рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Find a picture of nature and describe it as fully as you can. Use the topical vocabulary.

Find a picture of nature and describe it as fully as you can. Use the topical vocabulary. - раздел Иностранные языки, ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЙ КУРС АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА «Great Waters» By I. Levitan ...

«Great Waters» by I. Levitan

In this picture we see a birch-tree growth flooded by water, a river beyond it and a small village on the opposite bank.

It's a warm spring morning. Look at the long dark shadows of the trees in the left-hand corner of the picture. The sun is not high yet, but we feel the warmth of the sunrays. It is calm. The water in the foreground is still and pure and the tall birch-trees in it. They are just breaking into leaf and the tops of the white-yellow birches look greenish. The tall oak and the lonely evergreen fir-tree look dark and remind us of the gloomy, cold winter.

It's been keeping warm for about a fortnight or even a month, though there were bad spells with rain and snow. In the foreground, near the yellow line of the sandy bank, there's a boat that might have been floated off the bank somewhere up the river and brought here by the flood.

Beyond the trees we can see the dark-blue stream of the river. The cold wind makes it rough and dark. The snow has already melted everywhere, but only a few weeks ago one could see ice-blocks drifting down the river. After the ice-drift the river rose higher, overflowed the banks and flooded the meadows and low places.

In the distance we see some wooden shacks standing in the water. The houses of the village are safe on the high bank of the river. The fresh green grass has covered the ground. The first spring flowers, crocuses, have appeared recently - coltsfoot, snowdrops and others. Dandelion is going to appear presently. So, we'll be able to see primroses, daffodils and tulips in the parks and gardens. If the warm weather lasts fruit-trees will break into blossom too.

The sky is bluish-grey - it's overcast with soft clouds. Yesterday it was warm as it is today. In the evening it looked like rain as the clouds had been gathering since midday. It even started to drizzle in the evening. But the night passed and a new spring day began.

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