рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Ex. 6. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Mind your grammar!

Ex. 6. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Mind your grammar! - раздел Иностранные языки, М.В. Жесткова, С.Я. Никитина АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 1. Sociability And The Способность To Work In Teams Is A Основное Т...

1. Sociability and the способность to work in teams is a основное требование for the job.

2. This computer software может преобразовывать speech into typed words.

3. Optical scanners read символы or изображения on a printed page and translate them into binary numbers.

4. Like any other type of оборудования, the computer требует regular servicing.

5. An точный diagnosis was made after a ряда of tests.

6. I напечатаю your report if you fix my computer in обмен.

7. Manufacturers используют программное обеспечение моделирования для того, чтобы улучшить the product разработка process.

8. One movie is classified as pure art, the other as развлечение.

9. A buffer is a запоминающее устройство, which принимает data at a very high speed.

10. The скорость, at which data передаётся over mobile phone networks, is constantly increasing.

11. A блок управления makes the computer выполнять the требуемые операции in the correct последовательности.

12. Ёмкость памяти usually измеряется in kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes.


– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

М.В. Жесткова, С.Я. Никитина АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК

Федеральное агентство железнодорожного транспорта... Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения...

Если Вам нужно дополнительный материал на эту тему, или Вы не нашли то, что искали, рекомендуем воспользоваться поиском по нашей базе работ: Ex. 6. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Mind your grammar!

Что будем делать с полученным материалом:

Если этот материал оказался полезным ля Вас, Вы можете сохранить его на свою страничку в социальных сетях:

Все темы данного раздела:

УДК 420 ББК 81.2 Англ.   Рецензенты:   кандидат филологических наук, доцент Самарского государственного университета путей сообщения

  Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: to practice, tendency, to publish, logic, idea, terminal, combination, to coordinate, micro

Ex. 3. Memorize the following words.
1. to develop –разрабатывать, развивать, совершенствовать development – разработка, развитие, усовершенствование 2. necessary – необходимый 3. available– доступный,

Ex. 4. Read and translate the sentences, paying attention to the italicized words.
1. Access to this confidential information was denied to journalists. 2. The whole loading operation is performed in less than three seconds. 3. The Internet

Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with the required words. Consult the box if necessary.
1. More than 80 % of the world’s PCs ___ Intel microprocessors. 2. It is always difficult to ___ with someone who speaks a foreign language. 3. These statistics were n

Ex. 6. Give English equivalents to the italicized words.
1. Переключи the TV set to another channel. I don't считаю this program suitable for children. 2. I hope I never live to see the day when computers finally заменят boo

Ex. 7. Choose the required word(s) to complete each sentence.
1. I will never [solve, type, access, use] this puzzle – it is impossible. 2. If you need to write an essay, the Internet will be a useful [means, access, source, search] of

Ex. 8. One word in each sentence should be replaced by another one. Try to do it!
1. Press Tab to indent [отступать вправо] the first letter, then type the following paragraph. 2. Credit cards are the most similar way of paying for purchases. 3. I cannot

B) Translate the sentences.
1. The electronic encyclopedias such as Britannica and Encarta are available on both CDs and DVDs. 2. For this job, you will need a good knowledge of both Itali

C) Fill in the gaps with the required words. Consult the box given above if necessary.
1. I am quite a fast typist. ___, I speak fluently both English and French. 2. The two printers are very similar to each other in ___ size ___ design. 3. The students were grouped

B) Match the terms (on the left) and their translation (on the right). Memorize them.
1. central processing unit (CPU) 2. video display unit (VDU) 3. control unit (CU) 4. input device 5. output device 6. storage device 7. system unit 8. disk d

Ex. 12. Give English equivalents to the italicized words.
1. This клавиатура is very comfortable for the пoльзoвaтeля. 2. The speed of this струйный принтер operation is six or more pages per minute. 3. The signals o

Ex. 13. TEST. Choose the required word to complete each sentence.
1. Press this button to switch on the___. A. keyboard C. floppy disk B. system unit D. control unit 2. A ___ is an obligatory part of any personal computer. A. s

Ex. 14. Replace the following definitions by one word.
1. The sets of programs that tell a computer how to do a particular job. 2. A square piece of plastic that you can store computer information on, and which you can remove from and put into

1. You have too many programs open on your desktop. 2. Each file has its name, type, length in Kbytes, the date and the time of its creation. 3. Laser printers ha

Ex. 16. Express the idea in the Present, Past and Future Indefinite.
1. The library to have a database of over 21 million book titles. 2. The program to be available over the Internet as free software. 3. I to have copies of th

Ex. 17. Put general questions and special questions to the underlined words.
1. Our University will have a large computer centre next year. 2. We have more than 10,000 résumés on our database. 3. They had an agreement never t

Ex. 18. Use the verbs to be, to have in the required tense form.
1. Computer programs to be the sets of instructions that tell a computer what to do. [Present] 2. Microsoft, Inc. to have branch offices in more than countries around the wor

Ex. 19. Read and translate the sentences, paying attention to the construction there + to be.
1. There are two buttons and a scroll wheel on the top of the mouse. 2. There was not much difference in price between the two notebooks. 3. Computer experts conside

Ex. 20. Fill in the gaps with the verb to be in the required tense form.
1. There ___ two fundamentally different types of computers: analogue and digital. 2. I turned the volume right up, but there ___ still no sound. 3. Before loading the program, ma

Ex. 23. MODAL VERBS. Read and translate the sentences.
1. You must list all of your information sources at the end of the essay. 2. I could not open a program by selecting an icon and double-clicking it. 3. The Internet

Ex. 24. Ex. Give English equivalents to the italicized words.
1. How often должен you change the rechargeable batteries in your optical mouse? 2. You можешь send faxes by email from your computer. 3. You не следует use c

Ex. 25. Match the beginnings and ends of these sentences.
1. You must push that red button… 2. Viruses can enter a PC… 3. You may take any of these CDs… 4. Looking at a computer screen the whole day can be…

Ex. 26. Put special questions. Begin with question-words given in brackets
1. I can type 50 words a minute. [How many?] 2. At this plant, all the workers must wear protective clothing. [Where?] 3. The early computers could perform only one task at a time

Ex. 27. Translate the following sentences into English (do it in writing).
1. У нас есть база данных с телефонами и адресами всех жителей города. 2. Вы можете отправить своё резюме [résumé] по факсу или по электронной почте. 3. Эта программ

A: Hallo, Nick! Where are you going? N: Hallo, Ann! Haven't seen you for ages! I am going to the computer room. A: Oh, you, students of the CSE1

