рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Основы английского языка для нелингвистов

Основы английского языка для нелингвистов - раздел Иностранные языки, Тамбовский Государственный Университет Им. Г.р. Державина Кафедра Те...

Тамбовский государственный университет им. Г.Р. Державина

кафедра теории и практики преподавания английского языка



General English for non-linguists

Основы английского языка для нелингвистов


Учебное пособие

Под ред. М.С. Мальцевой


в соавторстве членов кафедры:

Банниковой С.В. Мазаевой Е.Ю.

Будариной Т.А. Мальцевой М.С.

Грицкова Д.М. Орешиной Е.Е.

Дубовицкой Е.Ю. Прохоровой М.Е.

Золотухиной М.П. Рябовой В.А.

Кузнецова М.В. Саликова Р.В.

Куксовой Н.А. Стул Т.Г.

Ледовских С.Л. Усковой Т.В.

  Издательство Першина Р.В. Тамбов


Вводно-коррективный курс…………… ………….4.

Unit I. Family. Hobbies.…………………………….22.

Lesson 1. My family…………………………………...22.

Lesson 2. Hobbies………………………… …………32.

Unit II. My studies. My University.…….…………..39.

Lesson 3. My studies…………………………………..39.

Lesson 4. My University………………………………48.

Unit III. My working day. My weekend….…………65.

Lesson 5. My working day…………………………….65.

Lesson 6. My weekend.………………..………………77.

Unit IV. Cities of Russia……………………………..85.

Lesson 7. Tambov. My native town………….………..85.

Lesson 8. Moscow. The capital. ………………………93.

Unit V. Towns and Cities of Great Britain.………...106.

Lesson 9. London. The Capital.……………………….106.

Lesson 10. The main cities of Great Britain…. ………120.

Unit VI. Higher Education.………………………….143.

Lesson 11. Higher Education in Great Britain………...143.

Lesson 12. Higher Education in Russia……………….152.

Unit VII. Travelling.………………………………...174.

Lesson 13. Means of Travelling………………………174.

Lesson 14. Sightseeing………………………………..189.

Unit VIII. Traditions and Holidays.………………..198.

Lesson 15. Traditions and Holidays in Great Britain…198.

Lesson 16. Traditions and Holidays in Russia………..209.

Список использованной литературы……………….217.




Вводно-коррективный курс

Английский алфавит

A a [eI] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] E e [i:] F f [ef] G g [dZi:] H h [eIC] I i [aI] J j [dZeI] K k [keI] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [ou] P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [R] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w ['dAblju:] X x [eks] Y y [waI] Z z [zed]


1) Если гласные находятся в открытом слоге, т.е. в слоге, который оканчивается на гласную (go, student, he), или в условно открытом слоге, т.е. в… a [eI] - date [deIt] o [ou] - go [gou]


Структура английского простого повествовательного распространенного предложения

В английском языке порядок слов является основным средством различения членов предложения. Порядок слов английского предложения — прямой, строго фиксированный: подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение.

Е место — подлежащее

Отвечает только на вопрос кто? / что?. Может иметь описательные слова, которые ставятся перед подлежащим или (реже) после него:

Jonathan nodded obediently.

A very few (перед подлежащим) seagulls were working the updrafts on the cliffs.

The wing-strain (после подлежащего) now at a hundred and forty miles per hour wasn’t nearly as hard…

Е место — сказуемое

Обозначает действие, меняет форму при описании различных ситуаций:

Jonathan had set a world speed record for seagulls!

Jonathan was not alert to listen.

Е место — дополнения

- прямое, отвечает на вопросы кого? что?; - косвенное беспредложное — кому ? чему?; - косвенное предложное — дополнение с предлогом — с кем? для кого? о чем? и т.д.

Построение отрицательных предложений.

Основных способов построения отрицаний в английском языке два: 1. с помощью отрицательной частицы not; 2. с помощью отрицательных слов nо/ none/ neither/ nobody/ never/ nothing и др.

Вопросительные предложения.

В английском языке различают 4 типа вопросов:





Все вопросительные предложения отличаются по своему построению от повествовательных предложений, т.е. у них несколько изменен порядок слов, или присутствуют какие-то дополнительные детали.

При построении вопросительных предложений общий порядок работы должен быть следующим:

a) определяем тип вопроса;

b) вспоминаем соответствующую выбранному типу схему;

c) анализируем действие по ситуации, т.е. выбираем формулу сказуемого;

d) расставляем все слова в предложении соответственно схеме.

Общие вопросы.

Требуют ответа Да (Yes) или Нет (No), поскольку задаются собеседнику с целью получить подтверждение или отрицание высказанной в вопросе мысли.

Общие вопросы произносятся с повышающейся интонацией в конце предложения.


1. Ты когда-нибудь видел дождь?( Have you ever seen the rain? - Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. / No, I never have.

2. Твоя мама спит?( Is your mother sleeping? - Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.)

3. Их друзья приходили сюда прошлый раз?( Did their friends come here last time? - Yes, they did. / No, they didn't.)

Специальные вопросы.

Начинаются вопросительным словом, указывающим, к какому конкретно члену предложения относится вопрос.

Эту группу вопросов условно можно поделить еще на две:

1. вопросы к подлежащему или к его определению (описательному слову / словам);

2. вопросы к любым другим словам в предложении.

Примеры специальных вопросов:

1. Чем вы занимаетесь? / Кем работаете?( What do you do?)

2. Чем ты занимаешься (сейчас)?( What are you doing?)

3. Кто вы (по специальности)?( What are you?)

4. Кто вы (как вас зовут)?( Who are you?)

Альтернативные вопросы.

Предполагают выбор одного из двух лиц /предметов/ действий/ качеств/ признаков.

Могут быть заданы к любому члену предложения. Выбор, обозначаемый словом оr (или) может вводиться как в общие, так и в специальные вопросы, при этом схемы обоих типов вопросительных предложений остаются без изменений:

- Do you smoke or not? - I do. / I do not.( - Вы курите или нет? - Курю./ Не курю.)

- Is she a student or a worker? - Neither. ( - Она учится или работает? - Ни то, ни другое).

Разделительные вопросы.

Соответствуют русским вопросительным предложениям, заканчивающимся словами не так ли? / не правда ли?, и имеют схожие формы построения, состоящие из двух частей: повествовательное предложение + не так ли?

Разделительные вопросы можно условно разбить на две группы:

1. где в первой части утвердительное предложение;

2. где в первой части отрицательное предложение.

1. В первой части утвердительное предложение.

You are a student, aren't you? / (реже: are you not?)( Ты студент, не так ли?)

She will come tomorrow, won't she? / will she not?( Она приедет завтра, не так ли?)

I am a beautiful girl, aren't I? / am I not? - ( Я красивая девушка, не правда ли? )



To peel — peeled — peeled — чистить

    Unit I. Family. Hobbies.

Lesson 1. My family.


Task 1. Discuss the following questions with your group-mates:

1. What is a large/ small family for you? Was it the same in the past?

2. How many relatives do you have? How often do you see them?

3. Do you think all generations of the family should live together or separately?

Task 2. Read the text and say how the author of the text could answer the questions from Task 1:

My family

I have a large family. There are five people in it: my father, mother, two brothers and me. My father’s name is Andrey Victorovich. He is a… My elder brother’s name is Aleksey. He is twenty-three. He is a lawyer. He has… My younger brother is a school-boy. His name is Oleg. He is ten. He is a bit naughty sometimes but on the whole he is…

B. Write down your own sentences using the English words from Task A.

C. Give Russian equivalents for the following English words and word combinations from the text:

1) to live; 2) to finish school; 3) subject; 4) calm; 5) hard-working; 6) elder; 7) to live separately; 8) niece; 9) easy-going; 10) relatives.

D. Think of your own sentences using the words and word combinations from Task C. Read your sentences to your group-mates.

Task 5. Find antonyms to the following words in the text. Antonyms are the words with the opposite meaning: 1) to start; 2) easy; 3) small; 4) nervous, naughty; 5) lazy; 6) younger; 7)… Task 6. A. Read the definitions and guess the words:

Task 16. Write down your own sentences using the possessive case of nouns.

Task 17. Answer the questions: Who is Tanya Ivanova? Where does she live? What were Tanya’s favourite subjects at school? What is her… Task 18. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the…

Task 19. A. Write down titles to each passage of the text.

B. Write out the key sentences for each point of the plan.

C. Speak about Tanya’s family.

Task 20. Write down the story of your own family using the text. Tell it to your group-mates.

Task 21. Read the texts and make their outline. Express your opinion about the family relationships from the author’s point of view. Give your own… Text A. The family relationships The family is very important as a unit in our society. Nothing else but family can be an emotional centre of people's…

Text B. British and American families

Grandparents come to visit, but do not usually live with their children. Most people get married between the ages of 20 and 23 but many marriages… The typical British family has a car, a colour TV set, a washing machine, and… More and more women now go out to work as well as men. The children have lunch at school at about 12.30, and come home…

Lesson 2. Hobbies.


Task 1. Answer the following questions.

· What is a hobby?

· Why is it important for people to have a hobby?

· What kind of hobbies do you know?


Task 2. Ask your partner about his/her hobby and tell him/her about yours. Be ready to describe your partner’s hobby to your group-mates.


Task 3. Read and translate the text given below.


Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things. The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide… Gardening is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies. It is a well-known fact that the English are very fond of gardening…

Task 6. Find and translate the words with suffixes and prefixes given in the text. Fill in the table. The first line is done for you.

Word Prefix Base word (Root) Suffix
interesting   --- interest ing

Which prefixes and suffixes are common for nouns? For verbs? For adjectives? For adverbs?



Task 7. A. Find the sentences in which Present Simple is used. Translate the sentences.

B. Explain the use of Present Simple in each case. Check yourself consulting the following rule:

Present Simple (настоящее простое)образуется с помощью глагола в основной форме или глагола с–sдля 3го лица единственного числа. V / Vs Present Simple используется для выражения: - регулярного действия - He goes to Washington every summer. - общих устоявшихся фактов - The sun rises in the east. - запланированных действий и событий (расписание) - The plane arrives at 8.30. - в анекдотах, спортивных репортажах - A husband and wife walk into a restaurant.

For more detailed rules see Unit III. Lesson 5.

A. Find the sentences in which Future Simple is used. Translate the sentences.

B. Explain the use of Future Simple in each case. Check yourself consulting the following rule:

Future Simple (будущее простое)образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола will и смыслового глагола в основной форме. Will V Future Simple используется для выражения: 1.запланированного, ожидаемого действия. - Next week he will go to the USA 2.Согласия, желания или отказа - I will help you if I have time  

Task 8. Choose the correct sentences from each pair.

1a. He enjoy painting. 2a. They need to grow flowers.   3a. I want to tell you about my hobby. 4a. He will stays here. 5a. We not will play football. 6a. It will be nice to see your drawings. 1b. He enjoys painting. 2b. They needs to grow flowers. 3b. I wants to tell you about my hobby. 4b. He will stay here. 5b. We will not play football. 6b. It will nice to see your drawings.


