ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY - раздел Иностранные языки, Практический курс английского языка 1. ConfideVi/t - 1) Доверяться (In Smb.)-,...
1. confidevi/t - 1) доверяться (in smb.)-,
I can confide in him. - Я могу доверить ему свои секреты.
2) поверять, сообщать по секрету (smth. to smb.);
Не confided his troubles/plans/fears to me. - Он рассказал
мне по секрету о своих неприятностях/планах/
Не confided to me his secret. - Он доверил свою тайну.
confidence- 1) доверие;
I have no confidence in such people (in his opinion). - Я не
доверяю таким людям (его мнению).
I have no confidence in his ability. - Я не верю в его способ-
Не enjoys everybody’s confidence. - Он пользуется доверием
у всех./Ему все доверяют.
What she says does not inspire confidence. - Ее слова не
внушают доверия.
I shan’t betray your confidence. - Я не обману вашего доверия.
She took me into her confidence. - Она доверила мне свою
тайну./Она доверилась мне.
2) уверенность, уверенность в себе;
Не has too much confidence in himself (self-confidence). -
Он слишком самоуверен.
His lack of confidence is most annoying. - Его неуверенность
в себе очень раздражает.
His comforting words gave me confidence. - Его слова утешения
добавили мне уверенности.
3) конфиденциальное сообщение, секрет (often in pi.);
I listened to the girl’s confidences with mixed feelings of pity
and disapproval. - Я слушал излияния этой девицы одновременно
с жалостью и неодобрением,
confident- 1) уверенный;
We were not confident of success. - Мы были не уверены в
2) уверенный в себе;
a confident manner -уверенное поведение; поведение
уверенного в себе человека;
confident smile - уверенная улыбка /улыбка уверенного
в себе человека;
confident voice/tone - голос уверенного в себе человека/
уверенный тон;
confidential- конфиденциальный, секретный; доверительный;
confidential information - конфиденциальная информация;
confidential matter - конфиденциальное дело;
confidential correspondence - секретная переписка;
confidential voice - доверительный тон.
2. start vi/t - 1) отправляться;
to start early (late, at 6 p.m., etc.) - отправиться в путь спозаранку
(поздно, в шесть вечера и т.п.);
to start on a trip (a journey, an excursion) - отправиться
в поездку (в путешествие, на экскурсию);
2) начать;
to start work (business, conversation) - начать работу
(бизнес, беседу);
to start working, running, crying - начать работу, бег, начать
3) начаться;
How did the war (the fire, the quarrel) start? - Как началась
(-лся) война (пожар, ссора)?
4) завести (что-л.) (о моторе и т.п.); учреждать, основывать;
to start a newspaper - начать издавать газету, основать газету;
5) вздрогнуть;
Не started at the noise. - От шума (звука) он вздрогнул,
starting-point- 1)отправной пункт, отправная точка;
2) исходный пункт, рубеж;
The incident turned out to be a starting-point that set
everything afloat. - Этот случай оказался отправной точкой,
с которой все началось (с которой начался весь
startп — 1) начало;
the start of a race - начало гонки;
at the journey’s start - в начале пуги;
That gave her a start in life. - Это помогло ей встать на
from the start- с самого начала;
Everything went wrong from the start. - Все пошло плохо с
самого начала.
from start to finish- с начала до конца;
This is the whole story from start to finish. - Вот вся история
с начала до конца.
2) вздрагивание, рывок (чаще всего - от испуга);
Не sprang up (awoke) with a start. - Он внезапно/резко
вскочил (проснулся).
You gave me a start, I must say - Должен сказать, что вы меня
by fits and starts- урывками, нерегулярно;
Research work cannot be done by fits and starts. - Исследования
не могут осуществляться урывками/нерегулярно.
3. to confusevt - 1)перепутать, спутать;
to confuse names (words or persons) - перепутать имена и
фамилии (слова или людей);
to confuse facts (dates) - (пере)путать факты (даты);
They look so much alike that I always confuse them. - Они
так похожи, что я их все время путаю.
Old people always confuse dates and figures. - Старики веч-
но путают даты и цифры.
2) смутить;
Everybody’s attention confused her and she was at a loss for
words. - Всеобщее внимание смутило ее, и она не знала, что
syn. embarrass
to be (feel, seem) confused (embarrassed)- быть (чувствовать
себя, выглядеть) смущенным/в замешательстве;
Не seemed a trifle confused (embarrassed). - Он выглядел
немного смущенным.
confusionп - 1) смущение, замешательство;
2) беспорядок, неразбериха;
to lie/be/be thrown about in confusion - лежать/быть, оказаться/
быть разбросанным в беспорядке;
His things lay in confusion on the sofa. - Его вещи беспорядочно
лежали на диване.
His thoughts were in confusion. - Его мысли пугались./
В его мыслях царила путаница.
Не remained calm in the confusion of battle. - В неразберихе
битвы/боя он оставался спокойным/он сохранял спокойствие.
syn. mess
3) замешательство, смущение;
His confusion was obvious. - Его замешательство было
очевидно всем.
4) путаница, смешение;
the confusion of sounds, letters - смешение звуков, букв;
confusing- сбивающий с толку, выбивающий из колеи;
An examiner must not ask confusing questions (so as not to
put the student out). - Экзаменатор не должен задавать вопросы,
сбивающие студента с толку (чтобы не выбить его
из колеи).
Don’t ask embarrassing questions (so as not to make one
uncomfortable). - He задавай неудобных вопросов (чтобы
не заставлять человека чувствовать себя не в своей
confused- 1) сбитый с толку, в замешательстве;
The girl looked confused. - Девушка выглядела смущенной,
сбитой с толку.
2) спутанный, сбивчивый, неясный;
His tale (answer) was confused. - Его рассказ (ответ) был
He was unable to put his confused ideas into shape. - Он не
смог внятно изложить свои мысли.
4. dropvt/i -1) ронять, бросать;
to drop a glass (a handkerchief, etc.) - уронить стакан (носовой
платок и т.п.);
to drop bombs - сбрасывать бомбы;
to drop a letter in a pillar-box (a coin in a slot) - бросить
письмо в почтовый ящик (монету в щель);
2) бросить, перестать;
to drop one’s work (studies, a habit) - бросить свою работу
(занятия, привычку);
to drop smoking - бросить курить;
Let’s drop the argument (the subject). - Давайте перестанем
спорить (оставим эту тему).
3) оставить; перестать;
to drop a subject - оставить какую-л. тему;
to drop a person at some place - оставить (высадить) человека
в каком-л. месте;
to drop a line - черкнуть строчку;
to drop smb. a hint (on smth.) - намекнуть кому-л.
(о чем-л.);
to drop one’s voice - понизить голос;
to drop one’s eyes - опустить глаза;
to drop one’s friends - бросить своих друзей;
to drop anchor - бросить якорь;
4) падать; снижаться; опускаться;
to drop with fatigue - падать с ног от усталости;
to drop into a chair - повалиться (опуститься) на стул;
to drop on (to) one’s knees - упасть на колени;
to drop dead - упасть замертво;
leaves (apples, blossoms) drop - листья (яблоки, цветы)
It was so quiet, you might have heard a pin drop. - Стояла
абсолютная тишина (Было гак тихо, что стало бы слышно,
если бы упала булавка).
5) падать, стихать, уменьшаться, понижаться;
the temperature dropped - температура упала;
the wind dropped - ветер стих (ослабел);
one’s voice dropped - его (ее) голос стал тише/понизился;
prices may drop - цены могут снизиться;
to drop in(on smb.) - зайти (к кому-л.);
Several friends dropped in to tea. - На чай зашли несколько
to drop off- 1) покидать, оставлять;
one’s friends/customers (the doctor’s practice) may drop
off - твои друзья, клиенты/покупатели могут тебя покинуть
(пациенты могут уйти к другому врачу);
2) заснуть;
Не dropped off during the performance. - Во время спектакля
он заснул.
to drop behind- отстать;
The two girls dropped behind the rest of the party. - Эти две
девушки отстали от группы.
dropп — 1) капля;
drops of water (perspiration, rain, etc.) - капли воды (пота,
дождя и т.п.);
to drink smth. to the last drop - выпить что-л. до последней
take ten drops a day - пейте/принимайте по десять капель
в день;
2) падение, понижение, спад;
a sudden (unexpected, sharp, slight) drop in prices (temperature,
etc.) - внезапное (резкое, небольшое) падение цен
(температуры и т.п.);
5. to mindvt - 1)заниматься; обращать внимание
(обыкн. в повелит, предл.)
