рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


THE MANAGERIAL WOMAN - раздел Философия, Деловой английский Typically This Woman Graduates With A Liberal Arts Degree. She Has Done Well ...

Typically this woman graduates with a liberal arts degree. She has done well in languages, literature, history, psychology or sociology, music or art. She leaves college not at all sure what a skill is. Many women like her go to a secretarial school to acquire something they can tell themselves is a skill because there is a demand for it, it is tangible, it can be used. She does so too but she is lucky enough to find a job as an administrative assistant in a staff department. She types for herself but not for others. Slowly she finds her feet and begins to realize that there are skills that she can learn, and she can learn them on the job. As she becomes more competent her sense of security increases. She can learn those skills, she can use them effectively. As time passes she finds that their effective use contributes to her sense of security in another way. The men with whom she works begin to see her as someone who, in spite of the fact that she's a woman, is extremely good at her job. In a real way she begins to develop a sense of legitimacy, of having a right to do the job she does, both in her оwn mind and, as she sees their reactions, in the minds of others.

Throughout this process she tends to have made no long-term career commitment.( она склонна не строить долгосрочных карьерных планов) Her commitment has been to current performance and to reveal on-the-job competence. She is not sure for how long she will work or whether she will work at all if she gets married. Given the lack of a longer-range objective, her concentration on the here and now is understandable. She wants to make the present as worthwhile as she can. She signs up for courses that add to her expertise. She reads manuals and professional journals.

Several years later her competence earns her a supervisory position. At that point she has invested a great deal in the skills she has acquired and they in turn have contributed heavily to her sense of who she is. It is difficult for her to accept that other people, those she now supervises, will make the same investment, and in reality a number of them don't. Her way of coping with this is to pick up the pieces for them, to do the extra work herself. She becomes a true working supervisor. She is responsible for all of her old assignments, the supervision of subordinates and the added work involved in ensuring that nothing leaves her small department unless it is perfect. To ensure this she often prefers to do the job herself. Her supervisory style is a close one, she is a scrupulous checker, a dotter of i’s and a crosser of t's.(Её стиль наставлений очень своеобразен, она буквоед и привыкла расставлять все точки над и)

It is not a style which breeds initiative nor does it lend itself to delegating responsibility. She sends a very clear message — she trusts and relies on herself alone. Her friends tend to be from outside of the organization and her contacts within it tend to be formal and task-oriented. If she remains in this position until her early thirties the chances are that she will decide she has a career, or at the very least that she will continue to work over the long-term. The problem is that her style has now been formed. It is a close, non-delegative style, heavily dependent on self for performance and on formal structure and rules to define both job and performance.

This style was not formed consciously, she never thought about it in terms of whether it was helpful in advancing her position or not. Bosses came and went. Depending on how competent they were, she had often to do part of their job as well. They rated her an «outstanding supervisor», aware that if she left they would probably have had to replace her with at least two people. At the same time they rated her as «probably terminal in present position». The style she developed and never thought of changing stamped «lacking in management potential» all over her, and this at a point when possibly for the first time she began to think seriously of a long-term career. Yet why should she have thought of changing her behavior? For what reason? Superiors praised the scrupulous accuracy (скрупулёзную точность) of the work she was responsible for. Raises were forthcoming. She wasn't looking ahead to anything specific. Getting the job done competently had often been more than enough to cope with.

For many, many women this is the extraordinarily painful dilemma of the transition to middle management. The style they develop in order to survive along the path to middle management, both psychologically and tactically is a style that makes them the fabled outstanding supervisor. But it lacks a strategic dimension, a long-term objective. As a consequence they fail to build flexibility into it, they do not measure present cost against future benefit. They do not recognize the cues that signal a need for a change in style. They concentrate on task, skill and job performance and ignore the critically important behavioral variables.

Our hypothetical woman tends to arrive at the transition point to middle management an in-depth specialist and a close supervisor of other specialists. Yet she is a woman in her mid-thirties with another thirty years ahead of her. She is bright and she is competent.

For men behavior is a variable along the path to middle management, their own behavior and the behavior of others. However implicit, however unconscious, the assumption that they will have to work for most of their lives gives men an objective: to make the best of it that they can — which is widely interpreted as career advancement. Typically a man comes to his first management job not even conscious of the psychological preparation for it that he has undergone since he was a small boy. Typically too his high school and college years have given him mathematical skills or a background in economics or business, together with a clear recognition of competitive striving as a inherent factor in achievement.