Task 9. Make up your own sentences using Present Simple and Future Simple.

Comprehension Task 10. Answer the following questions: 1. How many classes of hobbies are described in the text? What are they?

B. Write out one key sentence to each passage.

Task 14. Put the sentences into the correct order:

1. Well-to-do people usually collect expensive things.

2. Gardening is a typical English hobby.

3. Hobbies and tastes vary according to people’s characters.

4. Every activity can teach us something new.

5. Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts.

6. Hobbies are divided into doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.

7. Doing things is the most popular group of hobbies.

8. All people collect stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards or toys at different periods of their life.

Task 15. Retell the text, using Tasks 13 and 14 as a support.

History of the term “Hobby” A hobby horse is a wooden toy made to be ridden just like a real horse (which… Hobbies are practised for interest and enjoyment, rather than financial reward. Examples include collecting, creative…

Task 18. Translate the text from Russian into English.

В наше время многим людям стало трудно сохранить хобби, потому что в нашу жизнь вошло телевидение и принесло с собой способ легко проводить… Unit II. My studies. My University. My work.

Lesson 3. My Studies.

Pre – reading

Task 1. Think over and choose the right variant.

1. Which of the following subjects is not an exact science:

a. Chemistry

b. Literature

c. Physics

2. Who of the following is not a scientist:

a. Philologist

b. Philosopher

c. Philogynist

3. Which of the following won’t you find at school or university:

a. classroom

b. rest room

c. drawing room

4. Which of the following is a practice class:

a. seminary

b. semination

c. seminar

Task 2. While reading decide why the author of the text avoids describing his daily routine. Is there anything in the text that seems unusual?

Task 3. Read the following text.

My Studies

My studies began at school and I am pretty sure I'm not alone in this part of our life experience. What I was taught there I still partially… For the moment I study at the university. My choice was made in favour of the… Apart from this, one can watch films and read books in the original. Of course there are translations, but that any…

B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.

B. Find antonyms for the following words: 1. Simple 2. Necessary 3. To forget 4. To grieve 5. Similar 6. … C. Match the words with the definitions: 1. To communicate 2. … a) a reference resource, in printed or electronic form, that consists of an alphabetical list of words with their…

Task 7. A. Find sentences with Passive Voice and translate them into Russian.

B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice:

1. Foreign languages study/are studied at the university.

2. Quite a lot of English books translated/were translated into Russian.

3. The English language speaks/is spoken all over the world.

С. Check yourself consulting the rules in Lessons 6, 9 and 14.

Task 8. Make up your own sentences using Passive Voice.

1. A. What I was taught there I still partially remember. B. What I taught there I still partially remember. 2. A. In English 'earnest' and the proper name 'Ernest' pronounced the same way.

The subjects I studied at school. My favourite subject.

Every teacher asked for equal and adequate attention to his subject and it was not an easy work to do. I knew that all the subjects were important,… Since my childhood I have been fond of reading. My favourite subjects were… There is an infinite number of such things in any language.

Lesson 4. My University.

Task 1. Choose the best variant: 1. Tambov State University is about: A. 70 years old;

My Home University

In various Institutes and Academies students study humanities, sciences, arts, business and medicine. They offer an extensive choice of over 50… Postgraduate teaching and learning form a significant part of the University's… The University is a participant of international programs supported and financed by the following foundations: IREX,…



Модальность, т. е. отношение говорящего к действительности, по­мимо других средств, может выражаться модальными глаголами сап, could, must, may, might, need, should, shall, will, would, ought to, have to, be to. Модальные глаголы употребляются в сочетании со смысловым гла­голом в форме инфинитива без частицы to (кроме глагола ought). Они не имеют формы инфинитива, а также личных окончаний.

Can (could).

Не can do it. Он может это сделать. Ann can skate. Энн умеет кататься на коньках. 2) обозначает сомнение в том, что действие имеет место или име­ло место (в сочетании с глаголом to be, продолженной…


1) обозначает необходимость, долженствование:

I must do this work. Я должен (обязан) выполнить эту работу. Мне нужно (надо, необходимо) сделать эту работу.

2) выражает уверенность в том, что действие уже имело место или совершается сейчас (в сочетании с глаголом to be, продолженной или перфектной формой инфинитива смыслового глагола – в утвёрдительном предложении):

He must be busy now. Он, должно быть, занят сейчас.

She must be doing her homework. Она, очевидно (вероятно, должно быть), готовит уроки.

They must have left for London. Они, должно быть, уехали в Лон-



  Утвердительная Вопросительная Отрицательная
  форма форма форма
Present I must do it. Must I do it? - Yes, you must. - No, you needn't. I must not do it.
Past I had to do it. Did you have to do it? - Yes, I did. - No, 1 didn't. I did not have to do it.
Future I (we) shall/will have Shall/Will I (we) have I (we) shall/will not
  to do it. to do it? have to do it.
  You (he, she, it, they) -Yes, you will. You (he, she, it, they)
  will have to do it. - No, you won't. - Will you (he, she, it, they) have to do it? -Yes, I shall - No, I shan't. will not have to do it.

Примечания. 1. На общий вопрос с глаголом must в кратком отрицательном ответе употребляется модальный глагол need с отрицанием not (needn't), оз­начающий отсутствие необходимости выполнять какое-л действие. На русский язык needn't переводится: «не нужно, не надо, незачем, нет не­обходимости».

2. Отрицательная форма must not выражает запрещение или необходи­мость не делать что-л.

You must not do it. Вы не должны (вам нельзя) это делать.

May (might)

1) обозначает разрешение совершить действие:

May I have your pen for a while? Можно мне взять вашу ручку на минуту?

You may smoke here. Вы можете курить здесь.

2) предположение, возможность осуществления действия; при этом might обозначает меньшую степень предположения (возможности):

The children may be playing in the Возможно, дети играют в саду.


Tom might help you. Может быть, Том поможет вам.

Не may (might) have finished his Он, возможно, закончил свою

work. работу.


обозначает необходимость совершить действие и употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях (с частицей not):

Need I do it? Мне нужно это делать?

You needn't come here tomorrow. Вам нет необходимости (незачем, не нужно) приходить сюда завтра.


1) обозначает пожелание, совет в отношении совершения или не­совершения действия, выражает субъективное мнение:

You should read more. Вам следует больше читать.

She should not work so much. Ей не следует так много рабо­тать.

2) выражает упрек в связи с тем, что действие имело место или не имело места (обычно в сочетании с перфектным инфинитивом смы­слового глагола):

They shouldn't have done it. Им не следовало этого делать.
You should have told me Вам следовало бы сказать мне об

about it. этом.

3) выражает возмущение (обычно в вопросительном предложе­нии с why):

Why should I go there? С какой стати я должен идти туда?

Will (would)

1) обозначает желание выполнить действие (в сочетании с 1-м лицом ед. и мн. числа):

I will do it. Я хочу сделать это.

2) выражает нежелание выполнить действие (в сочетании с отри­цанием not), причем по отношению к настоящему времени употребля­ется won't, к прошедшему - wouldn’t:

The door won't open. Дверь не открывается.

I told him several times about Я говорил ему об/этом несколько

it, but he wouldn’t follow my раз, но он так и не последовал

advice. моему совету.

3) выражает вежливую просьбу выполнить действие (в общем вопросе или в вопросительно-отрицательном предложении):

Will you repeat your sentence? Повторите, пожалуйста, ваше

Won't you smoke? He хотите ли курить? (Курите,


Ought to

His parents are old and helpless. Его родители стары и беспомощны. Не ought to take constant Ему следует (он должен) care of them. постоянно о них заботиться. 2) выражает упрек (порицание) по поводу того, что действие было или не было выполнено:

Task 9. Practise reading the following dialogues. Then memorize and recite them in class.

- Certainly. It's ten to nine by my watch. - Your watch is right, isn't it? - I am not quite sure. It may be two minutes fast.

Task 10. Express the following in English. Mind the modal verbs.

2. Вы умеете кататься на коньках? – Нет. 3. Я не мог прийти, т.к. был занят. 4. не может быть, чтобы он написал такое письмо!

Open University

People from all walks of life and all ages take advantage of the OU; for most courses there are no entry requirements other than the ability to… Approximately 70 percent of students are in full-time employment, often… Unlike other universities, where students register for a programme, at the OU students register separately for…

Lesson 5. My working day.




Task 1. Think over, choose and explain your variant.

1. What do you think the daily routine gives us?

A. we can manage to do everything we plan to do

B. we try to avoid a fuss in our life

C. we aim to keep a healthy life-style

2. What does the daily routine consists of?

A. rational nutrition and hygiene

B. work and relaxation

C. both variants

3. What parts do we usually divide our days into?

A. a.m. and p.m.

B. home and work

C. morning, day and evening


Task 2. While reading decide whether it is useful when one has the daily routine to follow or not. Try to compare your own working day with the example given below.


Task 3. Read the following text:

My working day

Usually my mother makes breakfast for me. But when she is away on business or just doesn’t have to get up early, I make breakfast myself. I usually… As a rule I leave the house at 8.00 and come to the university at half past… I have from 3 to 5 lectures and seminars in different subjects every time, depending on day. For example at the…

B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.

Task 5. A. Find synonyms for the following words: 1. to rise 6. to be overdue 2. to turn on 7. intermission

Task 7. A. Find ten sentences with the Present Simple Tense and translate them into Russian.

B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice.

2. Are / do you do your morning Tasks? 3. Do / does your mother make breakfast for you? 4. Usually I do / am not miss my classes.

Task 8. Make up your own sentences using the Present Simple Tense.

1. A. Every day all members of my family get up at half past six. B. Every day all members of my family gets up at half past six. 2. A. We are not eat much in the morning.

B. Write out the key sentences for each point of the plan.

A. I open the window and do my morning Tasks in front of it. B. Then I let the dog outside and feed him, bring the dog back in and go to… C. I like to read something before going to bed and rather often I fall asleep while I am reading.

Task 15. Prepare a summary with the help of tasks 13B and 14.

Additional reading

Task 16. Read the following text to have an idea of the daily routine men have in the army.

In the Royal Welsh Army

After a shower and breakfast you will move on to training, this could be learning new skills such as driving, Fieldcraft, firing weapon systems and… Meals are served in the Regimental Restaurant. The chefs provide a high… When you are on exercise or operations these timings are obviously a lot more flexible and the days can be much…

Add exercise into your daily life

"I don't have the time." That doesn't have to be the case though. There are things we can do every day… § consider skipping the car as often as possible. When running to the carry out down the street or the neighbour’s…

Bring Happiness to Your Daily Life

Overcoming the jet lag, daily I get up at 5 a.m. brush my teeth and gulp a glass of cold water. Prayer, followed by reading of scriptures for…  

Lesson 6. My Weekend.


