and hiking (tramping).