Customs and Traditions in Great Britain - раздел Иностранные языки, Основы английского языка для нелингвистов Some English Customs And Traditions Are Famous All Over The World. Bo...
Some English customs and traditions are famous all over the world. Bowler hats, tea and talking about the weather, for example. From Scotland to Cornwall, the United Kingdom is full of customs andtraditions. Here are some of them.
St. Valentine's is the saintof people in love, and St. Valentine's day is February, 14. On that day, people send valentine cardsand presents to their husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends. You can also send a card to a person you don't know. But traditionally you must never write your name on it. Some British newspapers have apage for Valentine's Day messages on February 14th
April, 1 is April Fool's Dayin Great Britain. This is a very old tradition from the Middle Ages.At that time servantswere mastersfor one day of the year. Now April Fool's Day is different. It's aday for jokes and tricks.
May, 1was an important day in the Middle Ages. In the very early morning young girls went to fields and washed their faces with dew.They believed this made them very beautiful for a year after that. Also on May Day young men of each village tried to win prizeswith their bows and arrows, and people danced round the Maypole.
November, 5 is Guy Fawkes's Day. All over the country people buildwood fires, or «bonfires»,in their gardens. On top of each bonfire is a guy, this is a figure of Guy Fawkes. On November, 5, 1665, Guy Fawkes tried to kill King James I. He and a group of his friends put a bomb underthe Houses of Parliament in London. But the king's men found the bomb and Guy Fawkes. They took him to the Tower of London, where his headwas cut off.Before November 5, children use guys to make money. They stand in the street and shout: «Penny for the guy».
- to be famous all over the world – быть известным во всем мире
a bowler hat - котелок
to be full of customs and traditions – быть полным обычаев и традиций
- a saint - святой
to send valentine cards to smbd. – посылать валентинки кому-либо
a Valentine's Day messagе – послание Дня святого Валентина
- April Fool's Day – День смеха
the Middle Ages – средние века
a servant – слуга
a master – хозяин
a trick – проделка, проказа
- to wash one's face with dew – умывать лицо росой
to win a prizе – выиграть приз
to dance round the Maypole – танцевать вокруг майского шеста
- to build a bonfire – устроить костер
to put a bomb under smth. – заложить бомбу под что-либо
to cut somebody's head off – отрубить голову кому-либо
to use a guy to make money – использовать чучело, чтобы заработать денег
Task 22. Answer the questions to the text:
1. What proves that the United Kingdom is a country of traditions?
2. How is St. Valentine's Day marked?
3. What is April Fool's Day?
4. What are the old traditions of May Day?
5. Why is the guy put on top of the bonfire on November, 5? .
Task 23.Translate into English:
1. Coeдиненнoe Kopoлевствo полно oбычаев и тpaдиций, известных во всем мире.
2. День святого Валентина, святого возлюбленных, отмечается 14 февраля.
3. 1 aпpeля - день смexa, день шуток и проделок
4. 1 Maя - пpaздник прихода (coming) весны.
5. 5 ноября люди сооружают большие костры и сжигают (burn) чучело Гая Фокса.
6. Гай Фокс жил в 17 веке и пытался подложить бомбу под парламент.
7. Заговор (plot) был раскрыт, Гая Фокса посадили в Тауэр и отрубили ему голову.
Task 24. Read and translate the text “The Ceremony of the Keys”
Все темы данного раздела:
Ледовских С.Л. Усковой Т.В.
Издательство Першина Р.В.
Рекомендовано к печати кафедрой теории и практики преподавания а
Чтение ударных гласных:
1) Если гласные находятся в открытом слоге, т.е. в слоге, который оканчивается на гласную (go, student, he), или в условно отк
Е место — дополнения
Обозначают предметы и понятия, с которыми главный член предложения (подлежащее) вступает во взаимодействие. Дополнения бывают:
- прямое, отвечает на вопросы кого? что?;
Построение отрицательных предложений.
В английском предложении может быть только одно отрицание.
