рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Vocabulary Notes

Vocabulary Notes - раздел Образование, Ключи к учебнику Аракина 1. Dim 1) Тусклый, Неяркий; Слабый (О Светящихся Объектах) 2...

1. dim 1) тусклый, неяркий; слабый (о светящихся объектах) 2) полутёмный 3) неясный, неотчётливый, смутный 4) матовый, тусклый (о цвете) 5) слабый (о зрении) 6) плохо соображающий, недалёкий (о человеке) 7) унылый, ничем не выделяющийся, непримечательный (о событии, предмете) 8) скептический, пессимистический 9) слабый, приглушённый (о звуке, о голосе) a 1) not bright, clear or distinct, shadowy неясных; as the dim light of a candle; the dim outline of buildings in a dark night; a dim mem­ory of what happened in childhood, e.g. The hall was dim in the light of a single electric-light bulb which hung down in its centre . He had a dim recollection of the stranger flinging himself upon him. 2) (of the eyes and the eyesight) not seeing clearly, e.g. The old man's sight was getting dim. Her eyes were dim with tears.

dim1) тускнеть, терять яркость 2) затемнять, затуманивать; притуплять vt/i become dim, make dim, e.g. The stars in the sky dimmed; it was getting cloudy. The light of a candle is dimmed by the sun. dimlyadv, e.g. He dimly saw figures near him.

2. fold1) а) сгибать, складывать, сворачивать; перегибать, б) складываться, сгибаться 2) (fold in) 3) (fold around) обёртывать 4) прекращать существование 5) = fold about, = fold around обнимать, обхватывать 6) окутывать 7) фальцевать 8) добавлять какой-л. ингредиент, медленно вливая его и помешивая ложкой vt/i 1) bend or double one part of a thing over on itself, as to fold a letter, a newspaper, etc. 2) bend close to the body, as to fold one's arms. (i.e. cross them closely together across the chest); to fold one's hands (i.e. put them together with the fingers locking), e.g. The bird folded its wings, to fold one's arms and to fold one's handsсложить руки, бездействовать are also used figuratively meaning to be idle. Ant. unfold1) а) развертывать; раскрывать to б) развертываться; раскрываться 2) (unfold before) постепенно появляться перед (глазами) 3) а) пускать (ростки) б) распускаться (о почках) 4) а) раскрывать, открывать, обнаруживать б) развиваться, раскрываться, обрастать подробностями vt/i 1) (of some­ thing that is folded) open, as to unfold a newspaper, e.g. Buds un­ fold in the summer. 2) reveal, disclose, as to unfold one's intentions

foldingскладной a able to be folded, as a folding screen, bed, chair, boat; a folding door (a door consisting of two parts)

fold) сгиб, изгиб, складка 2) складка местности, впадина 3) лист в книге 4) планка в складной двери n a part of smth. that is folded, as a dress hanging in loose folds.


folder1) а) папка, дело, скоросшиватель б) папка, директория 2) предмет, в составе которого имеются складки, который сложен а) несшитая брошюрка б) рекламный проспект в) расписание (книжечка с расписанием движения какого-л. транспорта) г) книжечка картонных спичек (выдается бесплатно в барах) 3) складной предмет (очки, раскладушка, зонт и т. п.) 4) (тот или то, что делает складки) а) фальцевальная машина б) фальцовщик в) листовёртка (и другие подобные насекомые)n a holder made of stiff paper or cardboard for loose papers

-fold1n-кратный", "n-кратно" suff. of a 1) two, three, etc. times as much or as many, e.g. He pushed with tenfold force. 2) combining two or more qualities that are different, e.g. The reasons for our going to town were threefold.

-fold2suff. of adv two, three, etc. times as much, e.g. The produc­tion of steel increased fourfold.

3. flash1) набегать и разбиваться о что-л. (о волнах) 2) а) сверкать, вспыхивать; искрить, рассыпаться искрами б) давать отблески, отражать 3) а) быстро промелькнуть, пронестись, пробежать б) = flash up показать что-л. на одно мгновение 4) мгновенно появиться, вспомниться; осенить, прийти в голову, блеснуть (о догадке) 5) передавать срочное сообщение (обычно в газету) 6) flash about, flash around красоваться, хвалиться, рисоваться, выставлять себя напоказvt/i 1) send or give out a sudden bright light; (of the eyes) become brilliant or sparkling, e.g. The lightning flashed across the sky. He smiled and his fine eyes flashed in his dark face-. Syn. Glitter1) блестеть, сверкать 2) блистать, twinkleблестеть, сверкать,мигать,flickerмерцать ; сверкать; мигать 2) come suddenly into the mind, e.g. The idea flashed into (through) his mind. 3) appear suddenly; move past at great speed, e.g. The express train flashed past. 4) send (light, etc.) sud­denly and quickly, as to flash a light in a person's face; to flash a smile (a glance, etc.) at someone; to flash a signal (e.g. with a lamp), e.g. His eyes flashed fire. His eyes flashed back defiance.

flash1) вспышка, 2) внешний, показной блеск 3) миг, мгновение - in a flash 4) = newsflash экстренное (информационное) сообщение, "молния" - bulletin flash 5) кадр, который показывают очень короткое время 6) быстрое размахивание флагом (тип сигнала) 7) кайф (у ряда наркотиков, наступающий мгновенно после их принятия) 8) нарукавная нашивка (указывающая род войск) n1) a sudden burst of light or flame, as a flash of light, a flash of lightning 2) "a short, sudden feeling or an outburst of mental bril­liance, as a flash of hope (merriment оживление, wit, inspiration, etc.) 3) a mo­ment; an instant, as in a flash

flash-lightсигнальный огонь; проблесковый свет, мигающий свет n 1) a light that flashes (e.g. as in a lighthouse) 2) a small electric light or torch фонарик.

Flashbackкороткий ретроспективный эпизод, "обратный кадр" (прерывание хронологического повествования серией кадров, относящихся к более ранним событиям) n(cinemat.) recapitulation of an earlier scene, e.g. His character emerges through a set of flashbacks that show him as a boy and then as a young man.

flashyвульгарный, крикливый; бросающийся в глаза a brilliant or smart on the surface but really poor or worth­less, as flashy jewelry, clothes, etc.

Word Discrimination: to flash, to glitter, to twinkle, to flicker.