Task 1. Answer the following questions.

1) What is your favourite day of the week? Why?

2) What do you usually do at the weekend?

3) Do you like to spend time with your family at the weekend or not?

Task 2. Rank the following weekend activities from the most important to the least important for you. Justify your answer. Compare your answers with a partner.

Reading books, Doing homework,
Doing sports, Watching TV,
Meeting with friends, Staying with your family,
Going to clubs, Doing nothing,
Going to the countryside, Visiting relatives.

Task 3. Read and translate the text given below.

My Weekend

(2) On Saturday morning I can sleep more, so I get up later than usual. I get up slowly and try to enjoy every second of my rest. At last I go to… (3) After breakfast cleaning begins. The washing-up is done by my sister, the… (4) We are a very active family, so on Saturdays we tend to enjoy the outside life. We love cycling, running and…

Task 4. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases.

1) на выходных;

2) приводить себя в порядок;

3) пылесосить;

4) гладить белье;

5) наслаждаться отдыхом на природе;

6) наездник;

7) лень.

Task 5. Find synonyms to the following words and phrases.

1) to wash the dishes;

2) clothes;

3) to stop;

4) to have a good disposition;

5) to go to dance;

6) first-class;

7) to wait with desire.

Word Formation

Task 6. Find and translate the words which have suffixes and prefixes.

Fill in the table. The first line is done for you.

Word Prefix Root Suffix
mostly most -ly


Task 7. A. Find sentences in which Passive Voice is used.

B. Explain the use of Present Simple Passive in each case. Check yourself consulting the following rule:

Страдательный залог.

Залог (voice) - это форма глагола, которая показывает отношение действия, выраженного этим глаголом, к лицу или предмету, выраженному подлежащим… Форма страдательного залога образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to… Например, I aminvited Меня приглашают I was invited Меня приглашали I…

Task 8. Choose the correct sentence from each pair.

1. A. Milk is producing by cows.

B. Milk is produced by cows.

2. A. The walls are painted.

B. The walls is painted.

3. A. Cameras are not allowed in this museum.

B. Cameras am not allowed in this museum.

4. A. New curtains are putted up.

B. New curtains are put up.

5. A. The criminal is arresting.

B. The criminal is arrested.

6. A. Computers are buyed very often in this shop.

B. Computers are bought very often in this shop.

Task 9. Make up your own sentences using Present Simple Passive.


Task 10. Answer the following questions.

1) Why is every weekend so important for the author’s family?

2) What do they do after breakfast? Who does what?

3) Why can you say that they are an active family?

4) What is Sunday for the family?

5) Are there any musicians in the family?

Task 11. Finish the following sentences.

1) I come to the kitchen only after…

2) While my Mum is cooking something special for dinner…

3) In the evening, when I am in good mood…

4) We meet up with our family friends …

Task 12. Say if the following statements are true or false.

1) At the weekend I get up as usual.

2) Mother cooks breakfast in the family.

3) I must admit I’m nature’s greatest horseman.

4) On Saturday evening we usually enjoy my sister’s concerts/

5) When I’m in the mood, I go clubbing with my sister.

6) We meet up with our family friends at our house.

7) On Sunday evening I arrange everything for the coming week.

Task 13. A. Match each passage and a title. One is extra.

A. Active rest;

B. Saturday dreams;

C. Special days;

D. Sunday life;

e) Morning business;

f) Waiting for the next weekend;

g) Clean, clean, clean.

B. Write out one key sentence to each passage.

Task 14. Put the sentences into the correct order.

1) On Saturday we have a very active rest: we go cycling, running and riding.

2) On Sunday we usually meet up with our family friends.

3) After breakfast cleaning begins.

4) Finally I give a big kiss to my parents and go to bed.

5) In the evening I often go clubbing.

6) On Saturday morning I get up later than usual.

7) In the evening my sister organizes concerts.

Task 15. Retell the text.

Additional Reading

Task 16. Discuss the following questions with your partner.

1) Do you usually plan your weekend or not?

2) Have you ever had a very bad weekend? Tell about it to your friends.

Task 17. Read and translate the text given below.

An Awful Weekend

The journey went smoothly, but as soon as we arrived at the hotel, I felt that something was wrong. The entrance looked dark and old-fashioned and… Well, we are back home now and still waiting for an apology from the travel…

Task 18. Choose the best answer for each question.


1) The tourists went to the travel company and

a) Studied different brochures;

b) Watched a film about the place;

c) Spoke with people who visited that place.

2) The hotel was

a) In the mountains;

b) In the countryside;

c) Near the beach.

3) There were

a) A lot of guests at the hotel;

b) Practically no guests at all;

c) Some people at the hotel.

4) Why couldn’t the guests swim?

a) The beach was dirty;

b) The beach was too far;

c) There were a lot of people;

5) The travel company

a) Gave the money back;

b) Made an apology;

c) Made no reaction.

Task 19. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases.


1) Просматривать различные брошюры;

2) Современный комфортабельный четырехзвездочный отель;

3) Путешествие прошло гладко;

4) Старомодный;

5) Ужасно разочарованные;

6) Обслуживать;

7) Неквалифицированные официанты с каменными лицами;

8) извинения;

9) туристическая компания.

Task 20. Translate the following passage from Russian into English.

Я очень люблю выходные. Я провожу их с друзьями и со своей семьей. В субботу я просыпаюсь позже обычного времени, потому что мне не надо идти в университет. Я принимаю душ, чищу зубы и иду на кухню завтракать. Моя мама готовит завтрак для нашей семьи. Затем начинается уборка. Я убираю квартиру, мою полы и глажу белье.

После уборки я делаю уроки. Я готовлюсь к семинарам, учу лекции, читаю книги. В это время моя сестра приходит домой из школы. Мы вместе обедаем, а потом я помогаю ей. Вечером я очень люблю посмотреть телевизор или погулять с друзьями. Мы идем в кафе или на дискотеку. Иногда мои друзья приходят ко мне в гости.

Воскресенье - день покупок в нашей семье. Мы очень любим ходить по магазинам. После обеда мы обычно навещаем нашу бабушку. Она всегда готовит что-нибудь вкусное. Вечером я готовлю все необходимое для завтрашнего дня и с нетерпением жду следующих выходных.

Unit IV. Cities of Russia.

Lesson 7. Tambov.

Task 1. Read and translate the following international words without using a dictionary: province ['prOvIns], emblem ['emblqm], background ['bxkgraund], memorial… Task 2. Read the following words and word combinations:

Task 4. Answer the following questions.

1. Is Tambov your native town?

2. Why and when was it founded?

3. Who was the first governor of Tambov?

4. What famous people is Tambov linked with?

5. What places of interest are there in Tambov?

Task 5. Write out 5-7 places of interest which you would like to show to your foreign friend.

Task 6. Make a list of all famous people whose names are linked with Tambov.


Tambov is one of the oldest Russian towns built in 1636 as a fortress to protect the place from the Crimean tatars. Roman Boborykin was the first governor of the province. At the beginning of the 18-th century Tambov lost its role as a fortress and became an administrative centre. In 1781 Tambov received its emblem – a hive and three bees on blue and green background. The emblem reflected the ancient occupationof the people – honey-making.

If you are interested in the sights of Tambov you’d better first visit Sobornaya Square. It is the place where the fortress was laid. In the middle of the square there is a memorial complex with the Eternal Fire. It is a special placeto commemorate the heroism of people in the Great Patriotic war. Present day Tambov starts with the railway station facing the beginning of Internatsionalnaya Street. Lenin square is the central square of the town. Here you can see the Pushkin Library and the Drama theatre. Opposite the Drama theatre there is a modern white building – the seat of our regional administration. Not far from Lenin square there is the Concert Hall.

In Sovetskaya Street behind the monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya there is the Kazanskii Monastery which was recently renewed. There are many other beautiful and unique buildings in our town such as Aseyev’s palace on the bank of the river (now a sanatorium), the building of the department store with 50 columns in Sovetskaya Street and many others. Modern buildings also look very beautiful as well as the parks and the embankment of the river Tsna.

Tambov is linked with the names of poets Derzhavin, Zhemchuzhnikov, Baratynskii, a writer Sergeev-Tsenskii, a diplomat Chicherin, composers Rakhmaninov, Agapkin, Verstovskii and other outstanding people of Russia. As a cultural centre Tambov often welcomes theatre and musical festivals. Different exhibitions take place in Tambov art gallery and in the Museum of Local History which are not far from the city park.

At present Tambov is an industrial centre but the number of factories and plants is rapidly reducing. There are two universities, many colleges and schools in Tambov. People of all ages like to celebrate the Day of the Town. There are a lot of concerts in different parts of the city during the day and a traditional salute late in the evening.


Task 7. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations, describing the town: administrative centre, cultural centre, educational centre, industrial centre, ancient, modern, unique, special, beautiful.

Task 8. Find a pair of antonyms in this group of adjectives and give synonyms to the word «beautiful».


Task 9. Give your explanation on the use of articles in the following sentences and translate these sentences.

· It is a special place to commemorate the heroism of _ people in the Great Patriotic war. · In 1781 Tambov received its emblem – a hive and three_ bees on the blue and… Task 10. Tick the sentence where «Participle I» is used as an independent part of speech (a non-finite form of the…

Task 11. Chose the right answer for the following questions.

A. in the 16-th century B. in the 17-th century Who was the 1-st governor of Tambov?

Task 14. Prove that Tambov is a cultural centre.

Task 15. Name the following sights:

The central square in Tambov.__________________________________________

The building facing the beginning of Internatsionalnaya Street._______________

A Modern building opposite the Drama Theatre.___________________________

A sanatorium in Naberezhnaya Street.___________________________________

A monument opposite the Hotel «Tambov».______________________________


Task 16. Write out key-sentences for each passage.

Task 17. Make up the summary of the text.

Task 18. Act out dialogues.

- Have you seen much of the town?

- Not much so far.

- Neither have I. I want to go sightseeing. Will you join me?

- With pleasure, but is it possible to see anything in one day?

- Not half enough. What are you interested in? Do you like museums?

- Yes, rather.

- If so, let’s start with our local museum.

- OK.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Excuse me, where is the post office?

- It is over there across the city park.

- Thanks a lot.

- Not at all.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Pardon me, is it Nosovskaya Street?

- I am sorry. I don’t know.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Excuse me, how can I get to the railway station?

- Oh, it’s rather far. Take bus 18. But if you are in a hurry, take a taxi.

- Thank you so much.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Task 19. Make up you own dialogues using conversational phrases of addressing people, asking the way, giving directions, expressing gratitude.

Addressing people: Look here! I say! Excuse me. Pardon me.
Asking the way: Would (could) you, please tell me how to get to… Tell me, please, what is the best way to… Will you please tell me how I can get to…
Giving directions: Walk (drive) up (down, along) the street until you get to… Take bus 50 and get off at … Turn left (right). On the left, (on the right, at the corner, across from, between… and…, not far from, of in the distance) you will see…
Expressing gratitude: Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thank you very much. Many thanks. Replies: Not at all, You are welcome.


