рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Exercise 7. Point out the simple and compound predicate.Define the form of the finite verb. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Exercise 7. Point out the simple and compound predicate.Define the form of the finite verb. Translate the sentences into Russian. - раздел Иностранные языки, По синтаксису современного английского языка 1. ..."we Shall Be Very Pleased." (Galsworthy). 2. They Would Never...

1. ..."We shall be very pleased." (Galsworthy). 2. They would never have found her there. (Du Maurier). 3.Within ten minutes he had been awakened by his servant. (Aldington). 4. "I've gone lame." (Galsworthy). 5. She was moaning and crying. (Maugham). 6. The doctor was feeling wan and nervous. (Maugham). 7. "By this time to-morrow she'll be gone." (Maugham). 8. The gramophone which had been silent for so long was playing ... (Maugham). 9. "It wouldn't have been very nice for the Davidsons to have to mix with all that rough lot in the smoking-room." (Maugham). 10. My memory comes to the surface again ... at Malta, where I am being rushed by an Orient liner ... (Shaw). 11. "I've been trying to get in touch with you all afternoon" ... (Cronin). 12. Everything seemed new and clear ...; tobacco had never smelt so nice. (Galsworthy). 13. He had been polite enough to the Macphails during the journey. (Mau­gham). 14. The sick mah had been brought ashore ... (Maugham).

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Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

По синтаксису современного английского языка


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Исмаилова Г.К., зав. кафедрой филологии СГУ имени Шакарима
    Ж.У. Калимова. Учебно-методическое пособие по синтаксису современного английского языка / Сборник упражнений по синтаксису простых и сложных предлож

Настоящий сборник представляет собой практикум по синтаксису простого и сложного предложения современного английского языка для студентов вузов, изучающих английский язык в качестве основной специа

Exercise 1. Classify the sentences according to the purpose of utterance.
1. Shall I start from the very beginning? 2. He always comes in time. 3. He passed all his exams. 4. What a lovely day! 5. Come to see me tonight. 6. I’m right, am I? 7. Stop talking, pleas

Exercise 3. Point out two-member sentences (say whether they are complete or elliptical) and one-member sentences.
1. a) Stop! b) Stop being funny. 2. Hello! Glad to see you.3. “In a hurry?” “Rather.” 4.”How are the boys?” “Fine.” 5. “I wish you a fine weekend.” “Thanks. The same to you.” 6. “Did you see the fi

Exercise 4. Analyze sentences in the following conversation
Dr Watson: I've got him. (To the cabman) Come on in, Clayton. Come this way. This is John Clayton, number 2704. Cabman: That's it. How do you do? Sherloc

Exercise 1. Point out the subject and say by what it is expressed.
1.Henry brought his mother some flowers. 2. Uncle Jim considered him a fool. 3. The leading lady was excellent. 4. There are a lot of letters in the mailbox. 5. The brave deserved the reward. 6. On

Exercise 2. State the nature of it. Translate into Russian.
1. It was dusky in the dining-room and quite chilly. (Mansfield) 2 The bell rang. It was lean, pale Eddie Warren in a state of acute distress. (Mansfield) 3. Oh! Ohl Oh! It was a litt

Exercise 3. Oral exercises on the use of the “introductory it”.
  It is necessary important better right difficult most urgent   to do it. to help the old man. to finish the work at once. to

Exercise 4. A. Oral exercises on the use of the “ emphatic it”.
    a. It is b. It isn't he Frank who did it. whom I asked to go there. your book that I liked most

B. Find the column II the appropriate ending of what is given in the column I. Translate sentences into Russian.
1.It is in Stratford-on-Avon 2. It was the Russian scientist Popov 3. It was in Central Asia 4. It was the famous 'cellist Casals 5. It is in summer 6. Is was the great com

Exercise 5. Point out the predicate and say to what type it belongs. Translate into Russian.
1. "It's no use," she said quietly. "I am bound to Morris." (Prichard) 2. Her feet were never bound as the Chinese then bound the feet of their girls. (Buck) 3. "I don't wa

Exercise 6. Point out the subject and the predicate.
1.On her going to his house to thank him, he happened to see her through a window. (Dickens) 2.) To describe one's character is diffi­cult and not necessarily illuminating. (Murdoch)

