О. П. Шевченко, С. В. Купрікова АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА Методичний посібник Для магістрантів

Міністерство освіти і науки України

Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія (ДДМА)


О. П. Шевченко, С. В. Купрікова




Методичний посібник

Для магістрантів

Технічних ВНЗ

Затверджено на засіданні вченої ради Протокол № від

Шевченко О. П., Купрікова С В

ISBN   Посібник складається з двох розділів, кожний з яких містить 12 підрозділів з оригінальними текстами за фахом,…

УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2

  ISBN © О. П. Шевченко, 2013 © С. В. Купрікова, 2013 © ДДМА, 2013


  1 ENGLISH FOR… UNIT 1........................................................................................................ 5



What is economics?


Key words and phrases

production – виробництво distribution – розповсюдження exchange – обмін

What is economics?

The food you eat, the home you live in, the clothes you wear, and the way you spend your leisure time are all affected, in part, by economic forces.… The development of modern economics began in the 17th century. Since that time… Economists have two ways of looking at economics and the economy. One is macro approach, and the other is the micro.…

Language work

Exercise 1. Read the terms given below and their definitions. Practice until you can explain them in English. Then find the Ukrainian equivalent to… ECONOMY 1) a country’s money supply,trade and industry; …  


Exercise 8.Complete this story. Put was, were, wasn’t and weren’t in the correct spaces. 1. A friend of mine was a car mechanic in a garage and one of his customers… Exercise 9.Translate the sentences.


Economic theories


Key words and phrases

interest rates – відсотки за вкладами profit motive – мотив прибутку wealth – майно

Economic theories

The heart of Smith’s economic philosophy was his belief that the economy would work best if left to function on its own without government… It was argued that a perfectly competitive economy would produce a general… During the Great Depression of the 1930s as many as 13 million Americans were out of work. They were capable people…

Language work

Exercise 1.Label the following statements with the names of the economists whose ideas they describe: Adam Smith John Maynard Keynes Milton Friedman Robert Lucas 1. The government should intervene in the economy to counter the business cycle.



Exercise 8.Complete the text using the Past Simple tense of the verbs in brackets.

The founder of IBM

When Watson (join) IBM in 1914, the company (be) almost broke. Under his leadership, it (grow) beyond all expectations, and (adopt) a leading… Watson (believe) that the way to win a man’s loyalty is to build up his… Until 1950s, IBM never (sell) machines. They just (rent) them to customers. Watson (insist) on this policy, and it…


Personal management


Key words and phrases

to ascertain – з’ ясовувати bonus – премія conditions – умови

Personal management

The personnel function in an organization has many faults. There will have to be contact with line and departmental managers to ascertain stuffing… The whole framework of pay is obviously of concern to personnel including… The records maintained for all employees will show the remuneration paid together with tax deduction, and will include…

Language work

Exercise 1.Match each sentence or word in the left-hand column with the best meaning in the right-hand column.   1. accountant   2. surgeon   3. lawyer …  


1. are, Centre, hotels, how, many, near, the, there? 2. airport, an, Centre, is, near, the, there? 3. airport, far, from, how, is, Monaco, Nice?


International marketing


Key words and phrases

marketing department –відділ маркетингу to promote – сприяти purchaser – покупець

International marketing

It becomes obvious that making and selling are 2 facets of the same undertaking. The marketing manager and the production manager are 2 members of… The problem facing any business is that the market for goods and services is… New technologies have an even more devastating effect on the markets. Once upon a time there was a very successful…

Language work

Exercise 1.All the words below can be combined with price in two-word partnership: e.g. price war, retail price. Add the word price either before or…   1. ___ control ___ 2. ___ cost ___ 3. ___ cut ___ 4.…  


Exercise 8.Express the following in the Passive Voice: 1. Partners brought additional funds to a proprietorship. 2. You received a…  