To him, his first job is the beginning of an apprenticeship. His expectation that once he has mastered it he will move on is a comparatively modest expectation, for countless men have done it before him. Why not he? The central issue really lies in finding the most effective way, and while his judgment of what is effective may be good or poor, at a minimum he will try.

If he is a college graduate recruited into a fast track training program he is given considerable visibility as he moves about the company. If he enters a small department in finance or marketing, or if he is hired as an assistant foreman in a manufacturing plant, his environment is considerably more limited, but his assumption that he is not going to be there for the rest of his life determines his behavior.

Learn and move on. Act so that people will see you as having the ability to move on. Try to influence the people who can help you move on. Be needed by those people, become necessary to them. Try to identify what they want and don't want. Broaden your information base from what you need to do the job to include the people who can help you leave it. Who are they — good, bad, indifferent? On whom should you focus your efforts? Find out — and try to make sure you don't pick a loser. Do job changes make sense at this point — do they promise more, more quickly? Transfers, moves to other companies? Find out — and try to pick a winner whichever way you go.

At the transition point her great fear is to be cut off from what she knows from the comforting familiarity of an area she has mastered in depth from the very basis of her sense of legitimacy and security, only to confront new and quite different problems, new and quite different people, in a setting where she may now be the only woman in such a position.

His great fear is that he may be entering a backwater, cut off from the people who helped him. Can he put a team together? Will he find capable subordinates? What will his peers be like? Will his new boss be a man from whom he can learn — who has influence enough to help him advance?

Her perception of the problems facing her is centered on herself, on her own capacity or lack of it. It is an inward preoccupation which dulls her ability to assess other people objectively. She tends to see them in terms of the impact they have on her own sense of adequacy.

His perception of the problems facing him is centered on the people around him, on their abilities. It is an outward preoccupation which sharpens his awareness of who those people are and what they want — and the one tends to condition whether he will give them the other.

Her problems feed upon each other. Where before, her expertise was proof of her right to be where she was, she feels she must prove that right all over again both to herself and to the men around her. And she must do it at a more complex level of responsibility, at a time when she is supremely conscious that she lacks mastery of the job she must do.

Driven by the old anxiety over legitimacy — the need justify to herself and others that in spite of the fact she's a woman she knows the job and can handle it — and with few examples of other women who have ever done it to give her confidence, she retreats into herself. She avoids asking questions for fear they might indicate ignorance of the aspects of the job she feels she should know. This blocks her ability to learn. Anxiety invests every gap in knowledge and experience with the same importance and she drives herself to work on her own time at understanding every detail-relevant or not-while she copes, as she must, with the day-to-day pressures of the job. The apparent confidence and self-assuredness of the men around her, however unreal, make her situation seem even worse.

A third-level manager in a Bell System company gave us a description of this painful process a year after her promotion to district management.

«I was promoted after the consent Decree. All of the companies had to promote a certain number of women and I guess I was one of them. I think I deserved the promotion but I sometimes wonder whether I would have rotten in without the decree.»

«I came out of the Traffic Department. This is where all the operators are and it's really a women's department. Men used to come into it as management trainees. The women trained them. And then the men managed us - sometimes the very same men we'd trained.»

«I came up the operators' route all the way to group chief and then chief operator. My promotion to district manager (third level) was one of the first for women.»

«I'll never forget what those early months were like. I really had no management experience. I only knew vaguely what the other departments were responsible for and I didn't know whom to ask or what to ask. The worst thing was wondering whether my counterparts — who were all men — believed I'd got the job simply because of EEOC*. I know some of them did, and at the beginning I couldn't even make myself ask a question in case it turned out to be a question I should have known the answer to. I was really afraid to have that happen. I could hear their minds clicking: 'Third level and doesn't even know the job.'»

«My first district meeting was a total disaster. There I was, the only woman, a district manager, traffic. There they were. They knew each other. Most of them had years of district experience. They came from the tough departments where there were no women — Plant, Network, Engineering, as well as the others.»

«Most of the meeting went straight over my head. They got into a very technical discussion at one point. I didn't know what most of the equipment was or what it was supposed to do. I didn't know the technical systems definitions and they didn't bother to spell them out. They used letters. E.S.S. is a simple one — Electronic Switching Systems.»