Exercise 8. Point out the link-verb of the compound nominal predicate. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. He looked pale and tired. (Du Maurier). 2."He smokes one hundred and fifty pipes every day." —"That sounds a lot". (Greene). 3. "What is Diolaction?" I said. "

Exercise 9. Translate into English, using a compound nominal predicate.
Музыка звучала чудесно. 2. Этот цветок хорошо пахнет. 3. Ваши слова звучат странно. 4. Этот огурец горький на вкус. 5. Бифштекс хорошо пахнет. 6. Эта материя груба на ощупь. 7. Вода в этой местност

Exercise 11. Mind the agreement of the predicate with the subject and use the proper form of the verb.
1.There (to be) a dictionary and a few books on the shelf. 4. Bread and butter (to be) good for breakfast. 5. Here (to be) bread and butter for breakfast. 6. Our only guide (to be) stars. 7. Stars

Exercise 12. Use the appropriate form of the verb.
1. Huckleberry's hard pantings­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ …. his only reply, (was, were) (Twain) 2. There ….

Exercise 13. Translate into English. Mind the agreement of the predicate with the subject.
1. Статья и словарь – на письменном столе. 2. На столе словарь, журнал и несколько листов бумаги. 3. Яичница с ветчиной на столе. 4. На небе не было ни луны, ни звезд. 5. Ведь ни ты, ни я не винова

Exercise 1. Point out the object. Define the kind of the object.
1.Read it. Read it to everybody. She used to read to me while I was working. 2. Write this word! Write a few words to them! Write to him, he will be so glad to hear from you. 3. Sing a song! She sa

Exercise 4. Comment on the kind of the object and say what it is expressed by. Translate into Russian.
1. You can leave your homework in the meantime. (Cronin). 2. She's capable of deciding. (Greene). 3. Ar. Heng sent a polite verbal reply. (Greene). 4. She was leaning on the banisters, listening to

Exercise 5. Point out the Complex Object and say by what it is expressed. Translate into Russian.
I. He could see the man and Great Beaver talking together. (Lon­don) 2. She had lied about the scullery door being open on the night of the disappearance of the bank-notes. (Bennett) 3. Each woman

Exercise 6. Translate into English.
1.Он посвящал музыке все свободное время. 2. Объясните мне, пожалуйста, значение новых слов. 3. Мы приписываем теплому те­чению мягкий климат этого острова. 4. Он открыл нам секрет своего изобретен

B) a participial construction, c) a gerundial construction.
  A. I heard saw (they, to laugh) heartily want expect believe   (they, to return) as soon as possi

Exercise 10. Translate into English paying attention to the use of constructions with objects of all kind.
1.Но на мой вопрос не ответили. 2.Не спорьте с ним, ведь у него профессиональное знание предмета.3. В чем состоит их предложение? 4. Разрешите взглянуть на вашу газету, если вы ее прочли. 5. Не бои

Exercise 11. Translate into English using a Complex Object.
1.Никто не видел, как он вошел в комнату. 2. Ему принесли пакет (to have). 3. Он попросил, чтобы пакет ему принесли в кабинет. 4. Он потребовал, чтобы паллет распечатали. 5. Преподаватель будет нед

Exercise 1. Point out the attribute. State what it is expressed by. Translate the sentence into Russian.
1. Great talker are little doers. 2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 3. Two much of a good thing is good for nothing. 4. The third time is always lucky.5. The next day’s journey was a long tim

Exercise. 2. Change the following sentences into the corresponding noun-phrases with attributes.
Model: 1. The answer was prepared. – A prepared answer. 2. The water is for boiling. – Drinking water. 3. The room had a low ceiling. – a room with a low ceiling.