Ex. 30. Search the dialogue for the English equivalents to the following phrases: 1. Не видела тебя целую вечность! 2. Естественно! 3. Навык работы с ко

Ex. 32. Answer the questions.
1. Do the students spend much time in the computer room? Why must they practice a lot? 2. Can one forget about the whole world surfing the Net? Why? 3. Does Ann have a problem? Wh

Here are the answers of some web visitors. Which of them do you like best of all? Can you answer the questions given above?
  Ø Dave Citron When I was a kid, I always wanted to grow up and be a chemist, or a biologist. But the thing is, I really didn't understand what that

  Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: person, business, trajectory, phenomena, machine, database, financial, effect, component, p

Ex. 3. Memorize the following words.
1. to calculate – вычислять, подсчитывать Syn: to compute calculation– вычисление, расчёт Syn: computation 2. to refer – относиться (to – к чему-л.),

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences, paying attention to the italicized words.
1. The error message "BAD COMMAND OR FILENAME" means that the name of the command or file is not correct. 2. PDA is a very small computer that is used for storing p

Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with the required words.
1. I ___ my email and voicemail every evening. 2. Large ___ of information, sound and pictures can be stored on a single CD-ROM. 3. The manual has a lot of useful instructions on

Ex. 6. Give English equivalents to the italicized words.
1. The исследование did not give the expected results because of the ошибка in the расчёты. 2. The progress of electronics, which привёл к the изобретению

Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with the required adjectives from the active vocabulary. Consult the box, if necessary.
1. It is one of most ___ mathematical errors. 2. Supercomputers are so __ that usually only large research universities and government agencies can buy them. 3. A digital computer

Ex. 8. Match the beginnings and ends of these sentences.
1. Before opening the compact disk, … 2. By means of computers, … 3. Video games are one of … 4. A computer expert with a trained eye … 5. The progress of electronics resulte

Ex. 9. TEST. Choose the required word to complete each sentence.
1. The part of the computer, which holds information, is called a ___. A. disk drive C. storage B. keyboard D. visual display unit 2. If there are no brackets, we perform

Ex. 11. Memorize the following terms.
1. application program – приложение, прикладная программа 2. business application – 1) коммерческое применение; 2) бизнес-приложение, прикладная программа для решения эк

Ex. 12. Read and translate the sentences.
1. Most people use their home computers mainly for word processing and playing video games. 2. The first electronic spreadsheet program for microcomputers was VisiCalc, which became availa

Ex. 13. WHAT IS IT? Complete the sentences, using the terms given in Exercise 11.
1. Computer software that is applied for doing research is called… . 2. . 3. The use of a computer to create, store and print a text, usually typed in from a keyboard is called… .

Ex. 18. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the tense form of the verbs. Put general questions to the sentences and give short answers.
1. Computers process large volumes of data at a high speed. 2. Scientists at AT&T developed an operating system called UNIX in 1969. 3. I will need some h

Ex. 19. Put special questions. Begin with the question-words given in brackets.
1. The computer interrupts its work if there is a program error. [In what case?] 2. B. Pascal invented the first mechanical adding machine at the age of 19. [When?] 3. The Pentium

Ex. 20. Use the verbs in the required tense form in the Active Voice.
1. Every year, computer engineers [to make – Present Indefinite] chips that can hold more bytes. 2. A warning message [to flash up– Past Indefinite] on my

Ex. 22. Put special questions to the underlined words. Begin with the question-words in brackets.
1. In 1981, only 213 computers were connected to the Internet. [When?] 2. The new software will be installed on 850 desktop computers. [How many?] 3. Arithmetic operations are per

Ex. 23. Use the verbs in the required tense/voice form. Translate the sentences.
1. The ‘bar code’ [to print– Present Indefinite Passive] on products for sale and [to contain– Present Indefinite Active] information that a computer can read.

A) using the Passive Voice.
1. Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded the Microsoft Corporation. 2. The software will install an icon on your desktop. 3. Each year the software industry loses many millions of dol

B) using the Active Voice.
1. The transistor was invented by American scientists in 1948. 2. The Pentium microprocessor is manufactured by the Intel Corporation. 3. Intel microprocessors are used in more th

(A) 1. The Internet to be a system that to connect computer networks. 2. The Internet to link millions of computers all over the world.

Ex. 26. POSSESSIVE CASE. Pay attention to the -s endings and translate the sentences.
1. Her boss's notebook was stolen from the car. 2. This network allows you to send email messages from your computer to your friends’ computers. 3. Connie left copies of the docum

Ex. 27. MODAL VERBS. Read and translate the sentences.
1. An antivirus program should be run every time you turn on your computer. 2. All program instructions must be stored within the central processing unit. 3. Memorie

Ex. 29. Say the same, using the Passive Voice.
1. You should save the file to your hard drive. 2. The software can detect over 500 different viruses. 3. Computer-controlled robots must increase the productivity of industry.

Ex. 30. TEST. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence.
1. The system crash was caused ___ disk boot failure [сбой самозагрузки с жёсткого диска]. A. on C. by B. of D. to 2. Xerox Corporation is a producer ___ photocopiers and

Ex. 32. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the italicized adjectives and adverbs.
1. More sophisticated device is needed to produce results that are more accurate. 2. It is easier to divide by 10 than by 12. 3. The smallest hard disk

Ex. 33. Use adjectives in the required degree of comparison. Translate the sentences.
1. E-mail is popular because it is [fast– comparative degree] than sending a letter and [cheap– comparative degree] than a telephone conversation. 2. A bi

Ex. 34. TEST. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence.
1. This keyboard is ___ for the user than the old one. A. comfortable C. comfortabler B. the most comfortable D. more comfortable 2. It is ___ to keep the computers runni

Ex. 35. Choose the required adjective(s) to complete each sentence.
1. Computers can do many things that people do but [faster, smaller, heavier, better, less efficient, more accurate, worse]. 2. Second-generation computers were [the most accurat

Model: The sooner the better. – Чем скорее, тем лучше.
1. The more memory you have in your computer, the more operations you can perform, i.e. the faster it works. 2. The more memory your computer has, the more data it can store. 3. T

The word computer once meant a person who did computations, but now it refers to electronic devices. Computers can do much more than calculate. They help now to solve many important and comp

Ex. 38. Search TEXT A for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases.
1. решать важные задачи в науке, технике, коммерческой деятельности; 2. открывать новые явления природы; 3. составлять прогноз погоды на завтра; 4. отправлять электронное

Ex. 39. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.
1. Today computers can translate ___ and ___ foreign languages. 2. They operate ___ a great speed. 3. Computers process a large volume ___ data ___ a short period ___ time.

