рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Complete the sentences

Complete the sentences - раздел Образование, ENGLISH FOR POWER ENGINEERING   1. Countries Using Nuclear Power Stations Might Also Learn To...


1. Countries using nuclear power stations might also learn to make............................

2. The superpowers already have more than enough to destroy....................................

3. Nuclear reactors produce powerful radiation which can kill …..............................

4. This radiation can also cause.....................................................................................

5. But human or mechanical error can never be ….......................................................

6. There have been radiation leaks at nuclear …..................................................

7. A serious fire at the Chernobyl plant in Ukraine caused.........................................

8. The term fossil is also applied to any secondary fuel manufactured from..............




1. Match the words with their Russian equivalents


1 nuclear a ископаемое топливо
2 precautions b быть ответственным за что-л.
3 leak c предосторожность
4 radioactive d разрушать, рушить, сносить; ликвидировать; стирать с лица земли
5 to cause cancer e сверхдержава
6 superpower f исключить
7to rule out g течь, протечка; утечка
8fossil fuels h ядерный
9 to be responsible for i радиоактивный
10 to destroy jпослужить причиной, поводом рака


2. Give the English equivalents




ископаемое топливо.......................................................................................................

атомная энергия.............................................................................................................


послужить причиной рака........................................................................................






быть ответственным за что-либо..................................................................................

ужас, страх......................................................................................................................


3. Put the words in the correct word order


1. the / nuclear / is / for / the / horrors / nuclear / of / responsible / weapons / reaction /

2. own / power / nuclear / using / stations / might / weapons / learn / to / make /

nuclear / countries / of / their / also / .

3. the / destroy / times / have / to / than / enough / more / superpowers / the /

planet /fifty / already /over / .

4. many / nuclear / are / themselves / about / the / people / plants / worried / .

5. cause / can / the / radiation / cancer / also / .

6. there / at / been / plants / leaks / have / nuclear / radiation / all / world / the /

over / .

7. a / radioactive / fire / at / the / Russia / plant / in / very / Chernobyl / caused / a /

large / leak / of / serious / material / .



4. Prove the following statements

1. There are many reasons to worry about fossil fuels even if we have nuclear


2. The superpowers already have more than enough nuclear weapons to destroy

the planet.

3. Nuclear reactors produce powerful radiation which can kill in large doses.


5. Match the words with their English definitions


1 fossil fuels khaving great power or strength
2 energy la measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening
3 error ma natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
4 leak nfeel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems
5 powerful oan instance of leaking:
6 precaution pa thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage:
7 to worry about qend the existence of something by damaging or attacking it
8 weapon rmake or manufacture from components or raw materials
9 to destroy sa mistake
10 to produce tpower derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines




a Страны, использующие атомные электростанции могут также научиться делать ядерное оружие самостоятельно……………………………………...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

bCверхдержавы уже имеют более чем достаточно ядерного оружия, чтобы уничтожить планету пятьдесят раз……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………………………….

cЯдерные реакторы производят мощное излучение, которое в больших дозах может убивать…………………………………………………...………


dРадиация может послужить причиной рака………………..………………..

eОни предприняли меры предосторожности против утечки радиации…...…


fВода была радиоактивна……………………………………………………….

g1000 единиц ядерного оружия находится в руках других государств…...


hБольше не существует двух сверхдержав……………………………………




1. Interview

Work in pairs and prepare an interview

Student Aisan environmental activist who wants to know more about nuclear problems.

Student Bisan expert in nuclear energy.


2. Prepare a report on the dangers of nuclear energy



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