рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Exercise 51. Translate the following sentences into English using the above word combinations and phrases.

Exercise 51. Translate the following sentences into English using the above word combinations and phrases. - раздел Образование, And what I don’t know about pearls isn’t worth knowing 1. Если Он Получит Диплом Через Две Недели, То Тогда Я Возьму Его На Р...

1. Если он получит диплом через две недели, то тогда я возьму его на работу. Без диплома будет трудно взять его на работу.

2. Сделай мне одолжение, позвони Мисс Грей и попроси ее прийти ко мне во вторник.

3. Ты в хороших отношениях с мамой и папой? –Да, у меня очень хорошие родители.

4. Пешком до вокзала очень далеко. Я поймаю такси.

5. Моя племянница занялась игрой на гитаре. Она играет каждый день с утра до вечера. Иногда соседи теряют терпение (to lose patient) и стучат нам в стену.

6. Почему выключился свет?- Не волнуйся, это короткое замыкание (a shortcut), скоро все починят (to fix).

7. Я прошу тебя принять участие в соревнованиях (a competition). Ты нам очень нужен (We need you badly).

8. Кто в вашей семье делает всю работу по дому? –Мама и я.

9. Я становлюсь совсем старой. Мои волосы седеют с каждым днем, лицо все в морщинах (a wrinkle). Ты больше меня не любишь, не так ли? – Нет, не так. Я люблю тебя с первого дня нашего знакомства и всегда буду любить.

10. Посмотри на него. Он рассердился, сейчас начнет кричать и все кидать.

Exercise 52. Comment on the following quotations:


1. The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he is a baby. (Natalie Wood 1938 – 1981 an American film and television actress).

2. Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy fat women. ( Nicole Hollander born in 1939 an American cartoonist and writer). 3. Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then. (Katharine Herburn 1907 – 2003 an American actress of film, stage, and television. Herburn's career as a Hollywood leading lady lasted for more than 60 years.)



Exercise 53. Read a joke. Give the answer to the child’s question.

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

And what I don’t know about pearls isn’t worth knowing


Если Вам нужно дополнительный материал на эту тему, или Вы не нашли то, что искали, рекомендуем воспользоваться поиском по нашей базе работ: Exercise 51. Translate the following sentences into English using the above word combinations and phrases.

Что будем делать с полученным материалом:

Если этот материал оказался полезным ля Вас, Вы можете сохранить его на свою страничку в социальных сетях:

Все темы данного раздела:

Я собиралась полить цветы в саду, но неожиданно пошел дождь.
Text: Mr.Know-All After W.S. Maugham   Mr.Kelada was chatty. He talked of New York and of San Francisco. He discussed plays, pictures, and politics.

  chat v. беседа, дружеский разговор; to have a chat вести беседу chatterbox n. болтушка, болтун chatty ad

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions about the text.
1. Why was Mr.Kelada the best-hated man on the ship? 2. How was Mr. Kelada callled and why? 3. How can you descride Mrs. Ramsay? 4. What can you say about Mr. Ramsay?

Exercise 7. Compose a short situation or a dialogue using word combinations and phrases.
Exercise 8. Find English equivalents for the following words and phrases in the text and write them out: 1. быть самым ненавистным мужчиной 2. милашка 3.

Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
  1. Drop in for a chat if you have an hour to spare this evening. 2. Lorna's normally very quiet, but she was quite chatty yesterday. 3. We boarded a ship that was

Exercise 10. Match the words to their definition.
  1. chat n.     2. ship n.   3. sense n.     4. pearl n.     5. resistance n.     6. point

Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps with a correct word or a phrase.
  chat resistance sense(3) tradename resist put(4) trade-in pick(2) look   1. Oh talk ………, Stuard, we couldn't go without the car. 2.