Ex. 40. Answer the questions.
1. What did the word computer mean in the past? 2. Does the word computer refer to an electronic device now? 3. Are computers used only for calculations now? What ca

Ex. 41. If you think a statement is false, change it to make it true.
1. Computers can solve now many accurate problems in science, engineering and business. 2. In the past, the word 'computer' referred to a person who did research. 3. Computers can

Ex. 41. If you think a statement is false, change it to make it true.
1. Computers can solve now many accurate problems in science, engineering and business. 2. In the past, the word 'computer' referred to a person who did research. 3. Computers can

In 1953, there were only about 100 computers in use in the whole world. Today billions of programmable computers are widely used at homes, schools and universities, businesses and government agenci

Ex. 44. Search the text for the English equivalents to the following Russian phrases: 1. на предприятиях и в государственных учреждениях; 2. управлять предприятие

Ex. 46. Choose the right variant(s) to complete each sentence.
1. Today computers are used at homes, in educational and research institutions, businesses and government agencies for… . A. word processing C. data communication B. surfing the N

Ex. 47. How do people use computers? Make up sentences, using the table below.
    People Shops Banks Students Scientists Engineers Architects The police The military Musicians Journalists    

Computers and other electronic devices play an increasingly important part in railroad operations. Computerized systems facilitate the management of railyards1

  Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: automatically, component, result, microchip, microscopic, fundamentally, specialized, hydro

Ex. 3. Memorize the following words.
1. series – ряд, последовательность Syn:sequence 2. to accept – принимать 3. reason – причина 4. to convert – преобразовывать, конвертировать conversion – преоб

Ex. 4. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the italicized words.
1. Geometric progression is a series of numbers, in which each is multiplied or divided by a fixed number to produce the next, for example 1, 3, 9, 27, 81. 2. Backup copy is a copy

Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with the required words.
1. We regularly hold international conferences to ___ information with colleagues from other countries. 2. To digitize means to ___ information into a digital form. 3.

Ex. 7. Match the beginnings and the ends of the sentences.
1. Everyone in the group exchanged… 2. The office network allows users to share… 3. He entertained us for hours… 4. The largest capacity memory chips can hold… 5.

Ex. 8. Memorize the following adjectives and adverbs.
1. flat – плоский 2. lightweight – легковесный, лёгкий 3. huge – огромный 4. powerful – мощный, обладающий большой вычислительной мощностью [об ЭВМ] 5. internal –

Read and translate the sentences.
1. A flat-screen monitor will save you a lot of desk space. 2. Mainframe is a huge, powerful computer that can work very fast and that a lot of people can use simul

Ex. 9. TEST. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence.
1. Children’s television programmes are created for a ___ age group. A. advanced C. simultaneous B. specific D. overall 2. Servers are fast, ___ computers that have great

Ex. 12. Define the tense form of the predicates. Translate the sentences. Put general questions to the sentences and give short answers.
1. Nowadays, over four million people all over the world are using the Internet. 2. When I came into the room, my friends were compiling a program. 3. The engineer

Ex. 13. Put special questions. Begin with the question-words given in brackets.
The computer is testing its basic units now. [What?] We were solving the algebraic problem all the evening yesterday. [How long?] Now, more and more companies are using the

Ex. 14. INDEFINITE or CONTINUOUS? Use the verbs in the required tense form.
1. Our programmer [to write] a new computer program now. Do not disturb him! 2. I always [to use] a calculator to work out percentages. 3. The temperature remained c

Ex. 15. Read and translate the following sentences, paying attention to the Passive constructions.
1. Remember to update your anti-virus software as often as possible, since new viruses are being created all the time. 2. The museum was closed while necessary repair was being c

Model: to check / by / subtraction / addition [Present Indefinite] ↔ Addition is checked by subtraction.
1. to arrange / all / alphabetical order / the files / the folder / in / in. [Present Indefinite] 2. to invent / radio / Popov / by. [Past Indefinite] 3. to test / input / these /

Ex. 17. Use the verbs in the required form. Read and translate the sentences.
1. Voice mail [to enable – Present Indefinite Active] telephone callers to leave messages when the person, whom they [to call –Present Continuous Active], [

Ex. 18. There are 2 grammar mistakes in each sentence. Try to find them and correct.
1. These command delete files from the directory. 2. The computer industry is develop on a great speed nowadays. 3. A maximum storage capacity of the PC hard disk are 1.4 megabyte

Model: I have enough time to write the essay. – У меня достаточно времени, чтобы написать реферат.
1. Do you have enough disk space to install this encyclopedia? 2. We saved enough money to buy "the coolest" computer outright. 3. I did not have enough

Ex. 20. Answer the alternative questions.
1. Does the Internet connect hundreds or millions of computers all over the world? 2. Do we use the term "memory" for the internal or external storage of a computer? 3.

Ex. 22. Memorize the following terms.
1. abacus – счеты, абак 2. adding machine – арифмометр, счетная машина 3. slide rule – логарифмическая линейка 4. circuit– схема, цепь circuitry – схемы, цепи in

Generally, a computer is any device that can perform numerical calculations – even an adding machine, an abacus, or a slide rule. Nowadays, however, the term usually refers to an electronic device

Ex. 24. Search TEXT A for the equivalents of the following phrases: 1. выполнять численные расчеты; 2. в соответствии с точным набором команд;

Ex. 26 Answer the questions to the text.
1. What is a computer? 2. What is the basic task of a computer? 3. In what form does a computer accept information? 4. What is the difference between data and i

Ex. 27. If you think a statement is false, change it to make it true.
1. The term "compute"' usually refers to a programmer that performs tasks according to a precise set of instructions. 2. A slide rule and an abacus are electronic devices used to

Ex. 28. Memorize the following terms.
1. special-purpose computer – специализированный компьютер 2. general-purpose computer – универсальный компьютер 3. personal digital assistant, PDA – персональный цифр

(1) Computers come in many sizes, shapes and capabilities. Special-purpose computers are designed to perform specific tasks. Their operations are limited to the programs built into their m

The Palm Pilot personal digital assistant (PDA) was introduced in 1996.
  (3) Desktop PCs as well as portable laptop and notebook computers refer to the class of microcomputers. They are designed for use in businesses and at home for word processing, calc

Cray Supercomputer
The Cray-2 Supercomputer (designed by Seymour Cray of Cray Research, Eagan, MN) was first introduced in 1985, nine years after the first model, the Cray-1, was introduced. This type of supercompute

Ex. 30. Search TEXT B for the equivalents of the following phrases: 1. программа, встроенная в микрочип; 2. предварительно запрограммированные на выполнение опред

Ex. 31. Give short answers to the general questions and add something to develop the idea.
1. Are general-purpose computers designed to perform specific tasks? 2. Do personal computers and business computers refer to special-purpose machines? 3. Can electronic calculato

Ex. 32. Complete the sentences. Try to do the task without consulting the text.
1. Computers come in many ___, ___ and ___. 2. Special-purpose computers can be found in various electronic devices such as ___, ___, ___, ___, ___. 3. General-purpose computers d

Ex. 33. TEST. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence.
1. A ___ can be equipped with a cellular phone. A. general-purpose computer C. supercomputer B. PDA D. game console 2. Such pointing device as a ___ is most commonly used

Микрокомпьютер – это настольный или портативный компьютер, который использует микропроцессор в качестве единственного центрального процессора, выполняющего все логические и арифметические операции.