«By the end of the meeting I had a column of letters and I spent night after night with the manuals trying to figure them out. I didn't dare ask anyone. It sounds silly now — but it wasn't then. I nearly quit. If it hadn't been for my husband I would have quit. I remember one set of letters that nearly finished me. P.O.T.S. I looked it up in every manual. I went through literally hundreds of pages trying to find a reference. I finally got to know one of the district guys and a couple of months later I asked him. He laughed. He said it meant 'Plain Old Telephone Service.'»

It is difficult to forget that woman, the anxiety she felt and the obsessive way in which she tried to deal with it. Anxiety of the same kind drives the younger woman in search of psychological security and organizational legitimacy to overinvestment in specialization. When she finds it, the seal that reads «Yes, you belong. Yes, you have a right to be here. Yes, in spite of the fact that you're a woman, you can do this job» is a tough one to give up.

When it is given up at the middle management transition point the risks begin all over again and the psychological stakes are higher. The security of solid technical competence in a specific area is no longer enough. One can no longer rely on and trust oneself alone. The learning system changes, the system of implementation changes, and in the nature of the relationships that men traditionally establish with each other lies the key to both. Godfathers look after godsons. For women who were daughters, not sons, such relationships are laden with difficulty.

At one level, because you're a woman you feel you must know the job to justify even being there; at another level, because you're a woman there are far greater risks attached to developing the relationships which help you learn.

The Bell System manager who said «If it hadn't been for my husband I would have quit» was almost certainly addressing this last issue. Whatever she faced as a woman on the job, her husband reinforced her as a person who was a woman and who could hold that job. Single women are far more vulnerable.

Given all of this, is there any answer? If there is, does it help women or does it merely certify that the difficulties are real?

We think that there is an answer, and that it does both. In acknowledging the difficulties, in explaining why they exist, it gives women a perspective of central importance. Women who thought that individually and alone they were the singular source of the problems they faced in «masculine» jobs, careers, roles and settings can see that to one degree or another all women share these problems because a common heritage of beliefs and assumptions shapes our concept of ourselves. If we are ever to change those that cripple our ability to achieve, then it is critically important to understand how and why they came to exist - beginning at the very beginning with the concept of femininity and the ways in which its formation differs from the psychological development of men.

Notes to the text :

In most Bell companies there are only seven levels of management, from first management job to president. Third or district level is the first true middle management level as we have defined it.

On January 18, 1973, American Telephone & Telegraph representing its twenty-two subsidiary companies entered into a landmark settlement with the Department of Labor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Under the terms of a consent Decree, AT&T agreed to pay $15 million in restitution to an estimated fifteen thousand women and minorities who had allegedly been discriminated against in job assignments, pay and promotions; another $23 million a year in pay raises; and to establish goals and timetables for the hiring and promotion of women and minorities into its management ranks. In return, the EEOC and the Department of Labor agreed to withdraw the various charges leveled against the corporation. AT&T is the nation's largest private employer.

EEOC — Equal Employment Opportunity commission


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Чита 2005
  УДК 802.0 (075) ББК 81.2 Англ.я 7 ББК Ш 13 (Англ) я 7 Т 454   Титова М.П. Business English. Деловой английский: Учеб. пособие / М.П

Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4 Unit 1. Formalities

I. Speech Patterns.Read and learn them by heart: 1.Good morning ( until 12 p.m.) Good afternoon (until 5-6 p.m.) Good evening (until 10-11 p.m.) (formal

V. Test.
1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences and translate them: 1). How are you ... on? 1). delayed 2). I was ... by the traffic. 2). matter 3). What a pleasant

I. Topical vocabulary.
1. Forms of Address: 1. First name - to friends 2. Mr Brown - to a man we don’t know well Mrs Brown - to a married woman we don’t know well Miss

They Meet Again
(abridged from "Morning, Noon and Night" by Sidney Sheldon) As they approached the front door it opened, and Clark, the butler, stood there. He was in his seventies, a di

IV. Dialogues
1. Read the dialogues and dramatize them in class: 1).- Can you do me a favour, Jim? Would you mind introducing me to Miss Jones? - Oh, yes, with pleasur

V. Test
1. Make up sentences: 1). You take me for... 1). ... for ages. 2). He greeted me... 2). ... so much about you. 3). I haven’t seen you... 3). ... myself.

