рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Individual Stall in Warm Housing

Работа сделанна в 1998 году

Individual Stall in Warm Housing - Реферат, раздел Лингвистика, - 1998 год - Replacement Housing (Помещения для ремонтного молодняка) Individual Stall In Warm Housing. Use Individual 2X4 Stalls Only In Warm Hous...

Individual Stall in Warm Housing. Use individual 2x4 stalls only in warm housing. This system requires the least space per calf, but must be used in insulated, environmentally controlled buildings with mechanical ventilation and supplemental heat. Drafts, which occur in elevated stalls with open floors for drainage, are detrimental to calf health.

The incidence of calf disorders increases in warm housing facilities after several years, due in part to warm temperatures. Warm temperatures increase viability of disease organisms. The facility must be adequately ventilated and sanitized on a routine basis. Good ventilation, proper sanitation and careful observation of calves are especially essential in warm housing systems to reduce disease.

Table 7. Dairy ventilating rates. Size the system based on total building capacity. Ventilating ratesAnimalCold Weather An alternative cold weather rate can be calculated by dividing the room or building volume in ft3 by 15. The hot weather ventilating rate can be calculated by dividing the volume by 1,5.Mild WeatherHot weathercfmanimalCalves 0-2 months Heifers 2-12 months 12-24 months Cow 1,400 lb15 20 30 5050 60 80 170100 130 180 470RoomCfmMilkroom Milking parlor, cfmstall 100600 400Transition housing 3-5 months Moving a newly weaned calf from an individual pen to a small group environment is an abrupt change or transition.

The combination of stresses due to new social interactions with other calves, competition for feed and water, and a new housing system can seriously affect calf growth and performance. Giving special consideration to the calfs environment can make this transition less stressful as the calf adjusts to group living and learns to compete.

Monitor calves for adequate dry feed and water intake and make sure calves are disease free before moving them into a group pen. Provide transition housing for calves from weaning to 5 months of age. Maintain small groups of 4-5 calves per group with a small range in size or age I month maximum. Provide well bedded pens that allow 25-30 ft2 of resting space per calf. Have fresh water available at all times.

Transition housing should provide an environment similar to calf hutches only in a group setting. Depending on herd size and the ability to observe an individual calf, the maximum group size would be 20 calves.

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Replacement Housing (Помещения для ремонтного молодняка)

Воздействие на проект. 27 Средства управления 28 Размеры и структура стада. 28 Управление группами 30 Помещения для отдыха 31 Пространство для… This includes a change in needed physical environment. When a heifer is… As it grows, it is grouped with other animals to increase resistance to disease and prepare the animal for the…

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