Mind your own business. - He лезьте в чужие дела/Зани-
майтесь своими собственными делами.
Please, mind the baby (the fire). - Пожалуйста, следите за
ребенком (за огнем).
2) прислушиваться (к советам и т.п.у, слушаться;
The child won’t mind his granny. - Ребенок не хочет слушаться
3) обращать внимание на; слушаться, прислушиваться
к советам, беспокоиться о;
Mind the step (the dog). - Осторожно - ступенька (злая
Mind! There’s a bus coming. - Осторожно (Смотри!) Подходит
Mind the traffic rules. - Соблюдайте правила дорожного
4) возражать (против чего-л.);
Do you mind my smoking/if I smoke? - Вы не возражаете,
если я закурю?
I don’t mind it a bit. - Нисколько не возражаю.
Yes, I mind it very much. - Да, я очень возражаю.
Would you mind closing the window? - Будьте любезны,
закройте окно.
Never mind (an answer to an apology), - Ничего (ответ
на извинение).
mind- ум, рассудок;
the great minds of the world - великие умы;
to be in one’s right mind - быть в своем уме;
Lomonosov was one of the great minds of his time. - Ломоносов
был одним из величайших умов своего времени.
Are you in your right mind to say such things? - В своем ли
вы уме, если говорите такие вещи?
2) память;
to come to one’s mind - прийти в голову, вспомниться;
to bear in mind - помнить, иметь в виду, не забывать;
The incident gradually came to my mind. - Я постепенно
вспомнил, что случилось.
Bear in mind that you are to be here at six sharp. - Помните
(Имейте в виду), что вы должны быть здесь ровно
в шесть.
3) (откровенное) мнение, взгляд;
to make up one’s mind- решить(ся);
I’ve made up my mind, and I’ll stick to my decision. - Я при-
нял решение и менять его не буду.
to change one’s mind- передумать;
I won’t change my mind whatever is said. - Я не передумаю,
что бы там ни говорили.
to be in two minds- колебаться, не решаться;
I’m in two minds and can’t give you a definite answer yet. -
Я колеблюсь и не могу дать определенного ответа.
to speak one’s mind- откровенно высказывать свое
Don’t beat about the bush, speak your mind. - He ходи вокруг
да около, говори, что думаешь.
to give a person a piece of one’s mind- высказать кому-
л. все, что ты о нем думаешь;
I shall give you a piece of my mind, unpleasant as that may
be. - Я скажу тебе все, что я о тебе думаю, как бы неприятно
это ни было.
to have a mind to do smth.- иметь намерение (быть
склонным) сделать что-л.;
to have no mind to do smth.- не иметь намерения сделать
She had no mind to answer such questions. - Она была не
склонна отвечать на такие вопросы.
to have smth. on one’s mind- беспокоиться о чем-л.;
She seemed to have smth. on her mind and could not concentrate.
- Она о чем-то беспокоилась и не могла сосредоточиться.
-minded- встречается в словах, используемых при описании
определенного настроения, настроя и т.п.
absent-minded - рассеянный;
fair-minded - справедливый, беспристрастный;
broad-minded - с широкими взглядами, с широким кругозором,
narrow-minded - ограниченный, недалекий, узколобый;
с предрассудками;
She is very absent-minded and always leaves her things
behind. - Она очень рассеянная и вечно забывает свои
6. to practisevt - 1)регулярно делать (что-л.);
to practise early rising - постоянно рано вставать;
to practise a method of work - применять (на практике)
метод работы;
2) заниматься какой-л. деятельностью профессионально,
to practise what one preaches - вести себя так, чтобы слово
не расходилось с делом;
If only he’d practised what he’d preached. - Если бы только
слова не расходились у него с делами.
to practise law - заниматься адвокатской практикой,
быть адвокатом;
to practise medicine - заниматься врачебной практикой,
быть врачом;
It has been long since I practised medicine. - Я уже давно не
работаю врачом.
3) заниматься, упражняться, тренироваться;
to practise tennis (the piano) - заниматься теннисом (игрой
на фортепиано);
She practises the piano for an hour every day. - Она каждый
день по часу упражняется на пианино.
practiceп - 1) практика, осуществление на практике,
The method is rather simple in practice and very effective.
- Метод довольно прост в применении и очень эффективен.
to put into practice - осуществлять (на практике), воплощать
в жизнь;
to put into practice a theory; a plan, an idea, a suggestion -
осуществить на практике (воплотить в жизнь) теорию,
план, идею, предложение;
The theory seems right, but one must think of how to put in
into practice. - Теория кажется правильной, но надо подумать,
как осуществить ее на практике.
2) тренировка, упражнения;
What you need is more practice. - Вам нужно больше практиковаться
/упражняться/тренироваться/практических занятий.
Look, how precise the movements of the worker are, practice
shows. - Смотри, какие точные/выверенные движения у
этого рабочего: вот что значит практика.
to be in (out of) practice- быть/держать себя в форме
(не в форме);
to be out of practice- разучиться, давно не практиковаться/
не заниматься;
I used to be a good chessplayer, but I’m out of practice now. -
Раньше я хорошо играл в шахматы, но сейчас я не в форме.
3) обычай, обыкновение; привычка; установившийся порядок;
It was then the practice (a common practice). - Тогда так
было принято.
After supper Dad went for a walk as was his usual practice. -
После ужина отец как всегда пошел погулять.
4) практика (врача, адвоката);
Doctor N. has retired from practice. - Доктор H. ушел на
покой и больше не практикует.
Manson had a large practice. - У Мэнсона была большая
практика/было много клиентов (пациентов).
Не was a young lawyer with no practice at all. - Он был молодым
адвокатом, у которого совсем не было клиентов,
practitioner- практикующий врач или юрист;
general practitioner - врач общей практики;
Andrew Manson worked as a general practitioner. - Эндрю
Мэнсон был врачом общей практики.
practical- практичный, удобный, полезный, целесообразный;
practical advice - полезный (-ые) советы;
practical results - практические результаты;
practical benefit - практическая польза/выгода;
practical help - практическая помощь;
practical matters - практические вопросы;
practical use/application - практическое использование,
practical considerations/difficulties (difficulties in putting
smth. into practice) - практические соображения/трудности
(трудности, связанные с применением чего-л. на практике);
It’s of no practical use. - Это невозможно использовать/при-
менить на практике./Это не имеет практической пользы.
There were practical difficulties. - На практике возникли
They used to play practical jokes on each other and neither
ever got offended. - Они бывало разыгрывали друг друга, но
никто никогда не обижался,
practically- практически;
Practically everyone was willing to help. - Практически все
были готовы помочь.
7. odd- 1) нечетный;
1, 3, 5 are odd numbers. - 1, 3, 5 - нечетные числа;
2) непарный;
an odd shoe or glove - непарный полуботинок (-ая туфля)
или непарная перчатка;
3) разрозненный, отдельный;
two odd volumes of an encyclopaedia - два разрозненных
тома энциклопедии;
4) немногим больший, дополнительный, еще один или
thirty odd years - тридцать с чем-то лет;
fifty and some odd miles - пятьдесят с лишним миль;
5) случайный, нерегулярный; странный;
odd jobs - случайные приработки, работа, выполняемая
an odd person (way, manner, appearance, behaviour) - странный
человек (способ, (-ая) внешность, (-ое) поведение);
How odd! - Как странно!/Как чудно!
oddly- странно;
oddly enough= strangely enough = strange as it may seem =
strange as it is - как ни странно;
Oddly enough she did not turn up at the party. - Как ни
странно, она не явилась на вечеринку.
odds- шансы; вероятность, возможность;
The odds are against us. - Шансы против нас.
odds and ends- остатки, обрывки, всякая всячина;
What is to be done with all these odds and ends of the
paper? - Что делать со всеми этими обрезками бумаги?
