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Реферат Курсовая Конспект

At breakfast

At breakfast - раздел Иностранные языки, Грамматика в английском языке Michael: What Do We Have For Breakfast Mum? Dora: You Have Some Porr...

Michael: What do we have for breakfast Mum?

Dora: You have some porridge or corn flakes and milk, sandwiches, marmelade and cocoa.

Michael: A breakfast for children again. I’d like a man’s meal: bacon and eggs, bread and butter and tea.

Dora: Good, you can have it too.

Emily: And I prefer my usual children-breakfast. Michael, would you pass me the marmalade, please.

Michael: Here you are.

Dora: Would you like some more cocoa, Emily?

Emily: No, thank you Mum. Give a cup of cocoa to Michael .I see; he would like to have some children drink.

Michael: Yes I’d like a cup of cocoa, just to keep you company.

Well, where are we going, Mum?

Dora: First of all you’ll have to wash up.

Michael: Is that men’s work?

Emily: Sure, you don’t go hunting to bring some food for your family; Mother buys it at the supermarket not far from our house, so we are equal in our rights.

Michael: Good, this time I’ll do it, I’ am on duty, but next time it will be Emily’s turn.

Dora: All right .I’m just taking some things from my room and going to the garage. I suppose there is enough petrol and we don’t have to go to a petrol station.


– Конец работы –

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