Мейнфреймы – это большие компьютеры общего назначения. Они занимали господствующие позиции на компьютерном рынке до 1980-х годов. Изначально мейнфреймы были предназначены для обработки огромных объ

There are two fundamentally different types of computers – analog and digital. (Hybrid computers combine elements of both types.) An analog computer solves problems by using continuously c

  Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: mechanical, organization, cable, parallel, decoder, to regulate, component, to coordinate,

Ex. 3. Memorize the following words.
1. to compose – составлять, формировать to be composed of – состоять из Syn: to consist of 2. wire –провод wireless – беспроводной 3. to receive – получа

Ex. 4. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the italicized words.
1. Viewing and editing documents on screen can be much quicker than working on paper. 2. If you want to retrieve a file from the computer, press FIND and then enter the name

Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with the required words.
1. In ___ to other recent video games, this one isn't very exciting. 2. The advantage of a database is that information can be stored in and quickly ___ from it. 3. CD-ROM techno

Ex. 6. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Mind your grammar!
1. We получаем the latest news programmes через satellite. 2. A typical PC has components to выводить and распечатывать information (monitor and printer); вв

Ex. 7. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence.
1. It is particularly interesting to [install, compare, erase, compose] the two versions of the Windows operating system. 2. Video cameras with night vision can be [attached, dis

B) Replace the underlined words by their antonyms and translate the sentences.
1. The answers to some of the most rarely asked questions about the Internet will be published in the next issue of our journal. 2. Customers will not return to the website i

Ex. 9. Give English equivalents to the italicized words and translate the sentences.
1. New bank employees will be provided with временный identity cards. 2. Technology in this field has improved значительно over the last decade. 3. The results of th

Ex. 10. Fill in the gaps with one of the adverbs or adjectives given in Ex. 8.
1. Thirteen is ___ considered an unlucky number. 2. You must register if you want to use the software on a ___ basis. 3. It is not ___; you can make a copy of these documents next

Ex. 11. PARTICIPLE I. Translate the phrases and use some of them in the sentences of your own.
(A) 1. the engineers carrying out the experiment; 2. the bus linking all the CPU's components; 3. the shop selling sophisticated ele

Ex. 12. Read and translate the sentences. Define the function of Participle I.
1. Databases are programs allowing the user to store, view or change a large quantity of information quickly and easily. 2. Intel Corporation is a leading manufacturer of mic

Ex. 13. PARTICIPLE II. Use Participle II instead of Infinitive. Translate the phrases and use some of them in the sentences of your own.
(A) 1. the [to crack] code; 2. the report [to print] in duplicate; 3. errors [to make] in calculations; 4. the file

Ex. 14. Read and translate the sentences. Define the function of Participle II.
1. This is the edited version of my speech. 2. If translated into Russian, this article will be of great service to programmers. 3. The CPU is controlled by a

Ex. 15. Compare the translation of Participle I and Participle II in the pairs of the following sentences.
1. Great plants equipped with modern machinery produce computers. Great plants producing computers are equipped with modern machinery. 2. Machines called computers make complicated calcula

Ex. 16. Read and translate the sentences. Define the function of participles.
1. The demand for skilled specialists working in the IT field is constantly increasing. 2. Online chat allows people to carry on discussions, using written text. 3. The smart card

Ex. 17. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Consult the box if necessary.
1. We spent an hour or two, болтая to our friends over the phone. 2. The monitor купленный a few days ago has broken down. 3. People intentionally создающие

Ex. 18. Participle I or Participle II? Replace the infinitives by the required participles.
1. A supercomputer is a powerful computer to use for solving very complicated tasks. 2. A video phone has a device to allow us to see a room and the face of the to speak

Model: the problem to be discussed at the seminar – пpoблeмa, которая бyдeт oбcyждаться на семинаре; проблема, которую нужно обсудить на семинаре.
(A) 1. data to be entered into the spreadsheet; 2. the article to be published in the journal next month; 3. the sophisticated equipment

Ex. 20. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to Infinitives as attributes.
1. Programs and data to be processed must be loaded into the main memory. 2. In every subject, there are elements to be understood, but there are also some fundamental principles to be mem

Ex. 21. Choose the required Infinitive to complete each sentence.
1. The WWW developed by British physicist Timothy Berners-Lee in the 1980s is a system of information resources ____ primarily through the Internet. 2. The program is a

Ex. 22. Put general, alternative and special questions to the following sentences.
1. Such popular operating systems as MS-DOS and Windows were developed in the early 1980s and 1990s respectively. 2. The SAVE command is used to record a file on the hard disk. 3.

Ex. 23. Memorize the following terms.
1. board– плата 2. bus – шина 3. register – регистр 4. clock – клок (генератор синхроимпульсов, тактовый генератор) 5. cycle – такт, цикл 6. adder – сумматор 7

What is hardware? Webster's dictionary gives us the following definition of this word: the mechanical, magnetic, electronic and electrical devices composing a computer system. A typic

Personal Computer Components
  Computers differ greatly in their internal organization, but every digital computer has a processor and internal/external memory. All units of the computer system are linked by a bu

The Central Processing Unit
The CPU is a main part of any digital computer. In addition to performing arithmetic and logic operations on data, it coordinates and controls the activities of other units of the computer system.

Internal Memory
The main memory is the systems component of the computer, which holds data and instructions required for ongoing process. It receives this information from an input device or a secondary sto

External Memory
Secondary storage units are used for long-term storing data and instructions. They can store considerably more information than a main memory can but operate at slower speeds. The most com

Compact Discs
  A new type of discs – digital videodisc (DVD) – was developed by Philips and Sony in 1995. It looks and works like a CD-ROM but can store more than 15 times as much information.