Flashimplies a sudden outburst of light or a sudden display of something that brilliantly reflects light.

Glitterrefers to an unsteady emission of light caused by the re­flection on transparent or bright bodies, thus a diamond glitters by the reflection of the light on it. A person's eyes may be said to glitter with fever, wickedness, greed, cunning, etc.

Twinklesuggests soft, faint and intermittent flashing, as the twinkling of the stars. A person's eyes may be said to twinkle with amusement.

Flickersuggests a light moving with an unsteady and swift mo­tion, swaying шатаясь because of a sudden disturbance in the air, as the flicker of a candle.

Flash подразумевает вспышки света или внезапное проявление того, что ярко отражает свет.
Glitter относится к нерегулярному излучению света, вызванного отражением на прозрачных или ярких телах, так, бриллиант блестит, отражая падающий на него свет. Глаза человека, можно сказать, блестят в лихорадке, сверкают от злобы, жадности, хитрости и т.д.
Twinkle предполагает свет мягкий, слабый и прерывистый мигающий, как мерцание звёзд. Глаза человека, можно сказать, сверкают от изумления.
Flicker предполагает свет, движущихся с неравномерным и стремительным движением, колеблясь из-за внезапного дуновения воздуха, например, мерцание свечи.

squeeze1) а) сжимать; сдавливать; стискивать б) = squeeze out выжимать; выдавливать 2) = squeeze out (squeeze out of / from) вымогать, выжимать (что-л. из кого-л 3) вызывать экономические или финансовые трудности 4) = squeeze in а) втискивать; впихивать; пропихивать б) втискиваться; протискиваться; пропихиваться 5) делать оттиск (монеты и т. п.) 6) приближаться к какому-л. возрасту vt/i 1) press hard, as to squeeze a person's hand 2) press in order to get the liquid out; get out by pressing, as to squeeze


a lemon dry 3) pack tightly, e.g. He squeezed a lot of things into his suitcase. 4) press, push or force (one's way), as to squeeze (one's way) through a crowd, past somebody, e.g. Can I squeeze in?

squeeze1) а) сжатие; прессование; сдавливание б) пожатие в) объятие г) теснота, давка 2) то, что получается в результате надавливания, сдавливания а) выдавленный сок б) оттиск (статьи, монеты и т. п.) в) толпа, толчея (людей) 3) давление, принуждение; вымогательство; шантаж 4) а) ; = tight squeeze тяжёлое положение; затруднение n the state of being close together as in a crowd, e.g. We all got in, but it was a (tight) squeeze, a close (narrow, tight) squeezeопасное, рискованное положение, опасность, которую едва удалось избежать, почти неизбежная гибель; ≈ на волосок от гибели; a difficult or dangerous position

5. obscure 1) непонятный; невразумительный, неясный 2) неизвестный; малоизвестный 3) тёмный, слабо освещённый, тусклый; мрачный 4) неопределённый, неотчётливый, неясный, смутный 5) глухой, уединённый, удалённый 6) тусклый, выцветший (о красках)1) not easily seen; not clear or distinct; dark or dim; as an obscure view 2) difficult to understand; not clear to the mind, as an obscure poem 3) not well known, as an obscure village. Syn. dim, vague.

obscurely1) темно, мрачно 2) с тёмным оттенком, тёмного цвета; тускло 3) неясно, неотчётливо 4) непонятно; смутно, неясно 5) незаметно, неприметно adv. e.g. She realized obscurely that he had told her the story to annoy her.

obscurity1) а) неизвестность, безвестность; незаметность б) неизвестный человек, тёмная лошадка 2) непонятность, неясность (выражения) 3) мрак; темнота, тьма темнота n the state or quality of being obscure, e.g. He is con­tent to live in obscurity.

obscure1) непонятный; невразумительный, неясный 2) неизвестный; малоизвестный 3) тёмный, слабо освещённый, тусклый; мрачный 4) неопределённый, неотчётливый, неясный, смутный vt darken; hide from view, e.g. The moon was obscured by the clouds.

Word Discrimination: dim1) тусклый, неяркий; слабый 2) полутёмный dim room — полутёмная комната 3) неясный, неотчётливый, смутный 4) матовый, тусклый (о цвете), obscure, vague, obscureтёмный, слабо освещённый, тусклый; мрачный, неопределённый, неотчётливый, неясный, смутный,vagueнеопределённый, неясный, смутный; неуловимый.

Dimexpresses a degree of darkness, it suggests just so much dark­ness that the things before one cannot be seen clearly.

Obscureis now more often used in its figurative sense (denoting something the true meaning of which is not understandable) than in its literal sense, but it is still employed when there is a suggestion of darkening by covering, concealment, overshadowing, e.g. The strange object looked obscure through the deep water.

Vaguein its physical application denotes smth. which is lacking in distinct outlines, as the vague shape of a building or a tree in the distance.

Vaguein its non-physical sense means knowledge, an idea, statement, answer, feeling, etc. lacking in clear definition either because it is too general or because it is not formulated clearly enough, e.g. He had got used to connecting her with a vague sense of the future.

We may have only a dim recollection of the appearance of a house, and only a vague idea of the district in which it is situated. A writer's ideas may be so vague as to tend to become obscure to most of the readers.

Dim выражает степень неясности: подразумевается так много неясности, что сущность не может быть понята.

Obscure в настоящее время более часто используется в переносном смысле (обозначая что-то, истинное значение которого не понятно), чем в его буквальном смысле, но оно всё ещё используется, когда есть намёк на неясность, прикрытие, сокрытие, затенение, например, The strange object looked obscure through the deep water.

Vague в нематериальном смысле обозначает знание, идею, утверждение, ответ, чувство, и т.д. которым не хватает чёткого определения потому, что они являются слишком общими или поскольку они не сформулированы достаточно чётко, например, He had got used to connecting her with a vague sense of the future.
У нас могут быть только смутные dim воспоминания о том, как дом выглядит, и только смутное vague представление о местности, в которой он находится. Идеи писателя могут быть настолько нечёткими vague, что становятся неясными для большинства читателей.