8. concern- 1)интерес, участие, забота;
It’s по concern of mine. - Это не мое дело/не моя забо-
та/Это меня не касается.
It’s my own concern. - Это мое дело/моя забота.
What concern is it of yours? - Какое вам до этого дело?
2) забота, тревога, озабоченность;
the teacher’s concern over the pupil’s progress - озабоченность
учителя плохой успеваемостью ученика;
to concernvt — 1) касаться, иметь отношение к...;
That doesn’t concern you at all. - Это вас совершенно не
As far as I am concerned... - Что касается меня...
He is said to be concerned in the affair = He is said to be
mixed up in this affair. - Говорят, он замешан в этом деле/
имеет касательство к этому делу.
to concern oneself (with)/to be concerned - 2) заниматься
( чем-л); принять активное участие (в чем-л.);
to concern oneself about/over (to be concerned
about/over) - беспокоиться о чем-л./ком-л.
Don’t concern yourself with other people’s affairs. - He беспокойся
о делах (He занимайся делами/Не влезай в дела)
других людей.
I’m not concerned about details. - Подробности меня не
3) беспокоить, волновать, заботить;
Lord Illingworth had never been concerned about his son. -
Лорд Иллингворт никогда не беспокоился о своем сыне./Лорда
Иллингворта никогда не беспокоило, что случится с его сыном,
concerning- касательно, относительно, о;
Montmorency manifested great curiosity concerning the
kettle. - Монморенси проявлял огромное любопытство к
чайнику для кипячения воды (к котелку).
9. sympathy- 1) симпатия, расположение; 2) взаимопонимание,
родство душ; 3) сочувствие, сострадание;
to arouse (show, express) sympathy - вызывать (проявлять,
выражать) симпатию/сочувствие;
You have my sympathies. - Я за вас/Я на вашей стороне
(Я вам сочувствую).
I have no sympathy with (for) idle people. - Я не симпати-
зирую/не сочувствую лентяям.
I feel some sympathy for her, she in unhappy. - Я ей сочувствую
(Мне ее немного жаль), она несчастна.
to sympathizevt (with)- 1) симпатизировать, благожелательно,
одобрительно относиться; 2) сочувствовать, сострадать;
I sympathize with you. - Я вам сочувствую.
I sympathize with your ambition to be a writer. - Я одобряю
ваше стремление стать писателем.
sympathetic - 1)сочувственный; полный сочувствия,
сострадания, сострадающий; вызванный состраданием;
A good doctor is always sympathetic. - Хороший врач всегда
сочувствует чужим страданиям/своим пациентам.
ant. unsympathetic- черствый, несочувствующий, несимпатичный;
2) благожелательный, одобрительный, сочувственный;
I felt grateful to her for her sympathetic words. - Я был ей
благодарен за ее одобрительные/сочувственные слова.
sympathetically- сочувственно; благожелательно, одобрительно;
She smiled sympathetically. - Она благожелательно (сочувственно)
10. to failvi/t - потерпеть неудачу, провал; не удаться, не
My attempt has failed. - Моя попытка не удалась (провалилась).
I tried to convince him but failed. - Я попытался убедить
его, но потерпел неудачу.
The maize failed that year. - В том году кукуруза не уродилась;
2) провалиться, не пройти (на экзамене);
to fail in mathematics - провалиться (не сдать экзамен
или тест) по математике;
to fail (in) an exam - провалиться на экзамене, не сдать
3) подвести, не оправдать ожиданий; слабеть, ослабевать,
терять силу;
His courage failed him. - Мужество ему изменило./У него
не хватило мужества./Он струсил.
His heart failed him. - У него не выдержало сердце.
His sight (health) was beginning to fail him. - Его зрение
(здоровье) начало сдавать.
I’ll never fail you. - Я вас никогда не подведу.
Words failed me. - Я онемел.
to fail to do smth. -4) не суметь, быть не в состоянии,
оказаться неспособным сделать что-л.; забыть о чем-л., не
позаботиться сделать что-л.;
Не never fails to write to his mother. - Он никогда не забывает
писать письма матери.
Don’t fail to let me know. - Обязательно дай мне знать.
I fail to see your meaning. - Я не понимаю (не могу по-
нять), что вы имеете в виду.
I could not fail to percieve who she was. - Я не мог не попять,
кто она.
failure['feilja] - 1) неудача, провал;
Success came after many failures. - Успех пришел после
м ногих неудач.
2) неудачник;
She was a complete failure as an actress. - Актрисы из нее
нe вышло.
Все темы данного раздела:
Possible variants
1. This is more like a word for word translation than a literary
one. 2. It is more like a fable than a fairy tale. 3. The fabric
looks more like cotton than
Possible variants
1. I should/would never have thought that looking after
a child was so tiresome. 2. I should/would never have thought that
writing a summary ofthis article mi
Possible variants
1. If only the weather were better! - Oh, yes! Then we would
go on a walking tour for a week or so. 2. In two days I’ll finish my
exams. - Oh, thank God! It will
Exercise 5, pp. 8 -9
A.In spring on our way back to Moscow we happened to
pass (by) a small town. It was more like a big village than a town,
all its houses were smothered in roses an
1. gossipn 1) (неисчисляемое сущ.) болтовня, разговоры;
сплетня (сплетни), слух (слухи), россказни, толки; светская
хроника (в газете)
in early June - в начале июня
to put up at some place - остановиться в каком-л. месте
(в гостинице и т.п.)
to roam the woods/through the woods (about a place) -
Exercise 4, p. 14
1. In early Maythe village is really fairy-like with all its
houses smothered in roses. 2. I’d like to put up atthis small
inn for a week or so.
Exercise 5, pp. 14-15
1. Iwould love to go to the south in early June, when everything
is smothered in flowers, and roam (about) the mountains.
2. We decided that in St. Petersburg we would put up at :
Exercise 9, p. 15
сказочный утолок - a fairy-like nook;
утопать в розах - to be smothered in roses;
настоящая сельская гостиница - a veritable picture of
a country inn;
Exercise 10, pp. 15-16
1. to gossip over village politics - to talk about the details o f
other village inhabitants' behaviour and private lives, often
including information that is not
Exercise 2, p. 16
A.1. По вечерам Барбара всласть сплетничала с соседкой,
стоя у забора, разделяющего их сады. 2. Где сплетни,
там и ложь. 3. «Я решила на какое-то время пригласить
Exercise 3, р. 18
А. 1. The Browns were glad to drop of an evening for a cocktail
and some gossip. 2. He chuckled at the thought of how successfully
they had deceived the gossips. 3. Ann wound Tom
Exercise 4, pp. 18-20
A.1. Charles had planned to see Arthur Brown in Hall and on
the side pick up the latest rumours. 2. You meet other boats there
and rumours, often groundless about
Exercise 5, p. 20
peel - scrape
1. New potatoes are nice to the taste but Ihate scraping
them. 2. I’ve boiled potatoes in their jackets/skins, will y
Exercise 6, p. 20
заниматься сплетнями - to gossip; to talk gossip;
заводить часы - to wind (up) a watch (a clock);
сматывать шерсть в клубок - to wind wool;
задеть локтем за что-л. - to s
Exercise 7, p. 20-22
A.1. To be on the safe side don’t talk about these affairs,
some people are fond of gossiping about/over others’ affairs.