Bookkeeping and accounting


Key words and phrases

accrue – збільшуватися, зростати asset – актив double-entry – подвійний запис

Bookkeeping and accounting

The two basic systems of bookkeeping are double-entry and single-entry. The double-entry method was perfected by the merchants of Venice during the… An account is a record of the financial transactions that concern one item or a group of similar items. The account includes categories of financial data for each area of interest during a…

Language work

Exercise 1.Match each sentence or word in the left-hand column with the best meaning in the right-hand column.   1. creditor   2. loss   3. purchases … Exercise 2.Complete the following words (see example):


Exercise 8.Write sentences using the words in brackets. Use mustn’t or don’t have to. 1. This information is highly confidential. (tell anyone) 2. This report isn’t… Exercise 9. Write what you would do in these situations. Use one of the phrases below.


A global view of finance


Key words and phrases

cost – ціна, вартість entity – суть, особа, організація expenses – витрати

A global view of finance

A manager cannot be optimally effective at finance without understanding accounting. Similarly, a good accountant needs to understand finance.… Financing a small business is a difficult but critical function if a firm… When you read the financial literature, you find that there are many articles about the difficulty of finding start-up…

Language work

Exercise 1.Financial vocabulary covers several areas, including economics, banking, marketing, personal finance and financial planning. Here is a…   Exercise 2.Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right.


Exercise 8.Translate the sentences. 1. The cargo to be insured by the seller with a first-class company or…  




Key words and phrases

fluctuation – коливання

to hoard – запасати, накопичувати

portability – портативність

durability – міцність

uniformity – однаковість, однорідність

dollar bill – доларова банкнота

to mint coins – чеканити монети

forgery – фальшиві гроші

to handle – мати в обігу, тримати



Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. Almost every society has a money economy based on coins and paper bills of one kind or another. However this has not always been true. In primitive societies a system of barter was used. Barter was a system of direct change of goods. Somebody could exchange a sheep, for example, for anything in the market place that they considered to be of equal value. Barter, however, was a very unsatisfactory system because people’s needs seldom coincided. People needed more practical systems of exchange and various money systems developed based on goods which members of society recognized as having value. Cattle, grains, shells, feathers, salt, elephant tusks and tobacco have all

been used.

Precious metals gradually took over because they were portable, durable, recognizable and divisible into larger and smaller units of value. A coin is a piece of metal usually disk-shaped, which bears lettering, designs or numbers showing its value. Until the 18th and 19th centuries coins were given monetary worth based on the exact amount of metal contained in them, but most modern are based on face value – the value that governments choose to give them, irrespective of the actual content.

Most governments issue paper money in the form of bills, which are really ready to pay. Paper money is obviously easier to handle and much more convenient in the modern world. Cheques and credit cards are being used increasingly and it is possible to imagine a world where money in the form of coins and paper currency will no longer be used.

The British currency is the pound sterling. In each pound there are 100 pence. Pounds are indicated by the symbol W before the amount. Pence are indicated by the letter “p”. Five pounds is written therefore as W5, fifty pence as 50p. If one wants to combine the two, the “p” is dropped. For example, nine pounds and fifty seven pence is written as W9.57. British currency uses both notes and coins: the one pound piece (W1); the fifty pence piece (50p); the twenty pence piece (20p); the ten pence piece (10p); the five pence piece (5p); the two pence piece (2p); the one pence piece (1p). Each coin has the date, it was minted, stamped on one side.

There are five denominations of notes. The lowest note in value is the W5 note, the highest is the W100 note. In between these, there is the W10, W20, and W50 note. Every note has a serial number to show when it was issued and a watermark to prevent forgeries (false notes).