Task 20. Write a letter to your pen pal describing the sights worth seeing of in Tambov.

Additional reading

Historic background of Tambov

Task 21. Read and translate the text.

Task 22. Answer the question. What new information have you learnt about the history of Tambov.

Like all ancient towns Tambov consisted of the Kremlin and the suburbs. The Kremlin was surrounded by a very high wall made of wood with 12 towers.… Many streets and squares in Tambov were renamed in the course of time. For… In the history of Tambov there were many rich noblemen who helped poor people and contributed to the development of…

Lesson 8. Moscow.


Task 1. Put a tick next to the correct answer.

1. When was Moscow first mentioned in the records?

A. 1380 B. 980 C. 1147

2. Who headed the liberation movement in the 14th century?

A. Prince Dmitry Donskoy

B. Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky

C. Ivan III

3. When did Moscow become the capital of Russia?

A. in the 15th century

B. in the 12th century

C. in the 16th century

4. What happened to Moscow in September of 1812?

A. rebuilt B. set ablaze C. a great festival was held

Task 2. Compare Moscow with other capitals while reading the text.

Task 3. Read the text.


Moscow is the capital and the largest city of Russia. It is the largest city in Europe, with its metropolitan area ranking among the largest urban areas in the world. Moscow is the country's political, economic, religious, financial, educational and transportation centre. It is located on the Moskva River in the Central Federal District, in the European part of Russia. Historically, it was the capital of the former Soviet Union and the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the pre-Imperial Russian state. It is the site of the Moscow Kremlin, which serves as the ceremonial residence of the President of Russia. It is home to many scientific and educational institutions, as well as numerous sport facilities. It possesses a complex transport system that includes the world’s busiest metro system, which is famous for its architecture and artwork.

The first Russian reference to Moscow dates from 1147. At that time it was a small frontier post. In 1237 Moscow felt under the yoke of the Tatars. And it was Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy who led the Russian troops to a decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of Kulikovo field in 1380.

By the 15th century Moscow turned into a wealthy city. It was under Ivan III that Moscow became the capital of state Muscovy. At that time the Kremlin Cathedrals were erected.

During the Time of Troubles Moscow was occupied by the Polish invaders but they were routed by the popular levy headed by Minin and Pozharsky.

In 1812 the Napoleonic army entered Moscow. The city was set ablaze. The army retreated . That was a poor substitute for the military triumph in Russia so much desired by Napoleon.

In 1941 German Army Group Centre was stopped at the outskirts of the city and then driven off in the course of the Battle of Moscow. Moscow is awarded the title of the Hero City.

There are many places of interest in Moscow. The city is famous for historical monuments, museums, art galleries and theatres. The State Historical Museum of Russia, the Pushkin Museum of fine Arts, the Tretyakov State Picture Gallery are world famous. Moscow is proud of the Bolshoi, Maly and Art theatres. The Russian State Library, founded in 1862 is the national library of Russia. Moscow is an industrial centre with highly developed engineering, electric, light and chemical industries.

There are 1696 high schools in Moscow, as well as 91 colleges. Besides these, there are 222 institutions offering higher education in Moscow, including 60 state universities and the Lomonosov Moscow State University, which was founded in 1755.


Task 4. A. Find the English equivalent of Russian words in the text and study the words combinations.

столица замена

резиденция страстно желать чего-либо

спорткомплексы воздвигать

восходить решающий

татарское иго памятник

награждать отступать

поджигать город-герой

B. Make your own sentences with these words and word combinations.

Task 5. A. Find the words with the same meaning.

Famous, to be located, to possess, to erect, outskirts, different


To be situated, well-known, to build, suburb, to have, various

B. Find the words with the opposite meaning.

Best, oldest, highest, long, quick, many, rich

_____________________________________ ­

Poor, worst, short, lowest, youngest, few, slow

C. Match the words with definitions.

Urban перестраивать

Rebuilt образовательный

Educational научный

Former городской

Scientific бывший


Task 6. Word formation. Look at the word and fill in the table.

Word Prefix Base Suffix

Task 7. A. Find sentences, examples with Past Simple in the text. Translate them into Russian.

B. Choose the right variant, explain your choice.

1. Mary was in Moscow in 2005.

2. She took her entrance examinations in July.

3. Last week they had two seminars.

4. I was never in Moscow.

5. He helped somebody yesterday.

6. She bought an expensive dress because she had earned a lot of money.

7. He got ill because he had drunk a glass of cold water.

8. I was late because there had been a traffic jam.

9. He didn’t win because he hadn’t work hard.

10. When they entered the hall, the performance had already begun.

11. I didn’t recognize many people because they changed a lot.

12. All my friends were glad that I had passed my exams successfully.

C. Check yourself consulting the rules below.


It happenedsix years ago. Это случилось пять лет тому назад. Другими характеристиками прошедшего времени являются: 1.Повторяемость в прошлом (начиная с двукратного повторения).


Прошедшее совершенное время образуется при помощи глагола had+ третья форма основного глагола. Past Perfect употребляется : 1. когда нужно показать, что одно событие произошло раньше другого;

Task 8. Make up your own sentences using the Past Simple and Past Perfect Tenses.

Task 9. Choose the right sentence.

1. Yesterday he got up early. Yesterday he has got up early.

2. Last Sunday they had come to see me. Las Sunday they came to see me.

3. I didn’t know that my friend hadn’t come yet. I didn’t know that my friend didn’t come.

4. Lanny said that he got his education in London. Lanny said that he had got his education in London.


Task 10. Choose the right answer to the questions.

1. Where is Moscow located?

A. in Siberia B. in the central part of Russia C. in Asia

2. What happened in 1812?

A. Napoleonic Army entered Moscow. B. Napoleonic Army retreated. C. Polish invader entered Moscow.

3. What is the title of Moscow?

A. The largest city of the world. B. The richest city of the world C. Hero City.

4. What is the most famous university in Moscow?

A. Bauman Moscow State University B. Lomonosov Moscow State University C. Moscow Conservatory

Task 11. Complete the sentences.

1. …. is the capital and the largest city of Russia.

2. The first Russian reference to Moscow dates from ….

3. In … the Napoleonic army entered Moscow.

4. Moscow is awarded the title of the ….

Task12. Define true and false statements.

1. St. Petersburg is the capital of Russia.

2. Moscow ranks fourth among the cities of Europe.

3. Moscow is the largest city in Europe.

4. Oxford University is the best university in Moscow.

5. Moscow was founedein1147.

6. Ivan III was the founder of Moscow.

7. Moscow is famous for its Metro.

8. There are a lot of educational institutions in Moscow.

Task 13. A. Match the title with the corresponding passage of the text.

1. Cultural life of Moscow.

2. Geographical position of Moscow.

3. History of Moscow

4. Moscow in general.

5. Education in Moscow.

B. Write out the key sentences for each point of the plan.

Task 14. Put the sentences into the right order.

1. There are 222 institutions offering higher education in Moscow,

2. It is located on the Moskva River in the Central Federal District, in the European part of Russia.

3. It is the site of the Moscow Kremlin, which serves as the ceremonial residence of the President of Russia.

4. The first Russian reference to Moscow dates from 1147.

5. It was under Ivan III that Moscow became the capital of state Muscovy.

6. Moscow is awarded the title of the Hero City.


Task 15. Make up the summary of the text using the tasks 13B. and 14.

Additional Reading

Task 16. Read the following texts for more information about Moscow. Make the outline of the texts.

Cultural life of Moscow

One of the most notable art museums in Moscow is the Tretyakov Gallery, which was founded by Pavel Tretyakov, a wealthy patron of the arts who… Another art museum in the city of Moscow is the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts,… The State Historical Museum of Russia (Государственный Исторический музей) is a museum of Russian history wedged…


Moscow possesses a large number of various sport facilities and over 500 Olympic champions lived in the city by 2005. Moscow is home to sixty-three stadia (besides eight football and eleven light athletics maneges), of which Luzhniki Stadium is the largest and the 4th biggest in Europe (it hosted the UEFA Cup 1998-99 and UEFA Champions League 2007-08 finals). Forty other sport complexes are located within the city, including twenty-four with artificial ice. There are also seven horse racing tracks in Moscow, of which Central Moscow Hippodrome, founded in 1834, is the largest.

Moscow was the host city of the 1980 Summer Olympics, although the yachting events were held at Tallinn, in present-day Estonia. Large athletic facilities and the main international airport, Sheremetyevo Terminal 2, were built in preparation for the 1980 Summer Olympics. Moscow had also made a bid for the 2012 Summer Olympics. However, when final voting commenced on 6 July 2005, Moscow was the first city to be eliminated from further rounds.

The two most titled multi-sport clubs in the world are Moscow's CSKA Moscow and Dynamo Moscow.

The most titled Ice Hockey team in Russia and in the world, HC CSKA Moscow comes from Moscow. Another big Ice Hockey clubs from Moscow are HC Dynamo Moscow.

The most titled Russian, and one of the most titled Euroleague clubs, is the Basketball club from Moscow PBC CSKA Moscow. Another strong Basketball club from Moskow is MBC Dynamo Moscow. Moscow had more winners at the Russian Chess Championship then any other city. Some of them were the best players in the world.

The most titled Volleyball team in the Soviet Union and in Europe (CEV Champions League) is CSKA Moscow.Two of the best teams in the world in Ware Polo are CSKA Moscow and Dynamo Moscow.

In Football FC Spartak Moscow is the club that won most championship titles in the Russian Premier League than any other team.

Because of Moscow's cold local climate, winter sports have a large following as well. Many of Moscow's large parks offer marked trails for skiers and frozen ponds for skaters.

Moscow also hosts the annual Kremlin Cup, a popular tennis tournament. It is regarded as a very prestigious tournament and is one of the ten Tier-I events on the women's tour and a host of Russian players feature every year.

Slava Moscow are a professional rugby union club, competing in the national Professional Rugby League. Moscow recently became home to the offices of the Rugby Union of Russia, formerly located in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia.

Education and science

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, founded in 1830, is located in the centre of Moscow and provides more than 18,000 undergraduate and 1,000… The Moscow Conservatory, founded in 1866 is a prominent music school in… The Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography, abbreviated as VGIK, is the world's oldest educational…

Lesson 9. London. The Capital.

Task 1. Answer the following questions choosing the proper variant: 1. How much do you know about London? a) not much

A. Think of the outline of the text or just write out the key notions (words) covered in the text

B. Compare the British capital with the Russian one (You may cover any aspect you like).

C. Make a conclusion to characterise London in one sentence.

D. Decide on what place you would like to visit in London most of all. Explain your choice.

Task 3. Read the text to check yourself.

London. The capital.