2. “I think/To my mind/In my opinion/I b
Exercise 8, p. 22
1. Gossip. 2. Peel. 3. Contribution. 4. Taste. 5. A gossip.
6. We call such a person steady. 7. He/She can w in d /w rap /
twist anyone round his/her little finger. 8. It is in a
Exercise 9, p. 22
1. What are you talking about? I’m not a gossip. (I’m no gossip.)
2. I know that it’s in a mess but how could I help it? I’ve
slipped and fallen right into the mud. 3. You couldn’
Exercise 13, p. 23
1. Stand infront of me, you’ll see better then, there will be
nothing inthe way ofyou view. 2. Frankly speaking, Idon’t
Exercise 14, pp. 23-24
1. Such a teacher is hard to find, he is one in a thousand.
2. I was in the very midst of the crowd and couldn’t come up to
you. 3. If I were you/in your place I would wait a litt
Choosing a route. Packing. - Выбор маршрута. Упаковка
hike - разг. длительная прогулка, экскурсия или путешествие
пешком, поход;
to go on a hike - отправиться в поход;
to go hiking - 1
Bathing and Boating - Купание и катание
на лодках:
to look down at the river and shiver - (по)смотреть с берега
на реку и (за)дрожать;
to throw water over oneself - обливаться водой;
Possible variants
1. It was a silly rather than a witty remark. 2. The officer is
stubborn rather than stupid. 3. The family suffered for lack of
money. 4. If 1 were inv
Exercise 2, p. 38
1. He has nothing to do with their accommodation. 2. I think
the room was damp rather than cold. 3. The girl said she liked
hiking in a way. 4. I can understand her explanation ra
Exercise 3, p. 38
1. He is rather wise than sly (cunning). (He is rather a wise
man than a sly/cunning one.) 2. To be sure/Surely/Of course
your proposals are important/significant/meaningful in a
Exercise 1, p. 49
1. point n - 1) кончик, острие, острый конец, as
the point of a pin (needle, pen, pencil, stick) - кончик булавки
(иглы, ручки, карандаша, палки);
the point of a k
to suffer from - страдать от;
as a result - в результате, вследствие;
to have great difficulty with smb./smth. - иметь большие
трудности в чем-либо, с кем-либо;
Exercise 4, p. 46
1. She gave the impression that she was on the point of
changing her course of action and coming in contact with Miss
Tant. 2. Nobody could consider Ogden Street very attractive b
Exercise 5, p. 46
1. This student is extremely shy. She may have (She will prob-
ably have) difficulty (in) coming in contact with the group.
group.) 2. Her explanations can be beli
Exercise 9, p. 47
1.I lived in my own private world and had very few ways of
communicating with the real world. 2. I felt that writing was not
the sort of thing I liked (that writing wasn’t really
Exercise 2, p. 49
A. 1. He успели они сесть за стол, как он тут же перешел к
делу. 2. Майра с видимым напряжением наблюдала за нами
обоими, но я знал, что как бы внимательно она ни слушала,
Exercise 3, р. 51
A. 1.I don’t quite see your point. 2. I’ve made a point of getting
up early every day, and I’m none the worse for it. 3. There
seems no point in prolonging this interview. 4. He’s
Exercise 4, p. 52
A.1. That’s hardly what really matters at the moment.
2. You’re tired out or you would get my meaning at once. 3. You
haven’t understood the meaning of the story
Exercise 5, p. 53
упустить самое главное - to miss the point;
говорить по существу - to keep/stick/speak to the point;
быть склонным принять предложение - to be on the
point of accepting t
Exercise 6, p. 53
A .1. I am sorry I can’t spare you much time. Could you come
to the point straight/right away please? 2. Tom sighed with relief.
“I should never have thought that
Exercise 7, p. 54
1. They can resist an attack. 2. He can’t resist watching television
from noon to night/He can’t resist the temptation of watching television
all day. 3. You should mix them. 4. A
Exercise 8, p. 55
1. She can’t resist tasty food. 2. Everyone would like to have
a constant friend. 3. He is the kind of man who always takes the
line of least resistance. 4. Yes, it should be mixe
Exercise 12, p. 56
1. He was a man with no future beforehim. 2. Nobody dared
speak about it beforehim. 3- Like his father beforehim, he had
an eye
Exercise 13, p. 56
1. Soon/Presently he saw a road before him. 2. He got up and
stood/stopped before the picture/painting. 3. I have an appointment
for 10. I5, you are before me. 4. He knelt before
Cinema. - Кино.
cinema (house) - кинотеатр;
open-air theatre - летний кинотеатр, кинотеатр на открытом
cinema with continuous performance - кинотеатр, в котором
Films. - Фильмы.
documentary (film) - документальный фильм;
educational film - образовательный фильм;
popular scientific film - научно-популярный фильм;
feature film - художественный филь
Possible variants
1. It’s up to the typist who has made all those mistakes to
retype the article. 2. It’s up to Dad who drives to work and back
to do the shopping. 3- It’s up to Ne
Exercise 2. p. 70
1. You couldn’t help feeling admiration for her slim figure,
bright eyes and soft voice. 2. It’s up to you to go and see for yourself.
3. The children felt frustrated when they un
Exercise 3, p. 71
1. How dare you laugh at the old woman? 2. She has been
feeling bad since Monday. 3. His love of books is well known in
the group. 4. How wonderful/delicious the roses smell! 5. T
1. school- 1) школа;
nursery school - детский сад;
primary school - начальная школа;
secondary school - средняя школа;
To have (gain, win, give smb.) an advantage over smb. -
иметь (получить, дать кому-либо) преимущество над кем-
It has the advantage ofbeing modern (cheap, etc.)- Он
лучше, потому что он современный (деше
Word Combinations and Phrases
to take (some) pains to do smth. - прилагать (некоторые)
усилия, чтобы сделать что-либо;
to have a pretty good idea of- иметь неплохое представление
о чем-либо;
Exercise 4, p. 78
1. She had a pretty good idea ofthe kind ofperson Lydia
was. 2. The boy took (great) pains to make his mother buy him
a puppy. 3. She made no comment. 4. Julia felt frustrated
Exercise 5, p. 78
1. Getting angry with you/Getting mad at you (To get
angry with you) is playing (to play) into your hands. 2. I was
set a very difficult task, and I had to perform it. 3. We can b
Exercise 9, p. 79
1. Each Friday morning all the pupils ofthe school spent the
lesson which immediately preceded the recess in writing an
account of the events of their school week including commen
Exercise 2, p. 81
A.1. Теперь Энтони писал из школы коротао и наспех. 2. Ни
один мальчик из обучавшихся в школе ни разу не получил
стипендии для продолжения учебы в университете. 3
Exercise 3, р. 83
A. 1. At twelve he had to drop out of/leave school and to go
to work as a Western Union messenger boy. 2. Are schools any
better in Australia? 3. All the school turned out to welc
Exercise 4, p. 84
A.1. He belongs to a new trend in linguistics/His ideas are in
keeping with a new theory in linguistics. 2. I have known it
since I was a child/a teenager. 3. Evi
Exercise 5, p. 85
school(s) - schooling
1. Nursery schoolsare for those who haven’t yet reached
compulsory schoolage. 2. Compulsory schooling
Exercise 7, p. 86
A.Professor White is a distinguished/an outstanding
scholar. His visit to our school is a great honour./It is a great
honour for our school that he has visited us
Exercise 8, p. 87
A.1. You have an advantage over me: you know two languages./
You have the advantage of knowing two foreign languages.
2. He/She has been admitted to the institute
Exercise 9, p- 88
1. Sure, he was referring to them all the time. 2. This schoolleaver
should apply for admission to university (to college).
3. All the goods in it are displayed in such a way that
Exercise 13, p. 89
1. Thus, ofthe ten old Forsytes twenty-one young Forsytes
had been born. 2. The blackberries tasted ofrain. 3. I didn’t
luiy the piano to be sona
Exercise 14, p. 89
1. There are shops on both sides of the street. 2. On getting his
telegram I went to/started for/set out for the railway station at
once. 3. Upon my word, I didn’t do it. 4. Try a
Тематический словарь
1. Виды школ:
maintained (state) school - государственная школа; школа,
финансируемая государством;
county school - школа графства, финансируемая из госу
Exercise 2, p. 108
1. Why would he come bothering you without being invited?
2. She disappeared into the kitchen without noticing the girl.
3. Now John plays the piano better than ever. 4. Mary spea
Exercise 3, p-109
1. The boy went to the skating-rink without telling his mother.
2. He came without being/having been invited and was feeling
awkward. 3. In this competition he had more advantages
1. standvt/i - 1) стоять;
to stand still - а) не двигаться, оставаться неподвижным;
б) остановиться;
to stand straight (motionless
И т. п .
