Учебное пособие по курсу «Анализ текста»

Федеральное агентство по образованию

Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Ивановский государственный энергетический

университет им. В.И. Ленина»


Кафедра интенсивного изучения английского языка



Учебное пособие

по курсу «Анализ текста»

для студентов 3 курса специальности

«Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» (английский язык)



Иваново 2008

Составитель Е.Г. Манчева


Редактор И.В. Ермакова



Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 3 курса специальности «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации», изучающих курс «Анализ текста». Оно является логическим продолжением и дополнением учебника Thomas Kral. “Portraits in Words” и может быть использовано для работы с лексическим материалом текстов учебника.

Целью пособия является обучение студентов различным видам чтения, развитие навыков анализа текста, совершенствование навыков работы с различными видами словарей, расширение кругозора и углубление фоновых знаний учащихся о науке, истории, экономике, литературе, музыке, архитектуре и других областях знаний.

Задачей пособия также является обогащение словарного запаса учащихся и совершенствование навыков перевода с русского языка на английский и наоборот.

Предложенные тексты и задания могут использоваться как в качестве дополнительного материала на занятиях по курсу "Анализ текста", так и в качестве заданий для самостоятельной работы студентов.


Утверждено цикловой методической комиссией ИВТФ



Рецензент кафедра интенсивного изучения английского языка Ивановского государственного энергетического университета


Part 1

Effective Reading

As soon as the effective reader defines the purpose of his/her reading, s/he asks another question 'How should I read?' In other words what reading…  


Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text. When you read a newspaper, you’re probably not reading it word-by-word, instead… There are many strategies that can be used when skimming. Some people read the…  


Scanning is a technique you often use when looking up a word in the telephone book or dictionary. You search for key words or ideas. In most cases,… When scanning, look for the author’s use of organizes such as numbers,…  


  · What is my purpose for reading?  

Critical Reading

The purpose of critical reading is to accept or reject a writer's opinion. It involves gaining a deeper understanding of the material. Successful…   · Mark the thesis and main points of the piece


Summarizing means providing a short account of the most important facts or features of a piece of writing.


Guessing word meaning

There are various strategies that you can learn which will help you to deduce what a word likely means. Yes, you could just look them up in a…   Step 1. Context - If the word is used in a sentence, look at the other words and see if they give you clues to the…

Making Inferences

Inferences are evidence-based guesses. They are the conclusions a reader draws about the unsaid based on what is actually said. Inferences drawn… Reading Tips: 1. Make sure your inferences rely mainly on the author’s words rather than your own feelings or experience. Your goal…

Part 2

George Washington Carver: The Plant Doctor

Vocabulary Practice

    1) to snatch (up)

Legacy of George Washington Carver

Scientist Extraordinaire, Man of Faith, Educator and Humanitarian As a botany and agriculture teacher to the children of ex-slaves, Dr. George… Unlike other agricultural researchers of his time, Dr. Carver saw the need to devise practical farming methods for…

Part 3

Emily Dickinson: An Inland Soul

Vocabulary Practice

  − to outvie − to abandon

The first book of Emily Dickinson’s poems was published in the Soviet Union in 1981 by an outstanding Russian poet, orientalist and translator Vera Nikolaevna Markova. Below you can see some of Dickinson’s poems and their translations done by V.N. Markova. Read them carefully and say how close the translation is to the original.



“Tell all the Truth but tell it slant...”

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant—
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth's superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind—




Всю правду скажи – но скажи ее вкось.

На подступах сделай круг.

Слишком жгуч внезапной Истины луч.

Восход в ней слишком крут.


Как детей примиряет с молнией

Объяснений долгая цепь –

Так Правда должна поражать не вдруг –

Или каждый – будет слеп!



“The Soul selects her own Society...”

The Soul selects her own Society—
Then — shuts the Door—
To her divine Majority—
Present no more—

Unmoved—she notes the Chariots—pausing—
At her low Gate—
Unmoved—an Emperor be kneeling
Upon her Mat—

I've known her—from an ample nation—
Choose One—
Then—close the Valves of her attention —
Like Stone—

«Душа изберет сама свое общество...»

Душа изберет сама свое Общество—
И замкнет Затвор.
В ее божественное Содружество—
Не войти с этих пор.

