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MARIE CURIE AND THE DISCOVERY OF RADIUM - раздел Образование, ВРЕМЕНА ГРУППЫ INDEFINITE ACTIVE   Marie Curie Was Born In Warsaw On 7 November, 1867. Her Fathe...


Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on 7 November, 1867. Her father was a teacher of science and mathematics in a school in the town, and from him little Maria Sklodowska — which was her Polish name — learned her first lessons in science1. Maria's wish was to study at the Sorbonne in Paris, and after many years of waiting she finally left her native land in 1891.

In Paris Maria began a course of hard study and simple living. She determined to work for two Master's degrees—one in Physics, the other in Mathematics. Thus she had to work twice as hard as the ordinary student. Yet she had scarcely enough money to live on. She lived in the poorest quarter of Paris. Night after night, after her hard day’s work at the University, she got to her poorly furnished room and worked at her books steadily for hours. Sometimes she had no more than a bag of cherries. Though she was often weak and ill, she worked in this way for four years. She had chosen her course and nothing could turn her from it.

Among the many scientists Maria met and worked with in Paris was Pierre Curie. Pierre Curie, born in 1859 in Paris, was the son of a doctor, and from early childhood he had been fascinated by science. At sixteen he was a Bachelor of Science, and he took his Master's degree in Physics when he was eighteen. When he met Maria Sklodowska he was thirty-five years old and was famous throughout Europe for his discoveries in magnetism. But in spite of the honour he had brought to France by his discoveries, French Government could only give him a very little salary as a reward, and the University of Paris refused him a laboratory of his own for his researches.

Pierre Curie and Maria Skiodowska, both of whom loved science more than anything else, very soon became the closest friends. They worked together constantly and discussed many problems of their researches. After little more than a year they fell in love with each other, and in 1895 Maria Sklodowska became Mme. Curie. Theirs was not only to be a very happy marriage but also one of the greatest scientific partnerships.

Marie had been the greatest woman-scientist of her day but she was a mother too, a very loving one. There were their two little girls, Irene and Eve.

By this time Mme. Curie had obtained her Master's degree in Physics and Mathematics, and was busy with researches on steel. She now wished to obtain a Doctor's degree. For this it was necessary to offer to the examiners a special study, called a thesis.

For some time Pierre Curie had been interested in the work of a French scientist named Becquerel. There is a rare metal called uranium which, as Becquerel discovered, emits rays very much like X-rays. These rays made marks on a photographic plate when it was wrapped in black paper. The Curies got interested in these rays of uranium. What caused them? How strong were they? There were many such questions that puzzled Marie Curie and her husband. Here, they decided, was the very subject for Marie's Doctor's thesis.

The research was carried out under great difficulty. Mme. Curie had to use an old store-room at the University as her laboratory — she was refused a better room. It was cold, there was no proper apparatus and very little space for research work. Soon she discovered that the rays of ura­nium were like no other known rays.

Marie Curie wanted to find out if other chemical substances might emit similar rays. So she began to examine every known chemical substance. Once after repeating her experiments time after time she found that a mineral called pitchblende 3 emitted much more powerful rays than any she had already found.

Now, an element is a chemical substance which so far as is known cannot be split up into other substances. As Mme. Curie had examined every known chemical element and none of them had emitted such powerful rays as pitchblende she could only decide that this mineral must contain some new element.

Scientists had declared that every element was already known to them. But all Mme. Curie's experiments pointed that it was not so. Pitchblende must contain some new and unknown element. There was no other explanation for the powerful rays which it emitted. At that moment Pierre Curie stopped his own investigations on the physics of crystals and joined his wife in her effort to find those more active unknown chemical elements.

Scientists call the property of giving out such rays "radioactivity", and Mine. Curie decided to call the new element "radium", because it was more strongly radioactive than any known metal.

It is known now that Mme. Curie has given the real basis for the industrial methods of separating radium and other elements from the pitchblende and from other minerals.

In 1903 Marie and Pierre together with Henry Becquerel were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

In 1911 Marie received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. But the second prize went to her alone for in 1908 Pierre had died tragically in a traffic accident.

Mme. Sklodowska-Curie, the leading woman-scientist, the greatest woman of her generation, has become the first person to receive a Nobel Prize twice.


1. science — зд. естественные науки

2. pitchblende — уранит (урановая смолка)


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1. In what country was Marie Curie born? 2. Who was her first teacher in science? 3. How old was Marie when she left her native land? 4. In what country did she study when a student? 5. How did she work? 6. How old was Marie when she met Pierre Curie? 7. How many years was Pierre older? 8. What can you say about Pierre's youth? 9. What was he famous for? 10. What was Marie interested in? 11. What did Becquerel discover? 12. What was the subject for Marie's Doctor's thesis? 13. What did the scientists declare? 14. Why did Marie Curie call the new element "radium"? 15. How old was Pierre Curie when he tragically died? 16. How many children did the Curies have?