6. risk1) рисковать (чем-л.) 2) отваживаться (на что-л.) vt 1) expose подвергать to the possibility of injury, loss, etc., as to risk one's neck (head, life), health, fortune, etc. 2) take the chances of, be in danger of; be willing to accept the result of (+ noun or gerund), as to risk failure, to risk being caught


risk1) а) опасность, угроза б) риск 2) объект риска (о человеке) n possibility or likelihood of meeting danger or injury, suf­fering, loss, etc.; an instance of this, e.g. There is no risk of your catch­ing cold if you wear warm clothes, ran risksидти на определенный риск, a risk, the risk(often of + gerund) expose oneself or be exposed to bad consequences, loss, etc., e.g. He didn't realize that he was running the risk of being cap­tured by the enemy. If she fails one more exam, she runs the risk of being expelled, take risksбрать на себя риск, a risk, the risk ofdeliberately expose oneself to danger, etc., e.g. He was a man who had made decisions and taken risks, at one's own riskна свой страх и риск accepting responsibility, e.g. Re­member, if you join the expedition, you do it at your own risk.

riskya containing risk, dangerous, e.g. It was risky for the boys to go straight into the swamp болото.

Note. Bear it in mind that unlike the Russian verb «рисковать» the verb to riskis never used without an object. Thus, when speaking of a definite situation, as «Было трудно, но я решил рискнуть» we shall say either "I decided to risk it" or "I decided to take the risk". In a more general situation as «Я люблю рисковать» we shall say "I like taking risks".

Имейте в виду, что в отличие от русского глагола «рисковать» глагола to risk никогда не используется без объекта. Таким образом, когда речь идет о конкретной ситуации, как «Было трудно, но я решил рискнуть» мы скажем, либо "I decided to risk it", или "I decided to take the risk". В более общей ситуации, как «Я люблю рисковать» мы скажем "I like taking risks".

7. tempt1) соблазнять, искушать; прельщать, привлекать, притягивать 2) уговаривать, склонять; соблазнять, убеждать, увещевать vt 1) persuade to do smth. wrong, e. g. No matter what you promise the boy, you'll hardly tempt him to betray his friends. 2) at­tract so as to make smb. do smth., e.g. It was no use offering him the book: nothing would tempt him to read poetry.

temptation1) искушение, соблазн 2) приманкаn (both in good and bad senses), e. g. Clever advertise­ments are temptations to spend money. The sight of the purse on the table was a strong temptation to the thief. He could hardly resist the temptation of going there again.

tempting1) заманчивый, привлекательный, соблазнительный 2) искушающий, соблазняющий a attractive , as a tempting offer, a tempting apple, etc.

8. fancy 1) очень хотеть, страстно желать 2) воображать, представлять себе 3) думать, считать, предполагать 4) а) воображать, видеть себя (кем-л., в каком-л. положении) б) (fancy oneself) быть о себе (неоправданно) высокого мнения, воображать 5) ставить на какую-л. лошадь, считать какую-л. лошадь фаворитом (на скачках) 6) испытывать симпатию, любить 7) заниматься селекцией, улучшать породу vt 1) imagine, suppose, e.g. Can you fancy me as a teach­er? 2) be under the impression that; be inclined to suppose (though not feeling certain), e.g. He fancied (that) he heard footsteps behind him. 3) like (+ поил or gerund), e.g. I don't fancy going there. 4) be­ lieve without sufficient достаточный reason, e.g. He fancies that he can succeed without working hard. 5) expressing surprise (in exclamatory sen­tences), e.g. Fancy doing that! Fancy her saying such a thing! Just fancy! Fancy that, now!

fancy1) иллюзия; галлюцинация 2) воображение, фантазия; мысленный образ 3) каприз, прихоть, причуда 4) фантазия, чушь, заблуждение, наваждение 5) склонность, вкус к чему-л., пристрастие; любимая тема, область, "конёк"; вкус; понимание тонкостей 6) (the fancy) коллекционеры, любители, энтузиасты; болельщики 7) (the fancy) бокс, искусство кулачного боя 8) изобретение, придумкаn 1) the power of calling up things to the mind, e.g. He has a lively fancy. 2) smth. imagined, e.g. I have a fancy (a vague idea) that he will arrive late. 3) a liking; take a fancy to (a person or thing)1) полюбить, влюбиться, увлечься, привязаться 2) ≈ взбрести в голову become fond of, e.g. The child took quite a fancy to her. take (catch) a person's fancyприйтись во вкусу please or attract him, e.g. The new comedy took the fancy of the public.


9. turn1) а) вращение, вращательное движение, круговое движение 2) поворачивание, изменение направления 3) отклонение (от предыдущего курса) 4) а) поворот, вираж б) разворот в) изгиб (дороги) ; излучина (реки) 5) поворотный пункт 6) (рабочая) смена 7) короткий период деятельности 8) короткая прогулка, поездка 9) перемена; изменение (состояния) 10) начало нового этапа 11) очередь, хвост 12) очередной номер программы, выход; интермедия, сценка 13) а) склад (характера) б) склонность (к чему-л.) в) стиль, манера, отличительная черта 14) а) нервное потрясение, шок б) приступ, припадок turn of anger — припадок гнева 15) а) строение, форма б) оборот, построение (фразы) 16) а) ценуроз, вертячка овец б) овца, больная ценурозом 17) механизм, совершающий вращательные движения а) лебёдка, ворот в) токарный станок 18) (turns) менструации 19) марашка n 1) the act of turning; a turning movement, as a few turns of the handle; a turn to the right; done to a turnзажаренный, поджаренный как раз в меру(of food) cooked just enough, neither underdone nor overdone 2) a change in condition, e.g. The weather took a turn for the better (worse). 3) a time, occasion or opportunity for doing something, esp. some­thing done by a number of people one after the other, e.g. It's your turn to read now. in turnпо очереди one after another; out of turnвне очереди out of turn not in the usual order; before or after the time appointed or usual, e.g. You mustn't speak out of (your) turn. There was a long queue at the box-office but he cut out of turn, take turnsделать что-л. поочерёдно, чередоваться, сменяться work alternatively, e.g. We shall take turns at looking after the child, 4) an action re­ garded as affecting someone, e.g. He once did me a good (bad) turn (i.e. a service, disservice). One good turn deserves another (i.e. if you help me I should help you in return). 5) a tendency or disposition; a cast of mind; an aptitude, e.g. He is of a mechani­cal turn (i.e. interested in, clever at using machinery). He has a gloomy turn of mind. 6) (coll.) a shock; an unpleasant surprise, e.g. The news gave me quite a turn.