Напрасно—будут ждать колесницы—
У тесных ворот
Напрасно—на голых досках—колени
Преклонит король.

Порою она всей пространной нации—
Одного предпочтет—
И скроет— все клапаны внимания—
Словно гранит.


“I'm Nobody? Who are you?..”

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you — Nobody—too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! They'd banish us—you know!

How dreary—to be—Somebody!
How public—like a Frog—
To tell your name—the livelong June—
To an admiring Bog!



«Я - никто. А ты - кто?...»

Я - Никто. А ты — ты кто?
Может быть—тоже—Никто?
Тогда нас двое. Молчок!
Чего доброго—выдворят нас за порог.

Как уныло—быть кем-нибудь—
И—весь июнь напролет—
Лягушкой имя свое выкликать—
К восторгу местных болот



“I died for Beauty - but was scarce...”

I died for Beauty—but was scarce
Adjusted in the Tomb
When One who died for Truth, was lain
In an adjoining Room —

He questioned softly "Why I failed"?
"For Beauty", I replied—
"And I—for Truth—Themself are One—
We Bretheren, are", He said —

And so, as Kinsmen, met a Night—
We talked between the Rooms—
Until the Moss had reached our lips—
And covered up—our names—



«Я принял смерть - чтоб жила Красота...»

Я принял смерть — чтоб жила Красота —
Но едва я был погребен —
Как в соседнем покое лег Воин другой—
Во имя истины умер он.

"За что,— спросил он,— ты отдал жизнь?"
"За торжество Красоты".
"Но Красота и Правда — одно.
Мы братья — я и ты".

И мы — как родные — встретили ночь—
Шептались—не зная сна—
Покуда мох не дополз до губ
И наши не стер имена.



You can find more of Dickinson’s poems translated by V. Markova at http://www.uspoetry.ru/poem


Now you can try and translate Dickinson's poems into Russian yourself.


You left me, sweet, two legacies,--(Bequest)

You left me, sweet, two legacies,--
A legacy of love
A Heavenly Father would content,
Had He the offer of;
You left me boundaries of pain
Capacious as the sea,
Between eternity and time,
Your consciousness and me.



Mine-by the Right of the White Election!

    When Night is almost done-

An American Renaissance.

1. What ideological border existed between the western and eastern parts of the country? 2. What were some young people disappointed by? 3. Where did they look for new ideas?

Part 4

Henry Ford: Bringing the Automobile

To the Common Man.

Quiz for Automobile Experts

  a) in 1862 b) in 1872

Vocabulary Practice.

I. Choose a synonym from the text to the underlined words and word combinations.   1. The only further step required is to get rid of the idea of producing on what the traffic will bear.

You have read the text about Henry Ford and his contributions to the US car industry. Now read another text about the development of automobile industry in Britain. Find the reasons for the decline in the UK car manufacturing. Then do the tasks below.

History of the UK car industry

For the last hundred years British car-making capitalists have shown two distinguishing features – greed and stupidity. The motor industry, together with passenger air transport and the computer, is probably the defining technology of the twentieth century. A hundred years ago the engineering capitalists who had the technological know-how to move into this vast potential new market were not that bothered. They were doing very nicely out of arms contracts with the government. Then as now imperialism and militarism crowds out innovation.

In any case they lacked the vision of the likes of Henry Ford (a thoroughly nasty piece of work) who foresaw homes with a car on every drive, and laid plans for mass production accordingly. As early as 1913 his US plant was churning out 200,000 cars a year while the biggest UK producer, Wolseley, was only making 3,000. British motor manufacturers saw themselves as producing a plaything for the rich while Ford wanted to sell the Model T to every well-paid worker and small farmer in the USA.

Ford realised that, to make his cars affordable, he had to produce them on a mass scale. He introduced techniques of mass production (now known as ‘Fordism’) and made sure his car plants were planned to the last detail. Everything possible was done in-house: he didn’t want any nasty surprises. The trouble, for his imitators in Britain, was that this would involve a lot of costly investment. They preferred to rely on outside suppliers for components. Morris, which emerged as the biggest domestic producer, was family owned and did not even raise finance by launching its shares on the Stock Exchange till the mid-1930s. The families that owned these car firms saw them as tickets to buy town and country homes and places in London ‘society’ – rather than factories to be invested in for the future. Their preference for dividends over investment promoted a short term outlook within the firm. Morris did not appoint an experimental engineer till 1949, and spent just 1% of turnover on research.