Input Devices
Input hardware consists of external devices – i.e. components outside of the computer's CPU – that are used to enter information and instructions into a computer for storage or processing. The purp

  A joystick is a pointing device used primarily for playing computer video games. A joystick usually has a square or rectangular plastic base to which is attached a vertical l

Output Devices
External devices that enable the user to see or hear the results of the computer's data processing are known as output devices. The results are output in either hardcopy or softcopy form. Hardcopy

Ex. 25. Search the text for the equivalents of the following phrases: 1. 16-разрядная шина; 2. одновременная передача 16 битов информации; 3. устройство,

Ex. 31. Translate the words (on the left) and find their definitions (on the right).
1. процессор 2. клавиатура 3. мышь 4. дискета 5. винчестер 6. модем 7. монитор 8. экран 9. ПЗУ 10. О3У   a) nonvolatile, non-modifiab

Let's imagine a railroad line with four stations marked input, storage, computer a

  Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: mechanical, physical, component, effective, category, functioning, to group, command, to st

Ex. 3. Memorize the following words.
1. to complete – 1) завершать; заканчивать; 2) выполнять, осуществлять complete – 1) полный, завершённый; 2) укомплектованный 2. to boot (up) – загружать, выполнять на

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the italicized words.
1. A warning message appears on the display when there is an error in the program. 2. Modern washing machines, microwave ovens and other appliances are manufactured with e

Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with the required words.
1. More than fifty people ___ to the advertisement on the Internet. 2. The manager of the company ___ to introduce a system of identity cards. 3. ___ in medical scienc

Ex. 6. Choose the required word(s) to complete each sentence.
1. For the [demand, variety, profit, security] of passengers, all hand baggage is carefully checked at the airport. 2. The process of removing the bugs from a computer program is ca

Ex. 7. Match the beginnings and ends of these sentences.
1. It is said that debugging is the art of taking bugs out, while… 2. To get out of the 'auto' mode on the digital camera… 3. They made a huge profit when… 4. The police are of

B) Fill in the gaps with the words given above.
1. New computer software is often ___ with older computers. 2. Pascal went ahead with the experiment even though he knew it was ___. 3. Strict ___ measures were in force during th

Ex. 9. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Mind your Grammar!
1. Жёсткие диски предоставляют более быстрый доступ к данным, чем дискеты and могут хранить much more information. 2. The next step in the development of computer memory bega

Ex. 10. Give the third form of the following verbs. Mind the reading of the -ed ending!
to place, to have, to read, to introduce, to compose, to be, to find, to consist, to retrieve, to do, to receive, to make, to tell, to use, to think, to execute, to distribute, to consider, to move

Model: I have translated the article. What about your friend? – My friend has translated the article too.
1. Nick has been a programmer since his graduation from the University. What about you? 2. I haven't had time yet to check my email this morning. What about your friend?

Two letters have been written by him today.
1. I think you have made the correct decision. 2. W. Oughtred had constructed the first slide-rule by 1630. 3. He has saved the file to the hard drive as a PDF. 4. We hav

PCs are produced by this company.
1. B. Pascal built an adding machine in 1642. 2. The scientists were carrying out an important experiment when the power was suddenly cut off. 3. He said that he had never receive

Ex. 13. Translate the sentences. Define the tense / voice form of the italicized predicates.
1. My hard disk has crashed and I have lost that 5,000-word report. 2. By 1989, 32-bit microprocessors containing 1.2 million transistors and capable of executing 20 million

Ex. 14. Use the verb in the required tense/voice form. Translate the sentences.
1. Error message [to appear –Present Indefinite Active] on a computer screen if you [to do –Present Perfect Active] something wrong or if the program

Ex. 15. Indefinite, Continuous or Perfect? Active or Passive? Use the verb in the required tense and voice form. Translate the sentences.
1. The Toyota Co. to decide (recently) to spend $800 million a year on the development of the new electric automobile. 2. The floppies to introduce by IBM in 1972 and to u

Ex. 17. Put special questions. Begin with the question-words given in brackets.
1. These simulators have been developed for training pilots. [What…for?] 2. I check my email and voicemail every evening. [How often?] 3. We obtained false data because there had

Ex. 18. Put questions to the underlined words.
1. The mechanic has located the defect in a machine immediately. 2. The references and diagrams were attached to the document. 3. Many of your suggestions hav

Ex. 19. Participle I or Participle II? Replace the infinitives by the required participles.
1. The constantly to improve graphics and sound capabilities of PCs have to make them popular tools for artists and musicians. 2. Some application programs automatically make

Ex. 20. Give English equivalents to the italicized words.
1. There is a variety of companies предоставляющих mobile phone services in our city. 2. Windows 98 is the усовершенствованная version of Windows 95. 3. The shop off

Ex. 21. TEST. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence.
1. Electronic devices ___ for scientific research since the 1940s. A. were used C. had used B. have been used D. was being used 2. I'm sorry I didn't call earlier, but I

Ex. 22. Memorize the following terms.
1. multiprocessing – многопроцессорная обработка, параллельная обработка, одновременное выполнение 2. graphical user interface, GUI– графический интерфейс пользователя, ГИП 3. di

Ex. 23. Translate the following text into English (do it in writing).
Условно-бесплатное ПО – способ дистрибуции недорогого ПО, которое доступно как "попробуй, перед тем как купить". Такие программы можно загрузить с внешнего ЗУ или из онлайновых систем. Не

Ex. 24. Match the English term and its translation.
1. automatic recovery program 2. common program 3. copy-protected program 4. copyrighted program 5. data access program 6. database program 7. debugging progra

[1] As you have already known, all the electronic and mechanical units composing the computer system refer to the physical components of a data processing system called hardware. But the com

An Operating System Interface
A screen shot from the Windows XP operating system displays icons and other images typical of the GUI that makes computers easy to use. With a GUI, a computer user can easily execute commands by cl

Ex. 26. Search the text for the equivalents of the following phrases: 1. система обработки данных; 2. набор компьютерных программ; 3. управлять работой в

Ex. 28. Complete the sentences. Consult the text if necessary.
1. Software that must be installed to activate a peripheral device is called ___. 2. Programs that are permanently stored in a computer's nonvolatile memory are called ___. 3. The

Работа компьютера обеспечивается, с одной стороны (on the one hand), аппаратными устройствами, а с другой (on the other hand) – программами. Аппаратное обеспечение включает в себя вну

Windows – это операционные системы (OC), созданные компанией Майкрософт. Они заняли доминирующее положение на международном компьютерном рынке с начала 1990-х. В 1995 компания представила принци

Ex. 30. Match the phrase (on the left) and its translation (on the right).
1. (game) console 2. game controller 3. coin-operated arcade machine 4. arcade 5. vibrant color and sound 6. high resolution 7. arcade games 8. adventure gam