10. dissolve[di'zolv] 1) растворять, таять 2) растворяться, исчезать 3) разлагать 4) разлагаться 5) ликвидировать (дело, предприятие) ; распускать (партию, парламент 6) аннулировать, отменять 7) разрушать, уничтожать 8) растворяться, тонуть (в слезах, горе) 9) наплывать, давать наплывом vt/i 1) change or cause to change from a solid to a liquid state (c/. meltплавитьсяwhich implies the use of heat), e.g. Sugar dissolves in water. Dissolve the salt in water. Note: The mixture that results from such a process is called solution (as a so­ lution of salt and water). 2) break up, put an end to, as to dissolve a marriage, a business partnership, parliament (before a general election) 3) fade away; vanish gradually from sight, e.g. The view dissolved in mist.

dissoluble[di'soljubl] 1) разложимый, разлагаемый (на элементы, атомы) 2) растворимый (в жидкости) 3) расчленимый 4) развязываемый, открепляемый, разъединяемый (о цепи, узле и пр. связанных вещах) 5) расторжимый (о договоре, браке, союзе) a that maybe dissolved, e.g. The Catholic Church says that no marriage is dissoluble. Ant. Indissoluble нерастворимый, неразрушимый.

dissolution[disa'lujn] 1) таяние снега, льда; переход из твёрдого в жидкое (любых других веществ) 2) растворение, разложение на составляющие 3) распад, разложение 4) распад (государства, империи) 5) конец, смерть; исчезновение, вымирание; увядание 6) распад, моральное разложение; развязность, вседозволенность 7) роспуск (парламента, партии) ; расформирование (воинской части) 8) ; дисфункция, дегенерация 9) отмена, аннулирование; расторжение (договора, брака) 10) ; ликвидация (предприятия) 11) ; раствор 1) the resolution or separation into component parts; ...>> dissolution , ликвидация (юридическое прекращение деятельности компании, товарищества или иного ...>> n breaking up or separating, as the disso­lution of marriage (of a partnership)

11. smash1) = smash up а) разбивать; крушить; б) разбиваться; крушиться; ломаться 2) а) наносить сильный удар, ударять (чем-л. по чему-л б) ударяться; врезаться 3) обанкротиться 4) разбить, разгромить (врага, теорию) Syn: defeat , destroy 5) ударять по мячу сверху вниз, гасить (в теннисе) 1) break something to pieces with noise, e.g. The boy smashed a window with a stone. 2) be broken to pieces, e.g. The dishes smashed as the tray upset. 3) defeat поражение utterly as to smash an enemy's attack 4) rush violently-into, e.g. The car smashed into a wall.

smash1) шум, грохот (при падении) 2) а) = smash-up крушение; столкновение б) банкротство 3) а) огромный успех, триумф б) = smash hit пьеса, фильм, песня, пользующиеся большим кассовым успехом 4) а) сокрушительный удар, сильный удар б) удар по мячу сверху вниз, смэш (в теннисе) 5) алкогольный напиток, изготовляющийся из воды, сахара, мяты с добавлением льдаn 1) the act and noise of something breaking to pieces, e.g. We heard a smash as the other motor-car hit ours. 2) crushing de­feat, disaster, destruction, e.g. A big bank failed and many businesses were ruined in the smash that followed.

12. fake1) (fake up) подделывать, фальсифицировать, фабриковать 2) прикидываться, притворяться 3) финтить 4) импровизировать (о джазовых музыкантах) 5) грабить, убивать(often with 'up') vt to make up, to seem right or true, e.g. The whole story had been faked up. Syn. forge.


Word Discrimination: fake, forge фальсифицировать, обманывать, подделывать (документы, печати, подписи и т. д.).

Fakediffers from forgein not necessarily implying a criminal purpose, e.g. He faked a story to amuse his friends. But He faked an old manuscript to sell it for a large sum of money.

Forge always implies a criminal purpose (to forge a cheque, a sig­nature, a banknote, etc.).

Fake отличается от forge тем, что оно не обязательно подразумевает преступные цели, например, He faked a story to amuse his friends. Но – He faked an old manuscript to sell it for a large sum of money.

Forge всегда подразумевает преступную цель (подделать чек, подпись, банкноты и др.).

forgery подделка, подлог, фальсификация, фальшивка n, forgerа) фальшивомонетчик Syn: coiner , counterfeiter б) тот, кто подделывает документы, подписи и т. п. в) выдумщик (выдумывающий разные небылицы, сказки) n

fake1) хитрость, обман, мошенничество 2) подделка; подлог, фальшивка 3) обманщик, мошенник, шарлатан n 1) a worthless thing that is represented as being smth. it is not; maybe used attributively, as a fake picture 2) a person that rep­resents himself as someone he is not. Syn. fraud.

Fakediffers from fraudпритворщик; обманщик, мошенник, плут, жуликin not necessarily implying dishonesty, for a fakemay be a joke, or a theatrical device (e.g. Actors use fakes in­stead of real swords ), or it maybe dishonesty (e.g. This testimony is clearly a fake).

Fraudalways refers to wilful deception and dishonesty (e.g. He got money by fraud) or to a person who cheats or a thing that deceives (e.g. This hair-restorer is a fraud, I'm as bald as ever I was!).

Fake отличается от fraud в том, что не обязательно подразумевает мошенничество, поэтому fake может быть шуткой, или театральным приёмом (например, актеры используют fakes, а не настоящими мечами), или это может быть мошенничество (например Это свидетельство явно поддельной).
Мошенничество всегда относится к умышленным обманом и нечестностью (например, он получил деньги, мошенничество) или лицу, который обманывает или вещь, которая вводит в заблуждение (например, This testimony is clearly a fake).

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Ключи к учебнику Аракина

Ключи к учебнику Аракина курс основные и необходимые задания такие как... Автор СТУДЕНТ филологического факультета предупреждает что правильность выполнения всех заданий не является...