“Reginald, you are now the head of the family.” - “I know,”
I said”. “Isn’t a scream?” – «Реджинальд, теперь ты - глава семьи
Знаю, - ответил я. - Ну, разве это не умора?»
to be through with - закончить, прекратить (что-л.), пере-
стать (что-л. делать), покончить (с чем-л.), прервать отношения
(с кем-л.);
to give smb. a test in - дать кому-
Exercise 4, p. 116
1. It may take a while to get/to be through with that pile of
work on Saturday. 2. I’m through with this fellow. 3. The teacher
gave us a test in English. 4. He gives the class a
Exercise 5, p. 116
1. He was glad to be through with his affairs/his business.
2. Today I’m giving my class a test in English literature. 3. He
wished he hadn’t tried (He was sorry he had tried) to
Exercise 9, p. 117
1. On the page, at the top ofwhich was written the date: May
17, 2157. 2.... it was awfully funny to read words that were just
printed there instead of moving as they always did.
Exercise 2, p. 118
A. 1.Мгновение они стояли рядом лицом к лицу. 2. Солдаты
стояли смирно, пока с ними говорил командир. 3. Пожалуйста,
помоги вместо того, чтобы просто стоять и смо
Exercise 3, p. 120
A. 1. I hate/can’t stand the girl. 2. Our previous arrangement
stands. 3. I stand my ground no matter what is said. 4. I would
hate any ofyou if you mistreat an animal. 5. His car
Exercise 4, p. 121
A. 1.Her height is five foot two (five feet and two inches).
2. The arrangement remains unaltered (unchanged)/holds/
holds good. 3. Who’s going to pay the bill/fo
Exercise 5, p. 122
A. 1.Step aside, please, you are standing in my light.
2. I should/would never have thought that this shy-looking
man (that this man so timid in appearance) would
Exercise 6, p. 122.
само собой разумеется (что) - it stands to reason (that);
поддерживать - to stand up for;
выдерживать испытание (боль, жару) - to stand the test
[(the) pain, (the) heat];
Exercise 10, p. 123
1. My sister was very ill and I had to sit upall night with her.
2. This little stream never dries up.3. You have worked very well
so far, keep i
Exercise 11, p. 124
1. At five o’clock I was already up and without losing/wasting
time began working/got down to work. 2. Hang up your coat
here and I’ll show you the way to his room. 3.I have picke
Basic principles. - Основные принципы.
to bring up (raise) children - воспитывать детей;
to avoid pitfalls - избегать опасностей/сложностей;
the formative years - годы, определяющие формирование
Basic qualities. - Основные качества,
love - любовь;
security - безопасность;
саге - забота;
affection - любовь, привязанность;
respect - уважение;
patience - терпение;
Handling children. - Обращение с детьми.
to have full faith in - полностью верить/доверять кому-либо (чему-либо);
to keep anger under control - держать гнев в узде, сдержи-
вать. гнев;
capacity to restrain anger
Praise. - Похвала.
direct praise ofpersonality - прямая похвала за личностные
realistic (idealized) picture ofsmb.’s personality - реалистическое
(идеализированное) представление
Punishment. - Наказание.
to scream and yell at - кричать на;
not to hit children - не бить детей;
to be bound to lose - быть обреченным на неудачу;
spanking - шлепки;
to cause mental ill
to discipline smb. - дисциплинировать/обучать кого-либо;
a way ofteaching politeness - способ научить вежливости;
to be punctual - быть пунктуальным/точным;
to interrupt
Possible variants
1. Steve is awfully stubborn (упрямый). Mother can’t do a thing with him, try as she would. 2. Mary is obstinate (упрямая)
as a mule. I can’t do a thing with her no matter how ha
Exercise 2, p. 138
1. Ты потерял бы меньше времени, если бы перестал
болтать и топать ногами и для разнообразия занялся немного
живописью 2. Мартин извинился, - перед обедом
ему нужно было
Exercise 3, р. 138
Model:I think it’s up to you to do the explaining.
1. One afternoon Beatrice asked me if I rode, and I explained
i hat I had done some/a little riding but
Exercise 5, p. 139
Going out ofthe house/Leaving the house/Leaving
home/When leaving the house (home) Rosemary never suspected
that the next two hours ofher life would prove so unusual
1. to relievevt— 1)облегчить, ослабить (боль, горе и т.п.)
The remedy relieved his pain at once. - Лекарство сразу же
облегчило его боль.
to be in good (bad) shape - быть в хорошем (плохом) состоянии/
в хорошей (плохой) форме;
at a great sacrifice to one’s health - с большим ущербом
для своего здоровья;
Exercise 4, p. 148
1. Pygmalion fell in love with the statue ofGalatea he had
executed in ivory, and at his prayer Aphrodite gave it life. 2. The
art dealer looked at the picture appraisingly but re
Exercise 5, p. 149
1. Herstwood’s affairs were in bad shape and it seemed
that nothing could avert a disaster. 2. He was afraid ofbecoming
the laughing-stock of the town. 3. The man you are calling/
Exercise 8, p. 150
to think over carefully - to do some constructive (careful)
l hinking;
at the expense ofone’s health - at a sacrifice to one’s health;
to develop an interest in art - to
Exercise 9, p. 150
1. It’s good for you. 2. I can’s do a thing with him. 3. He had
done some constructive thinking. 4. It was no ordinary case.
5. At a (great) sacrifice both to his health and his p
Exercise 10, p. 150
1. Doctor Caswell was in medicine (was a medical man), so
he was used to any information about the patients, however
startling. 2. He had thought everything over carefully since h
Exercise 12 (b), p. 152
inaccurate - 1) неточный; 2) неправильный, неверный,
inattentive - невнимательный, небрежный
incapable - неспособный;
incautious - неосторожный, беспе
Exercise 1, р. 153
А.1. Проверь, через какие промежутки времени у моста
сменяется караул. 2. Вор стащил у него часы. 3. Энн была
благодарна ему за то, что он избавил ее от присутств
Exercise 3, р. 154
A. 1. The doctor’s treatment did not relieve his pain. 2. It
was a great relief to know that the children were safe. 3- He
felt somehow relieved offurther responsibility. 4. I’m o
Exercise 4, p. 155
A.1. He helped Poirot deftly offwith his overcoat.
2. Mallory no longer felt fear or anxiety and that was his chief
reaction: he would have hated to have to speak
Exercise 5, p. 157
draw - paint
1. She placed the paper and pencil before me and said I could
draw anything I liked. 2. The picture was painted so that the eyes
Exercise 6, p. 157
снять напряжение - to relieve/ease the tension
облегчить боль - to relieve/ease the pain
усомниться в чем-л. - to doubt/question smth.
выбрать новогодний
Relief to smb.
фальшивая улыбка - artificial(studied/affected) smile
заурядный человек - colourless man (person)
неясный ответ - a vague answer
дать выход своим чувства
Exercise 7, p. 158
A.1. Oliver noticed/saw with relief that the man opposite
had not recognized him. 2. How often are the sentries at/by
the gate relieved? 3. What a relief!
Exercise 8, p. 159
1. One is likely to feel relief (to feel relieved). 2. It
relieves/eases anxiety. 3- We call such a person a Bachelor of
Arts or a Master of Arts depending on the years of learnin
Exercise 9, p. 159
1. Come on, it will cost you no effort at all. 2. What do you
mean? They are quite different in size. 3. Oh, no! It was surely
selected by someone else. 4. Thank God I won’t have
Exercise 12, p. 160
1.This train starts fromPlymouth and goes toLondon.
2. What country do you come from?3. You must try to look at
Exercise 13, P -161
1. Bread is baked (made) from/of/out offlour. 2. “What
a pity that you have to keep the child from going to
school/to keep the child out ofschool,” said Andrew.
3. Poets
1. Painters and their craft. -Художники и их искусство,
a fashionable/mature artist - модный/зрелый художник;
a self-taught artist - художник-самоучка;
Света и тени.
subtle/gaudy colouring - изысканный/чересчур яркий
to combine form and colour into harmonious unity - соеди-
1 1ить форму и цвет в гармоническом единстве;
Impression. Judgement. - Впечатления. Суждения.
The picture may be moving, lyrical, romantic, original, poetic
in tone and atmosphere. - Картина может быть трогательной,
лиричной, романтичной, оригинальной, поэтичной
Possible variants
1. Why did you give Ann the tickets? - She tricked /coaxed
me out of them. 2. It was only when I came home that I noticed
that I had been cheated out of fifty rub
Exercise 3, p. 178
1. She tricked me out of the letter saying she already had
your permission to read it. 2. It was the first time he had given
way to his temper with her. 3. She hated giving way to
Exercise 4, p. 178
1. Why do you dislike Jim so much? - He’s dishonest. He
can easily ivheedle/coax/cheat/trick/con/do you out of any
amount of money. 2. Are you still angry with her?