Exercise 12. Fill in the prepositions.
  1. The phone rang and I picked it …. . 2. Charles put ...… his newspaper and go up to answer the door. 3. Pick me …... at 8.00. 4. Th

Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into English, using the vocabulary of Lesson One.
  1. Мэги очень болтливая. Она болтает каждый день с утра до вечера. Настоящая болтушка. 2. Экскурсионное судно в Перл Харбор (Pearl Harbor) отход

Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences into English using word combinations and phrases of Lesson One.
1. Ты очень самоуверенный. Да, я очень самоуверенный человек. Я всегда был таким. 2. Когда маленький Майк заметил маму, он очень обрадовался. Он не видел ее целую неде

Men and women
There's no trust, No faith, no honesty in men. William Shakespeare    

Exercise 19. Answer the following questions about the text
1. What is the subject of endless discussions? 2. What does the recent study tell us? 3. What did the scientists examine and what do they say? 4. What do women say about

Exercise 20. Write the name of the person from exercise 16 who makes similar statements to the ones below.
1. Men hate to say, 'I don't know'. Aisha 2. Men cannot 'multi-task'; they can only concentrate on one thing at a time. 3. Men are very direct when they need something.

Exercise 23. Read the following statements about men and women.
Scientists have discovered recently that there are seventy-eight genetic differences between men and women.   1. Women have a multi-tasking gene. Men can never prepare dinner

Exercise25. Answer the following questions.
1. Do you think male and female brains are different? How? 2. What are the stereotypes of men and women in this country? 3. What points do you agree with? 4. What points

Exercse 30. Match the words in A with their translation in B
  A B 1. anniversary (n.) 2. break up/ split up (phrasal verb) 3. bride (n.) 4. celebration (n.) 5. date (n.)

Exercise 31. Match the words in A with their definition in B
    A B 1. anniversary (n.) 2. break up/ split up (phrasal verb)   3. bride (n.)     4. ce

Exercise 32. Put the correct word in each gap.
Anniversary celebration engaged going out wedding bride married honeymoon   Hey Toby!   How's it going? Good news - Bethany and I have got ………….

Exercise 33. a) Fill in the letter with the correct word. Mind your grammar.
Ask Jill to help you solve life's problems!   engaged fall in love with date c

Exercise 34. Correct the highlighted words where necessary.
  I met Karen at the gym. We both liked running and often ended up on machines next to each other. One day we got chatting and I asked her out on a date.We went for c

Exercise 35. Translate into English using words from exercise 31.
1. Мы встречаемся с тобой уже два года. Если мы не поженимся в следующем году, то мы разойдемся. И ты больше меня никогда не увидешь! 2. Поздравляю вас! Вы выиграли

Exercise 39. Match questions 1-10 with answers a)-j).
1. Do you know a lot about your family history? 2. Which do you know best: your mother 's or your father's side of the family? 3. Where did your ancestors come from? 4. D

Exercise 41.Fill in the gaps using the words given below.
history inherited after extended ancestors relative great side roots related 1. My parents told me about my family ……... . 2. My ………. probably came from

Exercise 42. Fill in the gaps with one of the following words.
member fiancée classmate pupil boss godfather employee fiancé godmother team-mate   1. This is Marianna, my …………… .We're getting married

Exercise 43. Answer the questions using the following words.
  boss and employee classmates partner team –mates member godfather and godmother mentor and pupil fiancée and fiancé   1.Which pair works

Exercise 44. a) Put the letters in the correct order to find the names of twelve types of people.
  1. tomdogher 2. niface 3. ilupp 4. nraterp 5. ceanife 6. breemm 7. stamcasel 8. dethagorf 9. sobs 10

Exercise 45. Translate the following sentences into English, using new words.
1. На кого ты похожа: на маму или на папу? 2. Я унаследовала дом в деревне. 3. На Кипре невеста иногда одевает красное платье, а жених - белый костюм.

Exercise 46. a) Do the quiz.
    What Women Really Think? Stella magazine commissioned YouGov, a research agency, to interview over 1000 women in the UK about what they really think.

B) Read the text and check your answers.
Stella magazine commissioned YouGov, a research agency, to interview over 1,000 women in the UK about what they really think. Here are some of the results . 80% of women say that lo

B) Write the following word combinations in the right place.
  1. on a diet, home, off, for a drink/a walk/a meal, grey   GO on a diet (start something) …………………(be

B) Use the above word combinations in the sentences of your own.
Exercise 50. Fill in the gaps with the right verbs (take, go, do and get) in the right grammar form. 1. Suddenly, all the lights ……… off. 2. It’s ti

Exercise 55. Answer the following questions.
1 Who do you consider to be your best friend? 2 Where and when did you meet them? 3 What do you like about them? 4 How are they different from you? Exerc

Exercise 60. Read the article and answer the questions.
  How many friends should you have? People often say that while money may bring wealth, friends bring riches. New research, however, shows that friends may b

Exercise 61. Do you agee or disagree with the following comments from a website.
1. I would never accept an online 'friend' who I didn't already know. How can you be friends with someone you've never met? Sylwia,UK 2. I'm reading this at work - it' rny

B) Listen again and complete the notes in the table.
    Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Who do they talk about?  