Если Вам нужно дополнительный материал на эту тему, или Вы не нашли то, что искали, рекомендуем воспользоваться поиском по нашей базе работ: Vocabulary Notes

Что будем делать с полученным материалом:

Если этот материал оказался полезным ля Вас, Вы можете сохранить его на свою страничку в социальных сетях:

Все темы данного раздела:

I. a) Read the following text about public speaking.
1. Aim of communicator must be clear. If you don't know where you are going, any road will lead there — so says an old saying. But in a world where there are many enticing side-paths — both to spea

C) Make a speech on any topic you choose trying to use all the helpful hints given above.
d) Answer the following questions: I. Do you think public speaking is difficult? Can any intelli gent, well-informed person seize

A) Read the following text.
Special attention should be paid to the role of the conference lead­er. His duties are: 1) to plan for the conference, 2) to encourage gen­eral participation, 3) to make frequent summaries, 4) to k

Some more phrases for less formal occasions
Would you care to comment on He хотите ли высказаться по that? этому поводу? Aren't you losing sight of some He упускаете ли вы из виду facts? некоторые факты? I

By James Hilton
(Fragments) James Hilton (1900—1954) was born in England and educated at Ca

1. to take prep:to be in charge дежурный of preparation of lessons in a reg­ular period at school. 2. to rag(coll): to play practical jokes on; tre

Vocabulary Notes
1. subdue 1) а) подчинять, покорять, подавлять (физически) б) подавлять, с

Word Combinations and Phrases
to carry well (voice, music, etc.) хорошо проводить; (to have) a feeling for atmo­sphere to be hard on smb. (coll.)

A) Listen to the recording of Text One and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.
2. Consult a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pro­nunciation: Vaultlike

Read the text and consider its following aspects.
a) Comment upon the choice of words in: watched the school straggling

Copy out from Text One the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases and translate them into Russian.
8. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases: 1. Our life in the house followed a quiet pattern. - Our life in the house passed entirely w

Study the vocabulary notes and translate the examples into Russian.
14.Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics: A. 1. Subduing a wilful child is not an easy task.

Give a summary of Text One.
19.Relate the incident that took place during the preps at Millstead from the point of view of: a) Speed who tells it to his colleague Clanwell in a facetious way; convey proper attitudes b

Topics for Written Composition
1. Teaching foreign languages. What should it be like? 2. What makes a good language teacher? <25> PROFESSION-ORIENTED QUESTIONS AND ACTIVITIES I.

V. Prepare a list of specific features of English school system and school life that would be of particular interest to Russian schoolchildren.
VI. Prepare yourself to speak on the points of item 2 of Ex. IV of this section at your class level. Use pictures, charts, slides or filmstrips to illustrate the material. Use the following

Topical Vocabulary
academic1) академический; педагогический; учебный (связанный с преподавани

Make up your own list of qualities that make a good foreign language teacher and compare it with the one given in the article.
4. Read the following text for obtaining its main idea: Quite properly, one may argue

A)Study the extracts given below and single out the main idea of the author.
b)If you agree with the author, expand on his idea. If you don't, give your counter-arguments. c) Discuss the problems in class giving your own "for and a

Now after your teaching practice you have some first-hand experience which you may use doing the tasks below.
a) Answer the following questions about certain aspects of the teaching-learn­ing process: 1. What do you think about the penalty

С) Make up situations using the following conversational formulas of threat or warning and act the dialogues in class.
Don't you dare! If I catch you. Do that again! You'd better not... I won't have that sort of thing again! Look sharp! Look out! I won't hear it again! ...did you hear me? Mark my words! I'll give i

С самого первого урока
Нина Сергеевна чувствовала, что терпит поражение. Снача­ла она старалась, как умела, ничем не выдавать себя. Первой выходила из класса: быстрой, независимой походкой направля­лась к учительской. А

III. Make a round-table discussion based on the talking points of this section.
KeyWords and Expressions:to have discipline problems; to keep order (said

By Somerset Maugham
W. Somerset Maugham, a famous English writer, was born in 1874 in Paris. He received his medical degree, but he never practised medicine; the ambition to write dominated his entire life. In 1897 &q

1. He went down like a row of ninepins,(fig.) here: He was defeat­ed at once and surrendered without resisting. 2. She never had a little lamb but it was su

Vocabulary Notes
1. hazard1) риск, опасность 2) вид азартной игры в кости 3) шанс; случай,

Word Combinations and Phrases
to be as hard as nails быть выносливым, закаленным; to be apt

A) Listen to the recording of Text Two and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.
2.Consult a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pro­nunciation: Inevitable неизбежный, menacingly

Copy out from Text Two the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given above and translate them into Russian.
8.Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases: 1. Conflict almost tore her apart – She almost took to her bed over the conflict. She was not

Compose short situations in dialogue form using the word combinations and phrases. Pay attention to the intonation of the stimuli and responses.
11.Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases: 1. Она обратилась к врачу, но ей не стало лучше, и она слегла. She consulted a d

Study the vocabulary notes and translate the examples into Russian.
14.Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics: A. 1. "There are certain hazards in looking t

Write a one-page summary of Text Two.
19.Retell the story of Roger's "narrow escape" using your active vocabulary, word combinations, phrases and patterns: a) as Ruth Barlow sees it: she is, certain­ly, bewildered and

Topical Vocabulary
acquirev (to - an idea/knowledge/a habit) anticipate

A) Read the following text dealing with comprehension of literature on school level.
What does the reader bring to the study of his first literary work литературного произведения in a foreign language? Acquaintance

A) Read it and pay attention to his argument.
I contend утверждаю, quite bluntly прямо, that marking up аннотация a book is not an act of mutilation искажения but of love. You shouldn't mark up a book which isn't yours. Librarians

One of the ways is regular reading of digests, i. e. short condensed accounts and summaries of the most important books.
a) Read a few book digests taken from "Thesaurus of Book Digests" and "Book Review Digest". See if you can get a good idea of the books under con­sideration.

A) Here are some helpful hints how to read better and faster. (Certainly it is not a course of speed reading.)
1. Approach the printed page with an active mind. Ask questions of your author and search for the answers. 2. Ask yourself how the material that you are reading relates to what you knew be

C) Discuss the effect of such techniques with the group members.
3. Answer the following questions. Think up some more to raise a little discus­sion in class. 1. To some people reading is a relaxation as to other people a game of cards,

Read the following text and make a round-table talk on the point raised by the author.
Часто приходится слышать: «Когда читать? Работа непростая. Прихожу поздно. Телевизор — и то не всегда смотрю. Раньше еще пытался кое-как связать концы с концами, а потом махнул рукой — за всем не п

Talking Points: 1. How can the student improve his vocabulary when working on his own? What are the techniques that can be recommended by the teacher for the purpose?

