рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект




EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list.


Caution! Осторожно!
Construction work in progress on runway 21, right left side. Ведутся строительные работы на ВПП 21 на правой и левой стороне.
Building work in progress next to taxiway 6. Ведутся строительные работы рядом с рулежной дорожкой 6.
Broken surface at end of runway 14 right. Разбитая поверхность в конце ВПП 14 правой.
Ice on runway 21 right, braking action poor. Лед на ВПП 21 правой, сцепление плохое.
Water patches on runway 21 right. Вода местами на ВПП 21 правой.
Vehicle broken down on taxiway 6. Поломанное транспортное средство на рулежной дорожке 6.
Taxiway partly covered with shingle. Рулежная дорожка частично покрыта галькой.
Work in progress ahead north side of taxiway A. Ведутся работы впереди северной стороны рулежной дорожки А.
Centerline taxiway lighting unserviceable. Не работает освещение центральной линии рулежной дорожки.
VASIS runway 27 unserviceable. Не работает система визуальной индикации глиссады ВПП 27.
Large flock of birds north of runway 27 near central taxiway. Большая стая птиц севернее ВПП 27 возле центральной рулежной дорожки.
ILS unserviceable. ИЛС не работает.
Runway 09 condition: available width 32 metres, covered with thin patches of ice, braking action poor, snow up to 30cm along edges. Условия на ВПП 09: располагаемая ширина 32 метра, покрыта тонкими участками льда, сцепление плохое, снег до 30 см вдоль краев.
Marked trench right side of taxiway at holding position. Маркированная канава с правой стороны дорожки у предварительного старта.
Cable digging in progress both sides of the runway. Ведутся работы по прокладке кабеля по обеим сторонам ВПП.
Left gear appears down. Шасси, по-видимому, выпущено.
Right / left / nose wheel appears up / down. Правое / левое / переднее колесо, по-видимому, убрано / выпущено.

EXERCISE 2 Сheck that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary or ask your teacher.


to produce a strip loose snow
to anticipate compacted snow
on-time departure firm snow
It is subject to regulations. frozen slush
red side-bars high intensity lights
to brighten up sequence flashers
dim (adj) / to dim the lights cross-bar lights
maximum setting hydraulic problem
slippery electrical failure
frozen ruts and ridges oil leaking / leak
snow drifts take-off configuration
to skid off abnormal ETG indication
stuck in the mud representative
paving loading operations
passenger stairs port engine
flock of birds starboard engine
Threshold runway 31 displaced 150m. outboard engine
unreliable to set engine to idle
boarding noise abatement
catering delay snow plough
replacement junction
brakes flat tyre
nose wheel steering reserve thrust
to bog down passenger coach
ground handling to disembark
ground maintenance customs
flooded runway to search
damp runway to be jammed
dry snow  



²EXERCISE 3 Listen to two recorded dialogues.


  Dialogue 1
P: Hong Kong Delivery CSN 309 stand 28 we are bound for Beijing, five minutes before start.
C: CSN 309 Hong Kong Delivery I have not got your flight plan, stand by while I check.
P: Delivery CSN 309 as far as we are concerned it was filed an hour ago.
C: CSN 309 the computer has failed to produce a strip for you, call you back?
C: CSN 309 have you got information D?
P: Affirm, we anticipate an on-time departure.
C: CSN 309 delays are building up on your route. Traffic going the same way has been delayed 20 minutes, so there is likely to be a delay of 30 minutes for you.
P: It would save us the delay to make a level change, we can accept any alternate levels.
C: CSN 309 negative. It is subject to regulations, your slot time will be 55, call you then.
P: CSN 309.
  Dialogue 2
C: CCA 982 continue approach, runway is wet, previous landing Airbus reported standing water on the runway, braking action poor.
P: Roger, request ILS category II approach, CCA 982.
C: CCA 982 ILS category II is unserviceable due to red side-bars of the approach lighting inoperative, ILS category I minimums is affective.
P: Roger, ILS category I CCA 982.
P: CCA 982 please brighten up the approach lights, they look dim.
C: CCA 982 they are already on maximum setting, cleared to land.
P: Cleared to land CCA 982.
C: CCA 982 landing time 45, vacate by the end of runway, contact 121.7, good-bye.
P: 121.7 CCA 982.
P: Beijing Ground CCA 982 runway vacated.
C: CCA 982 taxi to the terminal via taxiway A and J. Be advised the taxiway lighting in the first portion of taxiway A is off. Taxi with caution.
P: Taxiway A and J CCA 982.
P: Ground CCA 982 the taxiway seems very slippery, do you have any previous report?
C: CCA 982 it must be frozen ruts and ridges, we have such report an hour ago. Caution the snow drifts on the left side of J intersection.
P: CCA 982 looking.
P: CCA 982 we have just skidded off the taxiway on the right side of J intersection, right main gear stuck in the mud, we can’t seem to get back to the paving, request a tug and passenger stairs.
C: CCA 982 we’ll send you a tug and passenger stairs in a few minutes.