Mass Production

What were the scale economies embraced by the US mass producers and balked at by the smaller UK companies? By the 1970s it is reckoned that engine… The economics of mass production meant that producing below capacity produced… By 1969 Ford had invested three times as much fixed capital behind the elbow of each of their car workers as British…

Part 5

The Wright Brothers: Putting America on Wings

I. Find synonyms or/and antonyms to the following words:   − to drift – s.

James Smithson’s Gift

  1 Do you think Mr. Smithson found a good way to dispose of his money? 2 What do you call people who donate money for institutions promoting arts and scholarships? Name several more.

Part 6

Ernest Hemingway: Tragic Genius.

  1. What is ‘epigram’?  

Vocabulary Practice

1) from time to time 2) to stress, to underline 3) freedom

The Roaring Twenties.

The following are paragraphs of one text. Read them carefully and place them in the correct order. Explain your choice.   A In 1928 the American people elected a new President, Herbert Hoover. Hoover was sure that American prosperity would…


I. Read the passage and find the following information in it:

a) the name that the Latin Quarter got in the 17th century;

b) one of the possible reasons why the term ‘Lost Generation’ appeared;

c) the reasons why Paris was attractive for writers;

d) the place where Hemingway preferred to write;

e) Common problems of many writers of this period which in some cases had a tragic outcome

The Lost Generation

The Left Bank

During the 17th century, students from the Latin Quarter had jokingly given this area the pompous name of Mont Parnasse (Mount Parnassus). It…

The Lost Generation

When Hemingway heard the story at the rue de Fleurus, he decided to use the sentence "You are all a lost generation" (attributing it to… Although the description -- in its original sense -- only applied to survivors… Paris was indisputably the capital city of the Lost Generation. It passed, of course, through other towns en route,…

Gertrude Stein - brief biography

Stein spent her infancy in Vienna and Paris and her girlhood in Oakland, Calif. At Radcliffe College she studied psychology with the philosopher… Stein and her brother were among the first collectors of works by the Cubists… Her first published book, Three Lives (1909), the stories of three working-class women, has been called a minor…

Gertrude Stein was often quoted by her contemporaries. These are some of her quotes. Translate them and comment on them.

Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense.   Все так опасно, что можно ничего особенно не опасаться.

Part 7

Eleanor Roosevelt: “Her Glow Warmed the World”

There are many anecdotes about public figures like Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Below is one of the most popular ones. Read it and retell it in English:


Однажды ранним воскресным утром супруга 32-го президента США Элеонор Рузвельт отправилась с благотворительным визитом в тюрьму. Проснувшись и не обнаружив дома жены, Франклин Рузвельт спросил дежурного секретаря, а где, собственно, первая леди. «В тюрьме», – ответил секретарь. «Это меня не удивляет, – сказал президент. – За что именно она туда угодила?»

Vocabulary Practice

  1. The strange behavior of the newcomer set him ... from the rest of the… 2. Though his parents opposed ... his idea to become an engineer, he wouldn’t listen to them.

Crash and Depression

  In the heart of New York City lies a narrow street enclosed by the walls of… One Thursday afternoon in October 1929, a workman outside an upper floor window of a Wall Street office found himself…

The Bonus Army

In the spring of 1932 thousands of unemployed ex-servicemen poured into Washington, the nation’s capital. They wanted the government to give them… The men of the bonus army were determined to stay in Washington until the… This gathering of desperate men alarmed President Hoover. He ordered soldiers and the police to burn their camp and…

Part 8

Frank Lloyd Wright:

Architect Extraordinary

Architecture Periods Quiz

Do you think you could make it as an architect? Well, it's going to be tough. So, take this quiz and figure out if you've got what it takes. 1. What was the time period of the Neoclassicism?  

Vocabulary Practice

  − строительный подрядчик − чувство пространства

Responsible architecture’ is a term used to describe a recent trend in architecture aimed at constructing buildings from cheap materials that bring no harm to nature. Read the following text, answer the question put at the end and do the tasks below it.



