рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


Работа сделанна в 2001 году

Vocalisation - Дипломная Работа, раздел Лингвистика, - 2001 год - Regional variation of pronunciation in the south-west of England Vocalisation. Devonshire Somersetshire Wiltshire A After W Is Realized As A W...

Vocalisation. Devonshire Somersetshire Wiltshire a after w is realized as a wasp wa sp watch wa t? want wa nt wander wa nd is realized as ж warm wжrm warn wжrn wart wжrt asp, ass, ast, a ? ж grass grжs, glass glжs, fast fжst al a consonant l is realized as a or talk ta k walk wa k chalk t?a k balk ba k a l, a ll in the open syllable a ? ж crane krжn frame frжm lame lжm make mжk name nжm in the open syllable a ? ж crane krжn frame frжm lame lжm make mжk name nжm The first sound is vowel acre jakr ale jal acorn jak?rn hare hja r ache jek acorn jek?rn behave bэhjev e in the closed syllables a Nothern Western egg ag, fetch fat step stap, wretch rat stretch strat? e in the closed syllables eэ Eastern Southern egg eэg, stretch streэt? e in the closed syllables e South-Western Western Middle Eastern Leg le g, bed be d, hedge he d if e follows w Western well w l twelve tw lv wench w nt? i in the closed syllable North-Western Western e big beg bid bed flitch fletch sit set spit spet bill b l little l tl children t? ldr n cliff kl f hill h l drift dr ft shrimp ?r mp fit f t ship ? p pig p g fish f ? ight e North-Western Western flight, right if a nasal consonant follows i e sing se? cling kle? e sing se? cling kle? i before nd North-Western e bind ben blind blen find ven grind gren i before ld Eastern i mild mi ld wild wi ld child t?эld i in the open syllable South-Western Southern eэ fly fleэ lie leэ thigh иeэ eэ bide beэd wide weэd time teэm Eastern э fly fl э lie l э o in the closed syllable followed by a consonant South-Western Eastern a dog da g cross kra s cot k t bottom b tm dog d g cross kr s Western a dog da g cross kra s o a nasal consonant North-Western Western Western ? ж among ?mж? long lж? wrong rж ж among ?mж? long lж? wrong rж? among ?mж? long lж? wrong rж? ol a consonant Western Western u? gold gv?ld old u?ld u? gold gv?ld old u?ld o in the open syllable and oa Western bone b n broad br d rope r p load l d oi aэ choice t?aэs join daэn moil maэl point paэnt spoil spaэl voice vaэs u in the closed syllable Southern e but bet dust dest ou ow Easter av low lav owe au oo North-Western Western Middle Eastern э good gэd hood hэd foot fэt blood blэd stood stэd bloom blэm broom brэm moon mэn loom lэm ? ц book bцk cook kцk crook krцk look lцk took tцk good gцd foot fцt stood stцd book b k brook br k crook kr k look l k took t k good g d foot f t soot s t flood fl d Eastern book b k brook br k crook kr k i in the open syllable South-western Southern eэ fly fleэ lie leэ thigh иeэ eэ bide beэd wide weэd time teэm Eastern э fly fl э lie l э o in the closed syllable followed by a consonant South-western Eastern a dog da g cross kra s cot k t bottom b tm dog d g cross kr s Western a dog da g cross kra s Devonshire Somersetshire Wiltshire o a nasal consonant North-western Western Western ? ж among ?mж long lж wrong wrж? ol a consonant Western Western u?l gold gv?ld, old u?ld oa Western bone b n broad br d rope r p load l d oi aэ choice t?aэs join daэn moil maэl point paэnt spoil spaэl voice vaэs u in the closed syllable Southern e but bet dust dest ou ow Easter av low lav owe au oo North-Western Western Middle Eastern э good gэd hood hэd foot fэt blood blэd stood stэd bloom blэm broom brэm moon mэn loom lэm root rэt spoon spэn ? ц book bцk cook kцk crook krцk look lцk took tцk good gцd foot fцt stood stцd book b k brook br k crook kr k look l k took t k good g d foot f t soot s t flood fl d Eastern book b k brook br k crook kr k look l k er, ir, ur Southern a learn la n earth a и bird ba d birch ba t? merchant ma t nt herb ha b work wa k or a fork fa k, horse ha s, horn ha n, short ?a t , Morning ma nэ word wa d ew Eastern Northern ? ь dew dь few fь jav dew djau few fjau new njau 2.

– Конец работы –

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Regional variation of pronunciation in the south-west of England

It is also the first spoken language of such countries as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa. But in the very United Kingdom there are some varieties of it, called… The purpose of the present research paper is to study the characteristic features of the present day dialect of the…

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Все темы данного раздела:

Part I. The Specific Features of dialects
Part I. The Specific Features of dialects. What is the dialect ? Dialect is a variety of a language. This very word comes from the Ancient Greek dialectos discourse, language, dialect, which is der

Dialectal change and diffusion
Dialectal change and diffusion. The basic cause of dialectal differentiation is linguistic change. Every living language constantly changes in its various elements. Because languages are ext

Unifying influences on dialects
Unifying influences on dialects. Communication lines such as roads if they are at least several centuries old, river valleys, or seacoasts often have a unifying influence. Also important urb

Social Variation
Social Variation. As for the accents, they refer to the varieties in pronunciation, which convey information about a persons geographical origin. These varieties are partly explained by soci

Dialects of England Traditional and Modern
Dialects of England Traditional and Modern. After the retirement of the Romans from the island the invading immigrants were the Jutes, Saxons, Danes and Angles. The Jutes seized Kent,

The Rebirth of Cornish
The Rebirth of Cornish. Cornish died out as a native language in the late 19th century, with the last Cornish speaker believed to have lived in Penwith. By this time however, Cornish was being revi

Government Recognition for Cornish
Government Recognition for Cornish. Cornish is the only modern Celtic language that receives no significant support from government, despite the growing numbers learning Cornish, and the imm

Consonantism. w in the beginning of the word or before h old w l oak w k hot w t home w m orchard wurt t hole hwul hope hwup open wupen w is not pronounced week ouk swick su k w before r is not pro

Gender making in Wessex-type English
Gender making in Wessex-type English. It is usually claimed that English nouns lost their grammatical gender during the historical period called Middle English, roughly 1100-1500. But this c

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns in a Devonshire dialect
Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns in a Devonshire dialect. Id like to give not only the grammatical description of adjectives and pronouns in the south-western part of England, but the p

Transitivity and intransivity in the dialects of South-West England
Transitivity and intransivity in the dialects of South-West England. One of the most important aspects of studying south-western English is dialect syntax. So, the article by Jean- Ma

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