Parting with people
I. Word list. Read and remember. 1. Good-bye! - До свидания! Спокойной ночи! В добрый час! 2. Good luck! - Счастливо! Удачи! 3. See you

V. Test.
1. Make up sentences: 1). Best regards... 1). ... landing. 2). Let’s hope... 2). ... part with you. 3). It was a pleasure... 3). ... journey. 4)

II. Dialogues.
1. Read, translate and learn them: 1).- Excuse me! - Yes? - How do I get to the nearest underground station? - Cross the street and walk straigh

V. Test.
1. Make up sentences: 1). show, the, can, way, I, there, you. 2). the, stop, Get, at, next, off. 3). am, a, I, lost, bit. 4). nearest, is, bus,

I. Learn the words: 1. Customs House 2. Customs regulations 3. Customs restrictions 4. fall under restrictions 5. customs dut

II. Read and translate the text.
Text « Airport Customs » by A. Haily "Madam", said U.S. Customs Inspector Harry Standish quietly to the naughty angular woman whose several suitc

Translate these words and phrases into Russian, use them in the story of your own, describing how you cleared the Customs.
Customs restrictions; inspect one's luggage; duty-free items (goods); personal effects (belongings); smuggler; customs tariffs; go through the Customs; the Customs; a Customs officer; Customs inspe

Find the logical order of the following parts of the dialogues.
1).A: I hear you've just had a trip by air. What was it like? B: At least 6 hours and I should have arrived tired and dirty. From now on I'd rather fly every time

На таможне
Служащий таможни: Это весь ваш багаж? Пассажир: Да, два чемодана и сумка. Служащий таможни: Поставьте чемоданы и сумку на стол, пожалуйста. У вас ест

Reconstruct the following situations into dialogues.
1. You want to have a room reserved at a hotel for a friend of yours who is supposed to come in a day or two. Receptionist informs you that they are heavily booked. You are much disappointed and en

II. Read and translate the text.
Text"Travelling by Air" It was a cold gray day without wind. By nightfall it would rain. There was the spasmodic engine whine of unseen planes.

Read and translate dialogues.
1. Airport official: Oh, madam, where are you going? Mrs. Stone: Passport Control. Airport official: That way, madam. Mrs. Stone: Oh, which one do I go thr

Translate the Russian parts of the sentences.
    Can/could you tell me Do you happen to know I wonder if you'd let me know     - когда уле

Travelling by train
I. Learn the words: 1. train – поезд 2. driver – машинист 3. engine – локомотив 4. coach (car

II. Read and translate the text.
Text"Travelling by Train" Mrs. L. panted along the platform in the wake of the porter carrying her suit-case. Mrs. L. was burdened with a large

A Railway Station
Hardly anybody is in a normal state of mind 1. to lose tickets on a ... . Either one ... far too early 2. to start and is irritated by the waste of time involved in 3. compartment

Read the dialogues and translate them.
1. Mike: Oh, dear, this train is full. I can't find an empty seat at all. There aren't any seats in this carriage. I must try the next сarriage. This one isn't too

Act as an interpreter. Translate the sentences from Russian into English and from English into Russian.
1. — Какие поезда идут до Москвы? — There is a through train No. 98 or you can change trains in Simferopol. 2. — How long does the trip to Kiev take? — Время в пути пример

Translate the dialogue from Russia into English.
Объявляется посадка на поезд No 5 до Москвы. Время отправления 23.30. Поезд стоит у платформы No 7 левая сторона. А: Мы как раз вовремя. Постой здесь, а я пойду заберу вещи из кам

Describe a journey by train. Use the words and phrases given below.
Train service; an ordinary train; an express; to change trains; to run (between; from ... to; all the way from ... to); to buy oneself a seat; to reserve seats; to catch (miss) a train; to get on (

Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B.
A B 1. double room a. швейцар 2. fill out the form b. остановиться в гостинице

Room description
Standard Classic room: - Grand lit $260-300 - Twin - Double - No real triple exists - Tastefully decorated in yellow and green - Two armchairs

III. Dialogues.
1. Read the dialogues and: a) translate the italicized words and phrases; b) fill out the table below. Arranging Accommodation 1. A: Go

Hotel <name> has following accommodation possibilities: double room category A ($..), category В ($..) single room category A ($..), category В ($..) Prices are for

Read the dialogues and translate them.
1. - I'd like to have a double room with bath. - How long are you planning to stay, Sir? - I guess, we'll stay for three or four days. - I can give you an outside room on

Telephone conversation
I. Learn the words and phrases: 1. Speaking – Я слушаю! (Вас слушают!) 2. You've got the wrong number – Вы ошиблись номером 3. Will you call (me) back? –

II. Read and translate the text.
Text "Telephone Conversations" Telephone is the most frequently used means of communication in business because it's the quickest way to get or pass on informati

Read all dialogues and translate them.
1. - Hello. Is this five-seven-oh-one-two-four-oh (570-12-40)? - Speaking. - Could I speak to Mr. Jones? - One moment, please.Who shall I say is calling? - Mr.