Electronic games are interactive application software played for entertainment or educational purposes. Video games differ in design but can include vibrant color and sound, realistic movement, vis

Early Efforts
In 1958, Willy Higginbotham, an engineer at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (the USA), used an oscilloscope (an instrument for visually representing electrical current) to create what is conside

Video Games
In mid-1972, Nolan Bushnell founded Atari Corporation. His first product was a game called Ping-Pong. Pong became the first commercially successful1 video game. But the

Nintendo And Competitors
The industry continued to decline until the late 1980s. A Japanese company called Nintendo revived interest in1 electronic games in 1985 when it introduced its Nintendo

Computer Games
While video-game systems are used only for games, gaming is only one of the many uses for computers. In computer games, players can use a keyboard to type in commands, a mouse to move a cursor arou

Advantages of Computer Games
Computers brought new capabilities to electronic games. Because computers could store data, they were a good platform for lengthy adventure and role-playing games. Players could store their progres

Popular Computer Games
In 1993, Id Software created Doom, one of the most significant computer games of all time. Doom allowed players to see the game through the eyes of the character1 they c

  Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: idea, conception, mathematician, special, photograph, original, automatically, programmable

Ex. 3. Memorize the following words.
1. to devise – придумывать, изобретать, разрабатывать 2. to contribute – 1) содействовать, способствовать (to – чему-л.); 2) вносить вклад contribution

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the italicized words.
1. With a few minor exceptions, the new edition of the electronic dictionary is very similar to the previous one. 2. Because of intense competition on the world's market, the big co

Ex. 5. Translate the words on the right. Fill in the gaps with the required words. Mind your grammar!
1. Using graphics software, you can ___ the image on the screen. 2. All students without ___ must take the English examination. 3. Although ___ are not being used now,

Ex. 6. Choose the required word(s) to complete each sentence.
1. Some of the book pages had got stuck together and I could not [relate, separate, except, prepare] them. 2. They removed the picture from its wooden [approach, gear, pattern, f

Ex. 7. Replace the statements given in brackets by one word from your active vocabulary.
1. In the past, [cards on which information was recorded as a pattern of holes] were used for putting information into a computer. 2. [A liquid changed into a gas] as the tra

Ex. 8. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Mind your grammar!
1. Используя a telescope, Galileo открыл stars that были невидимы to the naked eye. 2. The Earth вращается on its axis once every 24 hours. 3. We usual

Ex. 9. Memorize the following adverbs.
especially – особенно far – намного exactly – точно, ровно nearly – почти, приблизительно actually – фактически, на самом деле directly – непосредственно, прямо

B) Give English equivalents to the italicized words and translate the sentences.
1. There are a lot of spelling mistakes; тем не менее, it’s достаточно a good essay. 2. I don’t want to boast, but I can на самом деле speak six languages. 3.

C) Fill in the gaps with the required adverbs.
1. To look at him you’d never think he was ___ fifty. 2. The teacher said that her writing skills were ___ below average. 3. Everything went ___ as planned. 4. Historians

Ex. 11. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the equivalents of the modal verb must.
1. I think you are to delete the second paragraph. 2. The secretary was to email the letters to the clients yesterday. 3. Users have to enter a password to ga

Ex. 12. Express the idea in (a) Past, (b) Future.
1. Computer-controlled robots must increase the productivity of industry. 2. To solve scientific problems, researchers must deal with the language of science – mathematics.

You are to scan disks for viruses before opening them.
1. Handle disks carefully. 2. Never touch their recording surfaces. 3. Never bend disks. 4. Keep disks and tapes away from magnetic fields, e.g. the top of a monit

Ex. 14. Give English equivalents (two or three variants if possible) to the italicized words.
1. We пришлось hear about the whole journey from beginning to end. 2. Тебе придётся speed up your rate of work if you должен finish it by the specified date.

Ex. 15. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the equivalents of the modal verb must.
1. The ENIAC computer had to be rewired each time when its program was to be changed. 2. A program is a set of instructions that tell the computer what operations have to be carried out an

Ex. 16. Define the type of the conditional clause and translate the sentences.
1. If the system crashes, we will lose all our latest data. 2. Had Ch. Babbage got additional financing, he would have completed his Analytical Engine. 3. If we couldn’t feed the

Ex. 17. Match the if-clauses (1 to 6) to the main clauses (a to f) to make complete sentences.
1. If the Apple Computer company had not introduced the GUI,… 2. If you or I add up two numbers of six figures without a calculator,... 3. If you had chosen a more com

Ex. 18. Complete the sentences with the required predicates. Consult the box. Are the sentences the first, second or third conditionals?
1. The virus ___ as soon as you ___ the infected floppy in your PC. 2. Consumers ___ the new software if it ___ so expensive. 3. If he ___ his invention, he ___ a lot

Part I (Prehistory) The ideas and inventions of many mathematicians, scientists and engineers paved the way for the development of the modern computer. The computer act

Ex. 20. Search the text for the equivalents of the following phrases: 1. подготовить почву, прокладывать путь; 2. самое быстродействующее вычислительное устройств

Part II
1. When was the automatic computer invented? 2. Why did Babbage want to design a device for calculating mathematical tables? 3. What kind of machine was the Difference Engine?

Part II
1. A computer that was completely out-of-date in conception was designed by Ch. Babbage. 2. The idea of mechanical calculating mathematical spreadsheets first came to Babbage in 1812 or 18

Ex. 23. Fill in the gaps with the required word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1. The first mechanical calculator was the ___. 2. Pascal designed the first adding machine for ___. 3. The Step Reckoner invented by Leibniz could be used for ___.