Language work

Exercise 1.Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence. 1. Money in notes and coins is called a. cash b. capital … 2. The dollar, the mark and the yen are all a. currencies b. funds c. monies


Exercise 8.Translate the sentences. 1. The devaluation of the pound sterling is known to have led to a rise of the…  




Key words and phrases

interest rate – процентна ставка lender – позичатель to trade – продавати


A commercial bank, which provides the same range of services year after year, is less likely to be successful. Successfully competing in the… Banks are usually organized to follow their functions and supply the services… This bank, typical of hundreds of banks serving small and medium-size communities, is heavily committed to attracting…

Language work

  central banks commercial banks merchant banks universal banks finance house investment banks   (1) … supervise the banking system, fix the minimum interest rate; issue bank notes; control the money supply;…


Exercise 7.Change the following sentences using participle phrases instead of the subordinate clauses. 1. People who hold bonds and stocks hope to realize a financial gain from…  


Stocks, shares and take-overs


Key words and phrases

take off – мати місце limited company – компанія з обмеженою відповідальністю initially – початково

Stocks, shares and take-overs

For the limited company, funds are initially provided by the shareholders. Ordinary stocks (or shares) are commonly described as “equities”,… The stock is broken down into units os, say 50p each, which is then described… The dividends on ordinary stock will be related to the profits made by the company. Thus, if the profits are good the…

Language work

  arbitrageurs market-makers bears shareholders bulls stags insiders stockbrockers   1. People who buy stocks and shares are called … in Britain, and stockholders in the USA (although most of the shares…


Exercise 7.Change the following complex sentences into simple one using the Objective Participle Complex. 1. I noticed them as they were trying to sell their bonds. 2. We heard them as…  




Key words and phrases

collection – грошовий збір, інкасація cash in advance – грошовий аванс letter of credit – акредитив

Methods of payment in foreign trade

The basic methods of payment for exports are: - Cash in advance - Letter of credit

Language work

  1. irrevocable letter of credit     2. revocable letter of credit     3. confirmed letter of…   Exercise 2.Choose the correct word in each of the following:


Exercise 7.Change these sentences according to the models. Model A: Are they still discussing the problem? – No, they’ve just finished… 1. Are they still examining the arguments for and against international trade? (to finish). 2. Has the country been…



Key words and phrases

internal control – внутрішній контроль

internal audit – внутрішній аудит

petty cash voucher – розписка за дрібну готівку

fiscal affairs – фінансові справи

deviation – відхилення, порушення

fairness – неупередженість, законність

disclaimer of opinion – відмова від погляду

fairly – грошові засоби, фонди

adverse opinion – негативний погляд



Auditing is an accounting function that involves the review and evaluation of financial records. It is done by someone other than the person who… Many companies employ their own accountants to maintain an internal audit.… Independent auditing is done by accountants who are not employees of the organization whose books they examine. An…

Language work

  1. statutory audit   2. continuous audit   3. Memorandum of Association   4. Articles of…   Exercise 2.Fill in the missing prepositional phrases in the following sentences. Choose from the following: …


Exercise 6.Put the verbs in brackets into Present or Future tense. A: What time does Mr Tanaka’s flight arrive at Heathrow? B: He gets in at 10.30 tonight. If he (take) about half an hour to get through customs, we (leave) just after 11.00.…



Key words and phrases

tax – податок

taxation – оподаткування

expenditure – витрати

corpotation tax – корпоративний податок

income tax – податок на прибуток

earnings – заробіток, дохід

tax rate – ставка податку

excise duty – акцизний податок

tо levy a tax (on) – оподатковувати

value added tax – податок на додану вартість

tax deduction – відрахування податків

International taxation

Taxes may be classified under various headings, the commonest distinction being “direct” and “indirect” taxation . Anyone paying direct tax (income… Income tax is usually collected at source. Employers compute, deduct and remit… Corporation tax, a tax on the income of companies which are distinct legal entities, is a major source of fiscal…

Language work

  Exercise 2.All the words below can be combined with tax or taxation in…  

Grammar revision

1. When, Ann last? – I___her since she ____ to another city. a) have you seen, haven't seen, has moved b) did you see, didn't see, moved




Key words and phrases

workshop – майстерня assemble – збиратися batch – партія


People in production focus on efficiency and effectiveness of processes in order to maximize productivity. To achieve overall success, it is… Production varies according to the inputs, processes and outputs. Other… A production planning system is essential to ensure that a company's processes, machinery, equipment, labour skills…