Translate into English.
1. - Это 356-78-93? - Нет, вы ошиблись номером. - Извините. - Ничего. 2. - Междугородная. - Я бы хотел позвонить в Читу. - Номер телефона в Чите? - 35-39-54.

The first advertisements were plain statements that such and sucha product was sold at such and such a place at such and such a price. Nowadays the yearly expenditure on a

The Art of Advertising.
Whether the art of advertising is a real art or not, you can judge for yourself while reading these 2 ads from different booklets: a) New York by Helicopter. Breathtaking tours of

IV. Pair work.
1. Student Awrites, an advertisement about one thing that he likes most. Student Bis an editor and he finds his ad rather good, corrects some mistakes and

I. Read and learn the new words.
1. abilities (talent) - дарования, способности 2. calling for - призвание 3. career goals - цели претендента при получении работы 4. job-hunting - поиск работы 5

Choosing an Occupation
One of the most difficult problems a young person faces is deciding what to do about a career. There are individuals, of course, who from the time they are six years old "know" that they

Employment Agencies
In Britain there is a special service for school leavers, the Careers Advisory Service, which helps young people who are looking for their first job. Careers Officers give practical advice on inter

Text B.
“… They Live by the Appointment Book” Victor had recently arrived in the United States, and he did not completely understand the need for appointments. He thought his frie

Choose the right word.
a) job – position - occupation "job" - anything that one has to do, task, duty; "position" — a person's relative place, as in society; ra

Fill in prepositions where necessary.
1) After leaving school a young person faces … a very difficult problem – choosing an a occupation. 2) The majority of young people do not get around … making a decision until they leave school. 3)

So, You Are Looking for a Job
WHAT MUST YOU BEGIN WITH? There are several traditional ways of looking for a job. A civilized and active means of looking for a job is studying the market of the offered vacancie

Translate the words given in brackets.
1) There are several ways of (поиска работы). 2) First you should (оценить) your own chances 3) He studied the ads of (о вакансиях) being published. 4) Solid companies (помещают объявления) in pres

Job Titles
  accountant Interpreter baby sitter Librarian baker live-in-companion

VI. Read and translate the text.
Text D Job Hunting RESUME An excellent resume may help you get the job of your dreams and apoor resume may mean

VII. Now you are ready to write your own resume. Study our example of a resume and try to write one for yourself.
Resume Anna Smirnova 98, Chaikovskogo Street, apt.85 St.Peterburg, 191194. Russia Phone: +78122720895 Objective: Obtain e

IX. Read the dialogues in pairs and learn them.
1. - Are you pleased with your new job, Mary? - Yes, very much. It's just my cup of tea. I work as a translator at the Research Institute. - And what sor

II. Read and translate the following information on writing a business letter.
Plan of a business letter: 1) The number of the house and the name

III. Read and translate the example of the business letter. Find all the parts of a business letter and name them.
1) Widgetry Ltd 6 Pine Estate, Westhornet, Bedfordshire, 2) Telephone 9017 23456 Telex X238 WID Fax 9017 67893 3) Michael Scott, Sales Manager, Smith and Brown, Ltd,

IV. Write down new words from the text and learn them.
Writing the business letters in English is very much like writing letters in your own language. The letter reflects the image of your firm. You should keep in mind that a letter should be clear, co

V. Read and translate the text. Memorize the main types of a business letter.
  1.Inquiries – you send an inquiry when you wish to have some information on a product or its sale (after you have seen the product advertised, or displayed at a fai

VIII. Compare the structure of business and personal letters.
  Business Letters   Personal Letters 1. Style: formal - 1. Sty

13. Sender’s position or status in the company (or only the name of a company or a department). 14. Enclosure (if any)   N

VI. Answer the questions.
1. What are the points of a fax message form? 2. What is usually indicated in a fax head? 3. Where is the fax head usually written? 4. What else is written in the top rig

I. Read and translate the following information.
The methods of writing dates are different. There is a tendency to decrease the amount of punctuation in correspondence, so that it has become usual to write the date as 24 April 2005. Als

B) Complimentary Close
  British American 1. Formal or Routine Yours faithfully, Faithfully yours (Very) truly

II. Memorize these phrases.
a. Opening phrases of a fax message: 1. This is to inform you that ... Настоящим сообщаем Вам, что … 2. We have pleasure in informing you that (of) ...

