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Morphological structure of the word

Morphological structure of the word - раздел Образование, Morphological structure of the word     1) Be Ready To Define The Following Terms:...



1) Be ready to define the following terms:


morphology, morpheme, zero morphemes, marginal morphemes, central morphemes, root morphemes/roots, lexical morphemes, grammatical morphemes, affixal morphemes/ (affixes), prefixes, suffixes, inflexions/grammatical suffix, distribution, textual environments, morphs, contrastive distribution, non-contrastive distribution, complementary distribution, allomorphs, free morphemes, bound morphemes, semi-bound morphemes, overt morphemes, covert morphemes, segmental morphemes, supra-segmental morphemes, additive morphemes, replacive morphemes, сontinuous/linear morphemes, discontinuous morphemes.


2) Be ready to discuss the following questions:


1) Notion of the morpheme.

2) The principles of the traditional study of the morphemic composition of the word.

3) The terms ‘suffix’ and ‘inflection.

4) Notion of the morph.

5) The difference between a morpheme and an allomorph.

6) Distributional analysis in studying morphemes. Types of distribution.

7) Distributional morpheme types.


3) Practical assignments:


3.1. Do the morphemic analysis of the words on the lines of the traditional and distributional classifications.

MODEL: ‘inseparable’

The traditional classification:

the word ‘inseparable’ is a three-morpheme word consisting of the root ‘-separ-‘, the prefix ‘in-‘ and the lexical suffix ‘-able’.

The distributional analysis:

the root ‘-separ-‘ is a bound, overt, continuous, additive morpheme; the prefix ‘in-‘ is bound, overt, continuous, additive; the suffix ‘-able’ is bound, overt, continuous, additive.

a) unmistakably, children's (books), disfigured, underspecified, surroundings, presume, kingdom, brotherhood, plentiful, imperishable, unprecedented, oxen, embodiment, outlandish;

b) hammer, students' (papers), sing – sang – singing – singer, really, proficient – deficient – efficient, gooseberry;

c) quiet, bell, unbelievably, glassy, uncommunicative, inexplicable;

d) inconceivable, southernism, semidarkness, adventuresses, unfathomable, insufficiency, to prejudge.

3.2. Define the type of the morphemic distribution according to which the given words are grouped.

MODEL: insensible – incapable

The morphs ‘-ible’ and ‘-able’ are in complementary distribution, as they have the same meaning but are different in their form which is explained by their different environments.

a) impeccable, indelicate, illiterate, irrelevant;

b) undisputable, indisputable;

c) published, rimmed;

d) seams, seamless, seamy.

3.3. Group the words according to a particular type of morphemic distribution.

MODEL: worked – bells – tells – fells – telling – spells – spelled – spelt –felled – bell.

spells – spelled: the allomorphs ‘-s’ and ‘-ed’ are in contrastive distribution (= fells – felled);

bell – bells: the allomorph ‘-s’ and the zero allomorph are in contrastive distribution;

spelt – spelled: the allomorphs ‘-t’ and ‘-ed’ are in non-contrastive distribution;

worked – spelled: the allomorphs ‘-ed’ [t] and ‘-ed’ [d] are in complementary distribution, etc.

a) burning – burns – burned – burnt;

b) dig – digs – digging – digged – dug – digger;

c) light – lit – lighted – lighting – lighter;

d) worked – working – worker – workable – workoholic.

3.4. Group the words according to a particular type of morphemic distribution:

1. mice, leapt, appendices, kittens, cats, witches, leaping, children, leaped, leaps, formulae, stimuli, matrices, sanatoria;

2. geese, dogs, chickens, deer, mats, bade, bid, phenomena, formulae, formulas, genii, geniuses, scissors;

3. genera, brethren, brothers, trout, gestures, blessed, blest, tins, pots, matches, antennae, antennas;

4. anthems, classes, lice, handkerchiefs, handkerchieves, bereft, bereaved, grouse, cleaved, cleft, clove.


4) Analyze the following texts:


Text 1


Francis W.N. The Structure of American English. Building Blocks of Speech: Morphemics

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Morphological structure of the word

Contrastive distribution... Non contrastive... Free morphemes свободные морфемы Bound morphemes...

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Все темы данного раздела:

Morphological structure of the word
  2.1. Morphology: definition. The notion of morpheme.   Morphology (Gr. morphe – form, and logos – word) is a branch of gramm

Distributional Types of Morphemes
  The distribution of a unit is the total of all its environments; in other words, the distribution of a unit is its environment in generalised terms of classes or categories.

Complementary distribution (дополнительная дистрибуция).
The morphs are said to be in contrastive distribution if their meanings (functions) are different. Such morphs constitute different morphemes. Example: the suffixes

Bound morphemes (связанные морфемы)
Bound morphemes cannot form words by themselves, they are identified only as component segmental parts of words. Free morphemes can build up words by themselves. Example: handf

Covert morphemes (скрытые)
Overt morphemes are explicit not zeroed morphemes building up words. Covert morphemes are implicit morphemes, i.d. a morpheme having no explicit representation in the actual expression (a contrasti

Replacive morphemes (субституционные).
Additive morphemes are outer grammatical suffixes, since, as a rule, they are opposed to the absence of morphemes in grammatical alternation. look+ed; small+er, The root

Discontinuous morphemes (прерывные).
The continuous morpheme is an uninterrupted string of phonemes building up a morpheme. The discontinuous morpheme is a grammatical unit built up of an interrupted string of phonemes. It is

Morphs and Allomorphs
The linguist who has completed a phonemic analysis of a language ... is in about the position a chemist would be in when he had succeeded in isolating the elements. We have somewhat of an advantage

With the recognition of the uniquely occurring morphs and their association in sets of identical allomorphs, we have made a good start toward moving up the ladder of linguistic structure to the nex

Inflection and Derivation
So far we have distinguished 2 principal types of morphemes: bases, like [rat], and affixes, which are either prefixes, like [re-], or suffixes, like [-es]. Before we ca

Types of Morphemes as Determined by Their Distribution
The distribution of morphemes differentiates a great many classes of morphemes and combinations of morphemes: a) bound vs. free, b) roots vs. nonroots, c) roots vs. stems, d) nuclei vs. nonnuclei,

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