Exercise 6, p. 179
Once Alec declared that on Sunday we were going skiing.
“We stick/stay at home too much,” he said. “Why not ski some
ten or fifteen kilometers in the forest/through the forest
1. character- 1) характер, натура, нрав;
Не is a man of fine (strong, weak, independent) character. -
У него хороший (сильный/твердый, слабый, не
to disguise oneself - замаскироваться;
to be under arrest - быть под арестом;
to smile through one’s tears - улыбнуться сквозь слезы;
to rob smb. of smth. - лишить кого-л
Exercise 4, p. 189
1. Brown was held under/was under arrest for a month.
2. On his first day in New York John was robbed of all his
money, and he had no one to turn to for help. 3. Aren’t you
Exercise 5, p. 189
1. Creaves had been under arrest for a month but still
refused pointblank(flatly refused) to give evidence. 2. Out
of/Through/From the carriage window John saw he
Exercise 8, p. 190
womanly - feminine;
to make an earnest request to smb. - to appeal to smb., to
implore smb., to beg smb.;
to hold tightly - to clasp;
not to let go near - to kee
Exercise 9, p. 190
необычайно изящная - extraordinarily graceful;
умное лицо - intelligent face;
избавиться от необходимости (делать что-л.) - to save
oneself the trouble (of doing smth.);
Exercise 10, p. 190
1. A person who is described as “having character in the
chin” has either a chin which is more or less on a level with
their lips or - more often - a protruding/jutting chin. It i
Exercise 14 (a), p. 191
A great military leader, a renowned statesman, a man of
extraordinary destiny, Napoleon Bonaparte quit the stage of history
in July 1815.
But for six more years the man w
Exercise 2, p. 193
A. 1.Какую же чепуху говорили/несли люди, когда утверждали,
будто характер можно прочесть по лицу. 2. Ее
обычно приглашали на характерные роли/Она обычно
Exercise 3, р. 195
А.1. She is not, I think, a woman of character. 2. The
writer’s skill in creating vivid and original characters and
scenes is combined with the refinement of lang
Exercise 4, p. 196
A. 1. Is it like him? - Not at all. 2. His appearance did not
match his disposition/nature. 3. I like the way the actor
reveals the true nature of the character. 4. The old gentle
Exercise 5, p. 197
caution - warn
1. His friends warned him against approaching danger and
cautioned him against running into it./His friends cautioned
Exercise 6, p. 197
A.1. When Ted joined our company/appeared in our
company we immediately felt/sensed the strength of his
character (we felt how strong his character was
Exercise 7, p. 198
1. He has a weak character./He has no character. 2. He is
quite a character. 3. They are too sensitive (oversensitive).
4. They are revengeful/vindictive. 5. They have/get/take
Exercise 8, p. 199
1. Oh, yes, her character is full of (is a bundle of) contradictions.
She is completely unpredictable. 2. I can see that
now, but he had a good character. 3. Oh, I can assure you
Exercise 12, p. 199
1. Norman is out.He’ll be back inan hour or so. 2. “Let’s forget
the quarrel and be friends,” he said holding outhis hand.
3. Le
Exercise 13, p. 200
1. When the party was in full swing/at its height, Ruth
slipped out of the house unnoticed. 2. I can’t make out some
of the words, you have an awful handwriting. 3. The day
Negative feelings. - Негативные чувства.
anger - гнев;
annoyance - досада;
irritation - раздражение;
anxiety - беспокойство, тревога;
despair - отчаяние;
humiliation - унижение, чувство унижени
Emotional condition. - Эмоциональное состояние.
a) to feel good, to feel fine - чувствовать себя хорошо,
быть в хорошем настроении;
to feel great - чувствовать себя отлично, быть в отличном
Display of emotions. - Проявление чувств.
to express one’s feelings - выразить свои чувства;
to hide one’s feelings - скрыть свои чувства;
to disguise one’s feelings - скрыть свои чувства;
to control one’s feelin
Possible Variants
1. Caution made Jim hesitate to say who he really was.
2. He did not hesitate to propose to her the moment she
divorced that hateful husband of hers. 3- I sha
Possible Variants
1. He hesitated to go further because he was afraid. 2. Don’t
hesitate to refuse if you think the plan is unwise. 3. Unless the
weather is bad we ought
Exercise 3, p. 213
1. He hesitated to give advice afraid of responsibility,
I think. 2. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need me. 3. Unless I’m
mistaken this is but a temporary job. 4. Don’t do anyt
Exercise 4, p. 213
1. I hesitated to bother you. 2. Not if you have difficulty
(in) finding the time. 3. No one unless you have confided it
to someone. 4 . I had some difficulty (in) getting here. M
Exercise 5, p. 214
1. She took hold of the door knob/door handle but still
hesitated to enter the room. 2. If you need my help, don’t hesitate
to ring me up any time. 3. Unless I am mistaken, the me
Word Combinations and Phrases
to alter manners (habits, points of view, plans, one’s way of
living) - изменить манеры (привычки, мнения, планы, свой
образ жизни);
to alter a dress - перешить платье, п
Exercise 4, р 223
1. When one is no longer young, it is not an easy thing to
alter one’s habits. 2. The coat is a size too large for you, you
must have it altered. 3. I’m tired of altering my plans
Exercise 5, p. 224
1. A number of things happened to me and altered the
course of my life. 2. English spelling is appalling but in time
ii will be partially altered. 3. He heard a ring at the bell a
Exercise 6, p. 224
1. You aren’t sparing yourself at all. You will fall ill if you
don’t alter your way of living (change your way of life/
lifestyle). 2. I’m already ready to leave (ready for the d
Exercise 9, p. 225
to tell people how to live - to order the lives of others;
of the same kind - suchlike;
to thrust smth. on smb. - to force/to impose smth. on smb.;
to exchange views and
Exercise 10, p. 225
плохо знать самого себя - to know little of oneself;
одинокая башня - a solitary tower;
дать хороший совет - to advise well;
скромная квартира - a modest apartment;
Exercise 11, p. 226
1. to communicate by conventional signs - to exchange
ideas and feelings by means more or less comprehensible to
everybody. 2. an irreparable mistake - a mistake that can’t be
Exercise 2, p. 227
A.1.Доверься мне, и все будет хорошо. 2. Он должен
был удостовериться, что ей не захочется рассказать по секрету
всю эту историю Джервису, что она вполне могла
Exercise 3, р. 229
A. 1. The words were hardly out of her mouth when she
wished she hadn’t confided her secret to Ann. 2. It is equally
wrong to confide in all and in none. 3. His confidence in succ
Exercise 4, p. 230
A.1. He suspected that Stella did not share her secrets with
her father/did not tell her father the personal details of her
life (Stella did not confide i
Exercise 6, p. 232
доверять (верить) кому-л. - to confide in smb.;
доверять (рассказать) что-л. кому-л. - to confide smth. to
пользоваться доверием - to enjoy smb.’s confidence;
Exercise 7, p. 233
A.1. She confided her plans to nobody. It was a problem
she had to solve herself/It was a question she had to settle
herself. 2. If you had taken me into your con
Exercise 8, p. 234
1. I always confide in her and she never betrays my confidence.
2. Perhaps because I inspire confidence. 3. Come on,
man! You should have more confidence. 4. Are you kidding?