Основных способов построения отрицаний в английском языке два:
1. с помощью отрицательной частицы not;
2. с пом
To peel — peeled — peeled — чистить
Обычно происходящее действие, констатация факта
My family
Hello! My name is Tanya Ivanova. I am seventeen. I live in Tambov. I finished school number twenty two. My favourite subjects at school were Biology and Social Sciences. Now I study at the Institut
D. Think of your own sentences using the words and word combinations from Task C. Read your sentences to your group-mates.
Task 4. In the table match the synonyms (the words with similar meaning). Consult the dictionary if necessary:
1. large
a. smart
Task 16. Write down your own sentences using the possessive case of nouns.
Task 17. Answer the questions:
Who is Tanya Ivanova? Where does she live? What were Tanya’s favourit
Task 20. Write down the story of your own family using the text. Tell it to your group-mates.
Additional reading
Task 21. Read the texts and make their outline. Express your opinion about the family relationships from the author’s point of view. Give your
Text B. British and American families
British and American families are usually small. In fact the populations of both Britain and the USA have stopped growing. The typical family has a father, mother and two children.
Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.
Hobbies are divided into four large c
Task 9. Make up your own sentences using Present Simple and Future Simple.
Task 10. Answer the following questions:
1. How many classes of hobbies are described in the text? What are
Task 15. Retell the text, using Tasks 13 and 14 as a support.
Additional reading
History of the term “Hobby”
A hobby horse is a wooden toy made to be ridden just like a real horse (which was sometimes
Task 18. Translate the text from Russian into English.
Хобби – это деятельность, которой вам нравится заниматься в свободное время, вкладывая не только свое время, но и усилия. Но если вы каждый день смотрите телевизор, это нельзя считать хобби, так ка
My Studies
My studies… What can I say about it? Once I took pains to look up the etymology of the word 'study'. Guess what, according to the dictionary entry I have never studied in my whole life. No kidding.
B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.
Task 5. A. Find synonyms for the following words:
1. Fervour
2. In these times
3. Complex
4. Chance
5. Dissimilar
6. Grief
Task 8. Make up your own sentences using Passive Voice.
Task 9. Choose the right sentence:
1. A. What I was taught there I still partially remember.
B. What I taught there I still partially remember.
2. A. In
The subjects I studied at school. My favourite subject.
We did quite a lot of subjects at school. They were: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography, Russian, English, Literature and many others.
Every teacher asked for equal and ad
Lesson 4. My University.
Task 1. Choose the best variant:
1. Tambov State University is about:
A. 70 years old;
B. 15 years old;
My Home University
I study at Tambov State University. TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin was founded in 1994 on the basis of Tambov State Pedagogical Institute and Tambov State Institute of Culture. The University combi
Can (could).
1) обозначает физическую возможность совершения действия, способность или умение:
Не can do it. Он может это сделать.
Ann can skate. Энн умеет кататься на коньках
Ought to
1) выражает необходимость того, что соответствует морально-этическим нормам, естественно или по логике вещей следует ожидать от лица (предмета):
His parents are old and he
Task 9. Practise reading the following dialogues. Then memorize and recite them in class.
- Excuse me, can you tell me the time? There is something wrong with my watch.
- Certainly. It's ten to nine by my watch.
- Your watch is right, isn't it?
- I am not quit
Task 10. Express the following in English. Mind the modal verbs.
1. Вы можете и должны хорошо знать историю нашей страны.
2. Вы умеете кататься на коньках? – Нет.
3. Я не мог прийти, т.к. был занят.
4. не может быть, чтобы он написал т
Open University
The Open University (OU) is the UK's distance learning university and has an open entry policy, i.e. students' previous academic achievements are not taken into account for entry to most undergradu
My working day
On weekdays the alarm-clock wakes me up at 7.00 and my working day begins. I’m not an early riser, that’s why it’s very difficult for me to get out of bed. I switch on my CD record-player and do my
B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.
Task 5. A. Find synonyms for the following words:
1. to rise 6. to be overdue
2. to turn on 7. intermission
3. to take a douche 8. dining
B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice.
1. My friend does not / is not an early riser.
2. Are / do you do your morning Tasks?
3. Do / does your mother make breakfast for you?
4. Usually I
Task 8. Make up your own sentences using the Present Simple Tense.