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ВРЕМЕНА ГРУППЫ INDEFINITE ACTIVE... Глаголы в формах Indefinite относят действие к настоящему прошедшему или будущему времени не уточняя как оно протекает по времени Времена...

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Все темы данного раздела:

Past Indefinite
Стандартные глаголы образуют формы в Past Indefinit путем прибавления к инфинитиву ( без частицы to ) суффикса –ed (d) для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа. Например: To ask –

Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form
(arrive or arrives etc.). 1 (always / early / Sue / arrive) Sue always arrives early. 2 (basketball / I / play / often) I..............................................

Put the verb in the correct form - positive, negative or question.
  1 We went to the cinema but the film wasn't very good. We didn't enjoy it. (enjoy) 2 Tim.......................................some new clothes yesterday - two shirt

Learn the vocabulary.
  Invention – изобретение Vacuum tube – вакуумная трубка, электронная лампа Device – прибор, устройство Record player – проигрыватель Power – мощно

Electronics in the home
Electronics began at the start of the twentieth century with the invention of the vacuum tube. The first devices for everyday use were radios, followed by televisions, record players, and tape reco

Translate the definitions.
Anodeis an electrode for the collection of electrons. Cathode (in electron tubes) is the electrode from which emission takes place. Diode

1. while operating; 2. while charging; 3. while forming; 4. while producing; 5. while creating; 6. while insulating; 7. while adding; 8. while increasing; 9. while decreasing Learn the

Lesson 2
ВРЕМЕНА ГРУППЫ CONTINUOUS ACTIVE and PASSIVE Глаголы в формах Continuous употребляются, когда требуется подчеркнуть, что действие продолжается, продолжалось или бу­дет продолжаться в то вр

Write questions from these words. Use is or are and put the words in order.
  1 (working / Paul / today?) Is Paul working today? 2 (what / doing / the children?) What are the children doing? 3 (you / listening / to me?)........

Put the verb into the past continuous or past simple.
  1 A: What were you doing (you/do) when the phone rang (ring)? B: I was watching (watch) television. 2 A: Was Jane busy when you went to see he

Words to Be Learnt
available a — имеющийся considerable a — значительный copper n — медь desirable a — нужный difficult a — трудный either... or …—либо..., либо e

Read and translate
  BETTER METALS ARE VITAL TO TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS   Since the earliest days the preparation of metals for mechanical use was vital to the advance of civilizat

Pyroelectric infra-red sensors consist of a ceramic element, an alumina substrate and a circuit with field effect transistor (FET) and strong resistance, a window material. To attain excel

One, стоящее перед личной формой глагола, является формальным подлежащим и указывает на то, что данное предложение является неопределенно-личным. В этом случае на русский язык one не переводится, а

Усилительное (для выделения отдельных членов предложения).
It is Popov who indented the radio. - Радио изобрел не кто иной, как Попов.   Exercises: 1. Put in it is (it's) or is it.

Complete the sentences. Choose from the boxes.
      It’s easy dangerous nice impossible interesting difficult     to work in t

Classifying Materials
  There are many ways of classifying materials. The one we shall use here is based on the ability of a material to conduct electricity. It is known that conduction takes place as a re

The Simplest Atom
  The simplest atom is that of the element hydrogen and it consists merely of a single proton in a nucleus and a single electron in orbit around it. The helium atom is the next simple

  Глаголы в формах Perfect указывают, что действие закончено или закончится к определенному моменту времени в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем. Глаголы в формах Perfect обычн

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense
shall + have been + Participle I will Future Perfect Continuous выражает длительное будущее действие, которое начнется ранее другого будущего действия или мо­мента и будет еще сов

Read the situations and complete the sentences.
1 The rain started two hours ago. It's still raining now. It ...has been raining... for two hours. 2 We started waiting for the bus 20 minutes ago. We're still waiting now. We....

Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets.
1 I was very tired when I arrived home. (I / work / hard all day) I had been working hard all day. 2 The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very

Put the verb into the correct form, will be (do)ing or will have (done).
1 Don't phone me between 7 and 8. ...We'll be haying... (we/have) dinner then. 2 Phone me after 8 o'clock........................................(we/finish) dinner by then. 3 Tomo

Complete the sentences with a verb from the list.
break buy decide forget go go invite see not/see take tell   1 Can I have this newspaper?' 'Yes, I've finished. with it.' 2 I........................................