Earth Houses


Tomorrow's homes may be made of glass and steel -- or they may resemble the shelters built by our prehistoric ancestors. Architects and engineers are taking a new look at ancient building techniques.

Imagine a magical building material. It's cheap, perhaps even free. It's plentiful everywhere, worldwide. It's strong enough to hold up under extreme weather conditions. It's inexpensive to heat and cool. And it's so easy to use that workers can learn the necessary skills in a few hours.

This miraculous substance isn't only cheap as dirt, it is dirt, and it's winning new respect from architects, engineers, and designers. One look at the Great Wall of China will tell you how durable earthen construction can be. And, concerns for the environment and energy conservation make ordinary dirt look downright appealing.

What does an earth house look like? Perhaps it will resemble the 400-year-old Taos Pueblo. Or, tomorrow's earth homes may take on surprising new forms.


An earth house can be made in a variety of ways:



Adobe is a term widely used in the southwestern United States and Spanish speaking countries. Although the word is often used to describe an architectural style, adobe is actually a building material.

Adobe "bricks" are usually made with tightly compacted earth, clay, and straw. However, construction methods and the composition of the adobe will vary according to climate and local customs.

Sometimes an asphalt emulsion is added to help waterproof the adobe bricks. A mixture of Portland cement and lime may also be added, but these materials will add to the cost. In parts of Latin America, fermented cactus juice is used for waterproofing.


Rammed Earth

Rammed earth construction resembles adobe construction. Both use soil mixed with waterproofing additives. However, even with the waterproofing additives, adobe requires dry weather so that the bricks can harden enough to build walls. In rainy parts of the world, builders developed "rammed earth" construction. A mixture of soil and cement are compacted into forms. Later, the forms are removed and solid earth walls remain.

Rammed earth buildings are environmentally-friendly and fire and termite resistant. Some modern-day designers also say that the thick earthen walls create a sense of solidity and security.


Straw Bale In the African prairies, houses have been made of straw since the Paleolithic times. Straw construction became popular in the American Midwest when pioneers discovered that no amount of huffing and puffing would blow down hefty bales of straw and grass.

Architects and engineers are now exploring new possibilities for straw bale construction. Modern day "pioneers" who are building and living in these homes say that building with straw instead of conventional materials cuts the construction costs by as much as half.


Cob (mud with straw)

In Old English, cob was a root word that meant lump or rounded mass. Cob houses are made of clay-like lumps of soil, sand, and straw. Unlike adobe and straw bale construction, cob does not use bricks or blocks. Instead, wall surfaces can be sculpted into smooth, sinuous forms. A cob home may have sloping walls, arches and lots of wall niches.

Cob homes are one of the most durable types of earth architecture. Because the mud mixture is porous, cob can withstand long periods of rain without weakening. A plaster made of lime and sand may be used to windproof the exterior walls from wind damage.

Cob houses are suitable for the desert or for very cold climates.


Compressed Earth Compressed Earth Blocks, or CEBs, are construction blocks made with clay, sand, and a stabilizing ingredient such as lime or Portland cement. The earth mixture is poured into a hydraulic press machine. Since they are machine-made, compressed earth blocks are uniform in size and shape.


Or, the house may be made with concrete but sheltered underground .


No one can argue with the environmental benefits of using mud and straw. But the ecological building movement does have critics. In an interview with The Independent, Patrick Hannay, from the Welsh School of Architecture, attacked the straw bale structures at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales. "There would appear to be little aesthetic leadership here," Hannay said.


But, you be the judge. Does "responsible architecture" have to be unsightly? Can a cob, straw bale or earth sheltered home be attractive and comfortable? Would you like to live in one?



Translate the following word combinations into English:


− доисторические предки

− быть в изобилии

− сохранение энергии

− состав, структура

− делать водонепроницаемым

− цемент и известь

− ощущение прочности и надежности

− традиционные материалы

− бетон

− неприглядный, уродливый



Part 9

Louis Armstrong: An American Original

Music Theory Quiz

Are you good at music theory? Not sure? Let’s see.   1. What does the letter “C” stand for in musical notation?

Vocabulary Practice.