London draws people from all over the world. Some come on business, some come to study, to work or on holiday. London is naturally a very English… There is much in London which fascinates visitors and inspires the affection… London is always full of life. The streets are crowded with traffic. High ‘double-decker’ buses rise above the smaller…

Task 4. A. Find the English equivalents of the Russian words and study the word combinations.

- притягивать людей со всех концов мира

- распространять свое влияние на …

- близлежащие (окружающие) районы

- очаровывать приезжих

- вдохновлять на любовь (увлеченность)

- средневековые здания

- римляне

- монарх

- Палаты Парламента

- Собор Святого Павла

- населять (заселять)

B. Find the Russian equivalents of the English words and study the word combinations.

- modern glass high-rise offices

- splendour of the royal palaces

- the dignity of…

- to take place

- courtyard

- crowded with traffic

- ‘double-decker’ buses

- the financial powerhouse

- to provide a welcome contrast to…

C. Make your own sentences with the word combinations above. Try to use as many of them as you can.

Task 5. A. Find or think of synonyms of the words below:

- to fascinate

- affection

- beautiful

- In the centre

- to take place

B. Find or think of antonyms of the words below:

- the poor

- modern

- different

- much

C. Match the words with their definitions

Task 6. Fill in the prepositions. A. in (3) B. by (2) C. on (2) D. of (3) e) to (2) f) from g) over (2) h) at I) for j) with (2) k)…   1. London was founded … the first century A. D. … the Romans.

Task 7. Look at the words and fill in the table.

Words Prefix Base word Suffix
Government - govern ment

Task 8. A. Find in the text the sentences with the Passive Voice and translate them into Russian.

B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice.

A. was building B. were built C. was built 2. Such modern glass high-rise offices … here in 3 or 5 years. a) will construct B. will be constructed C. were being constructed

Task 9. Make up your own sentences, using the Passive Voice.

Task 10. Choose the right sentence.


A. It will be finished tomorrow.

B. It will being finishing tomorrow.


A. The house was painted when I arrived.

B. The house was being painted when I arrived.


A. Over 25 models have been produced in the past two years.

B. Over 25 models are produced in the past two years.


A. “The flight to Brunswick” was written in 1987 by Tim Wilson.

B. “The flight to Brunswick” was being written in 1987 by Tim Wilson.


A. Fords were being made in Cologne.

B. Fords are made in Cologne.


Task 11. Answer the questions choosing the proper variant.

1. Who founded London?

A. Indians B. Celts C. Romans

2. Why do most people from all over the world come to London?

A. to work, to study, on holiday or on business

B. to buy some flowers

C. to order some furniture

3. What is the official London residence of the Sovereign?

A. the Houses of Parliament B. the Treasury C. Buckingham Palace

4. What area in London is now famous for its theatres, clubs and shops?

A. Whitehall B. Piccadilly Circus C. Downing Street

5. What is the City of London?

A. it is its commercial and business centre

B. it is the richest part of London

C. it is the districtinhabited by the workers and the poor

Task 12. Complete the sentences.

1. The Prime Minister’s residence at No. 10 Downing Street is directly connected to …

2. The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guards takes place in its … .

3. … was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham.

4. … is a street in central London running from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament.

Task 13. True or false.

1. You can hardly call London very cosmopolitan.

2. London gives work to millions of people who live only in the inner city areas.

3. There are many buildings in London that express all the different areas of its history.

4. There is not much in London which fascinates visitors and inspires the affection of Londoners.

5. Buckingham Palace was built in the 18th century by the Duke of Buckingham.

6. The Cenotaph is the memorial to the English Queen.

7. At the heart of Piccadilly Circus there is a bronze fountain topped by a figure of Eros, the pagan god of love.

8. St. James’s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens form 13 hectares of open parkland in the heart of London.

9. Buckingham Palace is the official Washington residence of the Sovereign.

10. The heart of London is the City – its commercial and business centre.

Task 14. A. Match the following points of the plan with the corresponding passages of the text. One is extra.

1) London as a centre of attraction

2) London as a business centre

3) London parks

4) London sights

5) London as a city of great contrasts

6) London traffic

7) London as a capital

B. Write out the key sentences for each point of the plan.

Task 15. Put the sentences into the right order according to the text above (Task 3).

1. There is much in London which fascinates visitors: the royal palaces and the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and many monuments.

2. London streets are crowded with traffic.

3. Other famous places in London are Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square Whitehall, Downing Street, etc.

4. The heart of London is the City – its commercial and business centre.

5. There are many beautiful parks in London such as St. James’s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens.

6. It draws people from all over the world.

7. Its West end is the richest part and its East End is the districtfor the poor.

8. London is a city of great contrasts.

9. London is the capital of the UK.

10. Some come on business, some come to study, to work or on holiday.

Task 16. Make up the summary of the text using tasks 13B and 14.

Additional reading

Task 17. Read the texts about sights of London. Look through the map of London, find those sights on it. Present your own route of visiting those places. Act as a guide and present a tour round London, use information from the texts. Add your own information:

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

The Palace of Westminster was used both as a royal residence and as a parliament house until 1512. On October 16, 1834, the old Palace of… There are two towers in the Palace of Westminster: the Victoria Tower and the… The clock came into service in 1859 and was nicknamed "Big Ben". It chimes the hours to the tune of Hendel's…

Westminster Abbey

As the scene of coronation of English kings, Westminster Abbey continues a tradition established by William the Conqueror who was crowned on… Westminster Abbey is in the centre of London. Many great Englishmen are buried… St. Paul’s Cathedral

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen. It was built in the 18th century and rebuilt later by the architect John Nash. Nash began his work in 1825, but the palace was not completed until 1837. The first Queen to live there was the young Queen Victoria.

Above the State Entrance is the central balcony where the Royal Family appears on occasions of national importance.

The Royal Standard flying over Buckingham Palace is the sign that the Queen is in the residence. The absence of the Royal Standard over the east front of Buckingham Palace means that the Queen is absent from London.

Royal Horse Guards ceremony always arouses the interest of visitors.

Trafalgar Square

On the north side of Trafalgar Square are the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery. The National Gallery was built in 1824. It… In the Northeast corner is the well-known church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields.…

The Tate Gallery

There is another art gallery in London - the Tate Gallery. It was founded in 1897. It is named after its founder Henry Tate, a sugar manufacturer. The Gallery has rich collections of pictures by 16th century English artists as well as paintings by foreign painters of the 19-20th centuries - by impressionists and post impressionists. It also has a large sculpture collection.

Albert Hall

Albert Hall is a circular brick building under a glass-and-metal roof. The Hall was built in 1867 - 1871. It is a big concert hall, seating 8,000. Albert Hall is used for concerts, athletic events, for public gatherings and other functions.

The Tower of London

The Tower of London long continued to be both a fortress and a palace. It was also a prison. At first prisoners were often foreign princes and… Now the Tower is simply Britain's most famous and most visited historic… According to tradition the Tower is guarded by the Yeoman Warders or "Beefeaters". They still wear their old…

Tower Bridge

Not far from the tower of London is Tower Bridge, built across the Thames in 1894. It was designed so that it could be used equally by road traffic and by ships going up the River Thames. When a ship approached, everybody was cleared off the bridge, which then split in two, and raised itself in the air so that river traffic could pass through.

After a few minutes, the bridge was lowered again, and pedestrians, carriages, and cars could continue their journey.

In this busiest time, the road was raised and lowered 50 times a day. Parliament decided that pedestrians should be able to cross the river at any time, so when the lower half of the bridge was used by ships, people could (if they wished) cross by two walk ways, 45 meters above the Thames.

Piccadilly Circus

London's West End is the richest part of the city, and its heart is Piccadilly Circus. This is London's theaterland, and at night it is bright with electric signs. Under the Circus lies one of the busiest stations of London's underground railway network.

In the centre of the Circus stands the bronze statue of Eros on a high pedestal above the fountain. It was erected by architect Alfred Gilbert in 1892.

North of the Circus, the streets shade off into Soho and to Oxford Street and the Telecom Tower. South of the Circus, in Haymarket, there is the colonnaded Theatre Royal, founded in 1720. West of the Circus, is the Royal Academy of Arts. The West End also covers Mayfair and Marble Arch, the shopping centres of Oxford Street and Bond Street. (from Поликарпова 1994).



(from Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture 2002).

Lesson 10. Towns and Cities of Great Britain


Task 1. Read the questions and choose the suitable answers to them.

1. What city is considered to be the largest one in Great Britain after London?

a) Glasgow;

b) Liverpool;

c) Manchester;

d) Birmingham;

2. What city is historically famous for its dock systems?

a) Edinburgh;

b) Liverpool;

c) Manchester;

d) Birmingham;

3. What British city has a vast area of parklands?

a) Glasgow;

b) Liverpool;

c) Manchester;

d) Birmingham.

4. Do you know what British city has world-famous football clubs?

a) Manchester;

b) Edinburgh;

c) Liverpool;

d) Birmingham.

Task 2. Think about most prominent cities of your country. Compare them with British towns and cities. Decide on the outstanding features of each one while reading.

Task 3. Read the texts. Think of the answers to the questions in Task 1.

The city of Birmingham

The city's reputation was forged as a powerhouse of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, a fact which led to Birmingham being known as "the… Birmingham is situated just to the west of the geographical centre of England… The Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery has renowned displays of artwork that include a leading collection of work by…


Forming part of the English Core Cities Group, and often described as the "Capital of the North", Manchester today is a centre of the… Historically, most of the city was a part of Lancashire, with areas south of…


Located in the south-east of Scotland, Edinburgh lies on the east coast of Scotland's Central Belt, along the Firth of Forth, near the North Sea.… It forms the City of Edinburgh council area; the city council area includes… It has been the capital of Scotland since 1437 (replacing Scone) and is the seat of the Scottish Parliament. The city…

Task 4. A. Find the English equivalents of the Russian words.




















изобразительное искусство


B. Study the word-combinations.

walks of life

notable residents

urban zone

rural area

settled population

tourist destination

metropolitan borough

commercial centre

stone tenements

to locate a business

to grow to prominence

to be brought up

to be granted city status

to attract visitors

C. Make up your own sentences using words and word-combinations listed above.

Task 5. А. Think of the synonyms of the following words:

to acquire


to include

to remain


to be considered



B. Find the antonyms of these words in the texts:







modern orchestra


You may use these words to check yourself:

Resident, to get, successful, south, zone, have, large, urban, exhibition, location, to continue to be, largest, best, declined, to be regarded, popular band

C. Match the words with the corresponding definitions.

Task 6. Word-formation. Look at the words and fill in the table. Define the part of speech.

Word prefix base word suffix
Inspiration in- -spir- -ation
Increasingly in- -creas- -ing, -ly

Task 7. A. Find sentences with Participle I in the text. Translate them into Russian.


The young man standing near the window is my brother. Молодой человек, стоящий у окна – мой брат.
While translating the articles I usually use the dictionary. При переводе статей я обычно пользуюсь словарем.


B. Grammar revision. Read the sentences below. Choose the right variant (sentences grammatically correct) and explain your choice.