Task 9. Choose the right sentence:
1. A. Every day all members of my family get up at half past six.
B. Every day all members of my family gets up at half past si
B. Write out the key sentences for each point of the plan.
Task 14. Put the sentences into the right order:
A. I open the window and do my morning Tasks in front of it.
B. Then I let the dog outside and feed him, bring th
In the Royal Welsh Army
Due to the nature of the job your daily routine will always be different but in camp the average day starts at about 08.00am. The day may start with general duties or sport. No two days are the sam
Add exercise into your daily life
We all know we should add exercise into our daily lives, but when it comes to actually doing it, we all have our excuses, but it all boils down to one thing.
"I don't have the time.&q
Bring Happiness to Your Daily Life
The writer, a senior citizen, came on an eight-week holiday to America. Far away from my home in India, I had doubts whether it would be possible for me to maintain my calm and happy state of mind,
My Weekend
(1) Every weekend is important to my family. During the week we don’t have very much time for each other, but we spend mostly all the time together at the weekend.
(2) On Saturday morning
Страдательный залог.
(Passive Voice)
Залог (voice) - это форма глагола, которая показывает отношение действия, выраженного этим глаголом, к лицу или предмету, выраженному подлежащим предложени
An Awful Weekend
Last month my friend and I were looking forward to our weekend. We wanted to go to the sea for two days. We thought it would be the best weekend in our lives. We had chosen the tour carefully and h
Lesson 7. Tambov.
Task 1. Read and translate the following international words without using a dictionary:
Task 9. Give your explanation on the use of articles in the following sentences and translate these sentences.
· It is the place wherethefortress was laid.
· It is a special place to commemorate the heroism of _ people in the G
Task 11. Chose the right answer for the following questions.
When was Tambov built?
A. in the 16-th century
B. in the 17-th century
Who was the 1-st governor of Tambov?
A. Roman Boborykin
B. G.R. Derzhavin
Task 22. Answer the question. What new information have you learnt about the history of Tambov.
Task 23. Exchange this information with your partner using phrases expressing agreement (disagreement) and your opinion.
Глагол в форме простого прошедшего простого времени (The Past Simple Tense) выражает действие как факт, совершившийся в прошлом:
It happenedsix years ago. Это случилось пя
Прошедшее совершенное время (The Past Perfect Tense), или «суперпрошедшее время», употребляется для того, чтобы показать, что событие или действие в прошлом произошло раньше, че
Cultural life of Moscow
Moscow’s world-famous museums and galleries with their collections, are some of the largest and most important in the world. Frequent art exhibitions thrive on both the new and the classic, as they
Education and science
There are 1696 high schools in Moscow, as well as 91 colleges.Besides these, there are 222 institutions offering higher education in Moscow, including 60 state universities and the Lomonosov Moscow
Lesson 9. London. The Capital.
Task 1. Answer the following questions choosing the proper variant:
1. How much do you know about London?
a) n
London. The capital.
London is the capital of the UK. It was founded in the first century A. D. by the Romans. One in seven of the population of the United Kingdom is a Londoner.
London draws people from all o
C. Match the words with their definitions
1. cosmopolitan
A. the power of persons or things to affect others, seen only in its effects
2. influence
B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice.
1. This bridge … in 1867.
A. was building B. were built C. was built
2. Such modern glass high-rise offices … here in 3 or 5 years.
a) will construct B. will be construct
The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben
The palace of Westminster, usually known as the Houses of Parliament, dates only from the 19th century, but it stands on the site of the palace founded by Edward the Confessor.
The Palace
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is the historic building to which every visitor goes sooner or later. It was founded in 1050 as a monastery. Later it was rebuilt, by Henry III. In the 18th century the West Tower
Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square is in the centre of the West End of London. It was named so in commemoration of the victorious naval battle of Trafalgar in 1805, in which Admiral Lord Nelson was fatally wounded.