I. Find synonyms to the following words and word combinations:   − unassuming

The Roots of Jazz

A number of regional styles contributed to the early development of jazz. Arguably the single most important was that of the New Orleans, Louisiana… The city of New Orleans and the surrounding area had long been a regional… Chicago was one of the first cities to embrace the new style, and from some accounts it was here that the New Orleans…

Part 10

Walt Disney: Master Showman

Vocabulary Practice

  − wise sages from different world cultures − to have a mean streak


“Bambi” is one of the masterpieces of Walt Disney studios, a film known to every child in America and many others around the world. The film, part of which you are going to watch ("The Making of Bambi") tells a story of Bambi's creation. It is told by the people who made this history with their own hands together with Walt Disney. Now watch three episodes of this film and do the tasks given below.


Episode 1

Story: Telling the Tale


Vocabulary Notes:


wondrous – изумительный

coming of age story – история взросления

ant hill – муравейник

squirrel – белка

impact – сильное воздействие


I. Watch the episode and answer the following questions:


1. What are the themes that the film about Bambi deals with?

2. What other Disney film that develops the same themes is mentioned? How many years later was this film made?

3. Why do some authors consider stories like Bambi or the Lion King very difficult to make?

4. Did all the characters that were originally developed make up the final film?

5. How long would the story of Bambi be if the had not cut out some scenes and characters?

6. Was the man, the hunter, eventually shown on screen? Is this of any importance to the film?

7. What do people who saw Bambi in their childhood remember seeing?

8. How is the story of Lion King different from Bambi’s?

9. Why should contemporary film makers study Bambi?


II. Look through these sentences, then watch the episode again and complete them:


1. Bambi says very clearly that life is … , and that in it love is … .

2. These stories whether it’s Bambi or the Lion King are just very difficult. You are not dealing with … . It's just more involved when you deal with ... , or with ... , or with ... , you know.

3. To the animators and artists who worked with him Walt was … and worked … .

4. He [Walt] wanted to have the impact, you know, of man … and interrupting … . I mean, that’s such an important part of the story, but you … and it made it … .

5. He [Bambi] sheds one tear and he looks back and as he looks back, I think, what we as viewers see is … .



Episode 2

Characters: Drawn to Nature


Vocabulary Notes:


animator – художник-мультипликатор

draftsman – художник

to pull off – добиться, несмотря на трудности

to chase a butterfly – бегать за бабочкой

to push the envelope – выйти за границы возможного

flour sack – мешок с мукой

thorough study of anatomy – тщательное изучение анатомии

skunk – скунс

break-through – прорыв, достижение

cocky – самоуверенный


I. Watch the episode and answer the following questions:


1. What were the first scenes that Walt saw?

2. Why was working on “Bambi” more difficult than what its animators had done before?

3. How did the deer in “Snow White” differ from the deer in “Bambi”?

4. What kind of training did the animators get?

5. What did Mark Davis have to study to put human expressions onto a deer body?

6. What makes the characters so believable?

7. How did the ice skating sequence appear?


II. Look through the sentences, then watch the episode again and complete them:


1. What he tried to do … was to get … personalities in the cartoon … and he said “Without a definite personality a character .... .

2. … and after the lights came up, Walt ran out … in his eyes and he said “That’s …, boys”, and that’s what “Bambi” became.

3. Walt was convinced that with a little … we could put a lot of … and … into the animals without making them … characters, but … and … .

4. They approached Bambi the way … approached … and that’s why the animation is … .

5. I think that influenced the animators, you know, for decades, even today, because when … where you want ... a world and make that world ..., you know, and that ... is a natural ..., - ..., you always look at "Bambi" as one of the … examples of that.

