1.Äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ äëèòåëüíîãî äåéñòâèÿ, êîòîðîå íà÷àëîñü â ïðîøëîì, ïðîäîëæàëîñü â ïðîøëîì, è ïðîäîëæàåòñÿ ñåé÷àñ.

– What are you doing here?

– I am waiting to talk to the teacher. I have been waiting for almost 20 minutes but he is still busy.

I think it’s time to wake the baby up. It has been sleeping for 4 hours already.

 ýòîì çíà÷åíèè ãëàãîë â the Present Perfect Continuous ìîæåò áûòü âçàèìîçàìåíÿåì íà ãëàãîë â the Present Perfect, õîòÿ the Present Perfect Continuous âûðàæàåò äëèòåëüíîñòü äåéñòâèÿ áîëåå ýìîöèîíàëüíî.

We have studied English for three years. = We have been studying English for three years.

Îäíàêî ñ ãëàãîëàìè, êîòîðûå íå ìîãóò èñïîëüçîâàòüñÿ â Continuous, íåîáõîäèìî èñïîëüçîâàòü òîëüêî the Present Perfect:

I have known him for 5 years.

They have been friends since childhood.

 ýòîì çíà÷åíèè the Present Perfect Continuous òàêæå óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ñ ïðåäëîãàìè for, êîòîðûé ïîêàçûâàåò, êàê äîëãî óæå äëèòñÿ äåéñòâèå è since, êîòîðûé îáîçíà÷àåò ìîìåíò íà÷àëà äåéñòâèÿ â ïðîøëîì, à òàêæå ñî ñëåäóþùèìè îáñòîÿòåëüñòâàìè âðåìåíè (time-indicators):

sinceHe has been learning the poem since I came home.

for Mary has been doing her lessons for two hours already.

all day long The cat has been sleeping all day long.

the whole monthI have been looking for this book the whole month.


Åñëè â ìîìåíò ðå÷è äåéñòâèå, âûðàæåííîå ñêàçóåìûì, åùå ïðîäîëæàåòñÿ, òî ãëàãîë â the Present Perfect Continuous ïåðåâîäèòñÿ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê ãëàãîëîì íåñîâåðøåííîãî âèäà íàñòîÿùåãî âðåìåíè (÷òî äåëàåò?)

2.×òîáû ïîä÷åðêíóòü, ÷òî õîòÿ äëèòåëüíîå äåéñòâèå òîëüêî ÷òî çàêîí÷èëîñü, ðåçóëüòàò åãî íàëèöî.  òàêîì ñëó÷àå ãëàãîë â the Present Perfect Continuous ïåðåâîäèòñÿ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê ãëàãîëîì íåñîâåðøåííîãî âèäà â ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè (÷òî äåëàë?)

– What’s the matter? Why are you out of breath?

– I have been running all the way.

What’s the smell? Have you been smoking here?