Write questions with yet.
  1 Your friend has got a new job. Perhaps she has started it. You ask her: Have you started your new job yet? 3 Your friend must write a letter

Put in gone or been.
1 Bill is on holiday at the moment. He's …gone..to Spain. 2 Where's Jill?' 'She's not here. I think she's.................................to the bank.' 3 Hello, Sue. Where have yo

  Глаголы can, may, must являются модальными глагола­ми; они не обозначают действия, а выражают отношение к нему, т. е. возможность, вероятность или необходимость совершения действия.

Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты
Для образования отрицательной формы после модального глаго­ла ставится отрицательная частица not. Примечание: Отрицание not с глаголом сап пишется слитно: cannot. Для образования

Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты
Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite

All the substances which occur in nature consist of one or more basic elements; a substance containing more than one element is known as a compound. An element is a substance that can neither be de

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные способы выражения долженствования: 1. In scientific work we must measure in units of the metri

1. Who can translate this sentence? 2. You can go to Leningrad by train or by airplane. 3. Could you speak English a year ago? 4. I hope they will be able to reach the vil­lage before it is dark. 5

Fill in the gaps
1. Nina is ill. She ... stay in bed. 2. Drivers ... stop when they see the red light. 3. Betty asked: "... I open the window?" 4. Betty asked her father: "... I go to the concert ton

Страдательный залог
to be + Participle II   Страдательный залог показывает, что подлежащее пассивно, т. е. оно подвергается воздействию со стороны другого лица или предмета. Страдательн

Особенности перевода подлежащего.
Подлежащее английского предложения при сказуемом в страдательном залоге может переводиться на русский язык существительным (или местоимением) в именительном падеже и во всех косвенных падежах:

Correct these sentences.
1. {This house built} 100 years ago. …This house was built… 2. Football plays in most countries of the world. ………………………… 3. Why did the letter send to the wrong address? ………………………

Read and translate
LONDON'S UNDERGROUND Bands were playing and the gentlemen in hats were preparing to make speeches about their great achievement. They made the first underground railway tr

Future-in-the-Past (Будущее в прошедшем)
В русском языке мы употребляем будущее время глагола, не задумываясь о том, в каком времени ведется повествование в целом, употребляется ли будущее время в главном или придаточном предложении, и да

Revision Exercises
  I. Оборот there + to be 1.There were several empty seats in the bus when I got into it. 2. There is a great number of goods that can be transported by air.

Существительные, имеющие разные значения в форме ед. и мн. числа
custom – обычай damage – повреждение pain – боль people – люди quarter – четверть work – работа customs – таможня damages – убытки pains – стара

Артикль (The Article)
Сравнительная таблица употребления артиклей с существительными в единственном числе A, an (неопределенный) The (определенный)

Имя прилагательное (The Adjective)
Прилагательные Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень Односложные и некоторые дву-

Местоимение (The Pronoun)
Ли-цо Личные Притяжательные Возвратнно-усилитель-ные Имени-тельный падеж Объект-ный падеж

Глагол (The Verb)
Спряжение глагола to ask (действительный залог) Время Indefinite (факты, повторяющиеся действия) Continuous (действия, происходящие в то

Предлоги, обозначающие время
  In - в, через in May, in 1980, in summer in two hours, in three days Запомните: in the morning — утром in the afternoon — днем in the eve

Суффиксы Словообразование 1. существительных -ance (-ence) -er (-or) -ing -t(ion) -ism -ist -(i) ty -ness -ment

Приставки Словообразование un- in- (im-, il-, ir-) re- dis- mis- necessary — unnecessary correct — incorrect (pol

Названия некоторых стран, национальностей и языков
Страна Национальность Язык Belgium Бельгия the Belgians бельгийцы French фра

List of abbreviations
  А.С. = (a.c.) = alternating current = переменный ток a.f. = audio frequency = звуковая частота A.F.C. = automatic frequency control = автоматическая подстройка час

Supplementary Reading
CONTROL SYSTEM   Computers have revolutionized manufacturing. They have given manufacturing engineers control over events in the factory. With this information, processes can

  A TRIODE is an electron tube with three electrodes namely a cathode, control grid and anode. This was the first amplifying tube and was invented by Lee de Forest in 1905 when he pla

  The two semiconductor materials used in the manufacture of semiconductor devices, such as diodes and transistors, are germanium and silicon. Both these materials fall into group IV

  Semiconductors are solids whose resistivity lies between those : of electrical conductors and insulators. Semiconductors are used in computers, in radio and TV receivers,

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