Language work

quality material finished manager industrial lines


1. There are two kinds of transformations which are known as physical and chemical changes. 2. There are several kinds of energy in nature. 3. The… Exercise 7.Put to be in the spaces in proper form and translate the… 1. Your advice … more important for us than hers. 2. The instruments at our laboratory … not as modern as those at…


Research and development

Key words and phrases

applied research – прикладне дослідження development and evaluation research – розробка та оцінка досліджень

Research and development

Research is important in many disciplines and there are different types of research with different research professionals. The type of research… If you want to get feedback on a product or service, you can use qualitative… - investigating current product/service/brand positioning

Language work

applied research the study of pure scientific principles clinical research the study of the parts and their relationship to one… pilot study changing and improving a product to achieve the best possible result


2. I’m afraid I'll be late. 3. We’ll be happy to see you in Moscow again, Mr. Clark. 4. I'm sure the work will be successful.


Information technology

Key words and phrases

formats – формати manipulation of digital data – маніпуляція цифрових даних basic – основний

Information technology

Two basic technologies have been responsible for the development of the necessary hardware: integrated circuits and digital communications, Parallel… As technology develops, new models and types of computer appear. At the heart… A network includes:

Language work

Exercise 1.Combine one word from A and one word from B and match it with the appropriate definition in C.   A B C Create products a… Exercise 2.Complete each gap in the following text with a phrase from the table above.


1. I often go to the cinema. 2. I'm busy till half past eleven. 3. She lives in Moscow.



Key words and phrases

branch of engineering and physics – галузь техніки і фізики entertainment – розваги control systems – системи управління


Electronic circuits consist of interconnections of electronic components, at the hearts of which are semiconductors. Transistors, which are made of… Industry electronic devices have led to dramatic improvements in productivity… The development of microelectronics has had a major impact on the electronics industry. Electronic components are…

Language work

1. Transistors / inductors are the key component in electronics. 2. They consist of three layers of silicon semiconductor / superconductor. 3. All electronic / electrical systems consist of input, a processor and output. and usually memory.

Scope and responsibilities

Senior Electronics Design Engineer

- electronic product development from design to production release; - electronic design, analysis and testing of new products from product… - firmware design for electronic devices;


1. The experiment will be described in several journals. 2. A conference on those problems is being held now. 3. The lists are still being typed.

Exercise 10. Paraphrase using Passive.

1. They are going to interviewthree girls for a job. 2. They will only chooseone of them to work with their firm. 3. They toldthe girls to type the letters both quickly and carefully.


Quality. Health and Safety

Key words and phrases

add value – додана вартість commitment – зобов'язання to facilitate – сприяти


Quality improvement concepts have developed over several decades. They began simply as a method for detecting defective products by inspection at… In recent years different approaches to quality improvement have been… - continuous process improvement

Health and Safety

- welding or grinding without goggles - working on a construction site work without a hard hat - working in noisy factories, cabs, on airport tarmacs and with outdoor machinery without ear protection

Language work

1. We must check / control the temperature regularly to make sure it doesn't rise. 2. To compare the number of defects over the last ten years, it would be best… 3. We try to detect / define faulty products before they are sent to our customers.


1. Phone Bill at his office. He may still be there. 2. John may still be away in France. He might have a lot of work to do… 3. Let me try to find his address. It could be in my old telephone book.


Engineering and Chemical

Key words and phrases

highway – шосе boiler – котел crane – кран


Engineering as a profession involves different tasks. It can refer specifically to the manufacture or assembly of engines, machine tools and machine… The function of scientists is to know, while that of engineers is to do: they…


Chemical processes have created pesticides and fertilizers for farmers, pharmaceuticals for the health care industry, synthetic dyes and fibres for… Chemicals can be broken down into: - basic and intermediatechemicals;

Language work

  anneal to melt metal and then pour it into a form, e.g. iron components anodize to make thin sheets of… Exercise 2.Complete the following sentences with words in brackets (structure,… 1. In the _________industry, __________develop processes for producing plastics, fibres, medicines, etc. from simple…


1. She's gone to collect her pay cheque. 2. The three bears went into the forest to find firewood. 3. To be or not to be, that is the question.