1. Having visited London, the tourists decided to come to Edinburgh.

2. The man taking pictures of the monument is a tourist from Japan.

3. We watched him walking down the street.

4. Having examined the building, the commission was satisfied with the restoration process.

5. There being little time left, they took a taxi.

6. When answering the questions of the tourists, our guide did not forget to mention this historical phenomenon.

7. While preparing for the excursion, we looked through the book about this historical place.

8. It being late, we returned to the hotel.

9. The equipment producing at this plant is of high quality.

10. She does not like to give a talk sitting.

11. Not knowing the facts he asked me to give some information.

12. Having finished sightseeing he decided to go shopping.


Grammar rules Revision


Причастие настоящего времени (Participle I Active) употребляются в качестве определений и обстоятельств. Время действия причастия и… Причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II Passive) (III форма глагола)… Перфектное причастие (Perfect Participle) соответствует русскому деепричастию и выполняет функцию обстоятельства. В…


  Active Passive
Present Working being worked
Past   Worked
Future having worked having been worked


to go – going

to study - studying


  1. Если глагол оканчивается на –е, то оно отбрасывается:

to write – writing, to live – living.

  1. Конечная согласная в закрытом слоге удваивается:

to sit- sitting, to run – running.

  1. Если основа заканчивается на –ie, то –ie меняется на –y- перед окончанием –ing:

to lie – lying, to tie – tying.

See also Lessons 7, 11 and 12.

C. Check yourself consulting the rules.

Present continuous

  I am     reading a magazine now. He, She is We   are … Вопросительная форма Are You reading a magazine now? … Отрицательная форма I am not reading a magazine now. He, She is not …

Task 8. Make up your own sentences using The Present Continuous Tense.

Task 9. Choose the right sentence in The Present Continuous Tense.

1. a) They are looking through the magazines.

b) They are looked through the magazines.

2. a) We are having a tour around the city at the moment.

b) We having a tour around the city at the moment.

3. a) He have hired a taxi now.

b) He is hiring a taxi now.

4. a) The children is playing volleyball.

b) The children are playing volleyball.

5. a) Mary are taking books from the library now.

b) Mary is taking books from the library now.


Task 10. Answer the questions. Choose the right variant.

a) Birmingham is the largest industrial centre of Britain today. b) It was the place where Industrial revolution began. c) Many people want to locate a business there.

Task 11. Complete the sentences with suitable beginning or ending.

1. Birmingham has developed into a national commercial centre, being named … .

2. The city centre consists of … .

3. … renowned displays of artwork that include a leading collection of work by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.

4. … are the most well-known political figures who have lived in Birmingham.

Task 12. Decide on whether it is true or false.

1. Manchester is the centre of the Greater Manchester Urban Area.

2. Manchester is the most visited city in the United Kingdom by foreign visitors.

3. Birmingham has two Premier League football teams.

4. During the 19th century Manchester got the nickname Cottonopolis, as an international centre of textile manufacture and cotton spinning.

5. Manchester was called "the workshop of the world" because it was the place where industrial revolution began.

6. Manchester City Centre is famous for the network of canals and mills constructed during its 19th-century development.

7. There are several significant industrial plants in Edinburgh, including Jaguar Cars and Cadbury Trebor Bassett.

8. Edinburgh is often considered to be the one of the most picturesque cities in Europe.

Task 13. A. Match the titles with the corresponding passages of the first text.

1. Geographical outline

2. The new branches of modern economy

3. Cultural life in the city

4. Sports in Birmingham

5. Prominent residents of the city

6. Birmingham - the second largest city in the UK

7. Parks. The peculiar feature of the city

8. From the history of Birmingham

B. Write out the key sentences for each points of the plan.

Task 14. Make up the plan of the texts about Manchester and Edinburgh.

Task 15. Put the sentences into the right order (Manchester and Edinburgh).

2. Manchester was the world's first industrialised city and played a central role during the Industrial Revolution. 3. Located in the south-east of Scotland, Edinburgh lies on the east coast of… 4. Manchester today is a centre of the arts, the media, higher education and commerce.

Task 16. Make up the summary of the texts.

Additional reading

Task 17. After reading each text write down in two columns what information is known to you and what is new. Fill in the table with sentences from the text.

What is known What is new

Task 18. Answer the questions from the first column using phrases from the second one.

What is the author talking about in this article? The author is talking about….
What aspects are discussed by the author? …are discussed in this article.
What information about the city does the author consider the most specific? I think that it is about… .
Why did the author choose it as a topic for his article? He wrote this article to inform the readers about … .

Task 19. Summarise the texts.

The city of Liverpool

Inhabitants of Liverpool are referred to as Liverpoolians but are also known as "Scousers", in reference to the local meal known as… Built across a ridge of sandstone hills rising up to a height of around 230… Like the rest of the United Kingdom the city has seen a large growth in the service sector, both public and private.…


The city of Cardiff is the county town of the historic county of Glamorgan (and later South Glamorgan). Cardiff is part of the Eurocities network of… Cardiff is home to the National Assembly for Wales in Cardiff Bay and much of… It was a small town until the early 19th century and came to prominence as a major port for the transport of coal…

History of Birmingham

Birmingham was first recorded in written documents by the Domesday Book of 1086 as a small village, worth only 20 shillings. There were many… In the 12th century, Birmingham was granted a royal charter to hold a market,… By the time of the English Civil War in the 17th century Birmingham had become an important manufacturing town with a…

The city of Cambridge

Cambridge is best known for the University of Cambridge, which includes the renowned Cavendish Laboratory, King's College Chapel, and the Cambridge… According to the 2001 United Kingdom census, the City's population was 108,863… In 1209, students escaping from hostile townspeople in Oxford fled to Cambridge and formed a university there. The…

The history of the city of Manchester

Manchester began expanding "at an astonishing rate" around the turn of the 19th century as part of a process of unplanned urbanisation… The Manchester Ship Canal was created by canalization of the Rivers Irwell and… The number of cotton mills in Manchester itself reached a peak of 108 in 1853. Thereafter the number began to decline…

Landmarks of Manchester

In the north of the city borough is the award winning Heaton Park which is one of the largest municipal parks in Europe covering 610 acres (2.5…   Unit 6. Higher Education.

Lesson 11. Higher Education in Great Britain

Pre-reading Task 1. You are going to read an article about higher education in Britain.… 1. Are you getting primary, secondary or higher education?

Higher Education in Great Britain

(2 - ) Higher education began to expand in the 19-th. The 3rd university to be founded in England was at Durham in 1832, and was followed by other… (3 - ) Nearly 50 % of 18 year olds now go to higher education in Great… (4 - ) Most universities in Great Britain teach a wide range of subjects - engineering, natural sciences, humanities…

E. Match the words with their definitions

Task 4. Look at the words and fill in the table: word prefix base word suffix eventful - … Grammar Present perfect (I have done) – Настоящее перфектное время

Present Perfect используется

Ow! I’ve brokenthe plate! The train has just arrived. · для описания действия, произошедшего в прошлом, но результат которого актуален в настоящий момент:


broken vase – разбитая ваза stolen money – украденные деньги his last published novel – его последний опубликованный роман

Task 9. Make one sentence from two using Participle II.

2. The letter was written by him. It was very long. 3. The man was hit by the car. We took him to hospital. 4. Many new shops are opened in our town. They are very cheap.

Task 12. Make up the summary of the text using the previous Tasks.

Additional reading

Task 13. Read the article about examinations at Cambridge and put the parts of the article in the right order.

· This system means that it is theoretically possible (however unlikely) for students to do almost no work for two and a half years, cram like mad… · Eventually, the examinations themselves, firstly in mathematics and later… · Students at Cambridge sit the so called 'Tripos' exams.

Task 3. Read the text paying attention to the words in italics.

Higher education in Russia

The Russian educational system may be arranged into three major groups: · secondary education, · higher education and


Approximately one-third of the students pay for their studies. In non-State HEIs all students must pay tuition fees. Higher education is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the accreditation and licensing of HEIs and for developing and maintaining State Educational Standards.


There are three levels of higher education:

1) incomplete higher education (2 years at least);

2) basic higher education (4 years) leading to the Bakalavr's degree, the first university level degree;

3) postgraduate higher education (total number of years of post-secondary education: 5-6 years or more).

The following higher education reforms are under way:

1) diversification of higher education;

2) humanization;

3) decentralization of management, university autonomy;

4) creation of a non-public sector of higher education.


After obtaining a Certificate of Complete Secondary Education a student can enter a University or an Institute (College). A student can choose a program of higher education with a duration of four to six years.

There are three different degrees that are conferred by Russian universities:

1. The first degree is the Bakalavr (Bachelor) degree. Bakalvr's programs last for at least 4 years of full-time university-level study. The programs include professional and special courses in Science, the Humanities and Social-economic disciplines, professional training, completion of a research paper/project and passing State final exams. The Bakalavr's degree is awarded in all fields except Medicine after defending a Diploma project prepared under the guidance of a supervisor and passing the final exams. In Medicine, the first stage lasts for six years.

2. Holders of the Bakalavr degree are admitted to enter the Specialist Diploma and Magistr's (Master's) degree programs. The Magistr's (Master's) degree is awarded after successful completion of two years' full-time study. Students must carry out a year of research including practice and prepare and defend a thesis which constitutes an original contribution and sit for final examinations.

Bakalavr's and Magistr's degrees were introduced relatively recently.

3. After graduation a student may continue postgraduate education. After several (2 to 4) years of study, if they obtain important scientific results, publish them and write another thesis, the Kandidat nauk degree (кандидат наук, Candidate of Sciences) can be awarded. For further and more fundamental research work the Doctor Nauk degree (доктор наук, Doctor of Sciences) can be awarded.


In all the Russian Institutions, academic year starts from September. There are two semesters in an academic year: the first term – from September to January and the second term - from February to June. First semester examinations are held usually in January followed by second semester exams in June. Students enjoy two types of vacations in their curriculum. It is winter vacation from 15th January to 7th February and summer vacation from 1st July to 31st August.


Russia has a good deal of experience for co-operation with the developing countries in the field of higher education. For instance, more than half of the foreign students attending Russian Universities for higher education in the field of Engineering/ Medicine are from developing countries in Asia and Africa and from Latin America. The system of imparting higher education in Russia is well formulated and advanced in par with western countries.

During training students receive a high level of theoretical knowledge and work skills in their chosen fields. Modern teaching methods facilitate the formation of not only deep versatile knowledge and skills, but also such qualities such as independence, the ability to make critical decisions, the creative approach to any process, the skills to finish it and the constancy to study. The necessity of a flexibility in thinking, and the presence of abstract, systematic and experimental thinking, the skill to carry on dialogue, the skill to communicate, the ability to cooperate which are required of the modern professional are aspects which are given extra emphasis.

International students from all over the world are an integral part of our student community and we always welcome new applicants to join us.


