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Localized Anaphylaxis

Localized Anaphylaxis - раздел Образование, E 2.5: Hypersensitivity Allergy Whereas Sensitization To Injected Antigens Is A Common Cause Of Systemic Anap...

Whereas sensitization to injected antigens is a common cause of systemic anaphylaxis, localized anaphylaxis is usually associated with antigens that are ingested (foods) or inhaled (pollen). The symptoms depend primarily on the route by which the antigen enters the body.

In allergies involving the upper respiratory system, such as hay fever, sensitization usually involves mast cells in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. The airborne antigen might be a common environmental material such as plant pollen, fungal spores, feces of house dust mites, or animal dander. The typical symptoms are itchy and teary eyes, congested nasal passages, coughing, and sneezing. Antihistamine drugs, which compete for histamine receptor sites, are often used to treat these symptoms.

Antigens that enter the body via the gastrointestinal tract can also sensitize an individual. So-called food allergies may not be related to hypersensitivity at all and are more accurately described as food intolerances. For example, many people are unable to digest the lactose in milk because they lack the enzyme that breaks down this disaccharide milk sugar. The lactose enters the intestine, where it osmotically retains fluid, causing diarrhea.

Gastrointestinal upset is a common symptom of food allergies, but it can also result from many other factors. Hives are more characteristic of a true food allergy, and ingestion of the antigen may result in systemic anaphylaxis. Death has even resulted when a person sensitive to fish ate french fries that had been prepared in oil previously used to fry fish. Only eight foods are responsible for 97% of food-related allergies: eggs, peanuts, tree-grown nuts, milk, soy, fish, wheat, and peas.

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Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

E 2.5: Hypersensitivity Allergy

Plan... Type I Anaphylactic... Type II Cytotoxic Reactions...

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Все темы данного раздела:

Type I (Anaphylactic) Reactions
Type I, or anaphylactic, react ions often occur within 2 to 30 minutes after a person sensitized to an antigen is reexposed to that antigen. Anaphylaxis means opposite of protected," fr

Systemic Anaphylaxis
At the turn of the twentieth century, two French biologists studied the responses of dogs to the venom of stinging jellyfish. Large doses of venom usually killed the dogs, but sometimes a few survi

The ABO Blood Group System
A person's ABO blood type depends on the presence or absence of carbohydrate antigens located on the cell membran

The Rh Blood Group System
In the 1930s, researchers discovered the presence of a different surface antigen on human red blood cells. Soon after they injected rabbits with RBCs from rhesus monkeys, the rabbit serum contained

Type III (Immune Complex) Reactions
Type III reactions involve antibodies against soluble antigens circulating in the serum. (In contrast, type II immune reactions are directed against antigens located on cell or tissue surfaces.) Im

Figure 4 Immune complex-mediated hypersensitivity.
Figure 5 The development of an allergy (allergic contact dennatitis) to catechols from the poison ivy plant. Pent

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