рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Учебно-методическое пособие «Economics and Plant Management»

Учебно-методическое пособие «Economics and Plant Management» - раздел Философия, Предисловие Учебно-Методич...


Учебно-методическое пособие «Economics and Plant Management» представляет собой комплекс текстов по экономической тематике из оригинальных англоязычных источников и имеет целью развитие и совершенствование у студентов навыков различных видов чтения литературы на английском языке с выходом в устную речь, углубление знаний в области лексики, обучение аннотированию и реферированию.

Пособие состоит из 4 разделов. Первый раздел включает тексты, предваряемые словарем. Упражнения к текстам составлены таким образом, чтобы акцентировать основное внимание на развитии у студентов умений читать и понимать литературу по специальности, дифференцировать более важную и менее важную информацию, и подводят к развитию навыков говорения по основным экономическим темам. Для развития лексических навыков в разделе представлены упражнения на словообразование, нахождение соответствия экономических терминов и их определений, подбор синонимов и антонимов, подстановочные, направленные на формирование потенциального словаря студентов в сфере экономики.

Второй раздел состоит из текстов, предназначенных для развития навыков монологической и диалогической речи. Обширная экономическая тема раскрывается на базе небольших по объему текстов, освещающих проблему с разных сторон. К текстам (разделам) поставлены вопросы проблемного характера, что дает возможность проводить круглые столы, дискуссии и интервью.

Третий раздел включает тексты, содержание которых отражает связь изучаемого материала с лекционными курсами выпускающих кафедр: Economic Theory and Marketing, Production Organization and Real Estate, Economics, Ecologiсal Economics, Accounting, Analysis and Audit.

Четвертый раздел связан по тематике с тремя предыдущими. Упражнения этого раздела носят игровой характер, но в тоже время выполняют функцию контроля усвоения материала, связанного с будущей специальностью.

В конце пособия даны рекомендации по аннотированию и реферированию текста.

Пособие может быть использовано как для аудиторных занятий со студентами 1-го, 2-го курсов, так и для факультативных занятий на 3-м и 4-м курсах.


Unit 1



Word list


Economics – экономика (как наука); scarce – скудный, дефицитный; labour resources – людские ресурсы; labour force – рабочая сила; scarcity – недостаток; save – экономить; goods – товары; services – услуги; utilize – использовать; employment – занятость; distribution – распределение; revenue – доход; compete – конкурировать; to do business – вести дела; allocation – распределение; transaction – сделка; consumer – потребитель; commodity – товар; activity – деятельность; essential cоmmodities – товары первой необходимости (essentials); provide – обеспечивать, предоставлять; enterpreneurship – предпринимательство; fiscal policy – бюджетно-налоговая политика; monetary policy – кредитно-денежная политика; deal with – иметь дело (с чем-либо, с кем либо); consumption – потребление; custom – традиция; law – закон; economy – экономика; market – рынок.


Text study

A basic understanding of economics is essential if we are to be well informed citizens. It is characteristic of any society that while wants of people are growing… Economic environment is determined by the economic policies of the government, fiscal and monetary policies being the…

Language practice

1. 5,3 million people contribute to the economy of Belarus. Britain’s economy is increasingly based on services. 2. Economy can also mean the…   II. Complete the blanks.



Word list


Text study

Organizations in the economy are classified according to what they produce or provide: – primary: extractive industries such as the “3 Fs” − farming, fishing,… – secondary: organizations that manufacture products or construct roads, buildings, etc.;

Language practice


I. Match the words their definitions

a) measure 1) to determine the place or position

b) store 2) to manufacture, to make

c) value 3) a supply to be used in future

d) borrower 4) admission, entrance

e) access 5) the quality of something that makes it valuable

f) to produce 6) the range, dimension, extent or capacity of any


g) to provide 7) the state of being available

h) availability 8) to supply or furnish with what is needed

i) to locate 9) a person who receives money with intention of

returning it


II. Complete the sentences below using the information of the text

  III. Say whether these statements are true or false, and if they are false say… 1. Primary organizations manufacture products or construct roads. 2. Commercial services are banking, transport and…

IV. Answer the following questions


Language practice

I. Mind the use of the words.

1. Decrease (v), increase . Prices decrease, demand for goods increases. 2. Decrease (n), increase (n). Decrease of prices leads to increase for demand. 3. Utility. The utility of a product stays the same, but its nature changes. 4 The law of Diminishing Marginal Utility is the name which economists give to the tendency for a consumer’s desire to diminish as he buys more.


II. Complete the blanks

  III. Insert a suitale preposition. 1. He is interested … economics. He is not concerned … non-essential commodities. 3. The demand … vegetables will…

Language practice

1. Сoin, credit, currency, purchasing power, constant store of value, measure, commodity, inflation, transaction, rapidity, provide, substitute. 2.…   II. Complete the blanks.

