рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Key words

Работа сделанна в 2004 году

Key words - раздел Культура, - 2004 год - Cultural Values Key Words. Cross-Cultural Communication Is The Information Exchange Between O...

Key words. Cross-cultural communication is the information exchange between one person and any other source transmitting a message displaying properties of a culture different to the one of the receivers culture. The source of such a message can be either a person, in an interpersonal communication process, or any form of mass media or other form of media.

Values. A value is something that is important to people - like honesty, harmony, respect for elders, or thinking of your family first. They are represents what is expected or hoped for, required or forbidden. It is not a report of actual conduct but is the inductively based logically ordered set of criteria of evaluations by which conduct is judged and sanctions applied.

Beliefs are generally taken to mean a mental acceptance or conviction in the truth or actuality of something. A belief links an object or event and the characteristics that distinguish it from others. The degree to which we believe that an event or object possesses certain characteristics reflects the level of our subjective probability belief and, consequently, the depth or intensity of our belief. The more certain we are in a belief, the greater is the intensity of that belief.

Clusters are groups of inter-related industries that drive wealth creation in a region and provides a richer more meaningful representation of local industry drivers and regional dynamics trends than traditional methods and represents the entire value chain of a broadly defined industry from suppliers to end products, including supporting services and specialized infrastructure. Stereotype is a fixed set of ideas about what a particular type of person or thing is like, which is wrongly believed to be true in all cases.

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Cultural Values

In detail it is said about concept values , factors influencing values, the meaning of values in intercultural communication and understanding… In brief it is mentioned differences between beliefs, values. The actuality… Problems of the intercultural communications and cultural values are young . Scientists started to consider them…

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Все темы данного раздела:

Introduction. The subject of my diploma work is cultural values. Our perception of foreign cultures is usually based not on their complex reality, but on the simplified image they project. The clea

The value belief puzzle
The value belief puzzle. Value and belief systems, with their supporting cultural postulates and world views, are complex and difficult to assess. They form an interlocking system, reflectin

Japanese interpersonal norms
Japanese interpersonal norms. Numerous studies by social scientists of national character or culture have appeared in recent years, initially as a response to the need for knowledge of enemy countr

The national status image
The national status image. For reasons usually found in the cultural background of the peoples concerned, and in the historical relations of nations, there is a tendency on the part of some to view

Seven statements about Americans
Seven statements about Americans. Here is a list of comments a non-American might make about an Americans 1. Americans are always in such a hurry to get things done! 2. Americans insist on treating

Intercultural communication a guide to men of action
Intercultural communication a guide to men of action. Anyone who has traveled abroad or dealt at all extensively with non-Americans learns that punctuality is variously interpreted. It is on

Contrast Russians stereotypes
Contrast Russians stereotypes. A stereotype is a statement that simplifies human and social realities. For example, a single quality is said to belong to every member of a group Men hate to

Middle Eastern interview responses
Middle Eastern interview responses. When your first arrived in Russia, what stood out the most? ю The forests, the vast number of green trees I saw from the airplane window. ю It was my dream to st

American interview responses
American interview responses. When you first arrived in Russia, what stood out the most? ю People are very thin. ю How many people actually walk. There are lots of cars and good public transportati

Russian interview responses
Russian interview responses. When you first arrived in the USA, what stood out? ю The traffic system is orderly and well organized. Drivers are polite and stop for pedestrians. ю How America

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