Exercise 13, p. 235
1. The boys were throwing snowballs at their friend.
3. That night (On that night) John was at his best (at his wittiest)
and made us all laugh at his jokes. 4. At any rate (Anywa
1. Положительные качества:
affable - приветливый, учтивый, любезный;
amiable - любезный, благожелательный, дружелюбный;
good-natured - добродушный; добры
Possible variants
1. We saw a lot of interesting things when we were on
a tramp/a tour. 2. It’s too late to start on a tramp/hike. 3. Will
you go with them on an excursion
Exercise 2, p. 250
1. I had a kind of suspicion that he was cheating. 2. The
vines formed a kind of roof. 3. I didn’t know the kind of game
they were playing. 4. It was a deserted hut that could giv
Exercise 4, p. 250
1. It happened when we were on a tour of the Caucasus.
2. As soon as we came to/arrived in London we went/started
on an excursion. 3. After the wedding Michael and Fleur
1. track- 1) след;
to be on the track of smb.- 1) напасть на след, идти по
чьему-л. следу;
2) преследова
With postlogues
to put aside- 1) отложить (в сторону);
2) откладывать, копить;
to putaway - убирать, прятать что-л. (в коробку, шкаф и
after their last (first, second) year at college (the university) -
проучившись на последнем (первом, втором) курсе колледжа
according to smth. (their map
Exercise 4, p. 258
1. After their last year (together) at the university they
made up their minds to go to work in the North. 2. According
to his words he is not to blame. 3. The pebbles on the beac
Exercise 5, p. 259
1. After their first year together at (the) university they
became great friends. 2. According to the directions/instructions
we must get the camp ready for the tourists’ arrival
Exercise 8, p. 260
добраться до (какого-л. места) - to make (some place);
питать склонность к - to have a bent for;
сорвать цветок - to pluck a flower;
говорить ерунду - to talk through one
Exercise 9, p. 260
1. Frank Ashurst and his friend Robert Garton were travelling
on foot. 2. Giving the knee a rest and talking of the universe.
3. Like some wild prehistorical animal. 4. Garton’s d
Exercise 2, p. 261
A.1.Дорожка превратилась в каменистую тропу, которая
привела их к главной дороге. 2. «Что вы знаете о вашем
друге Пайле?» - «Весьма немного. Просто наши пути
Exercise 3, р. 262
А.1.I’m afraid I’ve completely lost track of him. 2. She
stumbled along the steep track that led up the hill. 3. The
man was sure lie had covered up his tracks. 4
Exercise 4, p. 263
A. 1. I clean forgot about the time/the passage of time./
I completely forgot that there was such a thing as time./The
fact that the time was passing and sooner or later this woul
Exercise 5, p. 264
shy - timid
1. A bold man by nature, he was shyas a boy in the presence
of women. 2. “The soup is beastly!” old Osborn roared, in answer
to a
Exercise 6, p. 264
A.1. Our train is on track five, let’s hurry up/let’s walk
faster. 2. Sinking into the deep snow the hound was follow-
ing a hare’s tracks. 3. He
Exercise 7, p. 266
оставлять следы - to leave tracks;
замести следы - to cover up one’s tracks;
избитый путь - the beaten track;
вырисовываться на фоне - to be outlined against;
Exercise 12, p. 267
1. My sister was very ill and I had to sit upall night with
her. 2. This little stream never dries up.3. You have worked
very well so far; keep i
Exercise 13, p. 267
1. At five o ’clock I was already up and without wasting
time set to work/started working. 2. Hang up your overcoat
here, I’ll show you the way to your room. 3. I’ve picked up
Natural resources and attractions. - Природные ресурсы
и достопримечательности:
minerals - минералы; полезные ископаемые;
(fresh) water supplies (reservoirs) - запасы (пресной)
reservoir ['rez&
Environmental destruction and pollution. - Разрушение
и загрязнение окружающей среды:
land pollution - загрязнение грунта;
derelict land - заброшенная земля;
industrial waste - промышленные отходы;
Nature conservation and environment protection. -
Охрана природы и защита окружающей среды:
a global imperative for environment - важнейшая задача
охраны окружающей среды;
global environm
Exercise 1, p. 362
1. Normally no article is used with names of people as they
point out individuals, so the proper nouns Peter (first name),
Carl (middle name) and Faberge (sur
Exercise 2, p. 363
1. Can I introduce Margaret Diamond?
2. Can I introduce the Margaret Diamond I told you about last
3. There is a Margaret Diamond waiting for you in t
Exercise 3, p. 363
1. Could you lend me your Webster? - Will a Hornby do?/Will
a Hornby suit you?
2. You are a real Lovelace! - And you are a Don Juan.
3. I know nothing about painting. I c
Exercise 4, p. 364
1. Он подумал, что спать в таком месте было бы безумием.
to sleep is an active non-perfect simple infinitive. It performs
the function of the subject.
Exercise 5, p. 365
1. Father is willing to let us be independent.
2. David is known to have taken part in the campaign.
3. I won’t have you say it behind my back.
4. Ever sinc
Exercise 6, p. 365
1. Tomorrow will be a very busy day. You’ve got several clients
to receive and two meetings to attend.
2. I’ve got no time to relax at all. And there is still so much to do!
A wet cloth, a clean cloth, a tablecloth, a dishcloth.
8. Rubberis a non-count material noun meaning an elastic
substance used to make tyres, boots etc. - резина. A rubber(Br:
Eng.) is t
Exercise 9, p. 367
Complete the table. Note that some of these words of foreign
origin have regular plurals.
Exercise 10, p. 368
1,2,4,8, 13, 15, 16, 18. All these uncountable abstract nouns
are used without articles because in a general sense such nouns
take no article. It is notworthy that all these nouns
Exercise 11, p. 368
1. Play and no work will make you lazy.
2. History repeats itself.
3. Grammar is taught deeply in this school.
4. My father has an old French grammar.
6. Nature
Exercise 12, p. 369
1. What is news and how is it gathered?
2. What is the latest news? - It is very interesting.
3. There is a piece/bit of news I’d like to discuss.
4. Be careful! Such fat
Exercise 13, p. 369
1. In both sentences particular sorts of cheese are mentioned,
so the noun cheese has become a class countable one.
2. Material uncountable nouns used in a general s
Exercise 16, p. 372
1. Here familyis viewed as a single undivided body, so it
takes a singular predicate verb.
2. Here the group of people denoted by the collective noun
Exercise 17, p. 373
1. There are more than 80 species of butterflies on the
British Isles.
2. All my family are good musicians.
3. The dregs on/at the bottom of the glass looked suspicious.
Exercise 18, p. 374
1, 2. Non-perfect active gerunds used as subjects.
3. Non-perfect active gerunds. Thinkingis a subject and
knowingis an object.
4. Non-p
Possible Variants
1. If you seriously want to save money, you’d better give up
2. I don’t mind most housework, but I can’t stand cooking/
washing up/ironing.
Exercise 20, p. 375
1. You must remember to call at the bank on your way home
because we need to order some traveller’s cheques.
2. Could you stop typing for a moment? I need to concentrate
Exercise 21, p. 376
1. This is a specifying genitive denoting authorship.
2. This is a specifying genitive denoting subjective relations
(a subjective genitive).
Exercise 22, p. 377
I.1. my neighbour’s dog,2. a boy’s school,3. Keats’s poems (Keats’poems),4. a fortnight’s holiday,5. the girl’s dresses,6. the girls’ clothes,7. t
Exercise 24, p. 378
1. They say eighty per cent of the data (accumulated) in the
world’s computers is in English.
2. Don’t touch anything until the police arrive. - They have
already arrived
Exercise 25, p. 379
1. A non-perfect active Participle I serving as part of an
2. A non-perfect active Participle I serving as part of an
adverbial modifier of manner.
Exercise 27, p. 380
I. 1. I can feel something crawling up my leg!
2. I saw her switch on the light and come/walk into the
3. For a while she stood and watched the men
Exercise 28, p. 381
1. Several lovely old English tables.
2. A lot of pretty young French girls.
3. These few last valuable Regency dining-room chairs.
4. His three first really important im
Exercise 29, p. 382
1. tinier – tiniest, 2. handsomer – handsomest, 3. livelier – liveliest, 4. dryer – driest, 5. pleasanter – pleasantest, 6. simpler – simplest, 7. mellow – mellowest, 8. better – best, 9. worse – w
Exercise 30, p. 382
1. That is the most incredible story I have ever heard!
2. It is not always the brightest students who do well in tests.
3. Terylene shirts are harder-wearing, but cotton shirts a
Exercise 31, p. 383
1. true - truthful
a) This play is based on a true story.
b) I believe her: I think she is a truthful person.