Campbell Nairne [nεən] (Fragment) Nairne, Campbell, a Scottish novelist, the author of two books "One Stair Up" (1932) and "Stony Ground" (193

1. Gee baby, you're a swell отличный kid: These words are coming from the screen. Gee [dgi:] is an interjection which in American English ex­presses approval. <73> 2

Word Combinations and Phrases
to (be) hung with portraits (pic­tures, photos, etc.) быть обвешанным…; to be too funny for sink into stillness (silence) words (coll.) быть необычайно смешным (приятным и т. п.); погрузитьс

1. a) Listen to the recording of Text Three and mark the stresses and tunes. b| Repeat the text in the intervals after the model. 2. Consult a dictionary, tran

Copy out from Text Three the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given above and translate them into Russian.
9.Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases: 1. His words were interrupted by a strange noise coming from the next room. – His words were

Compose two dialogues using the word combinations and phrases. Mind the intonation patterns in the stimuli and responses to convey proper attitudes.
11.Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases: 1. До чего смешной рассказ, правда?— К сожалению, я не разделяю твоего мнения. T

Study the vocabulary notes and translate the examples into Russian.
14.Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics: A. 1. The room had changed as if something sinister had been re­moved

Give the gist of Text Three.
20.Compose dialogues in the course of which:   a) Rosa and Andrew discuss the film. Rosa's impression of the film is not favour­able, therefore she s

Topical Vocabulary
acceleratedускоренный a (- motion) actorn (leadi

Silent Movies
Talk to people who saw films for the first time when they were silent, and they will tell you the experience was magic. The silent film, with music, had extraordinary

A) Read the text for obtaining information.
Room at the Top (1959) is commonly spoken of as a turning point поворотный пункт in British cinema and a forerunner предвестником of the new realism. The first signs of change are a

IV. Group Discussion. The Future of Cinematography.
Topic 1. Video: is it a blessing or a curse? a) Read the text that can serve as a starting point for your discussion. Video

B) Consider the following talking points. Choose one of them, express your opinion and make practical suggestions for the effective use of video.
Talking points: 1. Video and cinema. The effect of the future availability of videoproductions on the cinema. 2. Video and television. 3. Video and book-

A) Make a round-table talk on the state of film-making in this country. Be ready to make suggestions about the possible improvements in film-making.
<98> b) Choose the necessary adjectives from the ones given below to describe films |hat should satisfy your requirements: appealing

By John Boynton Priestley
(Three fragments from the play) John Boynton Priestley (1894 - 1984) is one of the outstanding English authors of today. His early books (1922-26) were of a critical nature. It was

Vocabulary Notes
1. malicious 1) злобный, злой 2) злоумышленный, злонамеренный, сове

Word Combinations and Phrases
  get at smth. (coll.) добраться до; run short of smth. испытывать недостаток в чем-либо; set eyes on увидеть (за

A) Listen to the recording of Text Four and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.
2. Consulting a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pronunciation: Intimate

Read the text and consider its following aspects.
a) Comment upon the choice of words in: I'm always fibbing привираю (why not "lying" ?); I never want to set eyes on видеть you again (why not "I never want

Copy out from Text Four the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases and translate them into Russian.
7. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases: 1. We've very little sugar left. You'll have to go out and get some. – We are run short of s

Compose two dialogues using the word combinations and phrases. Mind the intonation patterns in the stimuli and responses to convey proper attitudes.
9.Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases: 1. Ричард Стэнли был из тех людей, которые не умеют и не хотят взглянуть в лицо р

Study the vocabulary notes and translate the examples into Russian.
12 Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics: A. 1. He heard Mrs. Baines's voice like

Give the gist of Text Four.
17. Answer in detail and discuss the following questions: 1. Why is the play called "Dangerous Corner" ? What is meant by "dangerous corner"? 2. What i

Reread Text Four to speak on the following points of style.
a) Exemplify the use of colloquialisms. How can you explain their compara tively limited number in a dramatic text? b) Is the speech of the characters individualiz

Topical Vocabulary
appealпривлекательность, притягательность n (the - of the theatre; visual -; auditory

A) Read the. following.
What is a Play? A play is a story devised придуманная to be presented by actors on a stage be­fore an audience. This plain statement of fact presents an exceeding

C) Summarize in one paragraph the main ideas of the extract.
d) Confirm or refute: 1.The appeal of the play is primarily visual rather than auditory. 2. The dramatist

F) Read the following text and summarize it in English.
В. Дмитриев — это воистину художник для театра, божьей милостью театральный художник, он не просто «оформляет пьесу», он раскрывает ее, раскрывает так же, как и режиссер. Сад, созданный им

A) Read the following extract from an essay by V. Belinsky and summarize it in English.
...Любите ли вы театр так, как я люблю его, т.е. всеми силами души вашей, со всем энтузиазмом, со всем исступлением, к ко­торому только способна пылкая молодость, жадная и страстная до впечатлений

Use the following conversational formulas of encouraging people to speak and avoiding being misunderstood.
(a) Do tell us what you think about it, will you? Really! So, what do you suggest? You don't care for it, you mean. And what is wrong with it? What about...? It's very interesting indeed. But don't

David Stone, 42, artist
I am quite fond of the theatre, even though I don't go there too often. In my opinion, the value of the theatre is rather the same as of art in the broad sense of the word: it is the focus of the s

Charles Sanders, 30, musician
The theatre is a splendid art. It is also a very difficult art, and a defenceless уязвимый one, because everyone sees only the tip of the ice­berg

Eugene Morris, 25, worker
I've never given a thought to the reason why I go to the theatre. My parents took me when I was a child, and the habit stuck осталась. With me, the theatre is rest, work and a festive occa

Irene Finch, 50, teacher
Today the theatre means nothing to me. Yet, there was a time when I was a passionate theatr

Helen Green, 16, schoolgirl
I don't understand why people go to the theatre. All these talks on the stage make me sick меня тошнит от этих разговоров. I prefer films, variety

Elisabeth Allen, 20, student
The theatre is not only my favourite pastime. It occupies an im­mense part of my life. I th

III. In the extract that follows several actors are discussing their trade.
1. Read the text carefully making notes of the main problems raised in the con­versation: When they had finished with parts and personalities, they start­ed off on начали

Debate the following. Keep it in mind that some of the statements are disputable.
1. The actor, when on the stage, should wholly concentrate on his part and on his co-actors. He should act as if the audience didn't exist. <126> Note. It is actually