The Tower of London
In 1066 the Normans built a castle on the edge of London, in the south-eastern corner of the old Roman city walls. The Normans joined up the walls with a Dutch and fence to make a yard, in which th
The city of Birmingham
Birmingham ( [bɜːmɪŋəm]) is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands county of England. Birmingham is the largest of England's core cities, and is often conside
Manchester ([mæntSIstə]) is a city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, England. Manchester was granted city status in 1853. It has a population of 452,000, and lies at the ce
Edinburgh ([ɛdɪnb(ə)rə]) is the capital of Scotland, is its second largest city after Glasgow which is situated 45 miles (72 km) to the west, is one of Scotland's 32 local gover
C. Match the words with the corresponding definitions.
1. resident
a) culture, traditions, languages or buildings, which still exist from the past and which have a historical importance
Причастие – неличная форма глагола, обладающая свойствами глагола, прилагательного и наречия. Английское причастие соответствует в русском языке причастию или деепричастию. Причастия употребляются
Present continuous
Настоящее продолженное время (The Present Continuous Tense) выражает действие, которое происходит в момент речи. (Сравните: Я иду в школу. Я хожу в школу.) Образуется с помощью глагола to be
Task 10. Answer the questions. Choose the right variant.
1. Why is Birmingham called "the workshop of the world"?
a) Birmingham is the largest industrial centre of Britain today.
b) It was the place where Industrial revolution
Task 15. Put the sentences into the right order (Manchester and Edinburgh).
1. Manchester City Centre is now on a tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, mainly due to the network of canals and mills constructed during its 19th-century development.
2. Manch
The city of Liverpool
Liverpool is a city and metropolitan borough in the county of Merseyside, England, along the eastern side of the Mersey Estuary.
Inhabitants of Liverpool are referred to as Liverpoolians b
Cardiff ['cɑːdɪf] is the capital and largest city of Wales, and the country's commercial, sporting, tourism, transport, media and political centre. According to Census 2001 data, Car
History of Birmingham
Birmingham started life in the 6th century as an Anglo-Saxon farming hamlet on the banks of the River Rea. The name 'Birmingham' comes from "Beorma ingas ham", meaning "ho
The city of Cambridge
The city of Cambridge is a university town and the administrative centre of the county of Cambridgeshire, England. It lies about 50 miles (80 km) north-northeast of London and is surrounded by a nu
The history of the city of Manchester
The name Manchester originates from the Ancient Roman name Mamucium, thought to be a Latinisation of an original Celtic name (possibly meaning "breast-like hill" from mamm-
Landmarks of Manchester
Manchester's buildings display a variety of architectural styles, ranging from Victorian to contemporary architecture. The widespread use of red brick characterises the city. Much of the architectu
Lesson 11. Higher Education in Great Britain
Task 1. You are going to read an article about higher education in Britain. Before you begin answer the following questions:
Higher Education in Great Britain
(1 - C. There are around 100 universities in Great Britain. Some are very old. Oxford and Cambridge founded in the 12-th and 13-th centuries are among the oldest universities in Europe. They
E. Match the words with their definitions
1. law
A. the study of chemistry, physics, biology
2. medicine
B. the study of the design, construction and control of en
Present Perfect используется
· для обозначения только что произошедшего действия:
Ow! I’ve brokenthe plate!
The train has just arrived.
· для описан
Participle II (причастие II) употребляется в функции определения и занимает место перед определяемым существительным или является частью причастного оборота, следующего за существительным. Оно пере
Task 9. Make one sentence from two using Participle II.
1. I lost the key. I didn’t find it. I didn’t find the lost key.
2. The letter was written by him. It was very long.
3. The man was hit by the car. We took
Task 13. Read the article about examinations at Cambridge and put the parts of the article in the right order.
Cambridge 'Tripos' exams
· This system means that it is theoretically possible (however unlikely) for students to do almost no work for two and a half years, cram like mad
Higher education in Russia
The Russian educational system may be arranged into three major groups:
· secondary education,
C. Match the words in the left-hand and the right-hand columns into combinations. Give their Russian translation.
to sit for ….
… a research
to enter … / to graduate from ….
… decisions
C. Choose the right variant. Explain your choice.
Russian phrase
Translation variants
образованный человек
A. an educated person
B. Compose your own word-combinations or sentences with the use of Participle II of the notional verb.
· (to finish, lesson) – the finished lesson – законченный урок
· (to learn, material) – the new learnt material – новый изу
Task 11. Read the following pairs of sentences and choose the correct variant. Explain your choice.