Ex. 24. Look through the text and fill in the gaps with the proper dates and names. Arrange the sentences in chronological sequence.
1. Ada King wrote the demonstration program for the Analytical Engine in ___. 2. The abacus remained the only means of calculation up to ___. 3. In ___, a Swedish printer built a

(1791 – 1871) Charles Babbage is a British mathematician and inventor, who designed and built mechanical computing machines on principles that anticipated the modern elect

(1815-1852) Even though the Analytical Engine was never constructed, a demonstration program for it was written. The author of that program has the honor of being the worl

  Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: ton, concept, automatically, electricity, version, ballistics, decade, cryptographer, to re

Ex. 2. Memorize the following words.
1. to occur – случаться, происходить 2. to weigh – весить, взвешивать weight – вес, масса, тяжесть 3. relay – реле, переключатель 4. obsolete– устаревший, вышедший

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the italicized words.
1. Each number in the series 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 is twice as large as the previous number. 2. Relay is a part of electrical equipment that receives radio or television signals and

Ex. 4. Fill in the gaps with the words from your active vocabulary. The first letter of each missing word is given. Mind your grammar!
1. My job requires lifting heavy w___ such as TVs and refrigerators. 2. There is no l___ on the amount of money that may be brought into the US. 3. The third g

Ex. 5. Choose the required word.
1. UNDO is a command on a computer that cancels the [following or previous?] action. 2. [Black or white?] surfaces absorb heat from the sun. 3. A child

Ex. 6. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Mind your grammar!
1. Our portable computer весит 7 pounds and стоит about $4,000. 2. The first electronic computers were like very large furnaces потреблявшие огромное количество of ele

Ex. 7. Copy the words. In each group, tick one word that have the opposite meaning. Can you do it without a dictionary?
1.  out of date  obsolete  up to date  old-fashioned 2.  to occur  to take part  to happen  to take place 3.  approx

Ex. 9. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the equivalents of the modal verbs can and may – to be able to and to be allowed to.
1. You will be able to burn over four hours of video images onto a DVD. 2. Many private individuals now have their own Web sites. They are able to fill their pages with photo

Ex. 10. Replace the modal verbs by their equivalents and translate the sentences.
1. I searched a few websites, but could not find the information I was looking for. 2. In the example like [a + b x c] we must perform addition after mul

Ex. 11. Give English equivalents to the italicized words and translate the sentences.
1. The first-generation computers were very unreliable because the vacuum tubes burned out and they приходилось be replaced frequently. 2. Minicomputers produced in the late 1950s w

Ex. 12. TEST. Choose the required modal verb or its equivalent to complete each sentence.
1. In 1642, Pascal designed an adding machine, which ___ help in the computation of taxes. A. was to C. have to B. were able to D. was allowed to 2. I will record the fil

Ex. 13. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Я думаю, что смогу продать свой компьютер за $100. 2. Чтобы войти в систему, вы должны ввести пароль, состоящий из 6 цифр. 3. Компьютеры могут хранить огромное количество инфор

Ex. 14. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to -ed forms.
(A) 1. Microsoft developed the Windows operating system used on many home and office PCs. The Windows operating system was developed by the Microsoft company

Ex. 15. Memorize the following terms.
1. paper tape – перфолента 2. paper tape reader –устройство считывания (ввода) с бумажной перфоленты 3. card reader –устройство для считывания (ввода данных) с перфока

Ex. 15. Memorize the following terms.
1. paper tape – перфолента 2. paper tape reader –устройство считывания (ввода) с бумажной перфоленты 3. card reader –устройство для считывания (ввода данных) с перфока

The Harvard Mark I, 1943
  It should be said that Aiken mistrusted the concept of storing program within a computer. The Mark I was programmed to solve problems by means of a paper tape on which coded instruc

Ex. 17. Search the text for the English equivalents to the following words and phrases: 1. двадцатитрёхзначные числа; 2. без вмешательства человека; 3. с

Ex. 19. Complete the sentences. Try to do it without consulting the text.
1. Electromechanical computers were not fast enough as their speed was limited by ___. 2. The speed of electronic machines is restricted by ___. 3. One of the earliest electronic

Ex. 20. Memorize the following terms.
1. logic circuitry – логические схемы 2. vacuum tube – электронная лампа 3. semi-conductor device – полупроводниковое устройство 4. preformatted paper – бумага в зад

Since the development of the Harvard Mark I, the digital computing machines have progressed at a rapid pace. Computers are often divided into five generations according to a series of advances in h

The Integrated Circuit
  The next jump in the development of computer technology came with the introduction of large-scale ICs. Using less-expensive silicon chips, engineers managed to place more and more e

Ex. 22. Search the text for the English equivalents to the following phrases: 1. ряд усовершенствований в аппаратном обеспечении компьютера; 2. так называемый;

Ex. 24. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence.
1. Computers are divided into generations according to a number of improvements in ___. A. operating systems C. input devices B. logic circuitry D. application software 2

Ex. 25. Three words in each sentence should be replaced by another one. Try to do it!
1. The switches in the first-generation computers were bulky, reliable, time-consuming devices generating large amounts of heat. 2. The vacuum engineers of one machine generated enough ele

(1) But the most unusual section in the museum is "History of Computer Development". There is a mechanical calculating device, which was used for the census1 o

Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases: microelectronics, microprocessor, microcomputer, miniaturization, specially, firm, commercial, to concentra

Ex. 2. Memorize the following words.
1. to permit – разрешать, позволять, давать возможность Syn: to let permission – разрешение 2. to flip – переключать, щёлкать (кнопкой, выключателем) Syn: to fli

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the italicized words.
1. The software, which is protected by copyright, cannot be copied, distributed or reproduced without the author's permission. 2. Fujitsu, Hitachi, and NEC are competing with

Ex. 5. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Mind your grammar!
1. If time позволяет, you can repeat the process. 2. The система электроснабжения is менее надёжная in mountainous areas of the country. 3. He works in the wo

Ex. 6. Choose the required word(s) to complete each sentence.
1. [Experience, assembly, supply, competition] is more important for this job than paper qualifications. 2. The password [attracts, incorporates, permits, adapts] access to a

Ex. 7. PARTICIPLE I PERFECT. Translate the phrases and use some of them in the sentences of your own.
(A) 1. having passed all the exams; 2. having edited the text; 3. having replaced the hard disk; 4. having pressed

Ex. 8. Read and translate the sentences containing Participle I Perfect.
1. Having loaded the software, you should restart your PC. 2. Having switched on the tape-recorder, I immediately noticed that it was not working properly. 3. Hav

Ex. 9. Match the beginnings (1-7) and ends (a-g) of the sentences. Define the type and function of participles in each group.
(A) 1. A digital computer is a machine… 2. Before 1970, computers were huge machines… 3. A transistor is a tiny piece of silicon… 4. Multimedia is a c

Ex. 10. TEST. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence.
1. When you visit a web site, some words on the page may be underlined, ___ that there is more information about the subject in another document. A. showing B. having showed C. showed

In 1996, IBM challenged Garry Kasparov to a chess match with a supercomputer called Deep Blue. The computer operated by a team of 6 IBM programmers had the ability to calculate more t

Ex. 12. Use modal verbs instead of their equivalents if possible and translate the sentences.
1. The publisher had to obtain the necessary permissions to reproduce illustrations. 2. Because a modem can be used for inter-computer communication, many people are able to do now their o

Ex. 14. Memorize the following terms.
1. add-on device – дополнительное (внешнее) устройство; приставка 2. software program – программа, реализованная программно (в отличие от реализованной аппаратно) 3. e

The original Apple II Computer
  The Apple II initially was used mainly for running video games. Its popularity considerably increased when Daniel Bricklin wrote a program called VisiCalc – the first electronic spr

Part II
The IBM Corporation, the world's dominant computer maker, entered the new market in 1981, when it introduced the IBM Personal Computer. The IBM PC was only slightly faster than other desktop machin

Part III
These advances in software and operating systems were matched by4 the development of microprocessors that contained increasing numbers of circuits. It resulted in increa

Ex. 16. Search the text for the English equivalents to the following phrases: 1. разработанный специально для личного пользования; 2. устройство считывания (ввода

Ex. 17. Answer the questions.
1. What technical innovations resulted in the development of microcomputers? 2. What was the first desktop computer designed for personal use? 3. Can you describe the Altair 8800?

