Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Organs and Organ Systems Tissues are arranged into organs, which serve specific functions: · Circulatory system (1) pumping and channeling blood to and from the body and lungs with heart, blood and blood vessels(2). · Digestive system(3): digestion and processing food. · Endocrine system(4): communication within the body using hormones made by endocrine glands(5). · Integumentary system(6): skin, hair, fat, and nails. · Lymphatic system(7): structures involved in the transfer of lymph (8) between tissues and the blood stream(9), the lymph and the nodes (11) and vessels that transport it. · Immune system(10): defending against disease-causing agents(12). · Muscular system: movement with muscles. · Nervous system: collecting, transferring and processing information with brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves (13) and nerves. · Reproductive system: the sex organs. · Respiratory system(14): the organs used for breathing. · Skeletal system: structural support and protection with bones, cartilage, ligaments (15) and tendons(16). · Urinary system(17): the organs involved in fluid balance, electrolyte balance and excretion of urine(18). The body, however, functions as a whole – no system is independent of the others. They work together to maintain the body’s state of internal stability, termed homeostasis(19). 1.серцево-судинна система 2.кровоносні судини 3.травна система 4.ендокринна система 5.ендокринні залози 6.покривна система 7.лімфатична система 8.лімфа 9.кровоток 10.лімфатичні вузли 11.імунна система 12. хвороботворні агенти 13.периферичні нерви 14.дихальна система 15.зв’язки 16.сухожилля 17.сечова система 18.сеча 19.гомеостаз


Exercise 2. Translate into English.

Видалення сечі; водний баланс; перекачавти та спрямовуватикров; переробляти їжу; сольовий баланс; сталість внутрішнього середовища; утворювати; функціонувати разом.