Task 4. Look through the text and pick out English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases:

1. среднее и высшее образование

2. образовательное учреждение

3. уровень грамотности

4. местные органы власти

5. выпускники

6. плата за обучение

7. быть ответственным за что-либо

8. ученая степень

9. получить Диплом о полном среднем образовании

10. поступить в университет или институт

11. точные науки

12. гуманитарные науки

13. исследовательская работа

14. сдача итоговых государственных экзаменов

15. защита дипломного проекта (диссертации)

16. присваивать (ученое звание)

17. учебный год

18. семестр

19. каникулы

20. программа обучения

21. студенты-иностранцы

22. высокий уровень теоретических знаний и навыков

23. качества (характера)

24. современный профессионал, специалист

25. студенческое сообщество

26. абитуриенты


B. Compose your own sentences on the topic of “Higher Education” using the words and phrases from the previous task.

Task 5. A. Find in the text synonyms to these words and combinations (some words and combinations in the left column are not from the text) :

school education  
education after graduation from a HEI  
having good technical equipment  
total number of students  
money paid for one’s studies  
to continue, to run for some time  
future student  

B. Find in the text antonyms to these words and combinations (some words and combinations in the left column are not from the text) :

governmental educational institution  
a graduate  
to graduate from a HEI  
home country students  
low level of knowledge  
vacations / holidays  
to fail an examination  
entrance exams  

C. Match the words in the left-hand and the right-hand columns into combinations. Give their Russian translation.

D. Find a word or a combination to each of the following definitions: to finish one’s studies at an educational institution …   Grammar

B. Read the following list with different variants of translating verbs in Participle II from Russian into English.

C. Choose the right variant. Explain your choice.

D. Revise your Grammar. Check yourself reading the Grammar rule: Participle II - Past Participle Причастие прошедшего времени Значение Причастиеявляется неличной формой глагола. Служит…

B. Compose your own word-combinations or sentences with the use of Participle II of the notional verb.

· (to finish, lesson) – the finished lesson – законченный урок · (to learn, material) – the new learnt material – новый изученный материал …  

Task 10. Write questions to these sentences. Consult the grammar table above and the model.

Model: My elder sister has been at University for six months by now. –

1. Who has been at University for six months by now?

2. Whose sister has been at University for six months by now?

3. How long has your sister been at University by now?

4. Where has your sister been?

5. …………………………………

  1. Alice has graduated from University this month. (Who? What institution?)
  2. Nick has stayed at the college since September. (Who? Where?

Since when?)

3. All students of our group have passed our summer exams successfully. (Who? What? How?)

Task 11. Read the following pairs of sentences and choose the correct variant. Explain your choice.

2. A. Hello! I didn’t see you for ages! B. Hello! I haven’t seen you for ages! 3. A. Have you heard any news from Benny recently?

Task 14. Continue these sentences. Add the information you learned from the text.

1. The Institutes and Universities in Russia have a total enrolment of …….

2. There are about 3000 ………………….- technikum, uchilische, college.

3. Russia has more academic …………. than any other country in Europe.

4. The course of studies for higher education lasts for……………………...

5. In all the Russian Institutions, academic year starts………and there are ………… semesters in an academic year.

Task 15. Define if the following sentences are true or false:

1. The first degree in higher education is the Master’s degree.

2. The Bakalavr's degree is awarded in all fields including Medicine.

3. First semester examinations are held usually in February, second semester exams are in July.

4. The period of postgraduate higher education lasts for 5-6 years or more.

5. Russian HEIs have good co-operation with different countries and admit foreign students.

Task 16. Match the following titles with certain passages of the text. One is not needed.

1.Academic Year and Holidays.

2.Higher Education. General Information.

3.Courses of Studies and the Main Degrees.

4.Co-operation with Other Countries. Overseas Students.

5.Tuition Fees.

6.Levels of Education.

Task 17. Write out the key-sentences for each point of the plan from Task 16.

Task 18. Make up your summary of the text using sentences from Tasks 16 and 17. Render the main information of the text.

Additional reading

Task 19. Read for further information

Educational system in Russia

Education in Russia is compulsory up to the 9th form inclusive. The stages of compulsory schooling in Russia are: primary education for ages 6-7 to… After finishing the 9th form one can go on to a vocational school which offer… The evaluation of the performance of students is designed in such a way that the progress in mastering the subjects in…

Lesson 13. Means of Travelling

Pre-reading Task 1. Answer the questions: 1) What do you think, what is this text about?

B. Make up your own sentences using vocabulary.

Task 5. A. Synonyms and antonyms. Find in the text or think of:


Synonyms: vacation, travelling, very old, a townsman, appropriate, pleasing, colourful, to find, benefit, abroad, places of interest, excursionist (sightseer) Antonyms: ancient, similar, villager, cheap, native, disadvantage, harmful,

B. Find the words in the text according to their definitions. Fill in the table.


Task 6. Word formation. Look at the words and fill in the table


Word Prefixes Base word Suffixes
comfortable picturesque destination uninteresting musical disadvantage traveller fastest reminded discover      


Task 7. A. Find examples with grammar concerning adjectives’ degrees of comparison and translate them into Russian.

B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice

1. Travelling by train is slower than by plane. Travelling by train is more slow than by plane; 2. The more you study, the more better you will pass your exams.

Task 8. Make up your own sentences using grammar (only comparative degrees of adjectives)

Task 9. Choose the right variant:

1) Winter is (the most cold / the coldest) season.

2) Health is (better / more good). than wealth.

3) (The sooner / more soon) you come (the better / more good..

4) Where is it (beautifuler / more beautiful), in the mountains or in the sea?

5) It was (the most bad / the worst) cold I’ve ever had.


Task 10. Choose the right answer to the following questions.

1) What are the main advantages of trains?

A. speed and comfort;

B. comfort and safety;

C. price and comfort.

2) What is the fastest way of travelling?

A. by train;

B. by car;

C. by plain;

D. on foot.

3) If you are a city-dweller, how would you like to spend your holiday?

A. visiting museums and art galleries;

B. walking by the sea or in the mountains;

C. looking at shop windows.

4) What makes travelling by car popular?

A. cheap fuel for cars;

B. safety and comfort;

C. no tickets, free stops.

5) How do people choose means of travelling?

A. according to their family budget;

B. according to the children’s wishes;

C. according to their plans and destinations;

D. according to the weather forecast.

Task 11. Complete the sentences.

1) Travellers are usually reminded by ___________.

2) __________ new things, different ways of life.

3) The best way __________________ is to travel.

4) Modern trains have ____________.

5) _____________ is popular mostly for pleasure trips.

6) A very popular method of travelling is __________.

7) _____________ are very healthful.

8) _____________ usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains.

Task 12. True or False statements.

1) Holiday-makers travel only to enjoy picturesque places.

2) Hiking is travelling on foot.

3) City-dwellers like to travel to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries.

4) The worst way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes.

5) Travelling by car is very popular, because you can stop when and where you like.

Task 13. A. Match the following titles with the corresponding passages of the text.

B. Now think, how would you title these passages?

Task 14. Put the sentences into the right order.

1) They want to see other countries and continents.

2) All means of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages.

3) Most holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them.

4) People choose different means of travelling according to their plans and destinations.

5) Millions of people spend their holidays travelling.

6) People have a great choice of means of travelling.

7) Travelling is the most effective way to study geography and foreign languages.

8) Some people stay at home and do sightseeing in their own city, others go to the country to spend their holidays in an active way.

9) They can travel by air, by land or by sea.

Task 15. Make up the summary of the text using tasks 13B and 14.


Task 16. Read the additional text about types of holiday. After reading it try to remember what other types of holiday you know. If there is no any, try to create your own types of holiday.


Holiday is an extended period of recreation, especially spent away from home or travelling. This means that holiday is a kind of tourist activity that is not connected with work or business. Therefore, to make out which types of tourist activity refer to holiday one should exclude all kinds of business travelling and then it’s quite possible to compose a list of types of holiday according to different criteria: duration of holiday, its geography, tourists’ mobility, their age, transportation, seasons, value for money, etc.

But the main criterion is the aim of holiday. Different people take holidays on various purposes. Some go hunting, others prefer to climb mountains. A lot of people have holidays relative to sport activities, such as hiking, cycling, horse-back riding, rowing and canoeing, as well as scuba-diving or even bungee jumping. There are also such purposes as recreation, treatment and medical care. In this case people can choose resort or a spa. Today a great attention is paid to ecological tourism.

One of the tourist activities is studying. You can not be sure if it is a type of holiday, but one should not forget that for some people studying is more recreating and relaxing than for example hunting or climbing mountains.

Nowadays there are many kinds of work and each of them requires its own type of holiday. So the number of types of holiday is steadily growing.

Lesson 14. Sightseeing


Task 1. Answer the questions:

1. What can help tourists when they are sightseeing?

A. beaches and local dances B. shops and souvenirs C. guidebooks and maps

2. What cities become touristy ?

A. cosmopolitan and lively B. famous for their beauty and history C. packed with people

Task 2. Find, think, and decide while reading.

1. Think of things that tourists often do on a sightseeing tour.

2. While reading find the traditional tourists’ attraction.

3. Decide of a modern world wonder you would like to visit.

4. Think of places that people usually visit in Tambov and Tambov region.

Task 3. Read the text.

After sightseeing tourists go out and have a good time in restaurants, cinemas, theatres, night-clubs, at concerts, discos, bars. Markets are worth… Unfortunately, Tambov is not packed with tourists because it is far from… The ancient Greeks spoke of the Seven Wonders of the World. Recently, some engineers came up with this list of the…

Task 4. A. Give Russian equivalents of English words.

B. Make up your own sentences with the words, word combinations.

• do sightseeing
• museums, art galleries, fountains, statues, palaces, temples, castles, cathedrals
• buy a guidebook or a map
• take photographs
• spend a lot of money on ...
• visit
• go
• see

C. Find and give Synonyms of the words, word combinations.

• a lot of –  
• be crowded –  
• begin –  
• finish –  
• build –  
• sights –  
• visit –  
• attract –  
• things, built a long time ago –  
• enjoy themselves –  


D. Find and give antonyms of the worlds, world combinations.

• a bit of sightseeing –
• few people –
• earn money –
• modern –
• the smallest –
• ever –
• near –
• poor –

E. Match words with their definitions.

A. a guidebook 1) typical products from the country
B. go out 2) a good idea to do smth
C. have a good time 3) go to different places for social reasons, e.g. restaurant or disco
D. souvenirs 4) a book of information for tourists
E. touristy 5) places, built a long time ago
F. historical monuments 6) too much tourism
G. be worth + ing 7) enjoy themselves


Task 5. Word formation. Look at the words and fill in the table.

Task 6. A. Find in the text examples with the passive voice and translate them into Russian.

B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice.

1) A. The reconstruction of a church were finished by builders in 2007.
B. The reconstruction of a church was finished by builders in 2007.
2) A. This museum was build in 1964.
B. This museum was built in 1964.
3) A. Tambov will be visited by tourists.
B. Tambov will be visited with tourists.