EXERCISE 4 Make the back translation of the dialogues in EXERCISE 3 and read them in two.


²EXERCISE 5 Listen to the modal exchanges. Repeat the pilot’s words. Then practice the exchanges in two.

a C: CCA 102 taxi with caution, work in progress adjacent to stand 74.
  P: CCA 102
b C: CCA 981 for you information, taxiway C centreline lighting unserviceable.
  P: CCA 981 roger.
c C: CSN 302 a flock of birds north of runway 31 near taxiway A12.
  P: CSN 302.
d C: CCA 982 runway conditions 36R: available width 32 metres, covered with thin patches of ice, braking action poor, snow up to 30cm along edges.
  P: CCA 982.
e C: CSN 303 threshold runway 31 displaced 150m due broken surface.
  P: CSN 303.
f C: CSN 309 ILS category II is unreliable due to inoperative centreline lighting, ILS category I is operative.
  P: ILS category I minimum, CSN 309.
g P: CSN 306 boarding has not completed yet, besides we have a catering delay, we’ll be ready in 15 minutes, could you put me on request for a slot time after 30?
  C: Roger, CSN 306, your slot time is 35.
h P: Ground CCA 101, the tow-bar was broken during push back, we are waiting for a replacement.
  C: CCA 101 call me back when ready.
i C: CCA 981 taxi with caution taxiway C is partly covered with snow and ice, a preceding Airbus reported frozen ruts and ridges.
  P: CCA 981 roger.
j P: Ground CSN 302 we are stuck half way along taxiway C1 due to unserviceable brakes and steering, request a tug to tow us back to the apron.
  C: CSN 302 I’ll call a tug for you.
k P: Ground CSN 306 we have to taxi back to the apron due to flaps setting problem, please advise ground mechanics we need their help.
  C: CSN 306 taxi back to stand 37. There is a MD 11 bogged down near the holding point J, caution the men and equipment.
l P: Ground CCA 982, we’ve just skidded off taxiway C, left main gear appears to be stuck in the mud. Can you send a tug around.
  C: CCA 982 I’ll contact with ground handling, remain on this frequency.



²EXERCISE 6 Use the words or phrases below to replace the parts in italics in the sentences.


C: The braking action is poor, and some ice has been reported by previous landing aircraft at the far end of the runway.
    · good · medium to good · medium · medium to poor · unreliable
C: Be advised runway 21 flooded 2 centimetres.
    · wet · damp · with water patches · with standing water
C: For your information, runway 18L covered with patches of dry snow.
    · loose snow · wet snow · compacted snow · firm snow · slush · frozen slush · ice and snow after mid-point
P: CCA 982 short final, please turn on the high intensity lights.
    · dim lights · switch off the sequence flashers · turn up the approach lights · turn the cross-bar lights on



²EXERCISE 7 Fill in the blanks with what you hear from the recording.


P: Ground BAW 191we are _________.London, _________ you have got our flight plan.
  C: BAW 191 _________, I’ll check the computer.
  C: BAW 191 there seems to be an error in your _________, please advise your company representative or one of your flight _________ to check your _________.
  P: Roger, BAW 191.
P: Ground TWA 795 _________ operations are taking longer than planned. Could you _________ our flight plan until _________?
P: Ground UAL 048 request _________ port outbound for _________ check.
  C: UAL 048 start up _________ but set your engine to _________ due ti noise abatement.
P: Ground SIG 278 we are _________ on the apron, the _________ has come off during push-back.
  C: SIG 278 _________ under your own _________ from present position.
  P: SIG 278 the _________ seems to be narrow to _________, request further push-back.
  C: _________, I’ll check with tug driver.
C: AFR 542 a snow plough is at _________ at next junction, _________ with caution, frozen _________ have been reported near the _________ of taxiway.
P: JAL 651 we have had a _________ tyre on the _________ gear, engines are shut down, request _________.
P: KOR 851 we have to taxi _________ to the ramp, our reverse thrust is _________.
P: HAD 398 stand D is _________ by two vehicles, they are _________ there in my way.



²EXERCISE 8 Listen to the following recording and answer the questions according to what you have just heard.

What is the total delaying time of AFR 529?
Why did the crew ask for a delay?
What is wrong with taxiway D?
What does this ATC instruction mean?
Why can’t they continue to taxi?
What is the reason for holding?
What is the problem with UAL 851?
Why must AFR 447 stop taxiing?



²EXERCISE 9 Listen and complete the following pilot-controller exchanges. Then practice them in two.


P: ______________________________________________________.
  C: GBD taxi back to gate 2 via C and P. Caution, aircraft skidded off at the intersection.
P: ______________________________________________________.
  C: GBD taxi to gate 2 via taxiways C and P. Caution, aircraft skidded off the taxiway at the intersection.
P: ______________________________________________________.
  C: GBD roger, taxi to gate 2 via C and P, do you need ground maintenance?
  P: ______________________________________________________.
  C: Roger. Caution, the aircraft bogged down at the intersection.
  P: ______________________________________________________.
P: ______________________________________________________.
  C: GBD roger, taxi 2 via taxiways C and P to gate. Caution, there is an aircraft skidded off near the intersection.
  P: ______________________________________________________.
P: ______________________________________________________.
  C: GBD roger, taxi to gate 2 via C and P. Taxi with caution, aircraft bogged down the intersection.