Talking Points: 1. How are meanings of new words to be taught in class? Can the teacher resort to translating the new words into the students' moth er tongue or is it an e

TEXT FIVE UP THE DOWN STAIRCASE лестница By Bel Kaufman (Fragmen

Vocabulary Notes
1. negotiate 1) а) вести переговоры, договариваться; обсуждать условия б)

Word Combinations and Phrases
to set the alarm (-clock) for поставить будильник на; to work magic творить чудеса

A) Listen to the recording of Text Five and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.
2. Consult a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pro nunciation: Blouse

Read the following words;
a) observing the principal and secondary stresses: congratulation, ne,goti'ation, .fede'ration, ,individualization, .aspi'ration, .insti'tution, .requisition, ,indig'natio

Read out the following words and word combinations paying attention to the phonetic phenomena of connected speech.
1) Assimilation: a) The alveolar consonants [t, d, n, 1] become dental before [р, ε]: set the alarm

Read the text and consider its following aspects.
a) Comment on the syntax and the rhythmic effect achieved in "I can wash a blouse, think a thought, write a letter." b) Explain: teachi

Copy out from Text Five the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases and translate them into Russian.
9. Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. Disputed wills were always painful. They brought out the worst in everybody. Оспариваемые завещания всегда были непри

Compose short situations in dialogue form using the word combinations and phrases.
13. Answer the following questions: 1. What advice did Miss Barrett get a) from her college professor b) from the English Syllabus c) from Dr. Bester, her immediate

Study the vocabulary notes and translate the examples into Russian.
<140> 15. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying special attention to the words and word combinations in italics: A. 1. A high-ranking offici

Give the gist of Text Five.
20.Discuss Browning's words "A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?", a) Comment on the quotation, b) How would you answer Miss Barrett's question as to wh

Reread Text Five to speak on the following points of its style.
a) The story is told in the form of a letter. Is it a modem or an old-fashioned form? (Prove your point) What is the author's purpose in resorting to it? Point out some of the characteristi

IV. Ask your fellow-student to read the passages given in Ex. 5 observing the intonation of parentheses; correct his mistakes.
V. Comment on Professor Winters' recommendation to teach not the subject but the whole child. What does it imply in terms of foreign-language teaching? VI. What do

Topical Vocabulary
access доступ n (to provide wide - to knowledge/cultural treasures, etc.) adjust приспосабливаться, привыкать v (to - one's mind to smth.)

Scientific and technological revolution
speed n (to proceed at one's own -) subject matterтема, предмет обсуждения substitute

In this text the author presents a personalized view of what has happened in the first decades of modern computers in American education.
a) Read the text for obtaining its information: Throughout the 1960's far-reaching далеко идущие claims

Mind that besides asking questions the interviewer should encourage people to speak.
Model: Mrs. Brown, tell us what happened, will you? — Really! — So what did you do about it? — The computer, you mean... — Read it for us, will you? — And what about you, Mr. Green?

John Kemeny, 60, mathematician
I believe that education will continue to be one of the important areas for computer applications. I have, however, two major preju­dices

Dan Bright, 23, primary school teacher
There are too many old-fashioned people in the teaching pro­fession and it's difficult for them to communicate with kids. It's a pity they don't go to conferences

Figure out the problems raised by the speakers. Give your opinion and tell the class how you would solve those professional problems.
III. The average rate of success in learning a foreign language achieved by learners today is probably much higher than that of their parents. Still language teachers continue to speak of m

Problem Child
How shall I deal with Roger, Mrs. Prodger? I've never yet been able To sit him at table And make him paint a label ярлык For the salmon

Talking Points: 1. What do you think are the basic differences between written and spoken language as types of communicative activities? 2. Teaching writing has b

By Eleanor Farjeon
Eleanor Faijeon wrote delightful and distinctive характерные poems for children. Her first novel was "Ladybrook", a tale of Sussex

A Minor Mystery
Anthony's eye roved блуждал no more. He felt that the gauze

Vocabulary Notes
1. skip 1) а) прыгать, скакать; бежать вприпрыжку 2) прыгать через скакалку 3) перепрыгивать 4) а) = skip over пропускать, не затрагивать б) (skip to) сразу переходить в) перескаки

Word Combinations and Phrases
  a different order of mind from smb.'s отличный от другого time and again много раз, склад ума; неоднократно; то и дело,

A) Listen to the recording of Text Six and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.
2. Find the following words. Consult a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pronunciation: Bewildered

Read the text and consider its following aspects.
a) Explain: vital жизненно важными facts about Home Rails, Questi

J) Comment on the composition device used in the last three lines of the story.
7. Copy out from Text Six the sentences containing the word combinations and phrasesand translate them into Russian. 8. Paraphrase the following sentences using th

Study the vocabulary notes and translate the examples into Russian.
13. Fill in the blanks with "shimmer", "glimmer", "glitter», "sparkle", "glisten", "gleam" and their derivatives:

Reread Text Six to speak on the following points of its composition and style.
a) Comment on the merits (or demerits) of the composition. What do they call this type of composition (the end returning the reader to the place and time indi cated in the beginning)?

G) Point out lines bearing touches of irony or humour. Prove which И is.
h) How does the author use epithets? What is the author's рифове in repeat­edly using the epithet "blue"? i) Find examples of the author's keen sensibili

Topical Vocabulary
air travelпутешествие по воздуху beauty spotsживописные места be swarming with tourists

Get back to nature
in the middle of nowhereнеизвестно в каком месте; непонятно где laze around бездельничать litter сор, мусор n, сорить, мусорить

Travel for pleasure
wind-surf v I. I am sure we'll all agree that travelling is one of the most fascinating pas­times. Seeing new places, probably new countries (and why not?!), meeting new p

C) Summarize in one paragraph the essentials of the extract.
d) Confirm or refute: 1. ...tourism ... is a conventionalizing

The Only Way to Travel is On Foot
The past ages of man have all been carefully labelled отмечены by anthro­pologists . Descri

D) Study the counter-arguments to the text and discuss it in teams using both the arguments of the text and the counterarguments below.
1. Travelling at high speeds is a means, not an end. 2. It is also a pleasure in itself. 3. Air travel is exciting and presents one with an unusual view of the world. 4.