Language practice

1. Central bank imposes reserve requirements. 2. Commercial banks promise to pay depositors the full amount of their deposits. 3. The most important…   II. Complete the blanks.

Language practice

1. Conditions on that market are stable and do not vary very much from year to year. 2. That businessman handles a very varied selection of…   II. Complete the blanks.

Language Practice

Exhibit, exhibition, exposition, exhibitor, exposure, display, attendance, showcase, show, dedicate, agent, examine, hold, merchant, wares, sponsor,… 1. Fairs became events devoted to commercial exhibits and entertainment. 2.…  

Language Practice

1. Advertising means making a product or service known to the public. Advertising is uncountable. 2. Advertisements are sometimes misleading. 3.…   II. Complete the blanks.



Word list

Text study

Organizations in the UK economy can be classified according to their choice of legal structure, the sector in which they operate, and their business… Two key concepts associated with private sector firms are profit and limited… · the desire for job satisfaction;

Language practice

I. Match the words their definitions. a) liability 1) one who shares something with another b) business 2) a general inclination, direction or course



Word list

Profit – прибыль, доход, польза, выгода; turnover – товарооборот, оборачиваемость; market share – доля рынка; expansion – увеличение, рост,…

Text study

The size of a firm can be measured in different ways. Popular bases are: – profit; – turnover;

Language practice

I. Match the words their definitions. a) profit 1) material wealth in the form of money or property b) turnover …   II. Complete the sentences below using the information of the text.



Word list

Text study

One important way to classify production costs is to divide them into fixed and variable. Fixed costs do not change as output changes: examples… This distinction is important to business people because it helps them make… Break-even point = Total fixed costs / Unit contribution

Language practice


I. Match the words to their definitions.

a) cost 1) ability gained through practice
b) output 2) the amount paid or charged for a purchase
c) loss 3) a business or service that acts for others
d) labour 4) production or yield during a given time
e) specialist 5) someone or something that is lost
f) agency 6) physical or manual work done for hire
g) discount 7) the regular way of doing something
h) skill 8) a reduction of the standard price
i) method 9) a person who devotes his practice to one particular field


II. Complete the sentences below using the information of the text.

  III. Say whether these statements are true or false, and if they are false say… 1. Fixed costs change as output changes. 2. Examples of variablecosts include factory rent and office workers’…



Word list

Accounting – бухгалтерское дело, учёт, расчёт, начисление; account – счёт, учёт; accountant – бухгалтер, счетовод, учётчик; ledger – бухгалтерская…

Text study


The role of a private sector firm’s accounting function is to record, present and analyze financial information. This information is recorded in accounts which are grouped into ledgers:

· the Sales Ledger contains the accounts of debtors (customers buying on credit);

· the Purchases Ledger holds the accounts of creditors (suppliers of goods on credit);

· the Cash Book contains records of cash and bank transactions;

· the Nominal (or General)Ledger stores the other accounts.

These accounts are then presented and summarized in the firm’s final accounts.

Profit and Loss account

Purpose: To calculate net profit.

Contents: Revenues (income) and expenses: revenue expenditure.

Balance Sheet

Contents: Assets (items owned by the firm) and Liabilities (items owed by the firm): capital expenditure. Accountants also produce cash flow statements which analyze the movements in… Accounting ratios are used to analyze financial information. Two major profitability ratios are:

Language practice

I Match the words to their definitions. a) Sales Ledger 1) it is the main liquidity ratio b) Purchases Ledger 2)…   II. Complete the sentences below using the information of the text.



Word list

Human relations – взаимоотношения между членами коллектива; efficient – эффективный, умелый, квалифицированный; workforce – рабочая сила, трудовые…

Text study

All firms depend for their survival on a contented and efficient workforce: its human resource. A firm’s Personnel function manages its human… In order to recruit suitable staff, the department with the vacancy needs to… – the nature of and duties associated with the post – the job description;

Language practice

I. Match the words to their definitions.

1. Human resource is a contented and efficient … of the firm. 2. The job… is nature and duties associated with the post. 3. The person…is personal…   III. Say whether these statements are true or false, and if they are false say why.



Word list

Marketing function – маркетинговая функция; consumer – потребитель; to promote – продвигать, раскручивать, содействовать продаже; market research –…  

Text study

The marketing function has two key roles to play in a firm. – It collects and analyses data from the firm’s markets and from its… – It promotes and supports the firm’s products and services in the marketplace.

Language practice

I. Match the words to their definitions. a) market 1) a person who buys services or goods b) product 2) help…   II. Complete the sentences below using the information of the text.

IV. Answer the following questions


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Используемые теги: Учебно-методическое, пособие, Economics, and, Plant, management0.09

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