Telecommunications Technology

Key words and phrases

аttenuation – затухання coaxial cable – коаксіальний кабель copper wire – мідний дріт

Telecommunications Technology

In analogue modulation, the signals are transmitted directly (without converting them to digital form) by amplitude modulation or frequency… There are three main methods of electromagnetic signal transmission: wire,… Telecommunications is the fastest growing segment of technology today. Telecommunications technologists are needed to…

Language work

Exercise 1. Match each of the following words with its definition. wire a device which maps the binary strings into coded bits or waveforms for… wave a device which maps the source into a set of binary strings


Telecommunications Introduction to the _________ Fundamentals of information Telecommunications Hands-on practical experiments Fundamentals Lab to _______________________


1. We noticed the woman enter the house through the back door. 2. I saw them walk along the road. 3. I did not hear her say this because she spoke in a soft voice.



Key words and phrases

mason – каменяр plasterer – штукатур plumber – водопровідник


The major elements of a building include: - the foundation, which supports the building and gives it stability; - the structure, which supports all the imposed loads and transmits them to the foundation;

Language work

Exercise 1.Choose the correct word in the following sentences. 1. A flat roof is usually covered in roofing felt / skin for protection… 2. Rooms in a building are divided by interior supports / partitions.


  1. She is known to live in France. 2. The film festival was reported to take place in July this year.


Electrical Engineering

Key words and phrases

gvercurrent - надструмів overload - перевантаження short circuit - коротке замикання

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering can be divided into four main branches: - electric power and machinery - communications and control

Language work

Exercise 1.Express each of these ideas as a compound. 1. a board consisting of a number of panels 2. material that does not allow water to get into it


1. We would like to contact someone in your institute interested in our programme and sharing our ideas. 2. All the workers operating this equipment must read the instructions very… 3. The city has houses representing various architectural styles.


Engineering Profession

Key words and phrases

apprenticeship – учнівство, навчання професії craftsman – майстер, ремісник current – 1.струм, 2. сучасний, поточний

Engineering Profession

Nowadays such occupations like law, medicine or engineering require specialized advanced education. So the programs have been based on experience of… The University students undergo a continual process of education, and study a… Those who are doing scientific research must be able to read foreign publications, in their subject areas. The aim of…

Language work

Exercise 1. Match the following words with their definitions: 1. to apply 2. current 3.to manufacture 4. occupation … Exercise 2.Match each word in section A with one of a similar meaning in section B:


1. experienced a) administration

2.management b) to increase

3. to employ c) profession

4. to enhance d) to contain

5. manufacture e) practiced

6. research f) to fix

7. vocation g) production

8. advanced h) progressive

9. to include i) investigation

10. to install j) to hire


Exercise 3. Match each word in section A with one of an opposite

meaning in section B:


1. an apprentice a) limited

2. to create b) clumsy

3. an employee c) inefficient

4. extensive d) to decrease

5. to manage to do smth e) an employer

6. skillful f) to dismantle

7. to increase g) unemployment

8. to install h) a master

9. efficient i) to fail to do smth

10. employment j) to destroy

Exercise 4.Complete the words to match the definitions given:

1. a person who employ others e_ _ _ _ _ _ r

2. any trade, profession or occupation v_ _ _ _i_ _

3. a person skilled in a craft _r_ _ _ _m_ _ _

4. state or quality of being efficient _f_ _ _ _ _ _ _y

5. to divide smth. and share it out among

6. a number of people d_ _t_ _ _ u_ _


Exercise 5.Speak about the main duties of an engineer using the following expressions:

- to have advanced experience

- to cope with main/primary tasks, to mange with …

- to use advanced methods

- to be keen on

- to be right person for the job

- to display common sense

- to keep in mind

- to know the staff like the palm of your hand

- to keep pace with the time

- to have a clear view of

- to bear responsibility for

- to monitor the performance

- to coordinate the work of the staff

- to establish public relations

- to solve problems


Exercise 6.Compose short dialogues based on the text “Engineering Profession”.


