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Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Systemic Anaphylaxis

Systemic Anaphylaxis - раздел Образование, E 2.5: Hypersensitivity Allergy At The Turn Of The Twentieth Century, Two French Biologists Studied The Respo...

At the turn of the twentieth century, two French biologists studied the responses of dogs to the venom of stinging jellyfish. Large doses of venom usually killed the dogs, but sometimes a few survived the injections. These surviving dogs were used for repeat experiments with the venom, and the results were surprising. Even a very tiny dose of the venom, one that should have been almost harmless, killed the dogs. They suffered difficulty in respiration, entered shock as their cardiovascular systems collapsed, and quickly died. This phenomenon was called anaphylactic shock.

Systemic anaphylaxis (or anaphylactic shock) can result when an individual sensitized to an antigen is exposed to it again. Injected antigens are more likely to cause a dramatic response than antigens introduced via other portals of entry. The release of mediators causes peripheral blood vessels throughout the body to enlarge, resulting in a drop in blood pressure (shock). This reaction can be fatal within a few minutes. There is very little time to act once someone develops systemic anaphylaxis. Treatment usually involves self-administration with a preloaded syringe of epinephrine, a drug that constricts blood vessels and raises the blood pressure.


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E 2.5: Hypersensitivity Allergy

Plan... Type I Anaphylactic... Type II Cytotoxic Reactions...

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Все темы данного раздела:

Type I (Anaphylactic) Reactions
Type I, or anaphylactic, react ions often occur within 2 to 30 minutes after a person sensitized to an antigen is reexposed to that antigen. Anaphylaxis means opposite of protected," fr

Localized Anaphylaxis
Whereas sensitization to injected antigens is a common cause of systemic anaphylaxis, localized anaphylaxis is usually associated with antigens that are ingested (foods) or inhaled (pollen). The sy

The ABO Blood Group System
A person's ABO blood type depends on the presence or absence of carbohydrate antigens located on the cell membran

The Rh Blood Group System
In the 1930s, researchers discovered the presence of a different surface antigen on human red blood cells. Soon after they injected rabbits with RBCs from rhesus monkeys, the rabbit serum contained

Type III (Immune Complex) Reactions
Type III reactions involve antibodies against soluble antigens circulating in the serum. (In contrast, type II immune reactions are directed against antigens located on cell or tissue surfaces.) Im

Figure 4 Immune complex-mediated hypersensitivity.
Figure 5 The development of an allergy (allergic contact dennatitis) to catechols from the poison ivy plant. Pent

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