Exercise 3 . Point out the attribute and say what it is expressed by.
1. “Perhaps one day you will have a reason for waiting about it.” 2. Horn made him a sign to come on to the veranda. 3. “We used to have a very good horse and trap at home,” said A

Exercise 4. Point out attributes and appositions.
  1. On the third day there was sudden excitement down at the bend. 2. The landscape class, with stools and easels and sketch-boxes, trampled off twice a week to some vantage point to

Exercise 5. Point out the attribute and say by what it is expressed.
  1.The first day's journey from Gaza to Ascalon was intolerably tedious. (Douglas) 2. What do you say to a stroll through the garden, Mr. Cockane? (Shaw) 3. It was such a cruel thing

Exercise 6. Point out the close and the loose apposition.
A. I. Maidenhead, a river resort, is on one of the loveliest reaches of the River Thames... 2. The town of Windsor is a typically English town. ("Britain"). B. 1.W

Exercise 7. Point out the apposition and say whether it is close or loose.
1. Maria, the mother had not taken off her shawl. 2. One of our number, a round-faced, curly-haired, little man of about fourty glared at him aggressively. 3. Thre are plenty of dogs in the town of

Exercise 1. State the kind of the adverbial modifier. Say what the adverbial modifier is expressed by.
1. "I heard him knocking, so I ran upstairs to let him in." (Greene). 2. All at once the sheep-dog leapt to its feet. (Bates). 3. Ben was too busy to hear him now ... (A

1. It will be raining hard (soon). 2. The climate has been damp (always, in these parts). 3. It rains in autumn (usually). 4. There is no deep river, except the Tamar (on

The tourists were tired having covered over 30 miles that day.
6. But for your advice I shouldn't have acted rightly. 7. Though very busy they made up their minds to go to that concert by all means. 8. She op

As ad­verbial modifiers.
1) of time or frequency: from time immemorial, since then, when a boy, when questioned, on returning home, from time to time, from that day on, in a day or two, not until i

Exercise 6. Point out the kind of adverbial modifier, and state by what it is expressed. Translate into Russian.
1. Gallio slowly nodded his head. (Douglas) 2. He's coming on Satur­day at one o'clock. (Cronin) 3. Lucia stopped them in their tracks with a stern command. (Douglas) 4. Sally was sitting on the fr

Exercise 7. Follow the direction for Exercise 6.
  1.At the top of the stairs she paused to wave to him. (Douglas) 2. Marcellus accepted this information without betraying his amaze­ment. (Douglas) 3. Having knocked on his door, she

Exercise 8. Point out all the adverbial modifiers expressed by Predicative Constructions. Translate into Russian.
1. Marcellus strode heavily to and fro before the entrance, his im­patience mounting. (Douglas) 2. On her applying to them, reassured by this resemblance, for a direction to Miss Dorrit, they made

Exercise 1. Point out homogeneous parts, define them and state what are they expressed by.
1. She was wearing a black pleated skirt and a bright red blouse of very fine poplin. (Braine). 2. It was a low, pleasant laugh. (Braine) 3."Vaults closing!" Samuel would say and yawn. (B

Exercise 2. Point out homogeneous parts and state how they are connected.
1."Both he who chooses heads and he who chooses tails are equal­ly at fault ..." (Greene). 2. Nobody ever saw Chirac or the old sail­or again. (Bennett). 3. The room was plainly visible a

They are expressed.
  1.He had lived with this block for several months now, studied it in every light from every angle, in every degree of heat and cold. 2. He felt discouraged , strangely empty. 3. He

Exercise 4. Point out the homogeneous parts in the following sentences. State their
functions. 1. The ascent was long and tiring. 2. Your objection is interesting, but not convincing. 3. They can, and get their small supplies from Calcutta. 4. The man loo

Of connection.
1 .A quiet walk in the garden before going to bed is useful. It is pleasant. 2. Jim was disappointed. Nelly was disappointed. 3. I spoke to Aunt Polly.I didn’t speak to Ned .4 She didn’t write to u

Exercise 6.Analyse the following sentences according to the given form.
Model: Clarice was waiting for me in my bedroom. (Du Maurier). It is a simple extended sentence. "Clarice" is the subject expressed by a proper noun, "was w

Sentences into compound ones.
1. It being stuffy in the room, I opened the window. 2. Thanks to the driver’s skill the old man was not knocked down. 3. Our work being completed, we may have a good rest.