Exercise 7.Make a three-minute speech of the following topics:

a. Professional qualities of a good specialist;

b. Your future speciality. What has influenced your choice;

c. The most important subjects for a would-be specialist;

d. Importance of knowledge of foreign languages for an engineer



1. I understand perfectly your wishing to be a qualified specialist. 2. Everybody will discuss the event, there is no preventing it. 3. At last he… Exercise 9.Read and translate the following sentences. Point out forms and… 1. Learning foreign languages is a very interesting thing.


Technological Culture and its Problems

Key words and phrases

community – співтовариство to confer – присуджувати наукову ступінь, співставляти to wield – володіти, мати в руках

Technological Culture and its Problems

That humans have been designated Homo faber (man the maker, tool user) rather| than Homo sapiens (man the wise, thinker) indicates the centrality of… Since World War II the pace of technological development has increased… Developments in First World countries generating dilemmas such as accentuated the divide between developed and…

Language work

1. What indicates the centrality of technology in the life of mankind? 2. What are the stages of technological development of the primitive… 3. What does the Prometheus myth remind us?


1. The weather being dark and piercing cold, he had no great temptation to loiter. 2. His tale told, he put his head back and laughed. 3. This being understood, the conference was over and Lufkin got up to join his guests.

Якщо цей документ не буде виправлений, він виявиться марним.

Коли ці дані перевірили, вони оказалися неправильними.

Якщо цю роботу зробити належним чином, вона представлятиме певний інтерес.

Як тільки план змінили, він став марним.

Хороший порада є корисною, якщо вона надана в потрібний час.

Якщо цю інформацію використовувати належним чином, вона може бути корисною.

Так як було дуже тепло, діти спали на відкритому повітрі.

Коли всі приготування були закінчені, туристи відправилися в похід.

Корабель повільно плив уздовж берегів Білого моря; сотні птахів кружляли над ним.

Було дуже темно, бо на небі не було ні єдиної зірочки.

Коли сонце сіло, туристи розвели багаття.

Коли урочисте засідання закінчилося, почався концерт.

1) Коли принесли десерт, гості поспішили до столу, але Джон залишився на дворі. 2) Дозвіл отримано, тепер можна їхати. 3) Коли закінчили обідати,…   Exercise 9. Point out the Gerundial construction and comment on the way the nominal element is expressed. Translate…

Джим був проти того, щоб місіс Берк стала його мачухою. 2) Вибачте, що відволікаю вас, мені потрібен ваша порада. 3) Директор не розглядатиме пропозицій без рекомендацій, надісланих особисто вами. 4) Вона раптом згадала про те, що Дік і Глорія поїхали разом відпочивати. 5) Їх приємну розмову було порушено несподіваною появою Джорджа на порозі. 6) Думка про те, що брат і сестра чекають її вдома, надала їй сил. 7) Я не можу уявити, щоб розумна людина, висловила таку пропозицію. 8) Господиня повідомила, що кімната для гостей була готова. 9) Все, що їй потрібно зараз, щоб Джон посидів поруч і розповів свої кумедні історії. 10) Всім подобається, як Нік і Боб грають на гітарі і співають. 11) Елліна була впевнена, що вони зустрінуться знову. 12) Джим і уявити не міг, що його нові друзі врятують його. 13) Джон з нетерпінням чекав приходу батька, щоб розповісти йому про все. 14) Після приїзду бабусі з дідусем всі відчули себе краще. 15) Джим підозрював місіс Берк в нещирості і в тому, що вона марнотратно витрачала гроші батька. 16) Директор наполягає на тому, щоб обидва проекти були затверджені. 17) Вони повідомили, що апаратура вже ремонтується. 18) Усі здивувалися, що Нік і Боб вирішили брати участь у змаганнях. 19) Ви коли-небудь чули, щоб розумна людина так чинила? 20) Він наполягав на тому, щоб його годинник полагодили. 21) Усі наполягали на тому, щоб Мері і Боб помирилися. 22) Джулія наполягала на тому, щоб взяти собаку в поїздку. 23) Він і уявити не міг, що Келлі і Клодія були закохані в нього. 24) Ми й уявити не могли, що дядько і тітка повернуться так скоро. 25) Він був упевнений, що місіс N. і батько ненавидять його. 26) Вона була впевнена, що сусіди завершили споруду будинку. 27) Вона була впевнена, що це друзі підтримали її. 29) Поллі була впевнена, що це Сем надіслав їй квіти.