EXERCISE 10 a) Order each group of words, a to dbelow by writing numbers 1to 4 from lowest to highest or weakest to strongest.


Lowest or weakest ---------------------------à Highest or strongest
1   4


a good __ low __ medium to good __ medium to poor __
b water patches __ wet __ flooded __ damp __
c kilometres __ centimetres __ millimetres __ metres __
d slush __ ice __ frozen slush __ snow __


b) What do these group of words refer to? Match groups a to d from Activity a) with the topics by writing a, b, c or d in the space provided.


____ Water quantity on runway.
____ Units of measurement.
____ Braking action.
____ Ways of describing frozen water.



²EXERCISE 11 Unjumble each sentence, a to f below, to form correct transmissions a controller would give to landing aircraft. Then listen and check your answers.


a of runway 27 / construction works / Qantas 55 / be advised of / to the left / in progress
b is partly covered / Eastern 414 / be advised that / of runway 34 / braking action poor / the mid-point / by ice
c grass-cutting / at the upwind end / in progress of runway 11 / for your information / there is / Ibisair 89
d of birds / Qantas 10 / of the threshold / a concentration / reported east / be advised of / for runway 09
e immediately before / Southern 242 / of compacted snow / of runway 36 left / a hazard exists / the threshold
f of runway 36 / a crane operating / information Mike / The changes / displaced threshold / runway 36 / is now current due to / 400 metres south / All stations


EXERCISE 12 Find a word or expression from EXERCISE 11 which has a similar meaning to expressions a to e. Write your answer in the space provided.


a happening now ____________________
b not completely ____________________
c a large number of things in a small area ____________________
d pressed together ____________________
e relocated (moved) ____________________



² EXERCISE 13 Listen to a controller give landing information and copy it down.

a Eastern 414  
b Coastal 34  
c All stations  
d Ibisair 89  
e Qantas 10  
f Qantas 55  



EXERCISE 14 Match the words and phrases, a to f, in the left column with each definition in the right column.


a temporary ___ a tall pole used to support a ship’s sail or as an aerial to transmit sound or television signals
b obstacle ___ the vertical distance of a level, point or object from a given position
c extended centreline ___ the reason why a situation or event happened, is happening or will happen
d mast ___ a natural or artificial object that requires vertical separation or clearance by an aircraft
e height ___ describes something that only happens or continues for a short time
f due to ___ an imaginary line continuing from the middle of the runway into the area at either ends of the runway

²EXERCISE 15 Listen to transmissions between an aircraft, Southern 232, and Hong Kong Tower and answer the questions below.


a What was the obstacle mentioned by the controller?
b Why did the controller need to mention the obstacle to the pilot?
c What did the pilot wish to confirm?


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Все темы данного раздела:

  UNIT ONE General Operating Procedures   1.1 Communication Procedures…………………………………………….....

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list.   (* обозначает слова экипажа) *Newto

Dialogue 1
P: Hong Kong Ground ______________. C: Station calling Ground, ___________ again your callsign. P

EXERCISE 1 What do the following standard words and phrases mean? Use the clues in column B to help you.    

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list. Radio check. Проверка связи.

  EXERCISE 1 Сheck that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary or ask your teacher.

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list.   *Request departure information.

Selection 13
Cleared to Partal Tangel 2G departure, Red 6, Amber 8, climb to and maintain FL 150, request level change en route, squawk 2031, after departure contact 128.1 DTV. Cleared to Partal G2 dep

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list. *Stand 21, request push-back. Стоянка 21, прошу

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list. Unable to issue departure to Miami due weather.

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list. Report FL. Доложите ЭП.

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list. *Request permission to leave controlled airspace by descent.

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list. Hold at Wicken FL 220, expect further clearance at 02, landi

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list. Request descent. Прошу снижения.

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list. Cleared / proceed to NC [Maintain / climb / descend FL 100].

Dialogue 2
  On which radial will the aircraft hold?   A. 169 B. 196 C. 135 D. 140 &nbs

  EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list. No delay expected. Задержка

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list. [Cessna 310] 10 miles north of your field, 3000 feet for lan

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list. Go around. Уходите на второй круг.

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list.   Cleared to land. Разрешаю посад

EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list.   *Estimating NO (at) 49. Рассчит

  EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list.   Vectoring for ILS approach R

  EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the standard phrases in this list.   This will be a Precision Rad

  EXERCISE 1 Check that you know all the phrases in this list.   The weather is deteriorating.

  EXERCISE 1 Check that you know all the phrases in this list.   Be advised: thunderstorm southwest of SH,

  EXERCISE 1 Check that you know all the phrases in this list.   Stop immediately, flames coming from righ

  EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the phrases in this list. *Passenger with suspected heart attack.

  EXERCISE 1 Check that you remember all the phrases in this list.   *Port engine failed. Лев

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