Exercise 2. Complete the following so that compound sentences should be formed.
1. Take the lid off the pan, or else (the soup, to boil over). 2. Some people like hot weather, whereas (others, can’t stand…) 3. either you will buy the tickets, or (I, to ask…)

Exercise 7. Point out the coordinate clauses and comment on the way they are joined.
1.It was high summer, and the harvest was almost over. 2. All the rooms were brightly lightened, but there seemed to be complete silence in the house. 3. One small group was playing cards, another

Exercise 8. Point out the coordinate clauses and comment on the syndetic and asyndetic connection. Translate into Russian.
1.His idea to ease the tension, but Mrs Clemence threw him a glance of reproach. 2. Her step was more dancing than walking and, in spite of her black dress; there was nothing but joy in her whole a

Exercise 9. Translate into English using various types of compound sentences.
1.Дождь прошел, и стало совсем тепло. 2. Над заливом показался самолет, а за ним еще один; они стали снижаться. 3. Рассказ меня не заинтересовал, мои приятели не проявили к нему особого интереса. 4

Exercise 5. Point out subject clauses and the connectives they are intr

Exercise 7. Point out predicative clauses; state by what connectives they are introduced.
1.I had said the name ... It was as (though I had taken a purge and rid myself of an intolerable pain. (Du Maurier). 2. To blow the bridge at a stated hour based on the time set for the attack is h

Exercise 10. Complete the sentences adding predicative clauses.
Mode1:The trouble is that he has lost your address. 1.The difficulty is that ... . 2. The matter was that ... . 3. The thing is that ... . 4. The question was why (where,

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into English using predicative clauses.
1. У девочки был такой вид, как будто. бы она что-то знает, но не говорит (Джером). 2. Вот ничего, чего я не мог. бы сделать (Б. Шоу) 3. Он чувствовал себя так, как будто заболева

Exercise 12. Translate the sentences into English using subject and predicative clauses.
1. Беда ( the trouble) в том, что он уехал из города. 2. Вопрос в том, что оставил ли свой адрес. 3. Кажется, как будто он никогда и не был болен. 4. Путешествие по Средн

Exercise 2. Oral exercise on the use of the object clause.
A. I wonder I am interested to know if whether she is better to-day. she knows about it. he is still sleeping. you have read this article. she h

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate connectives to join the object clauses.
1. I don't care to talk ... I've been (Dreiser) 2. 1 don't Know ... I said so in my letter (Cronin). 3. "Thank you," I inny said "You have been really kind. It makes me feel terribly

Might + Indefinite Infinitive or Perfect Infinitive
e.g.I wish(wished) she were (could be) in here now. I wish (wished) she had been (could have been) here

Principal Clause Subordinate Clause
Predicate expressing order, .a) should+ Indefinite Infinitive proposal, request, recommendation, b)Subjunctive mood of the type desire etc

Principal Clause Subordinate Clause
Predicate expressing fear a) (that) + Indicative mood (often may) b) les t+ should+Indefinite Infinitive e.g. I

Exercise 6 Translate the sentences into English using object clauses (for the verb forms see the patterns in Exercise 5).
I. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы могли поехать с нами за город. 2. Жаль, что я не видела этого фильма. 3. Хотелось бы, чтобы вы не делали таких грубых ошибок. 4. Напрасно |ы купили этот учебник: мы не будем

Exercise 8 .Complete the sentences adding object clauses.
1. See to it that ... . 2. May I take it that ... ? 3. Her uncle will have it that .... 4. I don't like it that ... .5. Her sister made it quite clear ... .6. She took it for granted ... 7. John th

Exercise 1. Pick out the attributive clause and classify the clauses into restrictive and non-restrictive ones.
1.I asked reluctantly her to sit down. We had never been friends since the night she was taken ill (Greene). 2. He is a person who is easily deceived (Carter). 3. I speak as one who has led a shelt

Pattern I
Principal Clause Subordinate Clause antecedentintroduced bythat or all introduced bythat or everything nothing

Pattern II
Principal Clause Subordinate Clause antecedent nounintroduced bythat or onlyasyndetic subordination any adjective in the

Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate connectives or join the attributive clauses asyndetically, giving variants wherever possible.
1. The village ... their families lived had been captured 2. I saved such equipment ... could not be replaced. 3. There were times ... he half fancied that he had talent for painting 4. He was the

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences adding an appositive attributive clause or a relative attributive clause.
1. He made the suggestion that… 2. I have a feeling that … 3. There was no reason why ... . 4. The news that ... did not impress him. 5. There is very little hope that ... . 6. He had the impressio

Exercise 8. Leave out the commas and explain the difference in the type of attributive clause and in the meaning which may result from the change.
Model: The officer, who stood at the entrance, was the first to notice the fire. — The officer who stood at the entrance was the first to notice the fire. In the first sen