C. Revise your Grammar. Check yourself consulting the following rules.

Страдательный залог. Времена группы индефинит. Passive Voice. Indefinite Tenses.


Формы страдательного залога используются:
1) когда в центре внимания говорящего находятся лицо или предмет, которые подвергаются действию, а не лицо или предмет, которые совершают действие;
2) когда лицо, совершающее действие, не упоминается, несущественно, неизвестно.


to be + Participle II (причастие прошедшего времени смыслового глагола)

Спряжение глагола to give в страдательном залоге.

Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite
I am given. You/We/They are given. He/She/It is given. I/He/She/It was given. You/We/They were given. I/You/He/She/It/ We/You/They will be given.

Вопросительная форма.

Is he given? Was I given? Will they be given?

Отрицательная форма.

He is not given. He was not given. He will not be given.


Субъект действия или действующая сила вводятся предлогом by, а орудие действия вводится предлогом with; существительные или местоимения, следующие за ними, переводятся на русский язык существительными или местоимениями в творительном падеже.
Tourists were given guidebooks and maps by their guide.
The Colosseum was filled with water for ship battles.

See also Lessons 6 and 9.

Task 7. Make up your own sentences, using grammar.

Task 8. Choose the right sentences.

1) A. Photographs are took by tourists.
B. Photographs are taken by tourists.
2) A. Money were spent on souvenirs when I was in Venice.
B. Money was spent on souvenirs when I was in Venice.
3) A. This temple will be admired by tourists.
B. This temple will be admired with tourists.
4) A. Two days will be spent in Rome or in Vienna?
B. Will two days be spent in Rome or in Vienna?
5) A. This fountain is not visited by people.
B. This fountain is visited not by people.


Task 9. Answer the questions making the right choice.

Task 10. Complete these sentences.

1) … … … a lot of sightseeing or a bit of sightseeing.
2) … … … it helps to buy a guidebook or a map of a town you are in.
3) The ancient Greeks spoke of … … … .
4) “Modern wonders” are … … … .

Task 11. True or false.

Task 12. Match the following titles with the corresponding passages of the text.

Titles Passage
A. After sightseeing 1)
B. Wonders of the world 2)
C. Traditional tourist attractions 3)
D. The sights of Tambov and Tambov region 4)
E. People love sightseeing 5)

Task 13. Write out the key sentences for each paragraph, item of a plan.

Task 14. Put the sentences into the right order.

Task 15. Make up the summary of the text using tasks 13 and 14.

Additional reading

Task 16. Read the article. Then cover it and try to name . . .

1. a structure that is the tallest of its kind.

2. two great victories over geography.

3. a structure that joins two bodies of water.

4. two structures that join two separate areas of land.

5. a structure constructed very quickly.

6. two structures that are in Europe

Seven Modern Wonders of the World

For 40 years after it was completed in 1931, the Empire State Building,in New York City, was the tallest building in the world. Amazingly, this… The Netherlands North Sea Protection Worksis another victory over geography.… The Golden Gate Bridge,completed in 1937, was also a challenge for workers: San Francisco Bay has very strong winds…

Task 1. A. Answer the questions to the text.

a) on April 23, 1564; b) on January, 25 1802; c) on January, 25 1564.

Task 2. Read and translate the texts on traditions and holidays in Great Britain.

January 25 is the birthday of Scotland’s greatest poet Robert Burns1. There are hundreds of Burns clubs in Britain and throughout the world; on the… Shakespeare’s Birthday Every year the anniversary of William Shakespeare’s birth is celebrated in Stratford-upon-Avon3. He was born on April…

The Edinburgh International Festival

The first Festival was held in 1947. The Edinburgh International Festival is one of the important events in the world.   1. Robert Burns – Роберт Бернс

Task 4. Make up your own sentences with these words and word combinations.

to celebrate, all over the world, to come into being, a soup, telling by heart, a tomb, every year. Task 6. Find in the text the antonyms to the following words: a usual dinner, to be ahead, not known, beginning.

Task 8.Word formation. Look at the words and fill in the table.

word prefix base word suffix
annually   annual ly

Task 9. Find examples with the grammar material “Past Simple”, “Future Simple”, “the Possessive Case of the Noun” and translate them into Russian.

Task 10. Choose the right variant and explain your choice.

The first club was founded in 1802.

The first Festival were held in 1947.

A long procession will goes along the streets to the church.

Leading musicians of the world will take part in it.

The dinner was followed by dancing, pipe music, and reciting Burns’ poems.

Thousands of people drink a toast to the Robert Burns’s memory.

Task 11. Revise your Grammar. Check yourself consulting the following rules.

    Future Indefinite (Simple) Будущее неопределенное время (Future Indefinite или Future Simple) образуется (во всех… See also Lessons 2 and 8.

Task 12. Make up your own sentences using the grammar material.

Task 13. Choose the right sentences.

Thousands of people drink a toast to Robert Burns memory. The dinner is followed by dancing, pipe music, and reciting Burns’ poems. Every year the anniversary of William’s Shakespeare birth is celebrated in Stratford-upon-Avon.

Task 17. Match the following titles with the corresponding passages of the text.

- The importance of the Edinburgh International Festival for the musical world.

- The celebration of R. Burns’ birth in Scotland.

- William Shakespeare, a son of Stratford-upon-Avon.


Task 18. Write out the key sentences for each paragraph, item.

Task 19. Put the sentences into the right order:

- People sing the famous Burns’ song “Auld Lang Syne” at the end of the celebration.

- The anniversary of William Shakespeare’s birth is celebrated in Stratford-upon-Avon.

- People dance, listen to pipe music and to Burns’ poems.

- The Shakespeare Birthday is celebrated from spring to autumn.

- To the sounds of bagpipes the traditional dishes are tasted.

- On the 25th of January is Robert Burns’ birthday, the greatest poet of Scotland.

- Leading musicians may take part in the Edinburgh International Festival.

- Burns clubs appeared in 1802.

- The Edinburgh International Festival is one of the important events in the world, as musicians from many countries take part in it.


Task 20. Make up the summary of the text using tasks 17 and 18.

Additional reading

Task 21. Read and translate the text “Customs and Traditions in Great Britain”

Customs and Traditions in Great Britain

St. Valentine's is the saintof people in love, and St. Valentine's day is February, 14. On that day, people send valentine cardsand presents to… April, 1 is April Fool's Dayin Great Britain. This is a very old tradition… May, 1was an important day in the Middle Ages. In the very early morning young girls went to fields and washed their…

The Ceremony of the Keys

The party then return to the Bloody Tower Archway, and there they are halted by the challenge of the sentry2. «Halt!» he commands. «Who goes there?»… Having received permission to proceed through the Archway, the party then form… At 10 p. m. the bugler4 sounds the «Last Post» (signal to return). The Chief Warder proceeds to the Queen's House,…

Lesson 16. Traditions and Holidays in Russia

Pre – reading

Task 1. Think over and choose the right variant.

1. Which holiday in Russia is religious:

a. The New Year

b. Easter

c. St. Valentine’s Day

2. Which holiday was known as the Soviet Army Day:

a. Victory Day

b. Mayday

c. Day of the Defender of Motherland

3. Which holiday is famous for masqueraded plays, fortunetelling and singing carols:

a. Maslenitsa

b. Christmas

c. Easter

4. Which holidays is time for burning a straw doll:

a. Christmas

b. Easter

c. Maslenitsa

Task 2. While reading decide why Russian holidays are so specific. Try to compare Russian holidays and traditions with American and British ones.

Task 3. Read the following text.

Russian Holidays

The Russian love for holidays is known all over the world. Russian holidays present a mixture of new and old, religious and secular,… So, the New Year is the first in calendar and in popularity. Long before December 31 sparkling fir trees appear in the…

B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.

B. Find antonyms for the following words: 1. Hate 2. Sad 3. Routine 4. Secular 5. In contrast 6. To forget C. Match the words with the definitions: 1. Carol 2. Tradition … A. The body of customs, thoughts, practices etc., belonging to a particular country, people family or institution over…

Task 7. A. Find sentences with Passive Voice and translate them into Russian.

B.Choose the right variant and explain your choice:

1. New Year knows/ is known to be on the most favourite holidays in Russia.

2. Until recently this holiday knowed / was known to be the Soviet Army Day.

3. In the evening a coloured salute is fired/ fires as a token of victory over fascism.

C. Revise your Grammar. Check yourself consulting the rules in Lessons 6, 9 and 14.

Task 8. Make up your own sentences using Passive Voice.

1. A. When I was in Russia a very strange holiday called Maslenitsa was being celebrated. B. When I was in Russia a very strange holiday called Maslenitsa was… 2. A. Christmas in Russia celebrates two weeks later than in other countries

B.Write out the key sentences for each point of the plan.

A. Russian Christmas is rich with beautiful traditions one of them is called Kolyadki when at Christmas night young people put on fancy dresses,… B. The Russian love for holidays is known the world over. C. So, the New Year is the first in calendar and in popularity.

Task 15. Prepare a summary with the help of tasks 13B and 14.

Additional reading

Task 16. What can you say about your favourite holiday? Read the following text and find out what makes a holiday favourite.

My favourite holiday

One of my favourite holidays is The Victory Day. It is the most memorable date in our country. This holiday is celebrated on the 9th of May to commemorate [отмечать] the Victory of the Russian troops [войска] over the Nazi invaders [захватчики].

Love for freedom has been a national character of the Russian people. No enemy has been able to conquer our country. When Russia was attacked by the German army in the 22nd of June, the Russian people one and all, rose up in defence of their Motherland. This war is called The Great Patriotic War. The War lasted for four years and more then twenty million Russian people perished [погибли] during this war.

A magnificent memorial on Poklonnaya Gora has been in order the Great Victory. Every year this day our family go to the Poklonnaya Gora. We always have many flowers. We present flowers to veterans and make photos.

We must never forget this holiday because it is our history. I like this holiday very much.

Task 17. Speak about your favourite holidays in dialogues.

Список использованной литературы

1. Бурова З.И. Английский язык для гуманитарных специальностей вузов: Учеб. для вузов. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп.- М.: Высш. шк., 1987.- 463 с.

2. Дроздова Т.Ю., Берестова А.И., Маилова В.Г. English Grammar: Reference and Practice: учебное пособие для старшеклассников школ и гимназий, студентов неязыковых вузов с углубленным изучением английского языка. Издание шестое, переработанное и дополненное. – СПб.: ООО «Издательство «Химера», 2000.- 360 с.

3. Коваленко П.И. Английский для психологов. Серия «Учебники и учебные пособия». Ростов н/Д: «Феникс», 2002.- 320с.

4. Л. Кутузов. Практическая грамматика английского языка. МОСКВА ВЕЧЕ 1998.

5. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture.- Longman, 2002.- 1568 p.

6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki



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