Use the required phrases to complete each sentence.
1. Thanks to the integrated circuit, the size of ___ was reduced. 2. The ___ enabled the computer engineers to minimize the size of the CPU. 3. The Altair 8800 was the first ___ d

Part II
Robert Noyce was a risk-taker who was successful both as an engineer and as a businessmen. The son of an Iowa minister, he was informal and genuine. Even when he was running one of the most success

Part III
The two men who first introduced the PC to the market – Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak – had neither prestigious university education nor experience in big business. Jobs was raised by ad

Steven Jobs (right) and Stephen Wozniak hold an Apple I board, 1976.
  The first order for 50 machines was received from Paul Terrell, owner of one of computer retail stores. To raise3 the $1300 needed to buy the parts, Jobs

Part IV
As the computer industry began to reach into homes and small busineses around the world, there arised the need for many new products for the PC. Martin Alpert, the founder of Tecmar, Inc., was one

Ex. 21. Search the text for the English equivalents to the following phrases: 1. правительственное учреждение; 2. неограниченный круг лиц, широкая публика

Ex. 24. Try to complete the paragraph below. Consult a dictionary if necessary.
Although Jobs and Wozniak have become known as two of the most brilliant innovators in the technological revolution, not all of their 1___ were as successful as the Apple I and the Apple

B 70-е годы появляются персональные компьютеры. Прежде всего, Аррlе. Компьютер пришел к человеку. И хотя мощность первых Аррlе была несравнимо меньше, чем y IBM, компьютер стал ближе и понятнее. Кс

Task III. Quiz: Computers and the Net.
1. Make sure you ___ your computer before you leave the office. a) close b) shut down c) restart d) lock up 2. How long are you going to be ___ the Internet? I need to phon

Horizontally: 1.A more favourable position; gain or

Horizontally: 1. Discovery; producing smth. new. 2.To detect and remove the mistakes in a computer program. 3.Someone that uses a product, ser

WHAT IS 2 х 2?
An assemblage of the most gifted minds in the world were all posedthe following question: "What is 2 x 2?" The engineer whips out his slide rule (so it's old) and shuffles it bac

If you can count on one person in this life, it is your mother. Particularly, you can rely on any mom anywhere to find the perils inherent in any situation. Indeed, no self-respecting mom ever miss

Bill Gates died and, much to everyone's surprise, went to Heaven. When he got there, he had to wait in the reception area. Heaven's reception area was the size of Massachusetts. There were literall

Ten young programmers began to work online, One didn’t pay for Internet, and then there were nine. Nine young programmers used copies that they m

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port, And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort, And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort, Then the so

1. If you were able to have any car you wanted, what would you buy? a) I’d buy a restored vintage car that might become a collector’s item. b) I’d buy a newly built car with all t

Add up your score and read the analysis.
  A B C   A B C

ARE YOU AN EXTROVERT OR AN INTROVERT?   1. You are invited to the party. What is your reaction? a) Good! I enjoy going to the parties because I hope

Add up your score and read the analysis.
  A B C   A B C

Personal and Possessive Pronouns
  личные местоимения притяжательные местоимения абсолютные формы именительный падеж объектный

Глагол to be
Глагол to be имеет следующие формы:   Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

Глагол to have
Глагол to have имеет следующие формы:   Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

Оборот there + to be
  Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма Present Indefinite there is

Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий
(Comparison Degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs) Положительная степень Positive degree Сравнительная степень Comparative degree

Основные формы глагола
Глагол в английском языке имеет четыре основные формы. По способу образования второй и третьей форм глаголы делятся на правильные (стандартные) и неправильные (нестандартные).  

В действительном (Active) и страдательном (Passive) залогах
  Группа времён Indefinite представляет действие как факт. Служит для выражения отдельных или повторяющихся действий в настоящем, прошедшем или будуще

Tenses in Active Voice
    Present Past Future Indefinite V1 V1 + s(в 3 л.,

Tenses in Passive Voice
  to be+V3 Present Past Future Indefinite

One should / it should – нужно, следует one may / it may – можно
• It should be said that оf the two spellings, the former is more common. • One can download this program free from the Internet. Следует

Participle I
Participle I Simple(простое причастие настоящего времени) образуется путём прибавления окончания -ing к основе глагола (to increase – increasing; to

Participle II
Participle II (причастие прошедшего времени) правильных глаголов образуется путём прибавления окончания -ed к основе глагола (to train – trained, to work – worked, to last –

Функции слов с окончанием -ing в предложении
Function Example Translation подлежащее Gerund Combining work and study is not easy.

Функции слов с окончанием -ed в предложении
Function Example Translation сказуемое в Past Indefinite The use of binary code simplified the comp

Функции глагола to be
  Function Example Translation глагол-связка be + существительное; прилагательное; числительное; инфи

Функции глагола to have
  Functions Example Translation смысловой глагол have +существительное This keyboard has

Порядок слов в утвердительных предложениях
В отличие от русского языка, где свободный порядок слов, в английском языке строго фиксированный порядок слов. Схема порядка слов в предложении следующая:  

Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях
В английском языке существует несколько типов вопросов. Мы рассмотрим общие и специальные. Общий вопрос – это вопрос, который задаётся ко всему предложению и требует краткого

Порядок слов в отрицательных предложениях
Отрицательная форма предложений образуется при помощи отрицания not или no. ü Если сказуемое простое, то отрицание not ставится после вспомогательного глагола

Наиболее распространенные служебные слова
according to – в соответствии с, согласно чему-л. along with –наряду с although – хотя; несмотря на то, что as – так как; когда; по мере того как; в

1. Бобылёва Л.И. English for Computer Users: Учебное пособие. – Мн.: Экоперспектива, 2003. 2. Радовель В.А. Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности: Учебное пособие. – Ростов н/Д:

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