Exercise 9. Translate into English introducing the attributive clause
asyndetically wherever possible. 1. Машина, которая стоит напротив нашего дома, принадлежит моему знакомому. 2. Мои знакомый, машина которого сейчас стоит против

Exercise 10. Translate the sentences into English using attributive clauses.
1.Тогда он собрал всю энергию, какая еще теплилась в нем (Сергеев-Ценский). 2. Через два дня она дошла до станции, где она узнала, что утром этого дня началась вой­на (Паустовский). 3. Бойцы завидо

Clauses or adverbial clauses of time and condition joined by when and if.
1.We shall let you know about our plans when … We are not sure if our plans… The problem is when … 2. I wonder when the committee …. I think that if all the members of the committee… 3. We were sur

As if Subjunctive Mood of the type
as though were, spoke (had been, had spoken) e.g. She speaks (spoke) English so well as if she werea native. She looks(looked) s

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences using adverbial clauses of comparison and manner.
1. Девочка говорит с матерью шепотом, как будто боится, что кто-нибудь услышит. 2.Молодой отец нес ребенка, как будто он боялся уронить его. 3. Эта студентка будет хорошей преподавательницей. Она у

Out the sentences with asyndetic subordination.
1.I don’t know what’ll become of him if he goes on like this (Galsworthy). 2. I will leave the door ajar, in case you call me (Voynich). 3. Work’s no use unless you believe in it(Galsworthy). 4. Su

Or perfect infinitive
e.g. I should(would) do the work now if I were free. If I had read the article, I should know its contents. If

Or perfect infinitive perfect infinitive
  e.g. I should(would) helphim if I could (might). If he could (might) have helped you, he would have done

Principal clause Subordinate clause
could, might + non-perfect orSubjunctive Moodof the type or perfect infinitive were, spoke (had been, had spoken) e.g. He could (might) a

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences using adverbial clauses of condition.
1.Лэнни понимал, что если бы он проявил смирение и страх в разговоре с белым человеком, тот не ударил бы его (по Абрахамсу). 2. Герт предупреждал Лэнни, что если он сделает еще один неверный шаг, э

Exercise 1. Point out the adverbial clauses of concession and define the conjunctions.
  1. And though I had been to school in the cities and had come to Europe, I was still a son of the tribe (Abrahams). 2. Even though it was winter, flowers were blooming on the rocker

Indicative Mood any connective Indicative Mood
  e.g. The boy plays chess well though heis only ten years old. A. 1. Although Belgium … small it has a large population. 2. I won’t do it even if … 3. Thoug

B) should+ non-perfect infinitive
  e.g. a) He will not succeed however hard he may try. He did not succeed however hard he

Should (would) speak were. spoke
should(would) have spoken (had been, had spoken)   e.g. They would not come on time even though we warned

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences using adverbial clauses of concession.
  1.Что бы ты там ни говорил, я буду поступать так, как решила. 2. Кто бы ни пришел, не мешайте мне. 3. Где бы он сейчас ни был, немедленно найдите его и приведите сюда. 4. К

Exercise 1. Point out the adverbial clauses of result and define the conjunctions together with the prepositions or point out the sentences with asyndetic subordination. &

Principal clause
So + predicative + subject expressed by a noun e.g. Her joy was so great that she stood fascinated. - So great was her

So + predicative + subject expressed by a pronoun
e.g. She was so glad that she could not utter a word. – So glad she was that she could not utter a word.   B.

So +adverbial modifier + subject expressed by a noun or pronoun
e.g. He (the man) spoke so excitedly that we could hardly understand him. – So excitedlydidhe (the man) speak that we co

Clauses of result by a comma wherever necessary.
1.Also she spoke in a curiously loud and rising tone… what she said echoed audibly all the way down the room (Murdoch). 2. The activity of translating of which had seemed the plainest thing in the

With inverted word order wherever possible.
1.Девочка была так напугана, что не могла двинуться с места. 2. Лектор говорил так убедительно, что никто не сомневался в правильности его утверждений. 3.Она смотрела на меня так пристально, что я