A. John has lived here since 1990. B. John lived here since 1990.
2. A. Hello! I didn’t see you for ages!
B. Hello! I haven’t seen you for ages!
3. A.
Educational system in Russia
Russians have always shown a great concern for education. The right to education is stated in the constitution of the Russian Federation. It's ensured by compulsory secondary schoo
Lesson 13. Means of Travelling
Task 1. Answer the questions:
1) What do you think, what is this text about?
2) What mean
B. Find the words in the text according to their definitions. Fill in the table.
A. a period in which a break is taken from work or studies for rest, travel, or recreation
B. a pe
B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice
1. Travelling by train is slower than by plane.
Travelling by train is more slow than by plane;
2. The more you study, the more better you will pass your exams.
Task 13. A. Match the following titles with the corresponding passages of the text.
1) How to spend holidays if you live in the country or in the city.
2) Means of travelling can mean a lot!
3) Why do people travel?
4) Hap
Task 3. Read the text.
People love sightseeing because it is interesting and makes unforgettable impression. They may do a lot of sightseeing, or they may do a bit of sightseeing. People go to museums, art galleries, see
Task 4. A. Give Russian equivalents of English words.
• do a bit of sightseeing –
• do a lot of sightseeing –
• take photographs –
Task 5. Word formation. Look at the words and fill in the table.
base word
Task 9. Answer the questions making the right choice.
Which sight does the phrase “the largest structure ever built” describe?
A. The Eiffel Tower.
B. The Statue
Task 11. True or false.
If people do sightseeing, they go to temples, castles, cathedrals.
Task 14. Put the sentences into the right order.
They have many little stalls selling everything from apples to antiques.
On a sightseeing tour people take a lot of
Seven Modern Wonders of the World
The Panama Canal,begun in the 1880s, wasn't finished until 1914. It joins the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Engineers descri
Task 1. A. Answer the questions to the text.
1. When was Robert Burns born?
a) on April 23, 1564;
b) on January, 25 1802;
c) on January, 25 1564.
2. What traditional Scottish dishes are tasted on Robert Bur
Task 2. Read and translate the texts on traditions and holidays in Great Britain.
Burns’ night
January 25 is the birthday of Scotland’s greatest poet Robert Burns1. There are hundreds of Burns clubs in Britain and throughout the world;
The Edinburgh International Festival
The Edinburgh International Festival6 is held annually in August and September. The Festival is international as it gives a representation of artistic production from many countri
Task 4. Make up your own sentences with these words and word combinations.
Task 5. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words:
to celebrate, all over the world, to come into being, a soup, telling by heart, a tomb, every year.
Task 11. Revise your Grammar. Check yourself consulting the following rules.
Past Indefinite (Simple)
Прошедшее неопределенное время (Past Indefinite или Past Simple) образуется (во всех лицах) из второй формы глагола:
Regular verbs: I
Task 13. Choose the right sentences.
Robert Burns’ birthday - of Scotland’s greatest poet – is on January, 25.
Thousands of people drink a toast to Robert Burns memory.
The dinner is followed by dancing, pipe music,
The Ceremony of the Keys
Every night at 9.53 p.m. the chief Warder of the Yeomen Warders (Beefeaters) of the Tower of London lights a candle lantern and then makes his way towards the Bloody Tower. In the Archway his Escor
Russian Holidays
The Russian love for holidays is known all over the world.
Russian holidays present a mixture of new and old, religious and secular, professional and private. National holi
B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.
Task 5. A. Find synonyms for the following words:
1. Festival
2. To celebrate
3. Assistant
4. Combination
5. To continue
Task 8. Make up your own sentences using Passive Voice.
Task 9. Choose the right sentence:
1. A. When I was in Russia a very strange holiday called Maslenitsa was being celebrated.
B. When I was in Russia a very strang
B.Write out the key sentences for each point of the plan.
Task 14. Put the sentences into the right order:
A. Russian Christmas is rich with beautiful traditions one of them is called Kolyadki when at Christmas night young people
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