II Environmental Protection.
One of the favourite pursuits of people travelling for pleasure is visiting the famous beauty spots. But — alas

Read the texts and enact them either in the form of interviews or as role plays enlarging on the words of each speaker.
<180> Use the conversational formulas of encouraging people to speak (see Unit 4, Conv. and Disc. II. l.(a) and the following formulas of persuading: You'd

For 30 years the Crowchester Chemical

Mabel Bloxford, the wife of a former employee of the Crowches­ter Chemical Company w

Leonard Miles
For the last 30 years, Crowchester Chemical

Henry Murdoch
I do not accept that my company is responsible. We can't be held responsible. If people choose to work here or live nearby, they must accept the risks. We did not bring the company to the town. The

Brian Thatcher
We are suing возбуждаем иск for over a million pounds in compensation, and we're also askin

Veronica Wade
Already many towns are worse than Crowchester . If we don't act soon, this country will bec

Ted Sherwood
Pollution загрязнение from factories is not the only problem. Motor

Nina Haines
The problem of litter reflects a lack of responsibility on all sides. The local government has a duty to provide litter cans and the citi­zens have a duty to use them. The police have a duty to rep

Reg Giles
Littering is a crime and carries a heavy penalty наказание. But the police are too busy pre

Albert Greaves
We used to sell drinks in glass bottles and we refunded получаем компенсацию a little money when empty bottles were returned to us, because we could wash them and use them again. But glass is heavy

An old peasant крестьянин from a village situated in the district under discussion.

By W. Davis
(abridged сокр.) If travel writers are to be believed, nowadays it won't do to idl

Sum up the content of the text in six sentences.
3. Explain the following: Snorkeling плавать под водой с маской и

Debate the following in pairs or in teams.
What is the best way of spending a holiday? Lying on a beach ? Splashing in a lake ? Walking in a forest ? Sightseeing in new and unfamiliar places? Going abroad and seeing sights i in a foreign co

IV. Arrange discussions and round-table talks on the following.
1. Travel as I see it. 2. Tourism as organized travelling: advantages and inconven

Talking Points: 1. Every teacher is advised to have something "up his sleeve" in case the lesson (sometimes a carefully planned lesson!) falls flat. What kind of

Test Your Power of Observation and Memory
Making the learners use their power of observation and memory is one of the ways of introducing interest into the teaching-learning process. The following game is a good example of this. &

Shopping at the Grocery Store
All the players in the game should sit in a circle. One player begins the game by saying: "I am going to the grocery store. I'll buy a sack of flour." The next says: "I'm going to th

A Story Without Adjectives
The teacher offers the class a story in which the adjectives are left out. The players offer various adjectives one after another. The teach­- <189> er fills in the blanks i

Sustained Speech Exercises
In the following games students speak on a variety of topics for a short time, so that ther

C) Discuss each game in terms of suitability to different teaching levels.
II. The success of any classroom game or gamelike activity depends on thor­ough preparation by the teacher. Write a list of pointers to teachers on using games in class. Discuss the techniq

By John B. Priestley
(Two extracts from the novel) "Cut some off for George," said Mrs. Smeeth, "and I'll keep it hot for him. He's going to be late again. You're a bit late yourself tonight, Da

Vocabulary Notes
1. pursue 1) преследовать (кого-л.) ; гнаться, бежать (за кем-л.) 2) а) пр

Word Combinations and Phrases
for the time being на данный момент; на некоторое время; to work oneself up to a good for that matter что касается этого position готовить себя к высокому положению; to take offen

B) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.
2. Find the following words in a dictionary, translate them and practise the pro nunciation: Wriggle

Read the text and consider its following aspects.
a) What can be deduced from the first five paragraphs about the relations be tween the parents and the daughter? Point out the sentences which indirectly re veal the relations.

Copy out from Text Seven the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given above and translate them into Russian.
10. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases: 1. He was quite conscious of the general disapproval, but regard­ed his critics indifferent

Compose two dialogues using the word combinations and phrases. Mind the intonation patterns in the stimuli and responses to convey proper attitudes.
Suggested situations: 1. Conversation between father and son about the boy's future career

Study the vocabulary notes and translate the examples into Russian.
15. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics: A. 1. The next moment the cat was shooting out of the room, hotly pur

Translate the following sentences into English using the essential vocabulary.
1. Увлечение искусством — это не только способ заполнить свободное время; это — дверь в новый мир, мир ярких красок и высоких чувств. Pursuit of art - it's not just a way to fill in time, it’s the

Compose dialogues.
Suggested situations: 1. Mr. Smeeth is talking with his son George about the letter's career

Reread Text Seven to discuss the following points of its style.
a) There are four characters in the extracts. What methods of characterization are used in the portrayal of each? Do a thorough analysis of all the portrait-sketches illustrating what you s

Topical Vocabulary
adolescence юность, подростковый возраст n adolescent

Parent-child relationship
permissive позволяющий, разрешающий a permissiveness

The Younger Generation Knows Best
Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than it is today. The young

II. 1. Read the following dialogue dealing with the same problems of the generation gap.
An After-School Youth-Centre Dance Darley: I was thinking.

Discuss the following in dialogues arguing the point.
1. "Paul feels free to express himself with me just as he would with his friends. He accepts me as a kind of friend." Do you think that this kind of teacher-pupil relationship is

Use the following conversational formulas of agreeing and disagreeing.
a) I couldn't agree more. Perfectly true! How right you are! Very nicely put! I'm of the same opinion. I fully support this. I accept this point of view. I won't deny it. It stands to reason. On th

Childhood is Certainly not the Happiest Time of your Life
It's about time somebody exploded разражается that hoary почтенный old myth about childhoo

1. Childhood means complete freedom from care, responsibility, social and economic pressures. Isn't it happiness? By comparison, adults are anxiety-ridden во власти беспокойства, tired, worried.

IV. Arrange discussions and round-table talks on the following.
1.The generation gap: myth or reality? 2. The teacher's choice: permissiveness

V. Not Looking Before You Leap
Enthusiasts among oral approach teachers — like all fashions — change rapidly, because there's always someone coining a tasty new phrase, which is seized and used for a few weeks until the new one

Give a summary of the article.
П. What are the current trends in foreign-language teaching abroad? Read the following for information: Many teachers using the audio-lingual method[3][5] had long wished

What would you do? Instructions: Read the following problems individually. Consid­er the possible solutions. Decide on one solution that you think is the

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