Exercise 1. Point out conjunctions used to join the adverbial clauses of time.
1 .The earth floor shook a little as they passed (Greene). 2. When she entered the room she greeted him with a bright face (Gordon). 3. Well, put your other shoe on, while Ted’s reading to Sue (Car

The subordinate clause to the future.
1 .I only hope Sam (to be) still there when you (to come) out after winter (Aldridge). 2. When I (to die) he’ll do as we agreed… I don’t know when I (to be delivered) (Bellow). 3. He said that when

Models: I haven’t seen them since that incident. -I haven’t seen them since that happened.
He admitted that he had forgotten their faces since their meeting. - He admitted that he had forgotten their faces since they (had) met. 1.You have never

Principal clause Subordinate clause
  It is … since a) Past indefinite b) Present perfect (non-continuous or continuous) e.g. a) It is two hours since

E.g. a) It was eight hours since the children had left.
b) It was a long time since we discussed the matter.   B.1.It was ages since … 2. It was

No sooner + Past perfect than Past indefinite
  e.g. He hadno sooner entered the room than the bell rang. D.1. She had no sooner left t

Exercise 6. Translate into English using while, as, when, as long as, till(until), before.
1. Когда я просматривал этот журнал, я нашел в нем интересную статью о старинной музыке. 2. Я, конечно, уже выберу нужные мне книги, когда вы придете в библиотеку. 3. Когда вы будете читать эту ста

With the prepositions, if any.
  1. We were invited to go back where he came from (Hughes). 2. From where he sat he could see a cluster of apple trees in blossom (Galsworthy). 3. Take us to where we can work on thi

Where is a conjunction, a connective or a relative adverb.
  1. No one knew where the fighting was (Mitchell). 2. Turning to the right she ran down the side garden path to where she had seen the face (Christie). 3. I like the country place wh

Introduced by where.
1. I didn’t know where … 2. I met her at the place where … 3. I discovered that the book was not where … 4. The mother left the child where … 5. Where she was waiting for me is … 6. You should have

Exercise 4. Translate into English using adverbial clauses of place.
  1.Оставайся там, где ты есть! 2. Мы решили, в конце концов, оставить вещи там, где они были. 3. Ученик смотрел куда угодно, но только не туда, куда показывал учитель. 4. Я оставил т

With the prepositions, if any.
1.“ Oh, I dare say she is crying because she could not go out with Missis in the carriage”, said Bessie (Ch. Bronte). 2. Write that you decline to support this scheme of hers as you hold it to be a

Clauses joine3d by different conjunctions is free or fixed.
1.He killed her because she loved Sam du Plesis (Abrahams). 2. He had met a few – not so many as yet – nine people here, since he hadn’t been here so very long himself – four months all told ( Drei

With different verb forms wherever possible.
Models: I haven’t seen them since that incident. -I haven’t seen them since that happened. He admitted that he had forgotten their faces since the

It is … since a) Past indefinite
b) Present perfect (non-continuous or continuous) e.g. a) It is two hours since I saw them last.

E.g. a) It was eight hours since the children had left.
b) It was a long time since we discussed the matter.   B.1.It was ages since … 2. It was

Principal clause Subordinate clause
  No sooner + Past perfect than Past indefinite   e.g. He hadno sooner entered the room than the bell

Exercise 5. Classify the subordinate clauses introduced by when into object clauses, attributive clauses and adverbial clauses of time.
1. I’ll give you a call when I see Sommerville (Carter). 2. He thought it best to be clean-shaven when Will arrived (Bellow). 3.The doctor had better given you a sedative and we will talk tomorrow,

Exercise 6. Translate into English using while, as, when, as long as, till(until), before.
1. Когда я просматривал этот журнал, я нашел в нем интересную статью о старинной музыке. 2. Я, конечно, уже выберу нужные мне книги, когда вы придете в библиотеку. 3. Когда вы будете читать эту ста

Exercise 1. Point out parenthetical clauses. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. "Well ma'am, she will soon be quite comfortable, I hope," returned Mr. Chillip. 2. Peggotty seemed to take this aspersion very much to heart, I thought. 3. The heartiness of the ejacul

Exercise 2. Point out parenthetical clauses. Translate into Russian.
1. You never liked her, she says, and you have made him feel that she isn't worthy of him. (Dreiser) 2. Already he was doing big things, so he thought, in surgery, and the older men in his l

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