III. Translate these opening and closing phrases.
1. Настоящим сообщаем вам, что мы получили Ваше сообщение (message). 2. В ответ на ваше факсимильное сообщение от 27 апреля 2004г. мы приносим извинения за задержку с ответом. 3.

appeal - зд. быть обращённым (к) taste - пробовать arouse - вызывать produce - продукция create desire - вызывать желание careful - тщательный

Sales Messages Сообщения о продажах
1. You will be interested to Вам будет интересно know that we have just узнать, что мы только что introduced our new... ввели нашу новую...   2. May we draw

counter-proposal - контр-предложение therefore - поэтому concession - уступка reduce - уменьшать unconditionally - безусловно quote - назначать

reply - ответ be prepared - быть готовым consider - рассматривать grant - предоставлять supply (with) - снабжать (чем-л.) quantity - количество

Concessions. Discounts. Уступки. Скидки.
1.We agree to making a Мы согласны снизить цену, reduction in price if this если это поможет Вам will help you to develop расширять рынок для your market for our нашей продукции. pr

IV. Write a reply to a counter-proposal on any subject by using the above phrases.
V. Read and translate this fax message: DISPATCH FAX MESSAGE FARMERS FRUIT PRODUCTS 0l0 MotrimerStr. London Wl UK Tel:

I. Read and translate this introduction and a fax message.
An inquiry (fax message) is sent when a businessman wants some information, especially about •the supply of goods • availability of goods •catalogues • delivery times and d

Inquiries Запросы
1. We are retailers/ Мы розничные торговцы / wholesalers in the ... trade, импортёры / оптовики, and would like to get in торгующие… и мы хотим touch with suppliers/ установить контакт с п

take an opportunity-воспользоваться возможностью attractive-привлекательный assurance-уверение appearance

Quotations and Offers Расценки и предложения
1. Thank you for your Благодарим за Ваш запрос, inquiry about ... касающийся… 2. We are pleased to submit Мы с удовольствием our lowest prices/ to представляем наши самые

Business Ethics
Ethics is the system of moral principles, rules of conduct, and morality of choices that individuals make. Business ethics is the application of moral standards to busi­ness situati

5. Relationships.Business ethics involves relationships be-­ tween a firm and its investors, customers, employees, creditors, and competitors. Each group has specific conce

7. Ethics.When no company policy exists, a quick check if a behaviour is ethical is to see if others — coworkers, customers, suppliers, and the like—approve of it. Openness

Fairness and Honesty
fairness - справедливость regulation - постановление honesty - честность refrain (from) - воздерживаться concern - зд. вопрос, дело deceive - обманывать besides - кроме m

III. Fill in the blanks.
1. Fairness and ... in business are two important ethical .... 2. Business ethics is the application of… …to business situations. 3. A business person may be tempted to place his/

V. Questions and assignments.
1. What is ethics? 2. Give the definition of business ethics. 3. What are two important ethical concerns? 4. What does unethical behavior in relationships with customers

Business Bribes
  I. Read and learn the new words: 1. business courses - курсы управления 2. realize (v)

II. Read and translate the text.
Text «Is Bribery an Inevitable Evil? » Students taking business courses are sometimes a little surprised to find that lectures on business ethics have been included in the

Write a brief summary of the text.
III. Read the text «She's the Boss». Business was invented by men and to a certain extend it is still «a boy's game». Less than 20% of the managers in most European compan

V. Read and translate the article.
The concrete ceiling. Why women are up against it. Someone once observed that a glass ceiling blocks women's rise to the top. But it seems more like a concrete ceiling. The follow

I. Read and lean new words: 1. multimodal 2. mode of transport 3. ship's rail 4. critical point of responsibility 5. risk of loss

1. The cases in which the equipment is packed are to be marked on three sides: on the top of the case and two non-opposite sides. 2. The marking shall be clearly made with indelible paint

Make up summary of the text.
    Glossary A accounting Process of recording, classifying, and s

1. Агабекян И.П., Мамедова Т.А. English for manager. - Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2001. 2. Applied Economics, Princeton, USA, 1990. 3. Бабенко А.П., Христенко Е.В. Американский вариа

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