Genetic engineering

Key words and phrases

Term – термін

Coined – придумав

Genetic engineering – генна інженерія

Breeding – розведення

Crop plants – хлібні злаки

Damage – пошкодження

Insecticide – інсектицид

Synthetic insulin – синтетичний інсулін

Disorder – розлад

Inherited – успадкований

Leave – залишати

Crops – зернові

Offspring – нащадок

Genetic engineering

The term “genetic engineering”was coined in J.Williamson´s science fiction novel Dragon’s Island, published in 1951. It happened two years before J.Watson and F.Crick indicated that DNA could be the medium of transmission of genetic information.

Genetic engineering concernsthe direct manipulation of an organism gene. It is different from traditional breeding, where organism genes are manipulated indirectly. Genetic engineering uses the techniques of molecular cloning and transformation to alter the structure and characteristics of genes. For example, crop plants can be given a gene from an Arctic fish, so they produce an antifreeze protein in their leaves. This can help prevent frost damage. Genetic engineering programs are working on creating a disease-resistant, mass-market banana. Other genes, which can be put into crops, include a natural insecticide. The insecticide kills insects that eat the plants, but is harmless to people. In all these cases the new genes are placed into the plant before it is grown, so the genes will be in every part of the plant, including its seeds. The plant offspring will then inherit the new genes, something which has led to disquiet about the spread of new traits into wild plants. Genetically modified crops have become a common source for genetic pollution today.

Genetic engineering techniques have found some successes in numerous applications. Besides improving crop production technology, substances like synthetic insulin or antibiotics are also produced on the base of genetic engineering.

The kind of technology used in genetic engineering is also being developed to treat people with genetic disorder in so called gene therapy. However, here the new gene is put in after the person has grown up and become ill. It means any new genes will not be inherited by the person´s children. In fact, the gene therapy tries to replace the allele that causes the disease with an allele that will work properly.


Language work

1. 1951 – “genetic engineering” – novel Dragon’s Island, - term – in the – was coined – published in – The –. 2. years – information – transmit – DNA was – later – coined – able to –… 3. manipulation of – the – engineering – organism – direct – an – concerns – gene – Genetic -.

Genetic ….. uses the techniques of molecular cloning to alter the structure and characteristics of genes.

3. The antifreeze protein helps to …. frost damage. 4. Other genes, which can be put into crops, … a natural insecticide. 5. Genetic engineering techniques have found some successes in numerous … .


1. If he agreed to speak at the conference, we'd all be very happy. 2. It would be very convenient for me if we could put off our appointment till…   Exercise 8.Make sentences of unreal condition referring to past time out of the following pairs of sentences.


2. Качалова К. Н., Израилевич Е. Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка / К. Н. Качалова, Е. Е. Израилевич. – М. : Юнвест, 2004. – 718 с. 3. Латигіна А. Г. Англійська мова міжнародного бізнесу та менеджменту / А. Г.… 4. Романова Л. И. Практическая грамматика английского языка / Лариса Романова. – М. : Айрис-пресс, 2007. – 384 с.

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