Canteen conversation
TIM I see that you 're eating /eat a vegetarian dish. Are / Do you always eating / eat vegetarian food? CLAIRENo, I 'm eating / ea

Arranging to meet
  begin do not do get go go leave not leave meet take EMMAThere's an interesting talk on healthy living at the library this Friday. I'm …………………with

Exercise 66. Choose the correct variant.
  1. A: I 've never been / didn't go to Hollywood. B: Haven't you? I went / 've been there last year.   2 A: How many films have you a

At the time it happened
I. MIRA What ……………… (you, do) when you ………….(hear) that London would host the Olympics in 2012?   PETRAStrangely enough, I …………………(

More party preparations
  FIONA Hello, everybody. I'm sorry I'm late. I ……………….. (try) to find a DJ but so far ………………….. (not, find) one, though one …………………..(promise) to phone me later. ………

Exercise 70. Two colleagues meet by chance on holiday in New York. Complete the conversation by choosing the right variant.
  MEL Nell, fancy meeting you here. Were you /Have you been here long? NELLNo, we came / 've come the day before yesterday.

Marco Polo.
  travel (3) arrive (2) leave visit live welcome learn discuss Marco Polo lived from 1254 to 1324. His father was a trader and often …………………….to dista

Exercise 72. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
    1. A: I need a holiday, but flights ………….(be) always expensive at this time of year. B: That's true, but I ……………. (find) a cheap flight to Mexico on the net

Exercise 73. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Some of the students (speak, never) …………………… English before they came here last fall. 2. Му passport (staтp) ..........................at the airport when I arriv

Exercise 74. Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Retell the story.
А bоу who worked in а shop in а country-town (send) ……………….bу his master to the house of а rich customer with а valuable ring. "(not open) ………………the bох," the shopkeeper (tell) …

Exercise 75. Choose a suitable tense. Retell the story.
J. Jerome. Three Men in a Boat.   I.   One day my Uncle Podger (to decide) …………… to hang a picture which just (to come) …………… from the shop, in

Exercise 76. Translate the following sentences into English.
I. 1. Мы выйдем из дома, только когда дождь совсем перестанет. 2. Я не скажу тебе ничего, пока не получу разрешения. 3. Не начинай работу, .пока как следует не отдохнешь.

Exercise 77. Use the words below to write comparative sentences
Canada I big I Britain. ..........Canada is bigger than Britain............ ............... 1 This towel I dry I that one.......................................

Exercise 78. Open the brackets using comparative form of the adjective.
1.This room is .......... than that one (large). 2. This soldier is .......... than his friends (young). 3.This stone is......:.. than that one (heavy). 4. These mountain

Exercise 80. Choose the right forms . in these sentences.
  1. Is the station much (further/farther)? 2. You'll find the explanation (further/farther) on. 3. Your record is (worse/worst) than mine. 4. She always we

Exercise 81. Use the adjective in the comparative and superlative degree.
His poems are popular. (his novels) His poems are more popular than his novels. 2. My room's cold. (the kitchen) 3. My garden is nice(school garden) 4. Your hair i

Exercise 83. Write sentences about the elephants. Use information from Exercise and the words in brackets.
(the lightest ) Tanan is the lightest of the elephants. 1 (the heaviest) 2 (Changra I younger)   3 (Selma/older) 4 (the youngest) 5

Exercise 85. Open the brackets using the adjective in superlative degree.
1. It's ..........., day I've ever had (happy) . 2. It's ........... news I've ever heard. (sad). 3. It's ........... film I've ever seen (good). 4. It's ........... car

Exercise 86. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Эта звезда на небе больше, чем ты думаешь. 2. Мой вес меньше, чем ты думаешь. , З. Этот журнал новее, чем тот. 4. Эта поэма длинее, чем та. 5. Этот штраф боль

B) Now read the article and check your ideas.
  Exercise 2.Read the article again .Write true (T) or false (F) .   1. The Dasslers' father was a sportsman . 2. The brothers first m

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