Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.


1. A thick reinforced concrete raft foundation is used to distribute the column loads.

2. To increase its strength the building includes reinforced concrete columns.

3. This building took a total period of 20 months to complete.

4. The truss system is best suited to narrow shaped buildings which can accept cross walls.

5. To lead the rainwater back behind the columns instead of running down the face was the reason for sloping the frame back towards the building.

6. Ceilings to be built of 16 mm thick slabs with joints will be suspended from blocks.

7. To facilitate transport and to achieve rapid erection, the long block was divided into six units.

8. The trusses serve to spread out concentrations of gravity force.


Упражнение 2. Прочтите и переведите следующие сокращения:


1450 ft high; 4.4 million sq ft; 22.86 m; 2 ft 6in; 750 mm thick; 3 ft 3in; 24 ´ 4in; 600 ´ 100 mm; 408760 sq m; at 3.75 m centres; the 18th floor; 2000 mm in depth; 500 kg/m²; 16% gradient; an area of 1600×100 m; 1480 lb; spanning 44.8 m; snow loads of 300 kg per sq metre.