2. childish - childlike
a) You cannot h
Exercise 33, p. 385
1. Attributes
2. Part of an attribute
3. Attributes
4. Attribute
5. Parts of attributes
6. Predicatives
7-10. Parts of objective participial co
Exercise 34, p. 385
1. Notknowing the exact address, they got lost in the city.
2. Never sign anything withoutreading it carefully.
3. The door was wide open, and we entered
Exercise 35, p. 386
I. All the past participles are parts of objective participial constructions
with participle II.
1. Майкл проколол себе ухо. Он сделал это, чтобы досадить
Exercise 36, p. 387
1, 2. We cannot use very with comparatives. Instead we use
(very) much,far, a lot and lots (the latter, two are informal).
3. Dead meaning completel
I. Possible variants
1. The more exercise you take, the fitter you’ll become.
2. The bigger the car, the more gas/petrol it guzzles.
3. The more I get to know him, the less I like him.
4. The
Exercise 39, p. 389
1. - Where do the wicked go after death? - They go to hell.
2. His hair was already gray, her own was still a rich honey
3. Bali is a heaven where the famous, the
Exercise 40, p. 390
1. Слепой ведет слепых/слепого.
2. Золото и в грязи блестит./И в мусоре сверкает бриллиант.
3. Умный понимает с полуслова./Умному намек, глупому
4. В стр
Exercise 41, p. 391
One citizen
All the people
The language
1. Russia
Exercise 42, p. 391
1. The Americans are less formal than the English.
2. Most Danes speak good English which can’t be said about
the French.
3. Don’t speak ill about the absent.
Exercise 43, p. 392
1. Her parents object to/are against her telling everybody of
her engagement now (object to/are against her making her
engagement public now).
2. I remember Mom often rep
Exercise 44, p. 393
1. Please, return the book to the library without further delay.
2. Could you tell me where the nearest post-office is?
3. You will know further details next time.
4. It
Exercise 45, p. 393
1. She insisted on being listened to.
2. The cosmonauts are reported to have landed.
3. The results were impossible to predict. They patiently
waited for the scientists t
Exercise 46, p. 394
1. Tenis a simple cardinal noun.
2. Secondis a simple ordinal noun. In most cases nouns premodified
by ordinals take the definite article. In the
Exercise 48, p. 394
1. Habit is a second nature.
2. The workers of this plant/This plant’s workers work in
a night shift.
3. Our students begin to learn a second language in their second
Exercise 49, p. 395
1. I can’t help worrying/feeling nervous. There is so much to
do: to have my hair cut, to have my nails manicured, to have my
shoes fixed/mended/repaired and to take the clothes t
Exercise 50, p. 395
1. You can never find a taxi when you need one.
2. I see, they have invented a bomb which will kill people
without damaging property. What will they think of
Exercise 51, p. 396
1. She sat in front of the mirror, running her fingers through
her hair.
2. “Do you want to put your/the coat on?” “No, I’ll just put it
round my sho
I. Choose the right word
1. Stop patting me on the shoulder as if we were old
2. The snake bit him on the leg.
3. Munchausen pulled himself out of the water by the hair.
4. I ar
Translate into English
1. He looked her in the face and understood everything.
2. His face suddenly changed expression/He suddenly
changed in the face/The expression on/of his face suddenly
Exercise 53, p. 397
1. Don’t tell me your problems. I’ve got enough problems of
my own.
2. Who is that man? Is he a friend of yours?
3. Come and sit beside me.
4. It belongs to an o
Exercise 54, p. 398
1. commit suicide - kill yourself.
2. have a good time - enjoy yourself
3. feel guilty - blame yourself
4. wonder - ask yourself
5. take as much as you want - he
Exercise 55, p. 398
1. She grew cold with terror and began slowly crossing herself./
Her blood ran cold and she began slowly crossing herself/
making the sign of the cross.
2. He devoted him
Exercise 56, p. 399
1. Don’t do everything for him, he must learn to do things for
2. Please yourself. It’s entirely up to you.
3. They are in love - they only have eyes for each ot
Exercise 58, p. 401
1. I like people who speak their minds.
2. There is something I do not understand about this.
3. She only eats vegetables which have been organically
4. T
Exercise 59, p 401
1. The man who invented the ball point pen.
2. The girl he wants to marry.
3. People who go jogging.
4. The woman who interviewed you.
5. The policeman who won t
Exercise 60, p. 401
a. 1. - Could I speak to Mr. Smith? - Which Mr. Smith do you
2. - Give me the money. - What money?
3. - Could I have my books back, please? - Which are your
Exercise 61, p. 402
a. 1. We always go to Prague. Can we go somewhere else for a
2. - Did you leave it to Anna? - No, I gave it to somebody else.
3. - Is that all you need? - No, I w
Exercise 62, p. 403
1. We need someone who knows about statistics.
2. I’m looking for a man who I can do business with.
3. They are pop group you do not hear very often.
4. Have you seen the
Exercise 63, p. 403
1. I went to see her flat, which shelived in when she was a
student (non-identifying clause).
2. I went to see the flat which/that
Exercise 64, p. 404
1. Things will get better soon. That is what tomorrows are
2. Is that what you really mean?
3. I greatly doubt that what you say is true.
4. He did what he
Exercise 66, p. 405
1. The subjects are proper names.
Нэнси, Capa и Барбара - распространенные английские
2. The subject is expressed by /, a personal pronoun in the
Exercise 67, р. 406
1. looked and disapproved are simple verbal predicates.
Они смотрели на меня с сильнейшим неодобрением.
2. have been travelling is a simple verbal predicate a
Exercise 69, p. 407
1. I couldn’t hear the actors well from the last row.
2. Ali won the race easily.
3. The flowers looked fresh to me.
4. We thought that “Streetcar” was a real/really good
Exercise 70, p. 408
1.A hungry man is an angry man. - Yes, the way to a man’s
heart is through his stomach.
2. Ravens had gone from the Tower: the Kingdom wo
Exercise 71, p. 409
1. Neither Julia nor Michael is going to the play tonight.
2. Anything is better than going to another movie tonight.
3. Dieting is becoming more p
Exercise 72, p. 410
1. A few of the girls are experienced riders.
2. Each of them has a complete set of maps.
3. Most of the milk is gone.
4. Neither of the cars has/have a radio (ha
Exercise 73, p. 410
1. After the long like through the woods, all the scouts complained
that their feet hurt.
2. Either Camille or Rose will bring her cassette player.
3. Everyone at the cam
Exercise 74, p. 411
1. Both, Alexander and Nina, like their new neigbourhood.
2. None of the motor boats was damaged during the storm.
3. By two o’clock Antonio, as well as the other singers, was
Exercise 75, p. 411
1. a) The sentence is unambiguous in meaning: John is the
only one who can speak Arabic really well.
b) The sentence has an ambiguous meaning. If the speaker
puts the str
Exercise 77, p. 413
1. Under no circumstances should you go away.
2. Never in my whole life have I felt so angry.
3. Rarely do you see so many Russian ships in the harbour.
4. Not only does
Exercise 78, p. 413
1. No sooner had I finished speaking/talking than Molly
jumped up/sprang up and ran out of the room./Hardly/Scarcely
had I finished speaking/talking when Molly jumped up/sprang
Exercise 80, p. 414
1. How bitterly we regretted our decision, but there was no
way back/Bitterly as we regretted our decision there was no way
2. Far, far away in a thick forest there
Exercise 83, p. 418
1. I shall not waste time replying to his letter.
2. It’s high time we went/to go.
3. I’d rather stay in tonight.
4. There is no point in arguing with him.
5. We
Exercise 84, p. 418
I. The air, which consists of various elements, surrounds us.
2. I had a stick, which I defended myself with.
3. "four brother, to whom I was introduced yesterday, surprised
Exercise 85, p. 419
I. In 1665 agreat plague raged in London. The insanitary
conditions of thehouses, thenarrowness of thestreets, t
Exercise 86, p. 420
1. They reproached themselves for having failed him/for
having let him down. After all he had been within a hair’s
breadth (hairbreadth) of dying/he had escaped death by
Елена Сергеевна Татищева
к учебнику
«Практический курс английского языка»
3 курс
Под редакцией В.Д. Аракина
2-е издание, исправленное
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