6. You’re seeing a rabbit, … drawn rabbit and you’re seeing … of probably your kid that …, …

7. People got intoxicated with … of what animation could be and the art of animation … .



Episode 3

History: Back to the Beginning


Vocabulary Notes:


to option a film – продавать фильм по лицензии

to put it on the line – подвергнуть риску, рискнуть

to outdo oneself – превзойти самого себя

restless creativity – постоянное творчество

roller coaster ride – катание на американских горках

feeling of unease – чувство тревоги, предчувствие беды

entourage – свита, сопровождающие лица

to be enthralled – быть очарованным

labour unrest - беспорядки, волнения среди работников

rumours about potential lay-offs – слухи о возможных увольнениях

screen cartoonists’ guild – гильдия мультипликаторов

to put to a vote – поставить на голосование

to threaten with a strike – угрожать забастовкой

adamant - непреклонный

watershed – переломный момент

government mediator – посредник от правительства

to make a profit on the first release – получить прибыль от первого показа

out of global domination – из тех, кто владеет миром

at core - по сути



I. Watch the episode and answer the following questions:


1. When was Bambi, the book, published?

2. Who is the author of the book?

3. How did this story get to Walt Disney?

4. Why was making a live action film about Bambi considered impossible?

5. Why was the story of Bambi so close to Walt’s heart?

6. How can you characterize Walt Disney’s personal style in work?

7. How did Walt convince his animators in their ability to make films like Snow White and Seven Dwarfs or Bambi?

8. How long did it take Disney animators to make Bambi?

9. What problems did Disney face when the World War II started?

10. How did he obtain the money he needed for Bambi?

11. What rumors were ramping at the studios in 1940?

12. Who ran the screen cartooners guild at that time?

13. What agreement did he try to reach with Walt?

14. Why did Walt refuse?

15. What was the outcome of this unrest in May 1941?

16. Did the artists working on Bambi go on strike? Why or why not?

17. How was this conflict settled?

18. What was the impact of the war on the Disney studios?

19. Where and when was Bambi first shown?

20. Did it make a profit at once?

21. How are the ideas in Bambi similar to Walt Disney’s eternal optimism?


Part 11

Margaret Bourke-White: The Great Achiever

Vocabulary Practice.

I. Find synonyms to the following words and word combinations:   − to capture

Global scoop – сенсация мирового масштаба

− barrage – огонь (обстрел)

Salvos – бомбы

Leave the shutter on time exposure – поставить затвор объектива на выдержку

U.S. Presidential envoy – дипломатический представитель президента США

To fly on a combat mission – вылетать на боевое задание

Bitterly contested area – место ожесточенных сражений

GIs – (амер.) солдаты

Revered carnage of race riots – резня во время расовых столкновений

I. Read the text and make its outline. You may only divide it into four parts.

II. Think of a different title to this text and explain why you think it is suitable.

Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer

Sean Callahan

It had been nine years since she was last in Russia, and photography by foreigners was still strictly forbidden. Nonetheless, Bourke-White arrived… In June 1941, a month after she had arrived, Germany invaded Russia.… Then, in one more turn of luck for Bourke-White, U.S. Presidential envoy Harry Hopkins arrived for foreign aid…

Пакт о ненападении

Странное зрелище

Чувство защищенности

Под артиллерийским огнем

Быть на месте событий

Поглощать чье-либо внимание

Утонченная чувствительность к положению человека

Создавать замечательные, выдающиеся образы

IV. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:


To achieve new levels of prominence and success

To take a series of momentous turns

To provide the magazine with exclusive coverage of the eastern front

To impress foot soldier and general alike

To interpose a slight barrier

To chafe for another challenge

Dignified portraits of wretched poverty

Unadorned documents of fabulous wealth

V. Retell the text.   Read the next text and translate it into English using the words below:

The following are statements that Bourke-White made about photography. Translate them into English and comment on them.

The Photograph That Almost Wasn’t

“Gandhi at his Spinning Wheel”

Margaret Bourke-White, 1946

Фотография, которой могло не быть "Ганди возле колеса прялки" Маргарет Бурк-Вайт, 1946

  "Ганди возле колеса прялки" - портрет одного из наиболее влиятельных… Но это было не все, к аскетическому Махатма нельзя было обращаться (это был его день молчания). А т.к. он не терпел…

Quizzes Answer Key

Quiz for Automobile Experts

1. a

2. c

3. b

4. c

5. c

6. b

7. a

8. b

9. b

10. c



Quiz for Literature Experts


1. b

2. c

3. c

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. a

8. b

9. c

10. c



Architecture Periods Quiz


1. b

2. a

3. d

4. d

5. a

6. c

7. d

8. d

9. b

10. c

Music Theory Quiz

2. c 3. b 4. c